IMPHAL May 7: A press release by the general secretary (Orgn).MPP stated that Dr. Nimaichand Luwang had approved the reconstitution of Khaidem Biramani Singh,Waikhom Leikai as president, Thounaojam Debadas, Thongam Leikai as vice president, Jadumani Khomdram, Thongam Leikai as secretary, Sapam Rocket Singh, Sapam Leikai and Khomdram Sanjeet Singh, Thongam Leikai as Joint secretaries,T.Suresh Singh , Chinga Makha Ningthoujam Leikai as Treasurer and Openjit Sougrakpam, S. Dilip Singh(ex-general secretary, MPP) both from Sougrakpam Leikai, Y. Iboyaima Singh, Chingamakha Jaganatha Achouba leikak, S.Umananda Singh(Retd lecturer M.B. COLLEGE), S.Maipak Singh,both from Okram Leikai, M.Nilachandra Singh (Advocate),Thongam Leikai and A. Bishwojit Singh, Yanglem Leikai as executive members of Manipur People’s Party Singjamei Kendra Committee.
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