Original Source: The Imphal Free Press By: G.S.Oinam It is cliché, but it is true—things are changing rapidly around us.” Munni Badnam Hogi; Sheila Jawan Hogi”—it is unpredictable, anything can… Read more »
Original Source: The Imphal Free Press
By: G.S.Oinam
It is cliché, but it is true—things are changing rapidly around us.” Munni Badnam Hogi; Sheila Jawan Hogi”—it is unpredictable, anything can be happen! Peoples forces are whirlwind storm lasted for few minutes. They are innocent, emotional and believe in miracles. In such an environment, you need an understanding of the forces that shape a domain—technique, technology and skills—so that you can anticipate changes. You need to have rigorous data oriented approach for creating scenarios. No one believe that Sheila Dixit will regain her lost glory after common wealth games swan song but now, retained her glory slowly and slowly. Her focus on social sectors to improvise in basic amenities in city like housing for poor priority, regularization of unauthorized colonies, e-governance, RTE Act, bidding for heritage city, Service Level Augments (SLA) for timely delivery of service to put an end to harassment faced by citizens, Project management Institution etc. attracts the common people. Design for future—to be one step ahead of the curve; you need the confidence to extrapolate the curve. That is what a good politician does. That is why powered by intellect and driven by values—face for new world. Their culture is all about enabling people to excel and work with pride—ethics, tenacity, rigour and analytics.
No matter—common people are not politicians- have the courage to say good or bad if somebody do good or bad. We appreciate Shri Pranab Babu, Union Minister of Finance for his new initiatives of “Swabhiman”—special campaign for financial inclusion to bring banking to the masses. It will facilitate opening bank accounts, provide need based credit, remittance facilities and help to promote financial literacy in rural area to cover up the economic distance between rural and urban areas. I was among the foremost advocate of financial literacy in rural and urban poor of India. My definition of financial literacy is simple and it has inclusion of skills development—how to earn one rupee and where to spend it through safety net (modern banking). NABARD’s infrastructural loan for river improvement projects in Manipur is his initiative.
My anger to UPA-II has cooled down gradually after Mr. Rahul Gandhi asked the nation to give a chance to clean the corruption within 10 years. He wants to bring back all the black money stashed away in those secretive Swiss banks. The money belongs to India’s poor. Young Ajay Maken—I called him in 2003, today, an experience politician want to make a different in Youth Affairs and Sports—good governance, PPP model in sports, fund raising from corporate bodies for sports infrastructural in North East are his first priority. But, please do not give everything to Thoubal District of Manipur. Our hill people love sports too!
Corporations are congregation of various stakeholders, namely customers, employees, investors, vendor partners, government and society. Politician can learn many things from corporate governance which are applicable to political organization. Corporate governance is about ethical conduct of business. Ethics are concerned with the code of values and principles that enables a person to choose between right and wrong, and therefore, select from alternative course of action. Further, ethical dilemmas arise from conflicting interests of the parties involved. In this regard, directors/ managers make decisions based on a set of principles influenced by the values, context and culture of the organization. Ethical leadership is good for business as the organization is seen to conduct its business in line with the exceptions of all stakeholders.
The ministry of company affairs, which is finalizing the new companies Bill, has accepted a parliamentary Standing Committee’s recommendation on the issue of 2% net profits of corporate social responsibility programme. It has proposed the companies with a turnover of Rs.1000 crore or net profit of Rs5 crore earn mark 2% of net profit for the preceding three years on corporate social responsibility (CSR).Coal ministry toying with idea of mandating CSR levy on mining in no go areas.
If your heart is pure, your dealing will be beautiful. If your behaviour is gentle and sweet, there will be peace in your home. The domestic atmosphere of peace will result in good law and order in the nation. If there is orderliness in a nation, there will be peace and happiness in the whole world. A few drops of honey dripped down on the floor. Some flies came to lick it up. A lizard jumped over the flies. A cat comes into catch the lizard. Two or three dogs appeared on the scene to make a pray of the cat. There was fight among the dogs. The owners of dogs come in. They were in two groups. One group took the help of police while the other mustered the support of strong armed citizens. This resulted in a riot through the city. The rioters burnt palace. Thus, two drops of honey destroyed a kingdom. An insignificant careless action of big people leads to dangerous consequences.
To my interaction with group of civil service aspirants from Assam, Bihar, UP and Uttara khand, I advice them Mr. Rahul Gandhi must be protect if India want to go forward. We will protect BJP youth leader if any one they projected. You can not call it is dynasty rule- they are enter into politics directly quarter final round from their family background because political relationship, organizational skills and personality development can not take place overnight. Only a few people are successful in politics. They are learned and experience from their family and entered in quarter final directly but it does not mean they will not fight election and will rule forever. There is ups and down in politics.
Congress problems comes from middle level congressmen want to be minister / chief minister. A white paper you send through proper channel from the ground congress worker will take many days, perhaps, the colour of the paper may be change in the process and finally, will put into dust bin because, the colour of the paper is unrecognized when it reached to top. Right hand, left hand, so many hands of middle congressmen in the figure of “Goddess Kali” looking at Aam adami! Aam Admi! Honestly, we are scared. Please come to your original human figure so that common people may worship you. From collation party mistakes to collective responsibly of the mistakes to total responsibility of the congress party in UPA-II- can not be separated. Congress will require focusing distinctively what is the solution? In the UPA-II, I like Mr.PC. He is perfect, clean and result oriented. His coordination with his secretary GK Pillai is outstanding. Mr. Digvijoy Singh is most confident politician- in organization. He saved the CN-IBN penalty shot on 15 Lok Sabha poll analysis.
BJP problems are mostly at the top level– kingless war they want to fight. A good decision can not be made in right time, right place. Enemy is within in every political party of India. But, Nitin Gotkani management in politics is something different–top class management in political organization. He will receive any message send up from field workers within 24 hours but the reply will be within 10 days. Weekend video conference, organizational training programme, interactive programme, leadership programme, Researchers coordination, and recently added- North Eastern India Sampart Cell etc are working actively and faithfully. Mild strike at the centre and ground home work like recruitments of new members, relationship and village level works had achieved the target in Bihar Assembly election.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/wwVxnhFn8R0/