DG BRO inspects NH 53

IMPHAL March 4:The DGBR Lt Gen S Ravi Shankar, visited the National Highway NH-53 for the second time in two months, underlining the urgency BRO has accorded to improving the… Read more »

IMPHAL March 4:The DGBR Lt Gen S Ravi Shankar, visited the National Highway NH-53 for the second time in two months, underlining the urgency BRO has accorded to improving the highway. During his last visit he had travelled along the entire 294 Km stretch assessing the works in progress. During this visit, he inspected works around Noney (Km 54), Nungba (Km 136) and Kaimai (Km 166) and expressed satisfaction at the progress.

The immediate concern is to keep the highway open during the monsoon and thereafter further improve it so that the road is completely restored to National Highway standards by end of 2012. With this in view the work being carried out is a combination of strengthening bad patches and resurfacing where the road permits it now. Production centre for supply of wet mix macadam and hot mix are now in position to speed up the work.

The DGBR also interacted with the local formation Commanders and the Chief Secretary of the state. An update was also given by him to the Governor who was keen on keeping abreast with the progress on NH-53. CE (P) Pushpak, Mr Vinod Kumar accompanied the DGBR during the visit,stated a press release by the BRO.

Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/OSAohePn214/