Appointed football coach

IMPHAL, April 2: S. Ekendra Singh, AFC ‘A’ licencee was appointed as the coach of the state football team which will participate in the forthcoming N.E. Games to be held… Read more »

IMPHAL, April 2: S. Ekendra Singh, AFC ‘A’ licencee was appointed as the coach of the state football team which will participate in the forthcoming N.E. Games to be held in Arunachal Pradesh and the 65th National Football Championshiop for Santosh Trophy in Assam. Kh. Ashok Kumar Singh and S. Maniratan Singh were also selected as the Manager and Coach of the Sr. Women Football Team which will participate in the 19th Sr. Women national Football Championship to be held in Chattisgarh stated the press release by L. Ranjit Roy, Hony. Secretary, All Manipur Football Assocation.

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