Locals of Langdum have claimed that Asem Sunil died not in a road mishap but was beaten to death Source The Sangai Express
Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=14&src=200611
Locals of Langdum have claimed that Asem Sunil died not in a road mishap but was beaten to death Source The Sangai Express
Locals of Langdum have claimed that Asem Sunil died not in a road mishap but was beaten to death Source The Sangai Express
Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=14&src=200611
Firing from unknown sources following a tussle over whether or not MLA K Meghachandra should be allowed to inspect Singda Mayai Leirak under Yairipok Police Station has resulted in injuries including bullet injuries to five women this evening at abo…
Firing from unknown sources following a tussle over whether or not MLA K Meghachandra should be allowed to inspect Singda Mayai Leirak under Yairipok Police Station has resulted in injuries including bullet injuries to five women this evening at about 4 Source The Sangai Express
Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=4&src=200611
Simple gifts were presented to Muslim students who excelled in the recently held Class X and XII examinations as well as in the Manipur Pre Medical examination Source The Sangai Express
Simple gifts were presented to Muslim students who excelled in the recently held Class X and XII examinations as well as in the Manipur Pre Medical examination Source The Sangai Express
Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=10&src=200611
This time round, the NSCN IM looks certain to go in for the forthcoming talks in a negative frame of mind with the Government of India in Delhi Source The Sangai Express Newmai News Network
This time round, the NSCN IM looks certain to go in for the forthcoming talks in a negative frame of mind with the Government of India in Delhi Source The Sangai Express Newmai News Network
Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=3&src=200611
Eight two year old D Aring Tangkhul of Chingmeirong Khongnang Ani Karak has been conferred the Father of the year title on the occasion of Father’s Day celebration held today at MBC Centre Church under the theme ‘Keep My Instruction’ Source The San…
Eight two year old D Aring Tangkhul of Chingmeirong Khongnang Ani Karak has been conferred the Father of the year title on the occasion of Father’s Day celebration held today at MBC Centre Church under the theme ‘Keep My Instruction’ Source The Sangai Express
Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=12&src=200611
Casting serious doubts over the commitment of the Government to ensure the safety and security of women, Young Women Help Organisation has demanded thorough investigations into the recent suicide cases of young married women of the State Source The …
Casting serious doubts over the commitment of the Government to ensure the safety and security of women, Young Women Help Organisation has demanded thorough investigations into the recent suicide cases of young married women of the State Source The Sangai Express
Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=2&src=200611
Manipur Mountaineering and Trekking Association MMTA president RK Surjit has expressed strong resentment against the indifferent attitude of the State Government with regard to development and promotion of Dzuko Valley as a tourist spot Source The…
Manipur Mountaineering and Trekking Association MMTA president RK Surjit has expressed strong resentment against the indifferent attitude of the State Government with regard to development and promotion of Dzuko Valley as a tourist spot Source The Sangai Express
Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=1&src=200611
Calcutta Telegraph'Suicide' victims' kin seek justiceCalcutta TelegraphImphal, June 19: The relatives of women who allegedly committed suicide in their husbands' houses have sought justice during a programme at Manipur Press Club today….
![]() Calcutta Telegraph |
'Suicide' victims' kin seek justice
Calcutta Telegraph Imphal, June 19: The relatives of women who allegedly committed suicide in their husbands' houses have sought justice during a programme at Manipur Press Club today. This comes after “gun survivors” — widows of gun victims — cried for help and … |
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Calcutta Telegraph'Suicide' victims' kin seek justiceCalcutta TelegraphImphal, June 19: The relatives of women who allegedly committed suicide in their husbands' houses have sought justice during a programme at Manipur Press Club today….
![]() Calcutta Telegraph |
'Suicide' victims' kin seek justice
Calcutta Telegraph Imphal, June 19: The relatives of women who allegedly committed suicide in their husbands' houses have sought justice during a programme at Manipur Press Club today. This comes after “gun survivors” — widows of gun victims — cried for help and … |
Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGaMe8AJoHOjWAGHTrybDmQKYflYw&url=http://www.telegraphindia.com/1110620/jsp/northeast/story_14133702.jsp
For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for the. For whom the Meitei insurgents are fighting? They are fighting for us. Or, are they?Since the Vietnam War ended insurgencies have evolved all over the world and become more sophisticated and hard to defeat.In Manipur, Meitei insurgencies have erupted for a noble cause: to fight “the illegal occupation” by India and to restore Manipur’s independence.
By: Dr Irengbam Mohendra Singh
For whom the bell tolls? It tolls for the. For whom the Meitei insurgents are fighting? They are fighting for us. Or, are they?
Since the Vietnam War ended insurgencies have evolved all over the world and become more sophisticated and hard to defeat.
In Manipur, Meitei insurgencies have erupted for a noble cause: to fight “the illegal occupation” by India and to restore Manipur’s independence.
The late Sardar Patel who responded to Governor Prakasa of Assam and his adviser Rustomji: “Isn’t a Brigadier in Shillong?” meaning to put the knife in Manipur, will eat his heart out to find so many Brigadiers, Major Generals and Lieutenant generals in and out of Manipur.
When the Meitei insurgents first began their lese-majesty they warmed the cockles Meitei hearts. Where are they now? Having entrusted them with the stewardship of the nation have they lost their ways in the mist of political time, almost defying belief?
After opening Pandora’s Box they seem to have taken the line of least resistance. Might it be that a raging sixty three year-old obsession with the “Indian occupation” and the factional clutter of the many insurgent groups have blinded revolutionary strategists to the old verities?
Have these revolutionaries who have begun the insurgency following Chairman Mao’s ideology, got no more shots in the locker?
Rather than intimidating New Delhi (GOI) are they pointlessly stirring Indian occupation to life in Manipur with 50,000 Indian solders protected by AFSPA, shooting or arresting various cadres day in and day out?
It is not my intention in this paper to catalogue all the anti-social activities of the various insurgent groups in Manipur by injecting a little political hand-wringing in my writing repertoire.
In the scales of history, the Meitei revolutionary activities would appear to be there to stay until Manipur becomes a sovereign state, as it is the avowed aim of some major Meitei insurgent groups. They may appear to have subjugated all personal desires to the dictates of a cause or ideology.
However, in the sanguinary Meitei liberation movement, judging from the precedents in the short history of Independent India, measured across time and space, the freedom day if there comes a day at all, is over the hills and far away.
The existence of so many insurgent groups is baffling for Joe Public as he/she cannot grasp which one of them will form the government of ‘free’ Manipur and judging from Meitei factionalism, would they end up fighting it out among themselves, for, ‘the winner takes all’?
The scenario can be mimicked from a scientifically studied two-headed snake found in Spain not so long ago (2002). Often the two heads will fight over which head will swallow the prey. They have a good deal of difficulty deciding which direction to go and are highly vulnerable to predators.
The Meitei revolution with low level protracted violence with its ‘ideological’ and ‘commercial’ agenda though an enduring security problem, is becoming vegetated. The various Meitei insurgent groups are now locked into a stalemate with the overwhelming Indian security forces. A revolution especially by a congeries of small armed groups cannot go on forever.
From the tumultuous initial hurly-burly there is hardly any revolutionary activity now except promulgating curfew around school perimeter during examination times with warning to school children of befitting punishment for cheating and to invigilators for conniving. I won’t have thought it to be top priority in a revolution.
The universal thesis of a revolution is that nation-building cannot start until the national security is established by a successful revolution. Mao Zedong began social organisation only in 1949 after he came to power.
The only visible signs of revolution for the grassroots are extortion notes followed by signature tunes of Chinese made hand grenades thrown in unexploded as a warning.
On the ‘constitutional’ side of some Meitei insurgencies there is the plebiscite option for mechanisms of self determination for an independent Manipur. There have recently been a few inchoate whines following RK Meghan’s call for plebiscite on February 7 2011.
The application for a plebiscite is to ascertain under which authority the “Manipuri nation” wishes to live – India or Manipur. But is there a Manipuri nation? A nation is a group of people who have decided to live together. In Manipur there are many ‘ethnic nations’.
A plebiscite in Manipur must necessarily include the majority Meiteis and all the tribes in Manipur as all the tribal people have equal rights and opportunities as the Meiteis.
As Oscar Wilde wrote in ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’, we should treat all the trivial things of life seriously, and all the serious and studied things of life with sincere and studied triviality.
For a wide range of reasons the Meitei revolutionary march remains a mere fragmentary because of the peculiar concatenation of circumstances. One aspect is Meitei disunity, which is the badge of our tribe. The other is the ‘commercial’ clubs of the sons of anarchy – a hateful and licentious lawlessness.
While pondering how we can architect our way out of the mess, the nonchalant GOI leave us at our own devices as our affliction does not impact on them. In evolutionary terms they cannot feel our angst in their brain, which they would have done if it had happened in Allahabad or Bangalore.
The GOI strategy is straightforward: to tire the insurgents out, sow discord in their ranks, raise public discontent and force them to the negotiating table for a political settlement within the framework of the Indian Constitution.
To put it bluntly, the unwritten message reads: ‘give up violence, give up arms, give up any claim for sovereignty, we are willing to hold talks’. It means in lay man’s words – ‘either you toe the line or you can get lost’.
This is where not only the Meiteis but all the Manipuris want an answer from the Meitei insurgents. Whither goes Meitei insurgency?
There are many imponderables. Though the anatomy of revolution can be deceptive, if it does not go forward, it can go backwards. Every revolution is conditioned by where it starts and
where it is moving.
Equally, what needs to be factored is that the surgical intervention by the Indian security forces is awakening up a veritable reality among the villagers. They are making a massive groundswell of public opinion against the insurgents in these areas, by their social activities.
Indian Army is just following the Article 43 of the 1907 Hague Regulations, which was developed by the Fourth Geneva Convention of 1949, respected by the US and the UK during their recent occupation of Iraq. It says that an occupying power must restore and maintain public order and civil life, including public welfare, in an occupied territory.
Meanwhile, all the peace loving Manipuris especially the Meiteis are in a state of disquietude and apprehension about future uncertainties, threats and risks.
While the ‘Machiavellian’ leaders of Meitei insurgency, with a mix of cynicism and idealism are lying low, dreaming how to get on the road to power and retain power, Indian Army’s sophistry in controlling insurgency is visible all over Manipur.
In the history of revolutionary warfare, insurgents normally capitalise on societal problems, often called “gaps” inciting sea of discontent of the population they wish to control, against the ruling administration. In Manipur the insurgents themselves are causing the gaps, ignoring Mao Zedong’s aphorism: the guerrilla must swim in the people as the fish swims in water.
Unlike the revolutions experienced by other countries, the Meitei revolt against the GOI was never pulled into an organized assault. In the long run, the lack of centralized leadership will cause the revolution to create more problems for Manipur than there had been under the Delhi administration.
It is however, unfair to blame the insurgents wholly for the political, social and economic chaos in Manipur. Many of them are genuine revolutionary people who have shunned the comforts of life and family. They get killed and leave young widows and children. Where there is a revolution, the people have to share some casualties.
If we tackle the whole raft of past events in the light of modern sensibilities, it is the political leadership in New Delhi, which has forced the revolution in Manipur. They have for over half a century, ignored the Manipuris with no effort for their genuine constitutional integration with their hearts and souls until the explosion of Meitei insurgencies.
In the stand off between GOI and Meitei insurgents my concern is the spontaneous course the ‘revolution’ is taking. It has parallels with the failed Mexican Revolution of 1910, led by Villa and Zapata – a disorganized reform movement that encompassed over 10 years of history.
I can only surmise how historians eventually label Meitei insurgencies will be the entire stock of abysses, maelstroms, meltdowns and apocalypses to describe the horror of the last half of the 20th century in Manipur.
The writer is based in the UK
Email: imsingh@ometel.com
Website: www.drimsingh.co.uk
Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/T6kOIfXpVP4/
By: Dee Abonmai XL The observation of the first Fathers` Day was started by a mother. Her name was Mrs. John Bruce Dodd. She lived in the town of Spokane,… Read more »
By: Dee Abonmai XL
The observation of the first Fathers` Day was started by a mother. Her name was Mrs. John Bruce Dodd. She lived in the town of Spokane, Washington in America. How then did start this Fathers` Day?
It was in the year 1909 when she attended a church on Mothers` Day in the month of May. When she heard her Pastor preaching about the love of mothers, she remembered her father`s love. Her mother died when she was young. Her mother died leaving six children for their father to look after. Even without her mother, her father raised all the six children like a good Christian family. She painfully remembered how her father struggled to feed and raise all the six children. Sitting in the church she decided to give due honour to her father and all the father of the world.
Mrs Dodd went to the president of the Spokane Ministerial Association and said. “Every year we remember our mothers on Mother` Day, therefore, every year you must select a special day for the fathers, and the churches must observe the day of honour and praise for the fathers.”
The Spokane Ministerial Association accepted suggestion and selected the 3rd Sunday of June as the Fathers` Day. It was the day of her father`s Birthday. *;
When the Mayor of Spokane heard about the Fathers` Day, he immediately ordered the proclamation to observe the Fathers` Day, he immediately ordered the proclamation to observe the Fathers` Day. Later on, when the Governor heard that Spokane Church will be observing the Fathers` Day on the 3rd Sunday of June, he too declared in all the States to celebrate Father`s Day.
William Jennings Byrant was an outstanding man in America. He suggested in the Senate that Fathers` Day should be observed as a National Holiday. Therefore, in the year 1924, Fathers` Day was announced as a national holiday in America. President Calvin Coolidge, the 30th U.S. President proclaimed the 3rd Sunday of June as Fathers` Day and said “Every family pays respect and honour to Dad.”
Since then, people all over the world, especially Christians celebrate Fathers` Day with great enthusian. Mrs John Bruce Dodd was delighted when her wishes were fulfilled by all the families in America. After some year when people asked Mrs. Dodd about her feelings she replied, “I think Fathers` Day should include family attendance at church, a small gift for dad, and sharing with him some kind words you have always wanted to tell him.”
This is a great day for all fathers as churches organize special services to honour father. As we celebrate Fathers` Day with special gifts, meals, flowers and prayers, it is a challenge to every father to check their all round contribution to their families and society. Happy Fathers` Day!
A Responsible Father
(1 thess2:8-12)
Vicky Huffman wrote about her childhood relationship with her father in her book, plus living; “My father through no fault of his own, wasn`t there when I was born. He was an Air Force Pilot, away fighting World War II. The war nearly over when I arrived, but he didn`t come home until I was two years old. He had crashed overseas and was hospitalized with burns for many months.
When he did return, we got off to a slow start. I was shy around a man because I had been around so few; he had never been around a baby. I was a little bit spoiled, and he expected his new found daughter to behave like a miniature soldier. Our relationship soon settled into a pattern that lasted for many years; he gave orders, and I took them. I lived in fear of bringing down a cold military style wrath on my head. But I think he was just as fearful. He seemed to believed that showing emotion was a sign of weakness and would cause him to lose control of his family.
After I was married I finally put my fear of my father behind and tried to have a close relationship with him. But by then, thousands of miles kept us from having no more than annual visits. There never seemed to be enough time to demolish the concrete will between us. We chipped away at it up untill the time of his death from cancer a few years ago but it ever really fell.
I know my father loved me my mother told me he did . It would have been wonderful if he had told me himself more often. May be he didn`t understand how much I needed to hear those words.
Studies have been done on people raised in all kinds of environment. Some were abused or physically deprived. Some were emotionally deprived. I was never abused or deprived of any physical comfort, but I was deprived of the love relationship that a child wants and needs from a father.”
Father, can you see the broken relationships here in this story? The work of making a home does not rest upon the mother alone. Fathers have an important part to play.
The father is the head of the household. The wife looks to him for love and sympathy, The children look to the father for support and guidance. The father is to stand as a man with manly character and with his passions spirit in the home . Fathers, do not embitter your children, or they will become discourage”(Col3:21).
The Father`s duty to his children cannot be transferred to the mother because she has enough burden to bear. You as a father should not excuse yourself from your part in the work of education your children for life. You must share in the responsibility. Your kind, cheerful and encouraging words will prove more effective than the most healing medicines. Remember, your personal characteristics are passed down generation after generation.
Two contrastion cases in point are worthy of our attention. “The father of Jonathan Edwards was a minister and his mother was the daughter of a clergyman. Among their descendants were fourteen presidents of college, more than one hundred college professors, more than one hundred clergyman, missionaries and theology professors, and about sixty authors. There is scarcely any great American industry that has not had one of his family among its chief promoters. Such is the product of one American Christian family, reared under the most favourable conditions.
The contrast is presented in the juke`s family. Their entire record is one of pauperism and crime, insanity and imbecility. Among their twelve hundred known descendants three hundred ten were professional paupers, four hundred forty were physically wrecked by their one wickedness, sixty three habitual thieves, one hundred thirty were convicted criminals, fifty five were victims of impurity only twenty learned a trade and ten of these learned it in a state prison, and this notorious family produced seven murderers. Overall their family cost the state of New York millions of dollar.”
What qualities and character traits are you passing down to your children? Are you actively involved in knowing your children, guiding them towards maturity? Father`s spend time with your children! Upon returning home from your business. Work, office you should find it a pleasant change to spend some time with your children.
Ellen G. White says; “The father of boys should come into close contact with his sons, giving them the benefit of his larger experience and talking with them in such simplicity them see that he has their best interest, thier happiness, in view all the time.”
Fathers, spend as much time as possible with your children. You will never know your child unless you take control of your schedule and plan time just to listen and disposition that you may know how to train your children in harmony with the word of God. Never should a word of discouragement pass your lips. Do not bring darkness into the home . Be pleasant, kind and affectionate toward your children; but not foolishly indulgent. In proverbs 13:24 Solomon reminds all the fathers, ” He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him discipline him diligently.”
Too many fathers rely on punishment alone to displine their children.
But by doing that, they`re neglecting to give their kids the assistance they need in understanding and applying God`s word into their lives.
Father, combine affection with authority, kindness and sympathy with firm restraint. Give some of your leisure hours to your children; become acquainted with then associate with them in their work and in their sports and win their confidence. Cultivate friendship with them, especially with your sons. In this way you will be a strong influence for good.
Fathers, how well-prepared are you to shape your children`s wills with the wisdom of God`s word. Are you training them in the way they should go or punishing them for going on the way they should? Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Pro 22:6).
How sad it is that many fathers have cast off their God given responsibility to their children, and are willing that strangers should bear it for them!
Fathers, you have your own responsibilities that no one can bear for you. As long as you live, you are accountable to God to keep His way. Fathers, who make the word of God their guide and who realize how much thier children depend upon them for the characters they form, will set an example that it will be safe for their children to follow.
Read through the words of Anne Ortlund which is taken from her book Children are Wet Cement.
Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/xtbFAqcoGBs/
In 2006 Literature Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk’s “The Black Book” there is a passage describing the relationship between Turkish Jews and the Turks, dominantly Muslims. Both are the same… Read more »
In 2006 Literature Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk’s “The Black Book” there is a passage describing the relationship between Turkish Jews and the Turks, dominantly Muslims. Both are the same people, yet both are so different in their outlook to life, for reasons unfathomable. Describing the situation he says: “And wasn’t it amazing, just amazing, to watch these two peoples through the twentieth century swaying to the rhythm of the same secret music, never meeting, always at a tangent, forever linked, forever condemned, like a pair of hopeless twins.” The great thing about great quotes is, they seem so uncannily applicable to similar human situations everywhere. Pamuk’s quote hence may just as well have been about Manipur and the relations between different ethnic groups and different geographic regions of the state, in particular the much hyped hill-valley divide.
Yesterday this tangential show of interests was up for show. While in the valley, the June 18 uprising anniversary was being observed, an extraordinary event in which hundreds of thousand people took to the streets of Imphal in 2001 to protest what they believed was a move by the Central government to dismember Manipur’s historical territory, elsewhere the United Naga Council, UNC, dispatched a letter to the Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh, seeking an administrative arrangement separate from the Manipur government for the Nagas in what they consider as their traditional territorial domain. It may be recalled, the June 18, 2001 incident that followed the Government of India’s unilateral decision to extend the NSCN(IM) ceasefire into Manipur under the blanket clause “without territorial limits”, resulted in the death of 18 protestors and the burning down of several important government infrastructures, including the Manipur State Assembly building. It is pertinent to note here that one of the main demands of the NSCN(IM) is the formation of a Greater Nagaland by merging territories of Manipur and other neighbouring states which it considers as part of a traditional Naga homeland with the state of Nagaland. In 2010 May 6 again there was another confrontation when the Manipur government did not allow the NSCN(IM) chairman, Th. Muivah to enter Manipur to visit his village Somdal in Ukhrul, leading to agitations at Mao gate in which two protestors ended up killed. At the time, the Manipur government was pushing ahead with the election to the autonomous district councils, ADCs, in the hill districts, which for reasons of their own, the UNC and some other Naga organisations objected, and the government was apprehensive Muivah’s visit was timed to coincide with the agitation, among others. It may also be recalled that while sections of the Nagas objected to the ADC elections, other hill communities welcomed it.
What can anybody make of this friction, other than what Pamuk described as “always at a tangent, forever linked, forever condemned, like a pair of hopeless twins”? If the problem seems intractable and irreconcilable, think again. It just requires for all caught in this senseless trap to distance themselves a little from the immediate and from a detached vantage, take a more dispassionate look at these same issues. From such a vantage, these frictions would suddenly begin to appear extremely limited, and this is probably also why so many observers from outside this conflict theatre are unable to comprehend how these conflicts manage to sustain for so long, for the reasons behind them appear to them as easily reconcilable. Those of us immersed in these frictions know very well how very far the truth this observation is. However, the question worth considering is whether it is these observations which are limited in vision, or else it is the inability of parties in these frictions who are incapable of rising above the immediate and mundane, to see and think outside the box. While we have always been of the opinion that there has to be a balance between the objective and subjective visions for a more accurate assessment of any conflict situation, it must also be acknowledged this also implies that either of these visions can come to overbear on the other thus skewing up these assessments. At this moment, it does seem there is an excessive and indeed unhealthy tilt towards a myopic subjectivism dominating the professed logics behind these conflicts.
Read more / Original news source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Kanglaonline/~3/M16yu4AGKzQ/
Photography By: Pradip Phanjoubam
The main structure of the Govindaji temple where the images of the deities were once kept. By: Pradip Phanjoubam
Photography By: Pradip Phanjoubam
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Source:- AIR Imphal; Recorded by:- KO in public interest.
AIR News 7.30 p.m Source:- AIR Imphal; Recorded by:- KO in public interest.
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UFO appears in Manipur!Assam TribuneIMPHAL, June 19 – Believe it or not, mystery shrouded Ngankha Lawai village in Manipur's Bishnupur district, 35 kms south of here after a young farmer fainted and was hospitalised following an encounter with an…
UFO appears in Manipur!
Assam Tribune IMPHAL, June 19 – Believe it or not, mystery shrouded Ngankha Lawai village in Manipur's Bishnupur district, 35 kms south of here after a young farmer fainted and was hospitalised following an encounter with an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO). … Farmer hospitalized following UFO encounter |
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New political party floated in ManipurAssam TribuneIMPHAL, June 19 – A new political party, called Manipur Democratic People's Front (MDPF), has been floated in the State, G Tonsana, president of the new party informed. The president said that th…
New political party floated in Manipur
Assam Tribune IMPHAL, June 19 – A new political party, called Manipur Democratic People's Front (MDPF), has been floated in the State, G Tonsana, president of the new party informed. The president said that the party was formed in September 2010 and had applied to … |
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Whither Goes Meitei Insurgency?KanglaOnlineIn Manipur, Meitei insurgencies have erupted for a noble cause: to fight “the illegal occupation” by India and to restore Manipur's independence. The late Sardar Patel who responded to Governor Prakasa…
Whither Goes Meitei Insurgency?
KanglaOnline In Manipur, Meitei insurgencies have erupted for a noble cause: to fight “the illegal occupation” by India and to restore Manipur's independence. The late Sardar Patel who responded to Governor Prakasa of Assam and his adviser Rustomji: “Isn'ta … |
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Source:- AIR Imphal; Recorded by:- KO in public interest.
AIR News 7.30 p.m Source:- AIR Imphal; Recorded by:- KO in public interest.
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KanglaOnlineManipur integrity campaign vows to oppose divisive agendaMorungExpressThe former was organised by the United Committee, Manipur (UCM) and the latter by the All Manipur United Club Organisation (AMUCO) with thousands of people paying befitti…
![]() KanglaOnline |
Manipur integrity campaign vows to oppose divisive agenda
MorungExpress The former was organised by the United Committee, Manipur (UCM) and the latter by the All Manipur United Club Organisation (AMUCO) with thousands of people paying befitting floral tribute to the "18 martyrs." On June 18, 2001 eighteen protestors were … Manipur bodies slam Centre UCM observes The Great June Uprising Day Clarion call for unity and sense of nationalism rings out loud at UCM observation |
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