E-Pao.netManipuri gods in Texas syllabusE-Pao.netA happy news carried by The Telegraph (by Khelen Thokchom) reads, "Manipuri gods in Texas syllabus", I rubbed my eyes, "Is this for real?" Well, it all happen because of Th. RantanKum…
 E-Pao.net |
Manipuri gods in Texas syllabusE-Pao.netA happy news carried by The Telegraph (by Khelen Thokchom) reads, "Manipuri gods in Texas syllabus", I rubbed my eyes, "Is this for real?" Well, it all happen because of Th. RantanKumar Singh, professor of English at Manipur University who was the only …
Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEVgk8XKlDHObIH5ynsCYAxUnnGHg&url=http://e-pao.net/epSubPageSelector.asp?src=Manipuri_gods_in_Texas_syllabus_in_graduation_classes_of_US_varsity&ch=news_section&sub1=Top_Stories&sub2=Top_Stories_2011