Manipur Tourism Policy 2011 – Draft
The Tourism Department, Manipur is in the process of drafting the “Tourism Policy 2011″ which is likely to be presented to the State Cabinet within the Month of August, 2011. The Department would love to hear your valuable feedbacks with regards to the Policy. There are many salient features as underlined in the aims and objectives of the Draft. This Policy will also have a validity of a decade.
The press release and the Draft Policy was sent to Kanglaonline.com by
Dr. K.Shyamsunder Singh, MCS,
Under Secy, Tourism Dept, Govt of Manipur.For any queries please contact manipurtourismdept[at]gmail[dot]com
– Kanglaonline.com would like to request to our readers to give their feedback/suggestions using our comments section.
Manipur Tourism Policy 2011 – Draft Version
Download the Draft Policy
Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2011/08/have-your-say-manipur-tourism-policy-2011-draft-version/