Manipur Cabinet takes no decision on new district – The Hindu

Manipur Cabinet takes no decision on new districtThe HinduThe Manipur Cabinet which met on Friday night failed to take a decision on the formation of the Sadar Hills district. The All Naga Students' Association Manipur (Ansam) has warned that if th…

Manipur Cabinet takes no decision on new district
The Hindu
The Manipur Cabinet which met on Friday night failed to take a decision on the formation of the Sadar Hills district. The All Naga Students' Association Manipur (Ansam) has warned that if the government went ahead with the new district,
Manipur highway stir on, offices torchedTimes of India
Dist demand committee not ready for negotiations; wants action asserts secretaryKanglaOnline
Manipur Cabinet says Sadar Hills demand genuineMorungExpress
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Air India Medical Officer Recruitment 2011

Air India Recruitment of Medical Officers & Aviation Medicine Specialist Applications are invited for the post of 7 Medical officers and 1 Aviation Medicine Specialist for its ofices in India….

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Air India Recruitment of Medical Officers & Aviation Medicine Specialist Applications are invited for the post of 7 Medical officers and 1 Aviation Medicine Specialist for its ofices in India….

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THSTI Gurgaon Recruitment 2011

Pediatric Biology Center (PBC) to fill up certain positions to work in projects titled “Vitamin D supplementation to improve immune responses to vaccines administered in early infancy – The…

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Pediatric Biology Center (PBC) to fill up certain positions to work in projects titled “Vitamin D supplementation to improve immune responses to vaccines administered in early infancy – The…

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Medical College Jhalawar Recruitment 2011

Chairman Jhalawar Hospital And Medical College Society Jhalawar, invites eligible candidates for various posts in Medical College Jhalawar on fixed package. The posts available at Medical College…

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Chairman Jhalawar Hospital And Medical College Society Jhalawar, invites eligible candidates for various posts in Medical College Jhalawar on fixed package. The posts available at Medical College…

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Peoples’ Demonstration for Peace in Manipur at Delhi –

E-Pao.netPeoples' Demonstration for Peace in Manipur at DelhiE-Pao.netKilling operandi continues without any restraint in Manipur (India). Five persons including two girl students were killed while eight others sustained injuries in the Sangakpham …

Peoples' Demonstration for Peace in Manipur at Delhi
Killing operandi continues without any restraint in Manipur (India). Five persons including two girl students were killed while eight others sustained injuries in the Sangakpham Bazar bomb blast on August 1st 2011 in Imphal East II.
Terrorism, One to Nine and Still to Count and Fractionalisation: Manipur todayKanglaOnline

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The coming of the Senbrangs….

By: Maisnam Chanu Liklainu We always envy our neighbours. Birds coming and building nests in their maangols. We always wanted these birds to come and build their nest in our… Read more »

By: Maisnam Chanu Liklainu

We always envy our neighbours. Birds coming and building nests in their maangols. We always wanted these birds to come and build their nest in our house. Also, we have always wanted these birds to shift their location to our side. These days, two senbrangs have chosen our maangol as the location to build their nest. Its one pleasing sight .Its very soothing to see these birds chirping and tweeting making their presence felt.

At  the back of our mind, we always felt we cannot force these birds to build their nest in our house.But,  one fine day , they flew over and they had a long session . From then on they  made up their mind to build a nest there. We thought these birds were making temporary arrangement. It looked like they were inspecting the site.

For a month they tweeted, sang and played in our maangol. They have become more  gentle than we thought them to be. They ain’t terrified of us at all. We made them so comfortable.  So their entry into our maangol was made easier. There is an electric wire that runs in the middle of the maangol. These birds sit prettily there much to the delight of all of us.

The way they gathered the materials was a sheer delight to see. Noises have increased and we are fine with it. We take it as a welcome change… Mom would like to call them born Engineers. They so meticulously planned everything. It was just marvellous. We have seen them use as many materials to construct their nest as they find it  available in the environment.

They use twigs and grasses. Mud is for cementing. Some birds use mud solely for nest building. The lining of the nests are composed of much softer materials and are more elegant than the outer shells. Materials such as fine grasses, fibres, pebbles, spider webs, plant down, and feathers grace the interiors.

They have adorned our house and we are  loving it……

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Manipur highway stir on, offices torched – Times of India

Manipur highway stir on, offices torchedTimes of IndiaThe Imphal Valley continued to remain choked for the fifth consecutive day despite talks being held between representatives of the government and the strike supporters to end the agitation on the tw…

Manipur highway stir on, offices torched
Times of India
The Imphal Valley continued to remain choked for the fifth consecutive day despite talks being held between representatives of the government and the strike supporters to end the agitation on the two highways, which are the lifeline of Manipur and
Manipur Cabinet says Sadar Hills demand genuineMorungExpress
ZYF urges govt against hasty decision on Sadar HillsKanglaOnline
ZYF warns state govt on Sadar

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Manipur highway stir on, offices torched – Times of India

Manipur highway stir on, offices torchedTimes of IndiaThe Imphal Valley continued to remain choked for the fifth consecutive day despite talks being held between representatives of the government and the strike supporters to end the agitation on the tw…

Manipur highway stir on, offices torched
Times of India
The Imphal Valley continued to remain choked for the fifth consecutive day despite talks being held between representatives of the government and the strike supporters to end the agitation on the two highways, which are the lifeline of Manipur and
Manipur Cabinet says Sadar Hills demand genuineMorungExpress
State Trinamool Congress unit criticizes Congress led SPFKanglaOnline
ZYF warns state govt on Sadar

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Rebels pray for Bhupen, Mamoni in Myanmar – Times of India

Rebels pray for Bhupen, Mamoni in MyanmarTimes of IndiaThe meeting was attended by several Manipuri outfits, including the PLA, the UNLF and Prepak. Hazarika has been undergoing treatment at a hospital in Mumbai since June 29 after he complained of tro…

Rebels pray for Bhupen, Mamoni in Myanmar
Times of India
The meeting was attended by several Manipuri outfits, including the PLA, the UNLF and Prepak. Hazarika has been undergoing treatment at a hospital in Mumbai since June 29 after he complained of trouble breathing. Goswami was recently shifted from a New
NSCN's Khaplang leads prayer for Hazarika, Goswami in Myanmar campHindustan Times

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Rebels pray for Bhupen, Mamoni in Myanmar – Times of India

Rebels pray for Bhupen, Mamoni in MyanmarTimes of IndiaThe meeting was attended by several Manipuri outfits, including the PLA, the UNLF and Prepak. Hazarika has been undergoing treatment at a hospital in Mumbai since June 29 after he complained of tro…

Rebels pray for Bhupen, Mamoni in Myanmar
Times of India
The meeting was attended by several Manipuri outfits, including the PLA, the UNLF and Prepak. Hazarika has been undergoing treatment at a hospital in Mumbai since June 29 after he complained of trouble breathing. Goswami was recently shifted from a New
NSCN's Khaplang leads prayer for Hazarika, Goswami in Myanmar campHindustan Times

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AIR Imphal News –6th Aug 2011 7.30 Morning

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AIR News 7.30 p.m
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Source:- AIR Imphal; Recorded by:- KO in public interest.

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Ramadan- a general perspective

By:  Mohd. Nasir Ahmed, Shillong- 793001 (nasir2kman[@] Ramadan- a general perspective Ramadan (Sawm) is one of the five pillars of Islam and the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. The… Read more »

By:  Mohd. Nasir Ahmed, Shillong- 793001 (nasir2kman[@]

Ramadan- a general perspective

Ramadan (Sawm) is one of the five pillars of Islam and the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. The meaning of Sawm is to ‘abstain’. In this month, Allah Subhana Wa Taala (SWT) has made it compulsory that the fasting be observed by day, and he has made the ‘Taraweeh’ (Ramadan nightly prayer) a ‘Sunnah’. Fasting is to abstain from eating, drinking, smoking, saying, looking, listening bad things and conjugal relations from dawn till sunset. The goal of fasting is to develop self-restrain (Taqwa).

Ramadan is an annual training programme to refresh us for carrying out our duties towards Allah (SWT). Fasting develops self-control and helps us to overcome selfishness, greed, laziness and other faults. This month of patience gives us an opportunity to experience for ourselves what it is like to have an empty stomach. This develops our feeling for the poor and hungry people. Fasting teaches us to control the love of comfort.

If difficulty is experienced in fasting, one should bear it cheerfully and not complain. Should we feel fatigued at the time of Taraweeh (Ramadan nightly prayer), this too should be borne with fortitude. It should also be borne in mind that fasting does not aim at inflicting punishment upon people or taking on unbearable burdens. The underlying idea behind it is to teach moderation and spiritual discipline so that human temptations may not become so wild and uncontrollable as to flout the commands of the Great Master. To be a true servant of Allah (SWT), it is essential that man should be able to conform his behavior to the moral and spiritual discipline embodied in the Shari’ah of Islam. Fasting is indispensable for this moral and spiritual training. The Prophet (pbuh) said, “When the month of Ramadan starts, the gates of mercy are opened and the gates of Hell are locked and the devils are chained”. (Sahih Muslim, Book 006, Number 2361)

The hadith (sayings of prophet) below gives some very important points regarding Ramadan: The Prophet (pbuh) said “Fasting is a shield or protection from the fire and from committing sins. If one is fasting, he should avoid sexual relation with his wife and quarrelling, and if somebody should fight or quarrel with him, he should say, ‘I am fasting.’ There are two pleasures for the fasting person, one at the time of breaking his fast, and other at the time when he will meet Allah; then he will be pleased because of his fasting.” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 128)

In this month, the rebellious ‘Shayateen’ (Satans) are chained, so as not to provoke those evils which they normally do during months other than Ramadan. A question may arise here that, when the ‘Shayateen’ are chained, how it is that we still do see evil committed? The reply is that evil may not necessarily be caused by the rebellious ‘Shayateen’. People have for eleven months lived in obedience to ‘Shayateen’ whims and wishes, and so performing evil deeds instigated by them becomes second nature. Consequently, evil is being done in and out of Ramadan. Therefore the feelings and lessons we experience should stay with us throughout the year. In Al-Qur’an, Muslims are commanded to fast so that they may “become pious”. This piety and devotion is especially felt during Ramadan, but we all must strive to make the feelings and attitude stay with us during our “normal” lives. That is the true goal and test of Ramadan.

Fasting is the way to piety and the fear of God. Fasting narrows the food and blood arteries. They are known to be canals of the devils, hence fasting reduces their insinuation. It further weakens carnal desires, thoughts and temptations of disobedience. Fasting enhances bodily health. It gets rid of contaminated matter, eases the stomach, purifies the blood, eases the working of the heart, brightens the spirit, refines the soul and disciplines the character. When an individual fasts, his soul is humbled and his carnal desires are dispelled. There is a great reward for fasting, as it shows a Muslim obeying Allah (SWT) and submitting to His command.

According Dr. Jack Goldstein author of the book “Triumph over Disease by Fasting and Natural Diet” says that “Fasting give vital organ a complete rest, promotes elimination of metabolic wastes, allows the body to adjust and normalize its bio-chemistry and also its secretion, lets the body break down and absorb swellings, deposits, diseased tissues, and abnormal growth; restores a youthful condition to cells and tissues, increases the power of digestion and assimilation and permits the conservation and re-routing of energy; it clears and strengthens the minds”.

Fasting in Ramadan is not merely physically restraining from the obvious food and drink, but the total commitment of the servant’s body and soul to the letter and spirit of fasting.

1) The fast of the self means to be free from all carnal desires.

2) The fast of mind is avoiding thoughts about things other than Allah (SWT).

3) The fast of the hand is not touching/taking what does not belong to it.

4) The fast of the nose means not sniffing or smelling unlawful things.

5) The fast of the feet is not going places where sinful acts are propagated.

6) The fast of the eye is to prevent it from seeing forbidden things.

Allah (SWT) says in Al-Qur’an, “Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be mindful of their chastity; this will be most conducive to their purity. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be mindful of their chastity, and not display their charms (in public) beyond what may (decently) be apparent thereof, hence let them draw their head-covering over their bosoms”. (Al-Qur’an 24:30-31)

7) The fast of the tongue is guarding against lying, backbiting, slandering, reviling, abusing others, cursing, indecent conversation, swearing and false evidence. The Prophet (pbuh) said: “A Muslim is he from whose tongue and hands other Muslims are safe”.

The Prophet (pbuh) said, “”Whoever does not give up forged speech and evil actions, Allah is not in need of his leaving his food and drink (i.e. Allah will not accept his fasting.)” (Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 127)

8.  The fast of the ears is not to listen to idle talk, gossip, lyrics and notes that contain obscene and indecent things. Listening to Al-Qur’an bears the fruit of faith, guidance, light and prosperity. It fills the heart with wisdom, tranquility, intimacy and contentment. It is a source of protection from the dangerous, deviant and sinful thoughts.

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ZYF warns state govt on Sadar Hills

The Zeliangrong Youth Front Assam, Manipur Nagaland strongly urged the state government to seek views and opinions of different communities residing in the Sadar Hills prior to taking concrete decision regarding the demand raised by the Sadar Hills…

The Zeliangrong Youth Front Assam, Manipur Nagaland strongly urged the state government to seek views and opinions of different communities residing in the Sadar Hills prior to taking concrete decision regarding the demand raised by the Sadar Hills District Demand Committee Source Hueiyen News Service

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United Club National Highway 37 appeals on economic blockade

All the Ministers, MLAs and IAS MCS officers as well as the public in Manipur are in support of the Sadar Hills District Demand Committee Source The Sangai Express

All the Ministers, MLAs and IAS MCS officers as well as the public in Manipur are in support of the Sadar Hills District Demand Committee Source The Sangai Express

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500 bedded working women hostel for NE states at Jasola opens on August 20

It is good news for working women from the North East states in Delhi and the national capital region Source Hueiyen News Service Manipur Information centre

It is good news for working women from the North East states in Delhi and the national capital region Source Hueiyen News Service Manipur Information centre

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KUMHUR’s posers to CM on Sadar hills

Demanding to know the reason behind the delay over solving the three decades old problem, Kuki Movement for Human Rights KUMHUR has asked Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh to come out with a clarification on the state of confusion prevailing over the issu…

Demanding to know the reason behind the delay over solving the three decades old problem, Kuki Movement for Human Rights KUMHUR has asked Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh to come out with a clarification on the state of confusion prevailing over the issue of Sadar hills Source The Sangai Express

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ATM problems to be solved within a year

The problems faced by the people of Manipur while transecting money from ATM booths will be solved within a year by opening many other ATM booths in the state, sources said Source Hueiyen News Service Yanglem Robindro Singh

The problems faced by the people of Manipur while transecting money from ATM booths will be solved within a year by opening many other ATM booths in the state, sources said Source Hueiyen News Service Yanglem Robindro Singh

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Naga students on Sadar Hills issue

The All Naga Students’ Association, Manipur ANSAM drew the attention of the Government of Manipur to recollect and refer to the MoU signed between the Nagas in Manipur and the Government of Manipur and the Naga Students’ Federation NSF with the Gov…

The All Naga Students’ Association, Manipur ANSAM drew the attention of the Government of Manipur to recollect and refer to the MoU signed between the Nagas in Manipur and the Government of Manipur and the Naga Students’ Federation NSF with the Government of Manipur during the tenures of Rishang Keishing and W Nipamacha Singh as Chief Ministers on the proposed creation of Sadar Hills district in the State of Manipur Source Hueiyen News Service Newmai News Network

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