New Delhi, Mar 15 (ANI): Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Thursday said that the Railway Budget for 2012-13 was now the property of the House, and vociferously told the opposition not to behave like “petulant children” in the matter concerning the reported resignation of Railway Minister Dinesh Trivedi.
Mukherjee also assured the Lok Sabha that the Railway Budget proposals presented by Trivedi has not been junked.
“The Railway Budget is definitely owned by the government and approved by the Finance Ministry. Railway Budget is the property of the House. All members have the right to decide and what would be the shape of the Railway Budget. Don’t behave like petulant children, behave like political leaders,” Mukherjee said.
On Trivedi’s reported resignation, Mukherjee said: “As for the resignation of the Railways Minister, the Prime Minister has not received any resignation letter from the minister. The Railway Minister has not resigned. We have received a communication from the leader of the Trinamool Congress. It’s not unusual that we receive communication from alliance partners,” Mukherjee said.
“The Prime Minister has received a communication from the Trinamool Congress chairperson and it is under active consideration of the Prime Minister. When a decision is taken, the House will be communicated,” he added.
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