ICHAM draws eyes on economy – E-Pao.net

ICHAM draws eyes on economyE-Pao.netImphal, March 05 2012: Amid the din and conjecture on the formation of a new Government in the State, Information Centre for Hill Areas, Manipur (ICHAM) has drawn the attention of the upcoming Government, whichever, …

ICHAM draws eyes on economy
Imphal, March 05 2012: Amid the din and conjecture on the formation of a new Government in the State, Information Centre for Hill Areas, Manipur (ICHAM) has drawn the attention of the upcoming Government, whichever, to pay adequate attention to the
`New govt should emphasise on self reliance of state`KanglaOnline

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Background of 2002, 2007 polls 2012 – E-Pao.net

Background of 2002, 2007 polls 2012E-Pao.netIn a few hours from now the result of the election to the 10th Manipur Legislative Assembly would have started trickling in and while generally elections in Manipur have never been known to be issue driven, t…

Background of 2002, 2007 polls 2012
In a few hours from now the result of the election to the 10th Manipur Legislative Assembly would have started trickling in and while generally elections in Manipur have never been known to be issue driven, there are still some points worth pondering

and more »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEL3BK56ncRtP-1VSTCjtgyRWDndg&url=http://e-pao.net/epSubPageSelector.asp?src=Background_of_2002_2007_polls_2012_Post-poll_talk_TSE_20120306&ch=news_section&sub1=editorial&sub2=editorial_2012

Manipur election results today – Assam Tribune

IBNLive.comManipur election results todayAssam TribuneIMPHAL, March 5 – Manipur, which had witnessed Assembly polls on January 28 and subsequent re-polling on February 4 and March 4, will have a new ministry once the fate of 279 candidates in the fra…


Manipur election results today
Assam Tribune
IMPHAL, March 5 – Manipur, which had witnessed Assembly polls on January 28 and subsequent re-polling on February 4 and March 4, will have a new ministry once the fate of 279 candidates in the fray is known after the March 6 counting.
Counting in Manipur tomorrowZee News
Pundits predict win for Cong in Manipur pollsNewsbullet
Fatter opposition in way of Cong hat-trickHindustan Times
Times of India –The Hindu –Times Now.tv
all 37 news articles »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHGx6NAiag9WTkDDiEh0AkfDnqMTw&url=http://www.assamtribune.com/scripts/detailsnew.asp?id=mar0612/at08

Stage set for Manipur counting – Assam Tribune

Stage set for Manipur countingAssam TribuneIMPHAL, March 5 – All is set for the counting of votes of the election to the Manipur Assembly here tomorrow. The counting is scheduled to start at 8 am. Manipur Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh and his wife O L…

Stage set for Manipur counting
Assam Tribune
IMPHAL, March 5 – All is set for the counting of votes of the election to the Manipur Assembly here tomorrow. The counting is scheduled to start at 8 am. Manipur Chief Minister O Ibobi Singh and his wife O Landoni Devi, Speaker I Hemochandra,

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGA4FUnCzQvuUFamSBe2QXO-0LO9A&url=http://www.assamtribune.com/scripts/detailsnew.asp?id=mar0612/oth06

CNN-IBN announces Poll Verdict: Counting Day Coverage – Media Newsline

CNN-IBN announces Poll Verdict: Counting Day CoverageMedia NewslineNew Delhi: Assembly Elections in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Manipur and Goa are over. All eyes are now on the Counting Day. Will the usual suspects triumph or will there be a c…

CNN-IBN announces Poll Verdict: Counting Day Coverage
Media Newsline
New Delhi: Assembly Elections in Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Manipur and Goa are over. All eyes are now on the Counting Day. Will the usual suspects triumph or will there be a change of guard? On the day of the results, CNN-IBN will bring to
Live! News as it happensRediff
U'khand, Punjab, Goa, Manipur election results -Live UpdatesOneindia
CNN-IBN Poll Verdict: Counting Day CoverageIndiantelevision.com

all 3 news articles »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGbdHEdQE7iWOu1s9JndfPcc1rJow&url=http://www.medianewsline.com/news/118/ARTICLE/9087/2012-03-05.html

‘Influx affecting demography of Manipur’ – E-Pao.net

'Influx affecting demography of Manipur'E-Pao.netManipur's Revolutionary People's Front (RPF) president Irengbam Chaoren has alleged that the impact of incessant influx of non-Manipuris has severely affected demography of the State and …

'Influx affecting demography of Manipur'
Manipur's Revolutionary People's Front (RPF) president Irengbam Chaoren has alleged that the impact of incessant influx of non-Manipuris has severely affected demography of the State and the native people face a grave threat from immigrants.

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFMMYMVRjMwQPo7QRhvuOnQ4sRPtA&url=http://e-pao.net/epSubPageSelector.asp?src=Influx_affecting_demography_of_Manipur_20120305&ch=news_section&sub1=News_Links&sub2=News_Links_2012

Manipur number game begins Repolls draw voters’ flak – Thrice in a row – E-Pao.net

Manipur number game begins Repolls draw voters' flak – Thrice in a rowE-Pao.netVoters of Modi polling station in Chandel Assembly constituency were furious today as they had to queue up in front of booths under the scorching sun for the third time …

Manipur number game begins Repolls draw voters' flak – Thrice in a row
Voters of Modi polling station in Chandel Assembly constituency were furious today as they had to queue up in front of booths under the scorching sun for the third time during this election season. The polling booth set up inside a primary school in

and more »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFQhCNWJthmem-W4ARmgCCWK8t6rg&url=http://e-pao.net/epSubPageSelector.asp?src=Manipur_number_game_begins_Repolls_draw_voters_flak_20120305&ch=news_section&sub1=News_Links&sub2=News_Links_2012

India awaits vote count with fingers crossed | WATCH LIVE DEBATE – India Today

IBNLive.comIndia awaits vote count with fingers crossed | WATCH LIVE DEBATEIndia TodayThe mammoth counting exercise is set to begin at 8 am in Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Manipur and Goa where the staggered elections ended Saturday. The Electio…


India awaits vote count with fingers crossed | WATCH LIVE DEBATE
India Today
The mammoth counting exercise is set to begin at 8 am in Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Manipur and Goa where the staggered elections ended Saturday. The Election Commission, having won kudos for successfully overseeing the five-state elections,
Counting of votes begins in five statesLivemint
Assembly results: Ulayam way ahead in UP,Congress 4thIndian Express
Live: Counting begins across 8 statesFirstpost
Beaver County Times –IBNLive.com
all 478 news articles »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGG4UVvfrjF8QDtKhLn3pJITbxhvg&url=http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/assembly-elections-2012/1/176578.html

Pundits predict win for Cong in Manipur polls – Newsbullet

IBNLive.comPundits predict win for Cong in Manipur pollsNewsbulletPOLITICAL pundits have predicted that Congress is all set to retain the majority in Manipur despite losing approximately 4% share in total seats since 2007. The ruling party expects to w…


Pundits predict win for Cong in Manipur polls
POLITICAL pundits have predicted that Congress is all set to retain the majority in Manipur despite losing approximately 4% share in total seats since 2007. The ruling party expects to win 34-35 of the 60 seats in the Manipur Assembly.
Manipur elections: Repoll may change initial calculationsTimes of India
11 non-Congress parties join hands in ManipurThe Hindu
Setback for Congress in ManipurTimes Now.tv
Hindustan Times –Assam Tribune –E-Pao.net
all 33 news articles »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNH6Vr7zpprS98n7qxmc12SR73BGAw&url=http://www.newsbullet.in/india/34-more/26871-political-pundits-predict-win-for-cong-in-manipur-polls

Manipur re-poll on Sunday irks Christian body – ChristianToday

Manipur re-poll on Sunday irks Christian bodyChristianTodayA Christian organisation has criticised the Election Commission of India's (ECI) decision to conduct re-poll in Manipur on March 4. The All Manipur Christian Organisation (AMCO) expressed d…

Manipur re-poll on Sunday irks Christian body
A Christian organisation has criticised the Election Commission of India's (ECI) decision to conduct re-poll in Manipur on March 4. The All Manipur Christian Organisation (AMCO) expressed displeasure over the re-poll scheduled on Sunday,

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFOd8vdnPYYmNkiXwhwQtjIHLA01A&url=http://in.christiantoday.com/articles/manipur-re-poll-on-sunday-irks-christian-body/7103.htm

Manipur Election 2012 Results & Live Broadcast of Counting of Votes

Watch the live broadcast of counting of votes and results of the 10th General Election to Manipur Legislative Assembly 2012. Live Video Broadcast From RO JIRIBAM Live Video Broadcast from RO…

Read the full article and articles like this at manipurh…

Watch the live broadcast of counting of votes and results of the 10th General Election to Manipur Legislative Assembly 2012. Live Video Broadcast From RO JIRIBAM Live Video Broadcast from RO…

Read the full article and articles like this at manipurhub.com

Read more / Original news source: http://manipurhub.com/news-manipur/manipur-election-2012-results-live-broadcast-of-counting-of-votes/

Manipur Election 2012 Results & Live Broadcast of Counting of Votes

Watch the live broadcast of counting of votes and results of the 10th General Election to Manipur Legislative Assembly 2012. Live Video Broadcast From RO JIRIBAM Live Video Broadcast from RO…

Read the full article and articles like this at manipurh…

Watch the live broadcast of counting of votes and results of the 10th General Election to Manipur Legislative Assembly 2012. Live Video Broadcast From RO JIRIBAM Live Video Broadcast from RO…

Read the full article and articles like this at manipurhub.com

Read more / Original news source: http://manipurhub.com/news-manipur/manipur-election-2012-results-live-broadcast-of-counting-of-votes/

Militants explode bomb at Manipur poll candidate’s house – Daily News & Analysis

Militants explode bomb at Manipur poll candidate's houseDaily News & AnalysisPlace: Imphal | Agency: PTI Militants exploded a powerful bomb at the house of a Congress candidate in Imphal West district of Manipur, the police said today. The militant…

Militants explode bomb at Manipur poll candidate's house
Daily News & Analysis
Place: Imphal | Agency: PTI Militants exploded a powerful bomb at the house of a Congress candidate in Imphal West district of Manipur, the police said today. The militants threw the bomb at around 10.30pm last night at RK Anand's house at Naoriya

and more »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNF5Bb0TL1nimnZXAQrghT4Gz7UtsA&url=http://www.dnaindia.com/india/report_militants-explode-bomb-at-manipur-poll-candidate-s-house_1658602

Militants explode grenade at Manipur poll candidate’s house – Times of India

Militants explode grenade at Manipur poll candidate's houseTimes of IndiaPTI Mar 4, 2012, 10.20AM IST IMPHAL: Militants exploded a powerful grenade at the house of Congress candidate E Chand Singh of Yaiskul assembly constituency in Imphal East dis…

Militants explode grenade at Manipur poll candidate's house
Times of India
PTI Mar 4, 2012, 10.20AM IST IMPHAL: Militants exploded a powerful grenade at the house of Congress candidate E Chand Singh of Yaiskul assembly constituency in Imphal East district of Manipur, police said today. The militants hurled the grenade at
Militants explode bomb at Manipur poll candidate's houseDaily News & Analysis
Militants bomb Cong candidate houseindiablooms

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Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGnGZfT6tj3iQ6FBJvNOya_HJzS6g&url=http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2012-03-04/india/31121310_1_house-of-congress-candidate-imphal-east-district-powerful-grenade

Assembly Elections 2012: Landslides delay Manipur repoll – Economic Times

Assembly Elections 2012: Landslides delay Manipur repollEconomic TimesIMPHAL: Repolling in 63 booths under nine constituencies in the five hill districts of Senapati, Ukhrul, Churachandpur, Tamenglong and Chandel was held on Sunday amid heavy security …

Assembly Elections 2012: Landslides delay Manipur repoll
Economic Times
IMPHAL: Repolling in 63 booths under nine constituencies in the five hill districts of Senapati, Ukhrul, Churachandpur, Tamenglong and Chandel was held on Sunday amid heavy security with more than 60% turnout recorded. The exercise was supposed to be

and more »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNE2idxqfLN9ZXtWdlDF135xT_a6jw&url=http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics/nation/assembly-elections-2012-landslides-delay-manipur-repoll/articleshow/12143849.cms

Counting of votes on Tuesday – Hindustan Times

IBNLive.comCounting of votes on TuesdayHindustan TimesPTI Counting of votes in the Assembly elections in the five states of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Manipur and Goa, considered "mini general elections", will be taken up on Tuesday….


Counting of votes on Tuesday
Hindustan Times
PTI Counting of votes in the Assembly elections in the five states of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Manipur and Goa, considered "mini general elections", will be taken up on Tuesday. The results will decide the fate of candidates in a total of
Assembly polls: Counting of votes tomorrowIBNLive.com
Assembly polls: Counting of votes on TuesdayNewstrack India
Counting of votes in elections to five state assemblies on TuesdayNetIndian
Indian Express
all 123 news articles »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGWVo9qoOUQYtuglDIKKHXeWAU-PA&url=http://www.hindustantimes.com/Specials/Coverage/Assembly-Elections-2012/Chunk-HT-UI-AssemblyElections2012-UP-OtherStories/Counting-of-votes-on-Tuesday/SP-Article10-820921.aspx

Setback for Congress in Manipur – Times Now.tv

Zee NewsSetback for Congress in ManipurTimes Now.tvOkram Ibobi Singh is hoping to win a third consecutive term in Manipur, but a return to power for the Congress has just gotten more challenging with 11 parties coming together to form a grand oppositio…

Zee News

Setback for Congress in Manipur
Times Now.tv
Okram Ibobi Singh is hoping to win a third consecutive term in Manipur, but a return to power for the Congress has just gotten more challenging with 11 parties coming together to form a grand opposition coalition to ensure that the congress is not
Exit polls predict upper hand for Congress in ManipurZee News
Manipur: Congress set for hat-trickFirstpost
Elections 2012: Congress set to retain ManipurIBNLive.com
E-Pao.net –KanglaOnline
all 15 news articles »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNE2hYt00_Us2E4STI5czvoqIwGbdg&url=http://www.timesnow.tv/Setback-for-Congress-in-Manipur/articleshow/4397294.cms

KSO condemns abduction

The Kuki Students’ Organisation, Imphal Branch strongly condemned the abduction of former Chief Engineer of Irrigation and Flood Control Department (IFCD) Pu Kakap Gangte’s son Mr Henjomlien Gangte aka Calvien and his friend Mr. Malsawn Gangte on 27th February at New-Lambulane, Imphal by a suspected underground group reportedly connected with a monetary demand served to […]

The Kuki Students’ Organisation, Imphal Branch strongly condemned the abduction of former Chief Engineer of Irrigation and Flood Control Department (IFCD) Pu Kakap Gangte’s son Mr Henjomlien Gangte aka Calvien and his friend Mr. Malsawn Gangte on 27th February at New-Lambulane, Imphal by a suspected underground group reportedly connected with a monetary demand served to his father.
The KSO appealed to the group/party involved in the abduction to clarify and make public to their act, and release the two youths unconditionally at the earliest if they are a true revolutionary group.
As, such act of abducting a son due to non complying of monetary demand served to a father is not justifiable and are done only by gang groups said SEIBOI HAOKIP, General Secretary, KSO, Imphal Branch.

Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/kso-condemns-abduction/

Bamboo Day observed in Mizoram

Aizawl, Mar 4 NNN : The first ever Bamboo Day was observed in Mizoram on Saturday. The occasion was organised to promote bamboo craft in Mizoram. The state is bestowed abundantly with bamboo. Speaking on the occasion of historic “1st Mizoram Bamboo Day” programme on Saturday at Reception Hall, Aijal Club, chief minister Lalthanhawla said […]

Aizawl, Mar 4 NNN : The first ever Bamboo Day was observed in Mizoram on Saturday.
The occasion was organised to promote bamboo craft in Mizoram. The state is bestowed abundantly with bamboo.
Speaking on the occasion of historic “1st Mizoram Bamboo Day” programme on Saturday at Reception Hall, Aijal Club, chief minister Lalthanhawla said Mizoram is one of the richest bamboo growing areas in India both in terms of yields as well as in species diversity with around 44% of the sates’ geographical area covered with bamboo having some 35 odd species.
Besides the normal observation of Bamboo Day, a seminar was also held on bamboo.
Lalthanhawla while delivering a speech on “seminar-cum- Interactive Meet on Bamboo: Technology , Livelihood, Export Potential & Prospects” in commemoration of 1st Mizoram Bamboo Day said the utility, especially in terms of value addition in bamboo products is still to be developed in Mizoram, which is the biggest challenge for the people of Mizoram, adding, how China has become a world’s leader in bamboo production
. He then stated that many of the north eastern states like Tripura, Assam and Meghalaya are way ahead than Mizoram in terms of Value Addition related to bamboo.
The chief minister then welcomed all the participants of seminar –cum- Interactive Meet hoping that interactions and exchange of ideas will surely share valuable information to further the promotion of bamboo production in Mizoram.
For Mizoram, starting from Resource Inventory to Value Addition, the state Government is at present giving sharp focus towards bamboo plantation and management.
However, owing to lack of basic infrastructures like roads, power and electricity and other logistic support, the state government had not been able to properly capitalize on the true potential of bamboo till today, official sources said here today, adding, until a few years ago, before the last gregarious flowering (Mautam) between year 2003-2006, Mahal system or open auction was the main method adopted for Disposal in SITU. However, it is a welcome relief that during the last few years, people have realized the potential of bamboo thanks to the Natioanl Bamboo Mission, the entrepreneurs in bamboo mat ply, agarbatti sticks et al, with Mizoram government even entering into a joint venture with Venus Bamboo to produce World Class Bamboo Panels and Boards.

Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/bamboo-day-observed-in-mizoram/

Fire kills one

Imphal, March 4: A devastating fire gutted 25 lodgings which housed labourers of a ply wood factory, causing one dead and destroying properties worth over 20 lakh in the early hours of Sunday Sadar Hills, Manipur. The incident happened around 3:15 am when a fire believed to be started from one of the lodgings, which […]

Imphal, March 4: A devastating fire gutted 25 lodgings which housed labourers of a ply wood factory, causing one dead and destroying properties worth over 20 lakh in the early hours of Sunday Sadar Hills, Manipur.
The incident happened around 3:15 am when a fire believed to be started from one of the lodgings, which accomodated labourers of Mangalam Wood Industry, caught fire and rapidly spread and engulfed rest of the lodgings which left in shambles. One labourer was charred to death in the fire broke out at the lodgings of the ply wood industry at Kangpokpi under Sekmai police station in Sadar Hills, Senapati district.
Sources said prima facie the fire was started from a candle light at the lodging of the deceased.
The victim was identified as Surjit of Silchar, Assam. Fire tenders rushed to the site around 3:40 am, 15 minute before the fire broke out, but the lodgings built by mostly ply woods were reduced to cinders before they could douse the raging fire, the sources added.

Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/fire-kills-one/