Sanjenthong Bridge

It seems there is none to demand widening of Sanjenthong Bridge. This bridge might be around half century old. Elsewhere in other parts of the country such type of bridge that serves little purpose is dismantled to be replaced by wider and longer bridge. This bridge should have been dismantled long time back. Though it […]

It seems there is none to demand widening of Sanjenthong Bridge. This bridge might be around half century old. Elsewhere in other parts of the country such type of bridge that serves little purpose is dismantled to be replaced by wider and longer bridge. This bridge should have been dismantled long time back. Though it was built to better road communication between Imphal East and west it has created more problem than serving the users. If no bridge existed here the place might have remained as a secluded area. If no vehicle moves at the area the place would have been filled with clean air. The narrow bridge connecting Imphal east and west has caused traffic jam every day. Crossing the 30 meter stretch has become a nightmare. By adding three meters on both sides the bridge can be widened. If the bridge is expanded in the manner stated above frequently occurring traffic jam will be easier to tackle. Traffic jam caused by the bridge extends up to Raj Bhavan on the western side and Palace gate on the eastern side. Traffic controllers find it humanly impossible to manage vehicle movement during office hours. Vehicles move at snail pace at the area with drivers pressing on both accelerator and clutch without switching off the engine raising the decibel level and also polluting the area with the smoke coming out of engines. In case of a vehicle stopping in the middle of the road due to engine break down the traffic is thrown out of gear. Noise level at the area where the Chief Minister’s bungalow is situated has been increased. The sound emitted by the vehicles is deafening. Smoke emitted through the silencer has also polluted the clean air. If the VIPs staying at the area fall sick quite often it might have been caused by the unclean air blowing at the area. Importance of clean air in improving human health had been stressed time and again. In Thailand several spacious areas have been earmarked as Oxygen Park. Too many men and women who had their bones fractured caused, by the tsunami, having been smashed against the wall and trees had miraculous improvement after staying at the oxygen park. Chief Minister’s bungalow is adjacent to the traffic prone road. If there is a machine to check purity of air at the area surely it will reveal the poor quality of air sweeping at the area. It will reveal it is unsafe for inhaling by living things let alone human beings. Who cares attitude however continues to be shown to the bridge. Too many bridges had been constructed over the past two or three decades at different places. Fly over had been constructed and the longest bridge too had been constructed. But this Sanjenthong is left untouched. That is perplexing. If the bridge cannot be expanded an alternative route needs to be created to connect Imphal East and West and also to avoid suffocation. Almost all the VIPs of the state use this bridge every day. Amazingly they cannot feel the need for expanding the breadth of the bridge. If they thought something would have been done. Do something. That will serve better.

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Sanjenthong Bridge

It seems there is none to demand widening of Sanjenthong Bridge. This bridge might be around half century old. Elsewhere in other parts of the country such type of bridge that serves little purpose is dismantled to be replaced by wider and longer bridge. This bridge should have been dismantled long time back. Though it […]

It seems there is none to demand widening of Sanjenthong Bridge. This bridge might be around half century old. Elsewhere in other parts of the country such type of bridge that serves little purpose is dismantled to be replaced by wider and longer bridge. This bridge should have been dismantled long time back. Though it was built to better road communication between Imphal East and west it has created more problem than serving the users. If no bridge existed here the place might have remained as a secluded area. If no vehicle moves at the area the place would have been filled with clean air. The narrow bridge connecting Imphal east and west has caused traffic jam every day. Crossing the 30 meter stretch has become a nightmare. By adding three meters on both sides the bridge can be widened. If the bridge is expanded in the manner stated above frequently occurring traffic jam will be easier to tackle. Traffic jam caused by the bridge extends up to Raj Bhavan on the western side and Palace gate on the eastern side. Traffic controllers find it humanly impossible to manage vehicle movement during office hours. Vehicles move at snail pace at the area with drivers pressing on both accelerator and clutch without switching off the engine raising the decibel level and also polluting the area with the smoke coming out of engines. In case of a vehicle stopping in the middle of the road due to engine break down the traffic is thrown out of gear. Noise level at the area where the Chief Minister’s bungalow is situated has been increased. The sound emitted by the vehicles is deafening. Smoke emitted through the silencer has also polluted the clean air. If the VIPs staying at the area fall sick quite often it might have been caused by the unclean air blowing at the area. Importance of clean air in improving human health had been stressed time and again. In Thailand several spacious areas have been earmarked as Oxygen Park. Too many men and women who had their bones fractured caused, by the tsunami, having been smashed against the wall and trees had miraculous improvement after staying at the oxygen park. Chief Minister’s bungalow is adjacent to the traffic prone road. If there is a machine to check purity of air at the area surely it will reveal the poor quality of air sweeping at the area. It will reveal it is unsafe for inhaling by living things let alone human beings. Who cares attitude however continues to be shown to the bridge. Too many bridges had been constructed over the past two or three decades at different places. Fly over had been constructed and the longest bridge too had been constructed. But this Sanjenthong is left untouched. That is perplexing. If the bridge cannot be expanded an alternative route needs to be created to connect Imphal East and West and also to avoid suffocation. Almost all the VIPs of the state use this bridge every day. Amazingly they cannot feel the need for expanding the breadth of the bridge. If they thought something would have been done. Do something. That will serve better.

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