Stress factor

The post Stress factor appeared first on is no dearth of stress or depression related problems in our society today. The deep rooted corruption and state sponsored violence in the name of conflict have had corrosive effect on t…

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There is no dearth of stress or depression related problems in our society today. The deep rooted corruption and state sponsored violence in the name of conflict have had corrosive effect on the value system of our society that one … Continue reading

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Parliamentary Secretary of YAS felicitated

The post Parliamentary Secretary of YAS felicitated appeared first on, October 11: A felicitation function of the newly appointed Parliamentary Secretary of Youth Affairs and Sports, M Prithiviraj was held today at the Olympic…

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IMPHAL, October 11: A felicitation function of the newly appointed Parliamentary Secretary of Youth Affairs and Sports, M Prithiviraj was held today at the Olympic Bhawan, Khuman Lampak Sports Complex organized by Celebrity Media Group (CMG) and Presto Wonders Imphal. … Continue reading

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TET Fiasco: Issue out of non-issue – KanglaOnline

TET Fiasco: Issue out of non-issueKanglaOnlineEach and every initiative of the state government in Manipur should be preceded by considerations of topographical and ethnic balancing. Manipur is a composite nation that can not be treated at par with oth…

TET Fiasco: Issue out of non-issue
Each and every initiative of the state government in Manipur should be preceded by considerations of topographical and ethnic balancing. Manipur is a composite nation that can not be treated at par with other societies. Interests of all varied

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Meeting to Review Dengue Situation in NCR held

MNS:- Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad took a meeting to review the Dengue situation in Delhi & NCR Region on October 8, 2012. In his opening remarks, Shri Azad expressed his concern at the increase in dengue cases in Delhi in the last week. He underlined the need for […]

MNS:- Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad took a meeting to review the Dengue situation in Delhi & NCR Region on October 8, 2012.
In his opening remarks, Shri Azad expressed his concern at the increase in dengue cases in Delhi in the last week. He underlined the need for better hygiene and sanitation to prevent, among other things, breeding of mosquitoes. He called upon the Mayors and NDMC officials to undertake a special cleanliness drive. He also suggested for increase in sentinel surveillance sites and testing facilities in Government set up so that poor people do not face any difficulty.
After detailed discussion, the following decisions were taken in the meeting.
1. A detailed Action Plan for improved source reduction, sanitation, fogging, strengthening of diagnostic facilities and IEC activities will be prepared by the New Delhi Municipal Corporation and Municipal Corporations of South, East & North Delhi by 10th October. The Action Plan so prepared will be shared with the Government of India.
2. The action plan will be implemented from 11th October 2012. For this purpose all available domestic breeding checkers and sanitation workers are to be employed. For supervision of these activities, a composite team of Commissioner, a Medical officer and an Entomologist will be constituted in such a way so that the activities could be supervised by a team in NDMC as well as MCD areas every day.
3. The Swasth Bharat Programme on Doordarshsan National channel as well as regional DD channels will be utilized for spreading awareness about dengue including its prevention and control measures. Doordarshan officials will be approached to schedule spots, as early as possible on DD national Channel where the Health Minister, Principle Secretary, Mayors, Commissioners and public health experts of GNCT Delhi would be invited to participate in discussion and awareness generation about dengue.
4. Information about the diagnostic and treatment facilities in GNCT Delhi will be published through print media by the Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
5. Diagnostic Facilities in Delhi and NCR Region will be augmented as per assessed requirement. Required diagnostic kits (MAC ELISA) will be provided by Government of India. Additional requirement of diagnostic kits may immediately be intimated to Government of India by Delhi Govt.
6. Government of Haryana will fill up the vacant posts of Entomologist and increase the number of sentinel sites in Gurgaon region. Non-functional sentinel sites for dengue will also be immediately made functional.
7. For improving the case management, more training sessions would be organized by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India for the Medical Officers of Delhi, Haryana and UP as per their requirements.
The meeting was attended by Health & Family Welfare Ministers of Government of NCT of Delhi and Haryana, Mayor of North Delhi Municipal Corporation, Deputy Mayor of East Delhi Municipal Commissioner, Municipals Commissioners of South, East and North Delhi Municipal Corporations. Senior officials of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, Health & Family Welfare Departments of Government of NCT of Delhi, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh also attended the meeting.

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President on the Occasion of the Inauguration of Suvarna Soudha Building

Bangalore : This beautiful structure stands on sacred soil, which was once ruled by the great queen Kittur Chennamma, who challenged the colonial powers. Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak launched the Home Rule League from Belgaum in 1916 with the words Freedom is my birthright. Mahatma Gandhiji presided over the historic Congress Session at Belgaum in […]

Bangalore : This beautiful structure stands on sacred soil, which was once ruled by the great queen Kittur Chennamma, who challenged the colonial powers. Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak launched the Home Rule League from Belgaum in 1916 with the words Freedom is my birthright. Mahatma Gandhiji presided over the historic Congress Session at Belgaum in 1924, the only occasion the Mahatma chaired any session of the Indian National Congress. Encouraged by the Congress session, people from Belgaum took active part in the freedom movement.
I understand Belgaum used to be known as Venu Grama (Village of the flute). Today, this region is the Sugar bowl of the State. It has made immense contribution to Karnataka’s history, education, literature, culture and economy.
True to its name, Belgaum is known for music, especially Hindustani music. Many stalwarts like Kumar Gandharva, Mallikarjuna Mansur, Gangubai Hangal and Bhimsen Joshi come from this area and have added glory to Indian classical music. The Belgaum session of the Indian National Congress witnessed a Kannada song by Gangubhai Hangal.
This Suvarna Soudha is inheritor of a proud and glorious tradition. Democratic process started in erstwhile Mysore state much before the rest of the country. Maharaja Chamaraj Wadiyar established the Mysore Representative Assembly way back in 1881 and his son Maharaja Krishnaraj Wadiyar established a Legislative Council in 1907. Erstwhile Mysore was amongst the first princely states in India to start the formation of democratic institutions with a view to associating representatives of the people in the process of administration.
This Representative Assembly saw several transformations and evolved into a mature house of legislation which is what we see today in the form of the bi-cameral house of Karnataka Legislative Assembly and Karnataka Legislative Council.
I hope the northern districts of the State will now be much closer to governance and this will ensure balanced growth and development of the State by removing social, economical and educational imbalances. The Special Development Plan with the support of all political parties and the recommendations of the Dr. D.M. Nanjundappa High Level Committee on Redressal of Regional Imbalances which is being implemented across the state should help Karnataka achieve all round progress.
I am happy to inaugurate the “Suvarna Soudha”, built by the Karnataka Government at Belgaum in commemoration of the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the formation of the State. I dedicate this second seat of legislature to the people of Karnataka and hope that it shall prove to be the epitome of good governance, bringing welfare and prosperity to the common man whose interests should be paramount in our political system.

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Amendments in the “Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986?

MNS:- The Union Cabinet today approved the introduction of Amendments to the “Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986″ in Parliament. Key amendments proposed are as follows: i. Broaden the scope of the law to cover the audio-visual media and material in electronic form. ii. Penalties to be enhanced to a maximum of three years […]

MNS:- The Union Cabinet today approved the introduction of Amendments to the “Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986″ in Parliament.
Key amendments proposed are as follows:
i. Broaden the scope of the law to cover the audio-visual media and material in electronic form.
ii. Penalties to be enhanced to a maximum of three years of imprisonment and fine of between Rs.50,000 to Rs.1,00,000 for first conviction, and imprisonment of not less than two years, but which may extend to seven years, and a fine between Rs.1,00,000 to Rs.5,00,000 for second conviction.
(iii) Police officers not below the rank of Inspectors authorized to carry out search and seizure, in addition to State and Central Government officers authorized by the State or Central Government.
These amendments seek to ensure that more effective protection is provided against indecent representation of women by covering newer forms of communication like internet, multimedia messaging etc., beyond the print and audio-visual media. This would aid in addressing the problem of increased objectification of women thereby ensuring dignity of women.
The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986 (IRWA) focuses on indecent representation of women and brings under its ambit references that are derogatory to the dignity of women. The IRWA, 1986 was enacted with the specific objective of prohibiting the indecent representation of women through advertisement, publication, writing, and painting or in any other manner. The existing Act, in its present form, covers the print media. However, over the years, technological revolution has resulted in the development of newer forms of communication such as internet and satellite based communication, multi-media messaging, cable television etc. It has, therefore, become imperative to widen the scope of the law so as to cover such forms of media, on one hand, and to strengthen the existing safeguards to prevent indecent representation of women through any such form.
The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986 was enacted with the objective of prohibiting indecent representation of women in any advertisement or publication. However, since the existing legislation lacks the focus that is necessary to protect women from exploitation, particularly in the face of the increasing use of advanced technology and communication devices in our everyday life, it was felt that the scope of the Act may need to be amended. Extensive consultations have been held with stakeholders including lawyers and civil society organizations on the draft Bill, before its finalization.

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Setting up of 3,500 model schools

MNS:- The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has given its approval to continue the sharing pattern of costs between the Central and State/UT Governments in the ratio of 75:25 during the year 2012-13 in respect of State sector component of the Scheme for setting up of 6,000 model schools at block level as benchmark of […]

MNS:- The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs has given its approval to continue the sharing pattern of costs between the Central and State/UT Governments in the ratio of 75:25 during the year 2012-13 in respect of State sector component of the Scheme for setting up of 6,000 model schools at block level as benchmark of excellence.
For the year 2012-13, an amount of Rs.1080.00 crore has been allocated for the Scheme. Any financial liability arising due to continuation of sharing pattern of 75:25 would be taken care of within the said allocation. This will ease the extra financial burden of the State/UT Governments “resulting in effective and speedy implementation of the Scheme.
As each school will have 560 students, total number of beneficiaries for 3,500 schools will be 19.60 lakh students.
The programme is to be implemented through State Implementing Societies set up by State/UT Governments for this purpose.
Till March, 2012, a total of 1,954 model schools have been approved in 22 States and financial sanctions amounting to Rs. 1790.76 crore has been issued for setting up of 1,587 model schools in 21 States. Out of these, 428 model schools have become functional till March, 2012 in 27 States and Central share amounting to Rs.29.46 crore towards recurring grants has been released since 2010-11.
During 11th Five Year Plan, the sharing pattern of costs between the Central and State/UT Governments was 75:25, which was to change to 50:50 during 12th Five Year Plan (except for special category States and for upgraded Ashram schools in all States, for which the sharing pattern of 90:10 was approved for both the 11th and the 12th Five Year Plans.
Since implementation of State sector component of the Scheme had started only from 2009-10 (third year of the 11th Plan) and out of 3,500 schools, only 1,954 schools have been approved till March, 2012 (with release of Central share only upto 50 percent in most of the cases), reduction in quantum of Central share at this stage of implementation of the Scheme by changing the sharing pattern of costs from 75:25 to 50:50 would result in unintended premature shifting of burden to the State/UT Governments and significant slowing down of progress under the Scheme.
The Model School Scheme was launched in November, 2008 in pursuance of the announcement of the Prime Minister in his Independence Day speech of 2007. The objective of the Scheme is to set up one senior secondary school each in 6,000 blocks as benchmark of excellence. 3,500 of these schools are to be set up under State/UT Governments in Educationally Backward Blocks (EBBs) and the remaining 2,500 schools are to be established under PPP mode in blocks which are not educationally backward. The State Sector component of the scheme is operational since the launch of the scheme in November, 2008.

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Documenting History – Written and Oral Histories of Manipur –

Documenting History – Written and Oral Histories of ManipurE-Pao.netUnderstanding and noticing this major lacunae, team of Manipur Women Gun Survivor Network led by its founder, Ms Binalakshmi Nepram called on Indian Council of Historical Research (ICH…

Documenting History – Written and Oral Histories of Manipur
Understanding and noticing this major lacunae, team of Manipur Women Gun Survivor Network led by its founder, Ms Binalakshmi Nepram called on Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR) chairperson on 14 Sept 2012 in New Delhi and shared this

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Manipur groups for people’s ILP –

Manipur groups for people's“We have a serious situation, and at the way things are going by 2025 most of the Assembly constituencies in the state will fall in the hands of non-indigenous immigrants. With nearly 40% of the 27 lakh pop…

Manipur groups for people's ILP
“We have a serious situation, and at the way things are going by 2025 most of the Assembly constituencies in the state will fall in the hands of non-indigenous immigrants. With nearly 40% of the 27 lakh population in the state and unabated influx of

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Mental illness plagues Manipur –

Mental illness plagues ManipurE-Pao.netHealth experts in Manipur warned on World Mental Health Day today that cases of mental illness were taking an alarming proportion in the state because of endless violence, unemployment and poverty. “Manipur has …

Mental illness plagues Manipur
Health experts in Manipur warned on World Mental Health Day today that cases of mental illness were taking an alarming proportion in the state because of endless violence, unemployment and poverty. “Manipur has many problems. Violence resulting from

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Normal train services restored in northeastern India –

Jagran PostNormal train services restored in northeastern IndiaTwoCircles.netAgartala : The Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) restored normal train services Thursday connecting Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur and southern Assam with the rest of India, nearly …

Jagran Post

Normal train services restored in northeastern India
Agartala : The Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) restored normal train services Thursday connecting Tripura, Mizoram, Manipur and southern Assam with the rest of India, nearly a week after all night trains in the region were cancelled for security reasons.
Night train services resume in NE statesPress Trust of India

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