Call for End to Violence Against Women in Conflict Areas of India: Urges Government to Implement Justice Verma Recommendation on AFSPA

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  Press Release/Brief Report  Call for End to Violence Against Women in Conflict Areas of India: Urges Government to Implement Justice Verma Recommendation on AFSPA 2 Feb 2013,New Delhi: A round table discussion on the topic “Women, Peace and Security: Strategizing to … Continue reading

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Press Release/Brief Report 

Call for End to Violence Against Women in Conflict Areas of India: Urges Government to Implement Justice Verma Recommendation on AFSPA

2 Feb 2013,New Delhi: A round table discussion on the topic “Women, Peace and Security: Strategizing to End Violence Against Women in India” was held on 1 Feb at Control Arms Foundation of India in New Delhi.Meeting was held to discuss issue of women in conflict areas of India following Justice Verma recommendation on Armed Forces Special Powers Act as well as in solidarity with the One Billion Rising Global Campaign to stop all forms of violence against women.  The event was organized by Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network,Control Arms Foundation of India and Northeast India Women Initiative for Peace.


Esteemed panelists included Mr Arvinn Gadgil, State Secretary/Deputy Minister of International Development of Norway; Mr Eivind S Homme,Ambassador, Royal Norwegian Embassy, New Delhi; Ms Binalakshmi Nepram, Founder, Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network; Ms Reecha Upadhyay an Independent Gender Consultant; Ms Lianboi Vaiphei, Lecturer, Indraprastha College for Women, Department of Political Science;Ms Chhaya Pravin, Purogami Mahila Sangathan, Ms Divya Vinod, National  Secretary- Youth and Advocacy  YMCA  and  Ms Rosalynn Lalawmpuii, Associate Programme Secretary, Community Development and Advocacy, YMCA and many others.


Ms Binalakshmi Nepram, Founder, Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network & Secretary General, Control Arms Foundation of India welcomed the guests and she threw light on five weeks of protests that rocked India following the Delhi gang rape of 16 December 2012. She talked about the role of civil society in engaging the conscience of the government, to use research and activism to negotiate within it to end violence against women and claiming democratic rights. She stated it was for the first time in India movement for women’s rights had caught the lime light. She added that despite activities of women’s group the previous 5 governments in 20 years responded little in strengthening position of women.  However in the light of the historic Justive Verma Report, Nepram feels that the women’s movement is in a transformative moment adding that the next few days were going to shape the contours of the movement in claiming rights and space for women. She added in a place like Delhi where hardly any girl can risk venturing out after 8 o clock, the attempt to claim space for selves was to enable a future where women could move freely outside even 2 o clock at night.


She added, “What is new about the Report by Justice Verma is that for the first time the impact of AFSPA in North East and Kashmir has been mentioned. It’s quite revolutionary that national security is being equated with women’s security. The report also has discussed the scope for electoral reforms. It has enlisted state names of legislators charged with rape and possibility of asking political parties not to include them within the party.” Binalakshmi Nepram also added an example which reflects patriarchal mindsets, she described how the idea of a Lakshman Rekha taken from the epic of Ramayana is employed as an excuse to confine women and limit their mobility even 65 years after India’s independence


Mr Arvinn Gadgil described how he followed the change in mood of the country in his home country Norway regarding the protest of the recent gang rape of a young girl in Delhi citing that in the first 2-3 days most people didn’t take that seriously. He added that it was more of a relief than anger when it became clear that lot of people got up and took steps to bring about change in a manner quite unprecedented regarding the brutal incident later. He said that although the Lokpal agitation also united people that inspired specific political groups but tended to be divisive. The 16th December 2012 gang rape incident in Delhi inspired action and was reported all over the world. He also made the point that feminist movement need to be given specific law making recommendations. He added, “It is important for activist groups to have deep legal knowledge to be effective. The different groups also need to keep engaging with politicians to bring about effective policy changes.”He also feels that one reason why Verma report has included voices of so many people and groups was because of the power behind those voices.  He also talked of his own experiences and how his parents taught him to be a feminist himself.


Commenting on the recent upsurge of women’s movement in India involving large numbers of people, he cautions groups involved to be aware of the inevitability of having to go through subsequent low phases. “Given how the feminist movement is so political it is bound to be wound up with conflicts and fractures”, he added. He hopes that groups working would have the humility to accept that and not let those divisions threaten the survival of the movement or cause itself.


Ambassador Eivind S Homme mentioned how the Norwegian Government had been following the events and movement following the Delhi gang rape case closely. “It is trying to see if it can contribute in any way or partner anyone’s efforts,” he added. He also remarked how women’s group should try and work with young upcoming politicians to create a dynamic synergy for the change to combat violence against women.


Ms Reecha Upadhyay noted how the tremendous sentiment invoked by the recent Delhi Gang rape adding that it had been difficult to account for people working within the women’s movement since gang rapes have frequently occurred without ever invoking such an outburst of outrage in the civil society or by the media. The swift functioning and incorporation of diverse voices in Justice Verma Report shows how a response can be can be elicited if civil society comes together strongly.”She said, “The One Billion Rising movement similarly attempts to give a voice to people seeking positive change to empower women. Its theme of strike, dance and rise has a resonating sentiment that seeks to seize the moment to bring change. Admittedly it may be an urban movement but there is still a need for voices to come out even in urban areas.  There is a lot to be done; the need is to change people’s mind sets. After all the effectiveness of policy change is limited by social attitudes and tendencies. Ultimately the family is where attitudes are shaped. By focusing on using communication tools like social media, we are attempting to get people to think and change the language of gender inequality.”Her final point was that the movement against violence on women also needs to expand into issues relating to North east and Kashmir and be made part of larger movement


Ms Rosalynn Lalawmpuii mentioned the 85 local stations that YWCA group has been carrying on all over the country through for community peace building and safety. While emphasizing the 3 P’s – prevention, Protection and Provision? Rosylyn tells us that personally she thinks it is most important to focus on prevention to ensure that the next generation can live in an environment free of violence. “It is important to realize that violence on women also effect children equally. Home is a space where children male and female watch, emulate and adopt biases of their own parents. Therefore there is a need to raise awareness of the parents to make them sensitive to gender issues. They are working out pilot projects that seek to strategize ways to have impact on the 3 P’s especially prevention”, she added.


Ms Divya Vinod addressed that they works with churches and discusses issues relating to violence against women through this institution. She also added that they focus on rights of vulnerable groups like Dalits and Tribal women and their well being.


Ms Lianboi Vaiphei felt that this incident underscores the need for the government to revamp the system through which it is supposed to protect its citizens. For example Delhi despite being the national capital lacks a forensic lab which means that cases of rape or murder have to be examined in labs either in Chandigarh or Hyderabad. This adds to the further bureaucratization of this mechanism. Another issue that she highlighted was that of the recruitment policy of Delhi police in the context of the relationship of Delhi police and its inhabitants especially women who suffer from violence. In contrast to the highly cosmopolitan nature of the city which includes people from all parts of the country it is rather problematic that the recruitment process is limited to people from nearby regions which are arguably representative of the most patriarchal sets ups in India. She argues that their socialization within these patriarchal set up results in them not comprehending the restrictions imposed on women and lack much sympathy towards victims of violence. To instantiate the some Delhi police officer’s in response to women being harassed in  public tend to lay blame on the women themselves often retorting by asking questions like why these women were out so late at night.  She feels that by recruiting people from all parts of the country to serve Delhi police we will have a force more reflective of the cosmopolitan nature of the city itself and that this maybe a good way to change mindsets.


Ms Chhaya Pravin narrated a painful incident of how a girl was gang raped in Okhla adding that due to lack of clean accessible toilet facility she had gone out in the open space, being raped in the process. She added that even in New Delhi the Government did not provide adequate basic amenities facilities like washrooms and toilet for women. She also strongly objected to the violence perpetrated on women in Northeast and Kashmir, being all the while shielded by acts like AFSPA. Adding that government deliberately did not talk about those issues. MS Chayya also argues that given the current state of affairs India requires simultaneous change in every sphere, adding hopefully that they were in the threshold of change and role of people and youth especially in coming out to protest was symptomatic of it. She added that women and civil society needed to work together identify collective strength and formulate strategies to end violence against women.


A short three minute, powerful film was screened at the event as a support in solidarity the One Billion Rising Global Campaign to stop all forms of violence agaists women.The event was participated by young students and scholars from Delhi Univerity, Jamia, IGNOU and women activists representing SANGAT, friends and well wishers. Royal Norwegian Embassy Second Secretary Ms Kristin Brodtkorb Traavik, Mr Petter W Tollefsen and Senior Advisor, Ms Renu Wadehra also participated the event.


For more information, please contact


Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network and Control Arms Foundation of India


Address for correspondence: B 5/146, Safdarjung Enclave, New Delhi-110029, India. Phone: +9-11-46018541 Fax: +91-11-26166234. &

 Photos of the event:

Binalakshmi Nepram,  Mr Arvinn Gadgil State Secretary , Norwegian Ministry of Development and participants of the event
Mr Arvinn Gadgil, State Secretary ,Norwegian Ministry of Development, Mr Eivind S Homme, Ambassador, Royal Norwegian Embassy, New Delhi
Mr Arvinn Gadgil, State Secretary from the Norwegian Ministry of Development addressing at the enevt
Ms Lianboi Vaiphei,  Ms Divya Vinod Ms Rosalynn Lalawmpuii, and Ms Renu Wadehra L-R



* The press release is sent by Majaiangom, Contact Info <majaicafi{at}>

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PBD 2013 Participation Report by Dayanidhi Huidrom (KEN member)

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I have an opportunity (and honour as well!) to attend PBD 2013 at Cochin, Kerala. I am deeply indebted to Knowledge Exchange Networks (KEN) for sponsoring me as a representative of global manipuri. KEN is a global forum of Manipuri … Continue reading

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The post PBD 2013 Participation Report by Dayanidhi Huidrom (KEN member) appeared first on

I have an opportunity (and honour as well!) to attend PBD 2013 at Cochin, Kerala. I am deeply indebted to Knowledge Exchange Networks (KEN) for sponsoring me as a representative of global manipuri. KEN is a global forum of Manipuri that was formed with a goal for uniting Manipuris around the globe and leveraging Manipur’s stride towards progress.

What is PBD?
Pravasi Bharatya Divas , PBD in short, is a flagship program of Ministry of Indian Overseas Affairs. PBD 2013 at Cochin is the 11th edition and hosted by Government of Kerala. Hosting PBD is itself not only very prestigious but competitive too. As I learnt from Modi’s video conference and Vayalar Ravi’s speech, Gujarat has even applied for PBD 2015. Then, why PBD is so important? As evident from many data, invest from NRIs and/ or remittance play(s) a very significant role in the economy of a state. For example, one third of GDP of Kerala is contributed by remittance from non resident Keralites. Every state seeks an opportunity to advance and PBD is a perfect launchpad !

PBD 2013 Participation Report by Dayanidhi Huidrom (KEN member)

PBD 2013 Participation Report by Dayanidhi Huidrom (KEN member)

Like there are opportunities, there are also lot of dissatisfaction and repentance in the way NRIs complaints are being handled. Minster of OIA himself carefully listened and responded to most queries. That’s the beauty of PBD.

PBD 2013: Personal experience
Every PBD must have its own value and relevance. Due to the grace of KEN (Knowledge Exchange Network), I got the opportunity to attend 11th PBD held at Cochin, Kerala. After going through a lonely journey of three days, I finally reached Cochin on 6th Jan, 2012. That was perhaps the longest ever journey in my life. Though it was a solitary journey, I had a high hope that it would meet my expectation. Entering Kerela in train and also being a first time was all new and fresh, with coconut trees and most distinctly, houses interspersed in the jungle of ‘typical’ Kerala greens. Arriving Ennakalum/ Cochin exuded a taste of modern city though strong Kerala flavour still retained; be it coconut, banana chips or spicy food. Tired with three nights of sleepless journey, I slept to rejuvenate myself as soon as I got room and bed !

PBD 2013 Participation Report by Dayanidhi Huidrom (KEN member)

PBD 2013 Participation Report by Dayanidhi Huidrom (KEN member)

Warmth and natural beauty of Kerala gave me back the energy I had lost over the long journey. All the programmes were organised at Le Meridien Hotel except one programme hosted by Mr. Oomen Chandy, Kerala CM at Balgoty Palace, about 20 km from Le meridien. The importance and significance of PBD were also evident from the presence of Ministers like Honourable Union Ministers Vayalar Ravi, Salman Khursid, Kerala CM and many top minsters and officials round the clock.

The place I stayed and PBD took place i.e. Le Meridien was just 6 km. On the first day, I got my conference kits and hovering around all the beautiful stalls exhibited at the makeshift camp at the hotel campus. Two types of stalls were mostly prominent i.e. state stalls that was meant to attract NRI investors and banks to attract NRI to open account / deposit money. Bank believes that NRI are very rich (and rightly so!). It was a sigh of satisfaction that few progressive states took keen interest in showcasing their friendliness to investors. However, on the other side, I was bit disheartened when I could not find a single state from North East. To me, it is not only a matter of preparedness but also our inability to sync with the world. Or rater poignantly, “Do we really want to develop?”. States which can communicate with the world are less likely to be developed.

After gazing through stalls, I went to Oman hall, the epicenter of PBD 2013. The session was entirely dedicated to NRK at Gulf countries and quite evidently, their problems. The session was too dominated by Keralites and Malayali language that there were even complaints by non-Keralites to communicate with English to make it real PBD!

On the first day afternoon, I attended a seminar on ‘Skill Development’ organised in one of the halls at Le Meridien. Mrutyanjay Sarangi, Secretary, Ministry of labour and Employment, Government of India, in his address said government is targeting to train 250 million persons during the 12th plan. He calls for NRIs to tap the opportunity and play an active role. Shibu Baby John, Kerala’s Labour Minister, talked of a very important issue i.e. employability. In this line, Kerala govt is going to assess the employability and give training accordingly.

PBD was formally inaugurated was by Honourable Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh on the 2nd day. Hall was already already packed and not allowed to enter. I had to content with the live telecast shown in the adjacent hall!

Second day afternoon session was on “Innovation and Technology”. Sam Pitroda, in his keynote address highlights some of the initiatives taken by UPA government. Formation of innovations clusters, high speed internet connectivity and knowledge sharing through National Knowledge Network (NKN), e-governance, National Innovation Search Examination (similar to NTSE) are being taken up, according to Sam Pitroda. Like other session, NRIs involvement and contribution were being sought.

Morning session on 3rd and last day of PBD was dedicated to all the states to attract NRI investors. I attended Gujarat session since I was keen to know Gujarat progress. After deliberation by principal secretary and showcasing Gujarat developments, Modi comes live via video! He gave a short speech followed by question- answers session. One thing I always admired about Gujarat was agricultural growth which is 10% as against national 5% average. PBD concluded with President valedictory speech. He also emphasised the importance of NRIs contribution in national economy.

Each day ended with mesmerising cultural performance followed by dinner. Quite happy to see Manipuri Ras Leela in a cultural show hosted by Kerala CM. Though we had no much impact on the national scene, our Ras Leela breaks it !

How PBD is linked to Manipur’s progress?
The first thing that came to our mind wrt to PBD is “What can we give back to society as diasporas?”. PBD is exactly a platform to execute that is churning in your mind. As we knew from Kerala economic status, diaspora cant be neglected. Facts speak : 1/3rd of kerala economy contributed NRKs (Non Resident Keralites) and 1/4th of bank accounts in Kerala are of NRKs. Above this a general fact is: Remittance from NRIs exceeds to that of FDI. It all signifies that diaspora can play a significant role in boosting economy and developing their homeland. Now we need look at our own context. We are compelled to ask, “Do we really create an environment where global Manipuri/ diasporas can contribute to state?”. It would be wrong to say step wasn’t started but at a rather slow process. Kudos must go to KEN for initiating dialogue and taking positive steps in uniting global Manipuris for a meaningful contribution to Manipur. State authority has its knowledge to this development. However, concrete steps are to be taken. If our state authority really wants to make use of global Manipuris talents scattering across the globe, best time is ‘now’ to start with.

PBD 2013 Participation Report by Dayanidhi Huidrom (KEN member)

PBD 2013 Participation Report by Dayanidhi Huidrom (KEN member)

Gujarat has its “Vibrant Gujarat”. Orissa, Rajasthan and other states have similar version. Should not we replicate similar model? Once the engagement process starts, ball will roll. Government should show some visible actions rather than shielding inside the glass ceiling.

I am grateful to KEN for endorsing me as representative and also for financial support.

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Several bodies potest govt inaction in hit and run case

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Manipur,IMPHAL, February 2: Representatives of several Tangkhul civil societies met with the state Home Minister Gaikhangam this afternoon at the latter’s office in connection with an alleged accident on December 18, 2012 that took place in front of the Southern … Continue reading

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Manipur,IMPHAL, February 2: Representatives of several Tangkhul civil societies met with the state Home Minister Gaikhangam this afternoon at the latter’s office in connection with an alleged accident on December 18, 2012 that took place in front of the Southern gate of Kangla involving a VVIP vehicle at around 8pm leading to the subsequent death of the victim the next day at a hospital.

Several societies led by the Tangkhul Katamnao Long, Imphal and attended by representatives of Imphal Tangkhul Shanao Long; Tangkhul People’s Organization; Tangkhul Katamnao Saklong, Tangkhul Mayar Ngala Long; ROngmri Lu Pham, Tribal Youth Council, Manipur held a sit in protest at today from 11am to 2pm in front of the Tangkhul Baptist Church, Dewlahland.

Speaking to media persons on the sideline of the sit in protest, spokesperson Pamreiso Raipung said the deadline set by the TKLI demanding ex-gratia for the victim of the alleged road accident from the government and action against the fleeing VVIP vehicle had ended on January 24 without any action from the government compelling the organization to stage the sit in protest.

The deadline was set through an ultimatum submitted to the state Chief Minister on January 14.

Meanwhile, representatives of the organizations met with the Dy Chief Minister and apprised him about the incident today at his office.

Speaking to IFP later in the evening, Raipung said, the meeting with the Dy CM lasted for about 30 minutes this evening but failed to bring any amicable solution.The Dy CM however gave his assurance to find the truth about the incident and find the involved culprit, he informed.

The Dy CM had also said that he will be leaving for the national capital and that he would like to meet again on the issue after his return and bring an amicable solution at the earliest, he informed.

Raipung also informed that movement has received support from the United Committee, Manipur; All Manipur Student’s Union, Democratic Students’ Alliance, Manipur; Naga People Movement for Human Rights, Naga Women Universal Chandel; Village Authorities, Shanaolongs and youth clubs of both Tangkhul Avenue and Nagaram.

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International Year of Co-operative Day observed

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Manipur,IMPHAL, February 2 (NNN): Imphal chapter of the Institute of Co-operative Management (ICM) and Manipur State Co-operative Union (MSCU) jointly observed the ‘International Year of Co-operative Day 2012’ under the theme ‘Co-operative Enterprises Build a Better World’ on Saturday. A … Continue reading

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Manipur,IMPHAL, February 2 (NNN): Imphal chapter of the Institute of Co-operative Management (ICM) and Manipur State Co-operative Union (MSCU) jointly observed the ‘International Year of Co-operative Day 2012’ under the theme ‘Co-operative Enterprises Build a Better World’ on Saturday.

A rally was organized as part of the observation to spread awareness to the masses about usefulness of the co-operatives. Hundreds of IMC and MSCU members joined the rally which flagged off from the ICM complex, Lamphelpat by Uripok constituency MLA L Nandakumar.

It culminated at the same complex after covering a large part of Lamphel area.

They held placards which read like “Join Co-operative for Better Living” and Empowerment of Women through Co-operatives.”

Later, briefing reporters, National Co-operative Union of India (NCUI) chairperson Jina Potsangbam said the rally was organized to sensitize the people about co-operatives and their expediency that helps in building up a better society and a better nation.

She said, “Co-operatives provide jobs to unemployed youths and now there are 4, 500 co-operatives in the country having as much as 5 lakh members.”

L Tompishak Singh, president, MSCU said that Manipur had the least amount of co-operatives and hence jobless people were on the rise, admitting that co-operatives could solve unemployment problem.

He added that only Rs 2.2 crore for the state co-operative in the state budget was not enough.

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World wetland day observed in the state

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Manipur,IMPHAL, February 2: As a part of the World Wetland day celebration 2013,  the day was also celebrated in the state today at Khordak Junior High School under the theme “Wet land and water management” along with the slogan of … Continue reading

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Manipur,IMPHAL, February 2: As a part of the World Wetland day celebration 2013,  the day was also celebrated in the state today at Khordak Junior High School under the theme “Wet land and water management” along with the slogan of “Wet lands take care of water” organized by the Loktak Development Authority (LDA) in association with the Environmental Social Reformation and Sangai Protection Forum, Keibul Lamjao , the Unique Welfare Protection Committee, Sekmaijing and the Centre for Conservation of Nature and Cultivation of Science, Ningthoukhong.

Giving a key note address of the celebration, Project Coordinator Ng Sanajaoba said that as a part of the evolution of the earth it is very important to observe the day. He further pointed out the day has been observed all over the world from the year 1997 after delegates and the environmentalists across countries passed a resolution to protect and preserve wet lands in a conference meeting held at the Iranian city of  Ramsar in  197.

” We  need to have a farsighted vision for our future generations to save the Loktak Lake and other wetland area of the state,” he said

Speaking as a resource person, Environmentalist Dr Shamungou said that conserving wet lands  is very critical since the major issue of conflict between people will be over water resources.  Noting that global warming and climate change is now a reality all over the world, he said that this was the main reason that Manipur is facing very less rainfall last year.

During the observation today, a quiz competition related to the theme was also held.

Meanwhile, the All Loktak lake Area Fishermen’s Union and Environment & Human Development, Manipur jointly organized the World Wetlands Day 2013 at Ching-Lak Bazar, Thanga.

The observation was co-organised by Forum of Indigenous Perspective and Action, Center for Organization Research and Education, Indian National Trust for Art and Culture Heritage, Citizen Concern for Dams and Development and IPAK film production. The World wetlands day 2013 was observed with the theme ‘wetlands take care of water’.

In a press release, the Environment and Human Development, EHUD  said that Loktak Lake is under severe threat due to Ithai Dam operation by NHPC.

It is also mentioned that the Manipur Loktak Lake Protection Act, 2006 is working against the fishing community depending on the Lake.

Today’s observation was dedicated to raise awareness about the lake and the Act by conducting essay, painting, poetry competition and debating in relation with the day. The whole competition was focused on how to save Loktak Lake of Manipur.

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Road site inspected in ChuraChandpur

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CCpur, February 2:A team of top officials headed by L.Loken, Chief Engeneer (PWD) and accompanied by GS Haupu, MLA Singat  to Sangaikot TD block on the impending construction of a road from Lamka to Suknu which is a stretch of … Continue reading

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The post Road site inspected in ChuraChandpur appeared first on

CCpur, February 2:A team of top officials headed by L.Loken, Chief Engeneer (PWD) and accompanied by GS Haupu, MLA Singat  to Sangaikot TD block on the impending construction of a road from Lamka to Suknu which is a stretch of about 26km. The visit was made in the midst of a near dust storm like situation owing to the lack of a proper road.

Add. CE  C H Tiken; SE, Hamat Kumar and EE N.Guite also took part in the inspection tour. A team of media persons accompanying the officials were given a first hand experience during the 26 km ride even inside the comfort of the SUV vehicle.

Speaking on the sideline of the inspection, GS Haupu spoke at length about the potential that the road, if in good condition,will give to the people of the area. He said that the road will connect Chandel, Thoubal and Churachandpur, which will prove to be a gateway for trade with Myanmar and improve ties between India and Myanmar. Meanwhile, the project which will come up soon will be executed in a phase wise manner but officials were evasive about the funding agencies.

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Delhi gang-rape: Court frames charges, 5 accused plead not guilty

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NEW DELHI, February 2 (agencies): A fast-track court here on Saturday framed charges against five accused in the December 16 gang rape case and put them on trial on various counts including conspiracy to abduct the 23-year-old girl and sexually … Continue reading

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The post Delhi gang-rape: Court frames charges, 5 accused plead not guilty appeared first on

NEW DELHI, February 2 (agencies): A fast-track court here on Saturday framed charges against five accused in the December 16 gang rape case and put them on trial on various counts including conspiracy to abduct the 23-year-old girl and sexually assault and murder her.

A fresh offence under section 366 of the Indian Penal Code was added by the court against them for abducting the girl with the intention to compel and force her to “illicit intercourse”.

The court, which fixed February 5 for starting the trial, also charged them with murder of the paramedic girl under section 302 (murder) of the IPC which entails the maximum punishment of death penalty.

Additional sessions judge Yogesh Khanna concluded that there were facts prima facie to suggest that the accused, along with another juvenile associate, conspired to deceitfully induce the girl and her male friend to board the vehicle believing it to be a chartered bus for raping the victim and committing other offences.

The accused bus driver Ram Singh, his brother Mukesh, Vinay Sharma, Pawan Gupta and Akshay Singh pleaded not guilty and claimed trial.

The sixth accused, which the police in the chargesheet claimed to be most brutal among them, has been declared “minor” by the Juvenile Justice Board, which will try him.

However, the fast-track court in the order described the juvenile as an “associate” of the five accused, who committed gang rape in furtherance of the conspiracy and “in furtherance of common intention”.

The girl had died in a hospital in Singapore on December 29 last year.

The court has farmed charges under section 302 (murder), 307 (attempt to murder), 376 (2)(g) (gang rape), 377 (unnatural offences), 395 (dacoity), 396 (murder in dacoity), 201 (destruction of evidence), 120-B (conspiracy), 364 (kidnapping or abducting in order to murder), 365 ( kidnapping or abducting with intent secretly and wrongfully to confine person), 394 (voluntarily causing hurt in committing robbery), and 412 (dishonestly receiving property stolen in the commission of a dacoity) of the IPC.

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CPI begins month-long campaign against AFSPA in Manipur – Economic Times

Economic TimesCPI begins month-long campaign against AFSPA in ManipurEconomic TimesIMPHAL: CPI Manipur state council has begun a month-long campaign to demand scrapping the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), reintroduction of inner line permit sy…

Economic Times

CPI begins month-long campaign against AFSPA in Manipur
Economic Times
IMPHAL: CPI Manipur state council has begun a month-long campaign to demand scrapping the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), reintroduction of inner line permit system in Manipur and establishment of a fast track court for dealing with crimes
CPI, Manipur launches a month long campaignKanglaOnline

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No admission test for pre-primary classes in Manipur – Zee News

No admission test for pre-primary classes in ManipurZee NewsNo admission test for pre-primary classes in Manipur Imphal: State advisory council on rights to free and compulsory education in Manipur has decided not to allow schools, including Catholic s…

No admission test for pre-primary classes in Manipur
Zee News
No admission test for pre-primary classes in Manipur Imphal: State advisory council on rights to free and compulsory education in Manipur has decided not to allow schools, including Catholic schools, to conduct admission test for enrolment of students

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Body of missing man found from a pond farm in Manipur – Business Standard

Body of missing man found from a pond farm in ManipurBusiness StandardThe body of a missing man identified as Oinam Goroba alias Ajit was today found in a pond near a paddy field in Imphal east district of Manipur, police said. The body was floating in…

Body of missing man found from a pond farm in Manipur
Business Standard
The body of a missing man identified as Oinam Goroba alias Ajit was today found in a pond near a paddy field in Imphal east district of Manipur, police said. The body was floating in the pond of a fishery farm at Khurai Sajor Leikai area and was handed

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GI registration for Manipur State Handloom & Handicrafts products soon –

GI registration for Manipur State Handloom & Handicrafts products soonE-Pao.netImphal, February 01, 2013: Along with official procedures to obtain patent rights for three specific indigenous handloom products of Manipur, efforts are on to study int…

GI registration for Manipur State Handloom & Handicrafts products soon
Imphal, February 01, 2013: Along with official procedures to obtain patent rights for three specific indigenous handloom products of Manipur, efforts are on to study intricacies of tribal shawls for similar patent guardianship, said Principal Secretary

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Monetary demands hamper development works in Jiribam

Development works have come to a grinding halt in Jiribam owing to rampant monetary demands served by outlawed underground groups Source The Sangai Express

Development works have come to a grinding halt in Jiribam owing to rampant monetary demands served by outlawed underground groups Source The Sangai Express

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HPC peace pact with Mizo Govt Two rounds of parleys to be held in 6 months

A day after signing the Suspension of Operation SoO pact with the government of Mizoram for six months, the Hmar People’s Convention Democratic HPC D has said that at least two round of talks will be held with the government during this six month pe…

A day after signing the Suspension of Operation SoO pact with the government of Mizoram for six months, the Hmar People’s Convention Democratic HPC D has said that at least two round of talks will be held with the government during this six month period Source The Sangai Express NNN

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Sitin protest to demand for disclosing identities of trafficker

Persisting with the demand for disclosing real identity of the individual s to whom the huge drug consignment, seized from Tulihal Airport, belong to, sit in demonstration was staged at Singjamei Keithel today Source The Sangai Express

Persisting with the demand for disclosing real identity of the individual s to whom the huge drug consignment, seized from Tulihal Airport, belong to, sit in demonstration was staged at Singjamei Keithel today Source The Sangai Express

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Ukhrul girls missing

Two teenaged girls from Paorei village, Ukhrul, Awon 13 and Ayao 14 Both the names have been changed have been missing since January 16 at Ukhrul town Source The Sangai Express

Two teenaged girls from Paorei village, Ukhrul, Awon 13 and Ayao 14 Both the names have been changed have been missing since January 16 at Ukhrul town Source The Sangai Express

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Start dialogue or face blockade KSDC

The Kuki State Demand Committee KSDC has warned the Government that it would reimposethe suspended public blockade in ‘Kuki areas’ if the Government fails to hold a political dialogue with Kuki militants atthe earliest Source The Sangai Express

The Kuki State Demand Committee KSDC has warned the Government that it would reimposethe suspended public blockade in ‘Kuki areas’ if the Government fails to hold a political dialogue with Kuki militants atthe earliest Source The Sangai Express

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‘Apply Justice Verma panel’s AFSPA suggestions in JK, NE’

Welcoming the assurance of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the implementation of Justice Verma Committee’s recommendations, Jammu and Kashmir unit of CPI M yesterday said the part of the report with regard to AFSPA needs prompt implementation in the…

Welcoming the assurance of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the implementation of Justice Verma Committee’s recommendations, Jammu and Kashmir unit of CPI M yesterday said the part of the report with regard to AFSPA needs prompt implementation in the State and Northeast Source The Sangai Express PTI

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MHA notifies PAP exclusion

The Ministry of Home Affairs Foreigners Division , Government of India has excluded the entire area of the State of Manipur from the Protected Area Regime notified under the Foreigners Protected Areas Orders 1958 for a further period of one year wi…

The Ministry of Home Affairs Foreigners Division , Government of India has excluded the entire area of the State of Manipur from the Protected Area Regime notified under the Foreigners Protected Areas Orders 1958 for a further period of one year with effect from January 1, 2013, according to an official order issued by Joint Secretary Home , Government of Manipur on Friday Source The Sangai Express NNN

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BSEM clarifies on allegations regarding text books

The Board of Secondary Education Manipur has clarified allegations regarding Bengali script text books being used by Class IX students in CBSE affiliated schools in the State Source The Sangai Express

The Board of Secondary Education Manipur has clarified allegations regarding Bengali script text books being used by Class IX students in CBSE affiliated schools in the State Source The Sangai Express

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Ima Kombi’s 9th Death Anniversary observed

Glowing tributes were paid to human rights campaigner and social activist Ima Kombi today on the ninth death anniversary of the founder president of Poirei Leimarol Meira Paibi Apunba Manipur Source The Sangai Express

Glowing tributes were paid to human rights campaigner and social activist Ima Kombi today on the ninth death anniversary of the founder president of Poirei Leimarol Meira Paibi Apunba Manipur Source The Sangai Express

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