Pot holes at Waheng Leikai and the ones near AIR entry point to name a few are really dangerous. The simple question is why these pot holes cannot be filled up? Whose orders these engineers are waiting for? Do not state PWD have funds for repairing roads? This question is being raised now. The quality of the road is dismal. At Lamphel the roads were under the flood water. The newly black topped roads will have the black cover peeled off when the flood waters have run away. Black topping at such road running at low lying areas is wastage of money. What is needed to be done at such road is raising its level. Our engineers are advised not to recommend black topping of the road, which are prone to flood. The amount spent in black topping can be used in raising the level of road. The roads can be black topped after it has gained respectable height. That way the quality of the road will improve. But it happens in some areas the level of roads is raised repeatedly unnecessarily. That is also wastage of public money. If the main roads are full with pot holes one can imagine what is happening at the lanes and by lanes. Why it happens? Our elected representatives are to be blamed for it. They have not supervised the condition of the roads in their constituency. If they supervise they will be able to tell the PWD where it has gone wrong. On the eve of elections they went with folded hands pleading for support and making false promise that if they are through in the election they would do whatever they can to bring a change in the constituency. Nothing has changed. These elected representatives think the responsibility of repairing or improving a road lies what the Government. What they do not attempt to know is that they are also part and parcel of the Government, whose voice is seriously heard by the men in direct charge of the roads. The gap between the ruled and rulers are also widening. The simple people do not think of going to the residence of elected representatives to demand repairing of roads or nullah. If any one of them moves to their residence it is for getting personal and direct benefit. Always remember the representatives who pay scant attention on the improvement of roads and nullahs are always rejected by the voters when elections are held. These roads and nullahs are faces of our representatives. It is spoilt.
Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/pot-holes-2/