Jailed ‘IM’ leader ends fast, Naga Hoho slams GoI

Even as Anthony Shimray, the ‘foreign secretary’ of the Naga rebel group, NSCN IM , is due to complete his three day long fast in Tihar Jail where he is currently lodged, Naga Hoho has slammed the Government of India for its alleged lackadaisical atti…

Even as Anthony Shimray, the ‘foreign secretary’ of the Naga rebel group, NSCN IM , is due to complete his three day long fast in Tihar Jail where he is currently lodged, Naga Hoho has slammed the Government of India for its alleged lackadaisical attitude towards the Naga political problem Source Hueiyen News Service NNN

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=22&src=300913