Irabot questions Thoubal getting lion’s share in police recruitment

IMPHAL, July 16: Responding to a question raised by the senior Congress legislator, Gaikhangam said that no recruitment was done during the year 2002 to 2004 in the Police department.

IMPHAL, July 16: Responding to a question raised by the senior Congress legislator, Gaikhangam said that no recruitment was done during the year 2002 to 2004 in the Police department.

He further presented the district wise total number of recruitment for various post in the police department during the year 2005 till 2013.

As per the presentation Thoubal district topped the chart in recruitment.

In 2005 a total of 218 were recruited in MR/IRB of the total sanction post 776.

In 2006, 33 posts Constable Radio Transmission officer (CRTO) recruited of the total 92 sanction post, 107 havildars of the total 464 sanctioned posts and 53 female constable out of 199 sanctioned posts were from the district.

In 2007, 393 individuals were recruited in district in MR/IRB of the total sanctioned post 1284.

The highest recruitment for the district was in 2009 wherein 1123 constable male was recruited from the district of the total 4197, 638 (MR/IRB) in 2010 of the total 2587, 71 CRTO in 2011 of the total 211, 219 female constable in 20012 out of 842 and 167 constable female (9IRB) in 2013 out of 570.

In his supplementary question, Y Irabot asked the reason behind giving the lion’s share in police recruitment to Thoubal district adding that he demands equal share in recruitment constituency wise.


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