What Has Happened in Ukhrul: height of fragility

By Amar Yumnam Any loss of life due to actions by any agency, whether state or non-state, is painful. No effort should be spared to avoid such kind of an

By Amar Yumnam

Any loss of life due to actions by any agency, whether state or non-state, is painful. No effort should be spared to avoid such kind of an outcome. Death is never a reversible event and so should never be externally imposed on any soul. This principle should be respected by both the state and the non-state entities. Otherwise, the state or the non-state agency would emerge as the Enemy of the people. Something like this keeps on happening in Manipur. In other words, Manipur has been in a cycle of fragility for the last half a century. There would be moments when things seem improving but would be back to the same turmoil situation sooner than later.

Before I proceed, let me explain what do I mean by fragility in the Manipur context. First, Manipur has consistently failed to provide minimum economic infrastructure so that the people can indulge in meaningful efforts for livelihood in a facilitating context; the state has not developed the capability to facilitate people’s endeavours for productive activities. Second, the state in Manipur has constantly displayed the lack of a reliable capacity to uphold the rule of law. Third, Manipur as a polity has failed to produce political leaders who can inspire, fire the imagination of the people, acquire the trust of the population and thus command respectability in actions.

The tragedy of fragility anywhere in the world is that in most cases the fragility gets alternated with conflicts. This has exactly been the case in Manipur. While there are political and economic reasons (I would not count cultural as significant) for this cycle in Manipur, I am afraid if this has been made structural by the institution of state here. This fear is borne out strongly by what is happening in Ukhrul now. We know for sure that for the last nearly a decade Ukhrul has been moving in a robust way towards stability and convergence with the overall polity of the land. This was indeed a welcome development after decades of incorrigible violence and instability, particularly as the atmosphere was anti-state politically and territorially. This trend was about to take roots spatially and politically when the latest developments have taken place. Instead of positive political and economic interventions getting evolved and implemented, we now see a situation where the provincial law enforcing forces have claimed lives. This speaks volumes of the dogged failure of the state agencies to learn lessons from the earlier rounds of the cycle of fragility. What is even more disturbing is the likelihood that the state agencies thrive in a context of the sustenance of the fragility. When I say state agencies, I would definitely imply, a la carte Milton Friedman, the people manning the agencies of the state. A broad picture is now emerging in bold frame that these people manning the state agencies rather commit to see to it that the disturbances continue. The deep and widespread corruption everybody talks about might be most convenient to indulge in an atmosphere where the fragility of the state is salient. The recent culmination in the killing of two persons by the law and order enforcing agencies should be fully owned up by them. While there could be excuses and arguments that the town and surrounding areas have been under tension for some time, the shooting to dead is unpardonable; this action betrays the incapacity of the state to learn lessons from past events and absolute lack of governance capability to face crises positively.

Now let us trace back the fragility indications Manipur has encountered in recent years. I would take up three. First, the Malom incident which produced Irom Sharmila. This happened when the scenario in Manipur was moving towards decline in conflict and as if the fragility cycle was not going to be repeated. Second, the Manorama incident. This also happened when the similar developments were taking place in Manipur. Now comes, the third example of the current happenings in Manipur. Whenever the fragility indicators show signs of improvement, we have always had a state, in both union and federal sense, which would see to it that the situation goes back to the instability scenario. This has happened so many rounds in Manipur that in most likelihood the institution of state has made the fragility structural in the polity of Manipur. The democratic process has not given us political leaders who can inspire people and lead the state out of fragility towards stability and development. But the fragility seems to have ensured the personalised and individualised success of the people manning the state agencies to follow tricks of personal aggrandisement with full immunity. This is how the fragility has been made structural in governance in Manipur.

Now the state has emerged as the biggest problem of the state in Manipur. Bringing a change in this scenario would necessitate altering the character and orientation of governance in Manipur. How to bring about this change is a million dollar democratic question in Manipur. Fragility has too long been allowed to characterise the political economic feature of Manipur, and this has to be changed sooner than later. The state should always be an evolving institution and never one thriving in conditions of fragility at the cost of the common people.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2014/09/what-has-happened-in-ukhrul-height-of-fragility/

A Silence not Golden

By B.G. Verghese The Prime Minister acted like greased lightning last week to defend his Home Minister, Rajnath Singh against rumours that his son was guilty of political misdemeanours. So

By B.G. Verghese

The Prime Minister acted like greased lightning last week to defend his Home Minister, Rajnath Singh against rumours that his son was guilty of political misdemeanours. So did Amit Shah, in quick succession, setting in motion speculation of some kind of internal party crisis, with influential insiders gunning for the Home Minister. Rajnath’s pacification was soon followed by a snub with the PMO blackballing his Ministry’s nominee for appointment as the new interlocutor for the Naga peace talks.The new regime does not tolerate tall poppies. Everything is being centralised.

Contrast this with masterly inaction on the Supreme Court’s advice to the PM and CMs that those charge-sheeted should not be appointed or retained as ministers. AmitShah, charged with murder and out on bail, is Modi’s right hand man while Nihal Chand Meghwal, among some other cabinet ministers, is charged in a 2011 sexual assault case filed by a married woman in Jaipur. All those holding public office must enjoy moral authority if they are to command respect. These men, however, exemplify the worst in public life.

While the course of justice in the 2002 riots drags on.Nanavati is still to submit his post-Godhra report after 12 years, even as police officers investigating the IshratJehan case, in which Amit Shah is an accused, are being transferred to distant places.

Meanwhile, the crude rantings of the BJP Gorakhpur MP, Yogi Avaidyanath, against the Muslim minority grow ever louder. These provocative and divisive taunts constitute incitements to offence, yet this foul-mouthed man is allowed to continue his abusive spree and has now been made in charge of the Party’s UP election campaign. Modi remains silent. The only conclusion that can be drawn is that the Yogi is possibly echoing His Master’s Voice and is therefore beyond reproach. The slanderous Hindutvacampaign against Christian conversions and Muslim “love jihad” is based on manufactured untruths for the most part. Two of the BJP’s most visible Muslim spokespersons have Hindu wives. Are these men scoundrels to be derided and hounded and their innocent wives abused by a bunch of communal rowdies?

And what to speak of Hindus who cannot now by law practice bigamy who therefore convert to Islam to marry a second time. Well known film stars, Dharamendra and our famously silent RajyaSabha MP, HemaMalini, fall in that category. Are they guilty of “love jihad” by mutual consent? How can we tolerate such vicious and demeaning campaigns! Yet Mr Modi remains silent, disinvesting moral authority from his high office. How can he tolerate Adiyanath’s latest assertion that any concentration of 10-20 per cent minorities spells communal riots in that area; a concentration of 20-35 per cent means greater trouble; and that if the concentration exceeds even the latter figure “there is no place for non-Muslims”.

The SanghParivar is meanwhile reported to be engaged in organising “love jihad” groups in Western U.P to fight this presumed menace in all regions where its own cadres have been active in sowing communal discord. Is this a declaration of war against the nation’s minorities and a warning that a plural society will not be tolerated at any cost? Is only a fanatical Hindu(tva)Rashtrato prevail? This is surely a caricature of the core Hindu belief in VasudaivaKutumbakam – that the world is my family – and its civilizational record of accommodation and tolerance. Can the Courts, governments at all levels and public opinion remain silent and applaud hate speech by the Parivar’sHindutva Taliban?

The Prime Minister plans to celebrate Teachers’ Day on September 5 through a national hook-up of his proposed speech that has been officially mandated to reach all aided and unaided schools countrywide. What wisdom or values is he going to impart to the nation’s children and teachers?Not that Mr Modi boasts any outstanding educational values. His warm endorsement of Dina NathBatra’s fantasies such calling on children to depict the true map of India as Akhand Bharat, including all of SAARC, Afghanistan, Myanmar and Tibet, preachesrank unconstitutionalism and scientific gibberish. Not content with that, his Government is now intent on robbing proven institutions of excellence like the IITs of their autonomy by placing them under the UGC. Why this mania to control everyone and everything, especially education, information and communication. This bears a stamp of creeping authoritarianism.

We seem headed for governmentand governanceby innuendo. The PM is silent when he should speak and speaks when he should remain silent. These straws in the wind have not gone unnoticed. The Modi mystique is unravelling even before the 100-day “celebrations” of his regime. The nation’s 5.7 per cent growth rate in the quarter ended June is welcome but derives from decisions, emerging trends and impulses that essentially belong to the earlier UPA era, whatever the Government might claim.

Some signs of early public disquiet can be read into the recent Assembly by- election results in which the BJP could win only seven out of 18 seats, plus one by its Akali ally, losing at least four seats in the bargain. Too much need not be read into this, but the message cannot be ignored.

And what is one to make of the raging and tearing campaign the BJP has launched against Omar Abdullah and the J&K Assembly for daring to resolve that India and Pakistan should engage in talks. Is the BJP’sfavoured option to have the Government sit on its hands for ever? Vajpayee was statesman enough to invite Musharraf for talks in Agra despite his terrible betrayal in Kargil.What is the BJP’s Kashmir policy other than joining Pakistan’s jihadists in reducing it to a communal cauldron? The Party continues to betray profound ignorance of the origins, meaning and significance of Article 370. Let the BJP remember the poet’s wisdom: “Peace hath Her victories, no less renowned than War”. We must win the peace.


Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2014/09/a-silence-not-golden/

CM in damage control mode, announces Rs 5 lakh each for those killed in police firing at Ukhrul

IMPHAL, August 31: The State government has today announced Rs 5 lakh each for the families of the two persons killed in police firing at Ukhrul yesterday. Speaking to media

IMPHAL, August 31: The State government has today announced Rs 5 lakh each for the families of the two persons killed in police firing at Ukhrul yesterday.

Speaking to media persons at the Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences today, during an inspection of those injured in police action to control a rally in Ukhrul yesterday, Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh who was accompanied by deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam extended Rs 5 lakh each to the families of Ramkashing Vashi and Mayopam Ramror.

The Chief Minister also extended monetary support to four victims who were injured during the Ukhrul rally.

The victims are admitted for treatment at Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Science (JNIMS).

Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh along with his deputy Gaikhangam who also holds the Home ministry portfolio visited JNIMS and extended monetary support of Rs 50,000 to the four victims hospitalised there.

He also gave assurance to bear all medical expenses of their treatment during his visit.

The family members of the injured victims said that they were satisfied with the ongoing treatment in the hospital and also expressed gratitude to the CM for the financial support.

JNIMS authorities have said that two of the injured namely SK Raiagam, 27 years, son of SK Timothy of Kachai and Muinow Ngachonmei, 30 years, son of Muinow David of Somdal Village have been shifted to two different hospitals.

The former has been shifted to RIMS whereas the latter was shifted to Raj Medicity.

The other two identified as HR Reishangjoy, 30 years, son of Hr Gedion of Tanrui Ramhon and Rachamgam Horam, 24 years, son of Helpon Horam of Kharasom are still undergoing treatment at the JNIMS hospital.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2014/09/cm-in-damage-control-mode-announces-rs-5-lakh-each-for-those-killed-in-police-firing-at-ukhrul/

Grand funerals planned for two victims at Ukhrul’s TNL Ground

By R Lester Makang UKHRUL, August 31: To mark the funeral services of the two victims (L) Ramkashing Vashi and (L) Mayopam Ramror who were killed here during a peaceful

By R Lester Makang

UKHRUL, August 31: To mark the funeral services of the two victims (L) Ramkashing Vashi and (L) Mayopam Ramror who were killed here during a peaceful demonstration on August 30 by Manipur Police commandos, a grand programme has been planned at the Tangkhul Naga Long (TNL) Ground at 12 pm on Monday.

“We are planning to hold a grand funeral services for our martyrs who laid down their lives for the cause of our people,” said TNL vice-president SD Reisang on Sunday adding that the program will be held under the aegis of the United Naga Council (UNC) and is expected to be attended by a whopping 20, 000 delegates from 16 Naga tribes representing Naga Hohos and different Naga frontal organizations of all Naga districts in the State.

Further stating that a fitting tribute would be paid to the dear departed souls in front of all Naga brethren, he informed that interment has been planned inside TNL Ground itself.

“We have already inspected the site for the same,” he added.

Meanwhile, sources said that post mortem on the two bodies has commenced late in the evening at Ukhrul District Hospital with the arrival of autopsy experts from Imphal today.

It may be mentioned that since yesterday people from different localities of the township have been showing solidarity with the bereaved families by visiting round the clock and attending the wake to keep watch over the mortal remains at the district hospital.

Most woman visitors are seen wearing kathi kashan (mourning attire) and they sang Christian hymnals in the traditional way.

Meanwhile, sources said that local MLA Samuel Risom has today visited the hospital where the bodies of the two victims were awaiting post mortem.

He also met Ukhrul DC Modak Hrisheekesh and urged him to institute a judicial inquiry into the Saturday incident.

The MLA has reportedly questioned as to who gave the Ukhrul SP the order to fire live rounds upon the rallyists and gunned down innocent civilians.

He then urged the district administration to consider immediate revocation of the prohibitory order and withdrawal of State forces from the town.

However, attempt to contact the DC in this connection has proved futile.

Meanwhile, with the retreat of State forces and subsequent requisition of Assam Riffles personnel in the town since last night following an order from the district magistrate, the situation has been brought under control till this evening.

Accordingly, AR personnel were seen keeping a vigil around the town while a convoy of AR vehicles with CO Gaurav taking the lead could also be seen spreading the message of peace on the thoroughfare.

Vehicles draped with poster reading “Let’s maintain peace and tranquility in Ukhrul “ could be seen moving around the town.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2014/09/grand-funerals-planned-for-two-victims-at-ukhruls-tnl-ground/

UCM, others condemn killing of two in Ukhrul

IMPHAL, August 31: The United Committee Manipur has strongly condemned the killing of two individuals by security force during the mass protest rally at Ukhrul Town. According to a release

IMPHAL, August 31: The United Committee Manipur has strongly condemned the killing of two individuals by security force during the mass protest rally at Ukhrul Town.

According to a release of the Committee, the two deceased individuals identified as Ayopam Ramror, 39 of Tuinem Village, Ukhrul and VS Ramkashing, 29 were part of the rally organised by UNC resisting the CRPC-144 order, the deployment of the excessive State security forces and to pressurise the government to hasten the Indo-Naga peace talk.

The Committee also shared the sorrows of the aggrieved families.

The committee has stated that instead of setting up CRPC-144 at selected areas, the government must put up Security Outpost for Law and Order under Home Department, General Policy, it said.

The Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) has vehemently condemned the killing of two innocent civilians and injuring many people at Ukhrul town.

In a press release, the federation questions the State government about the rationale behind the promulgation of section 144 CrPC and still continuing to impose the section when the public has sought to do away with the 144 CrPC.

It said yesterday’s incident has clearly shown the intention of the State government that the Manipur commandos and IRB are deployed in the district not for safeguarding but for militarisation and bring fear psychosis in the minds of the peace loving citizens.

“There is not an iota of reason to open fire randomly and bombard the town when the public is democratically carrying out peaceful procession,” it said.

Further according to the statement, the NSF has also asked the State government to give enough compensation to the demised families and also take care of all the medical needs for the injured persons and further demanded the Central government to set up an independent enquiry body to thoroughly investigate the incident and punish the concerned officer(s) responsible for the mayhem at Ukhrul.

The Autonomous District Council (ADC), Ukhrul has also strongly condemned the armed aggression against the peace initiative rally organised by UNC to remove CrPC 144 in Ukhrul and other districts.

In a separate press release, it said the government of Manipur led by Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh and deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam who is also in charge of the Home department are responsible for the incident and the State government should immediately remove the 144 CrPC and State forces from Ukhrul.

The Committee on Human Rights (COHR), Manipur has also expressed its strong condemnation on the killing of Ramkashing Vashi and Mayopam Ramroar and injuring many other by the security forces during a peace rally demanding removal of CrPC 144 in Ukhrul.

In a press release the organisation has stated that it was the negligence of the government which led to occurrence of the unfortunate incident and further appealed to the government to take up actions according to the law against the security personnel who were responsible for the incident and end up the clash between civilian and government in a democratic way.

The North East Forum for International Solidarity (NEFIS) has also said in a press release that it strongly condemns the killing of two protesters in Ukhrul, Manipur.

The State government’s attitude towards its minorities is very conspicuous seeing incidents like these, it said before adding that it will always stand against such oppression in any part of the world.

Continuing further on the August 30 incident at Ukrul, it said all the protesters were unarmed and were participating in a peaceful protest when Manipur police commandos and jawans of the India Reserve Battalion fired on the protesters indiscriminately.

“If such incidents re-occur NEFIS will call a nation-wide protest against the Manipur state’s oppression on people’s movement,” said the statement.

Our Kangpokpi Correspondent adds:

The All Tribal Students’ Union, Manipur today made a trip to Ukhrul in connection with the August 30 incident where two persons were allegedly killed and several others injured in police firing.

The Emboi Serto group of the ATMSUM asserted that the incident was immaculately inhuman.

The student body president Emboi Serto said that not a single security personnel, forget about IRB and Commandos, even a single state police force whom the state Government christened ‘Law enforcer” could not be seen anywhere today at Ukhrul before adding that only Army and Para military force were seen.

The ATSUM team visited Ukhrul district hospital and met with the injured persons admitted there and had a meeting with several civil bodies as well continued Emboi.

He said that after thorough evaluation the incident happened to be totally inhuman.

Emboi also said that the union is seriously concerned over the incident and the brutality of the State force towards the people and the tribal in particular.

He added that it is inconceivably hard to live in a place like Manipur where law enforcers turn to law breakers and protectors turn to destructors.

While ATSUM robustly condemned the rough treatment of the security forces it will cling with and endorse any positive and justifiable groups or individual working for justice of the Ukhrul victims, Emboi added.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2014/09/ucm-others-condemn-killing-of-two-in-ukhrul/

Former minister officially joins BJP

IMPHAL, August 31: The Manipur Pradesh BJP has officially announced the enrolment of a former minister, an ADC member of the Congress and an independent ADC member. During the closing

IMPHAL, August 31: The Manipur Pradesh BJP has officially announced the enrolment of a former minister, an ADC member of the Congress and an independent ADC member. During the closing function of the month long commemoration “Athoubasing Gi Ningshing Tha” in the BJP office at Nityaipat Chukhek, State BJP president Th Chaoba claimed that the BJP was becoming more powerful day by day.

Today three more leaders from the Congress and other parties have officially joined the party, he added.

Revealing that former minister T Goujalung; Congress ADC member from Tamenglong, Lungsu Pamei; and Independent ADC member of Tamenglong G Aphang have joined the party officially, he said the BJP Yuva Morcha has organised a month long commemoration of Martyrs from August 1 to August 31.

We Manipuris are the grandchildren of the brave freedom fighters who sacrificed their precious lives for the motherland, he added.

Urging the youths of the State to imbibe the courage of our ancestors, he said we must imitate their tolerance, sense of sacrifice and patriotic feeling because we also have the same blood as our brave forefathers.

The BJP Yova Morcha president O Malesh said that the Yuva Morcha has been being conducting the month long 18th Martyrs’ month from August 1 and have conducted spot painting competition, social service drives, sport competition etc.

Today, we conducted a patriotic song competition, he added.

State BJP President Thounaojam Chaoba, Professor Gangumei Kamei, BJP spokesperson S Ibohal and O Malesh were among the prominent persons who were present in the closing function.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2014/09/former-minister-officially-joins-bjp/

“India’s role crucial in balance of world power”

IMPHAL, August 31: An international peace conference under the theme “Building Nations of Peace: Our Shared Responsibility” was held today at Political Science Lecture hall of Manipur University. The conference

IMPHAL, August 31: An international peace conference under the theme “Building Nations of Peace: Our Shared Responsibility” was held today at Political Science Lecture hall of Manipur University. The conference was attended by 11 members from Japan, US, Korea, was jointly organised by Universal Peace Federation of India (UPF) and Department of Political Science, Manipur University.

The topic of this event was about the balance of power in the world.

Speaking at the conference, UPF-Asia chairman Dr Chung Sik Yong said in this new Asian era, India plays a very critical role as it is the world’s largest democracy and the second most populous nation on earth.

Our world faces a multitude of challenges- from climate changes and poverty to geopolitical tension, terrorism and interreligious conflict, from family breakdown and crime to moral and spiritual confusion, he added.

Assuring that all have encountered many of these same challenges in their own nations and regions, he said these problems cannot be solved through the instruments of government alone because their root cause in not exclusively political or economic in nature.

The root cause is rather buried deep in the human heart: in selfishness and separation from God, he added.

Dr Chung Sik Yong, another Korean member, said the family is the most fundamental and necessary of all human institutions. Without it, humanity cannot survive as a species; he said, adding that when it fails, the society, nation and world fails. When we restore the health of marriage and family, center on god, we can restore societies, nations and the world, he added.

Stressing that the family is the school of love because we learn the nature of love there, he said we learn how to love in our families.

Everyone knows it is true because when families break up or become dysfunctional then gangs, violence, prostitution and drugs become prominent in a community, he added.

Lecturing on the introduction of peace, UPF-Asia principal director of education, Dr Robert S Kittel said that to build peace there is a need to have the principal to love others and sacrifice for others.

Prof (retd) Ksh Bimola Devi stated that even Mahatma Gandhi also accepted that the individual is the one to build peace which will extend further to others. Every individual have the power to reason and differentiate between what is wrong and what is right.

During the International conference which was participated by various eminent personalities from various parts of the country, she highlighted the role of Irom Shramila Chanu and her struggle for the repeal of AFSPA for the last 14 years.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2014/09/indias-role-crucial-in-balance-of-world-power/

Outsider swindles Manipur local Muslims

IMPHAL, Aug 31: The identity of a man who swindled Rs 35 lakhs out of people of the Muslim community in the State has been determined. According to documents recovered

IMPHAL, Aug 31: The identity of a man who swindled Rs 35 lakhs out of people of the Muslim community in the State has been determined.

According to documents recovered from the man’s rented room in Mantripukhri for the past one and a half years under the assumed identity of Irfan Ahmed before absconding, he is identified as Ahmed Merchant, son of Khalid Haneed Ahmed from 291Badri Building, 1st / 3rd floor Nagdevi Street, Mumbai.

He has been absconding since August 28, said a man claiming to be a victim.

In a press meet at the head office of Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System today in Nongmeibung, Hussain Ahmed, one of the victims who got swindled said the con- artist assuming the identity of Irfan Ahmed lived in Manipur for about one and half years.

A PAN card bearing the registration no ACYPA6768K and an election card bearing card no IYVI754431 was found from his rented room, Hussain said adding that the con-artist had fraudulently collected Rs 35, 00,000 from Muslims in the name of constructing Mosques and educational institutions in the State and had assure to lend them crores of rupees from ‘PAN Muslim’.

The con artist is reported to have even paid around Rs 85,000 to a mason for the initial stages of a Masjid construction.

The con-artist collected money from people of the Muslim community from Hatta Golapati, Yairipok, Kwakta and Keirang urging them to invest and promising handsome returns, Hussain said.

The con-artist even convinced some people that he was extremely influential and was on back slapping terms with the DGP and deputy CM of the State and could help them get transfers and postings of their choice and even get them promoted, he added.

He left two child labourers: a five year old girl and a 10 year old boy in his rented room. The underage labourers were handed over to officials of Childline.

Lamenting the actions of the man who cheated people in the name of religion, JCILPS co convenor BK Moiramcha stated that the people of Manipur must be alert from such migrants adding that the implementation of ILP system would have avoided such cases.

He said that migrants with fake IDs come to the State and disturbed the harmonious environment in the State.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2014/09/outsider-swindles-manipur-local-muslims/

Rally taken out against MPTC’s attempt to acquire land

IMPHAL, August 31: Members of the Waiton Gram Panchayat, Ideal Club, Youth Development Association, Prince Club, Meira Paibi and Nisha Bandh from the Waiton area took out a mass rally

IMPHAL, August 31: Members of the Waiton Gram Panchayat, Ideal Club, Youth Development Association, Prince Club, Meira Paibi and Nisha Bandh from the Waiton area took out a mass rally against the decision of the State government to acquire land for expanding the premisies of the Manipur Police Training College today.

Sources said that the director of MPTC served a notice to the pradhan of the area and the YDA secretary to remove the fencing from land adjacent to the MPTC which included a playground, pond and a crematorium on June 21 this year.

According to the pradhan of Waiton GP, Pukrambam (0) Surbala, the land in question have always belonged to the people of the area from time immemorial. The pond is the main source of water during the time of water scarcity and the playground where the younger generations play have produced many national and even international players, she said.

This piece of land is our soul and we would sacrifice our lives if needed to safeguard it, she added.

More than 200 people took part in the mass rally which begin at the area in contention and came to halt in front of MPTC main gate. They held a sit-in protest after returning back to the area.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2014/09/rally-taken-out-against-mptcs-attempt-to-acquire-land/

Antidote to drug over dose to be included in LSD list

IMPHAL, August 31: The State health directorate will consider including Relaxone, an antidote of drug overdose in the essential life saving drugs list when the opportunity arrives for such consideration,

IMPHAL, August 31: The State health directorate will consider including Relaxone, an antidote of drug overdose in the essential life saving drugs list when the opportunity arrives for such consideration, said State epidemiologist Dr Sashikumar of the Directorate of health services, Government of Manipur.

He was speaking at the observation of the International Overdose Awareness Day under the theme ‘Rethink and Remenber’ which was organised by the Community Network for Empowerment (CoNE) at the Imphal Press Club today.

Dr Sashikumar said he become interested in the overdose issue after realising that people who abused drugs were being discriminated by people. Lives saving drugs of drug overdose are found at high prices in pharmacies; so, the issue has reached the State health department and we need to frame a good policy for the drugs, he added.

Some professionals from the medical fraternity sometimes consider the medical case of a drug overdosed person as a criminal issue and not a public issue, he said, adding people also discriminate against them as if they are criminals. Drug abusers are stigmatized by the society and drug overdose persons receive double times that stigma, he added.

Urging drug overdosed victim to remain vigilant and be aware about the life saving drugs against to be used in case of an overdose, he said if such awareness is extended widely then one day drug overdose will be eradicated and many precious lives will be saved.

RIMS casualty medical officer Dr Naresh said cases of drug overdose are increasing as the population of the State has also increased.

We need to spread the awareness to people about drug overdose for preventing the deaths of drug overdose persons, he added.

Some pharmacies sold the anti-dote to overdose, Relaxone at the maximum rate for profit only when the actual price is just Rs 75, Dr Naresh said, and people can’t get this antidote easily at its normal rate but is sold at 2000 or more.

CoNE president RK Nalinikanta said till date there has been no official data collected about cases of drug overdose and life saving drugs are found in health service centres. He narrated an incident in which an overdose person was treated like a criminal and a FIR was registered against him by the police instead of give aid to him.

Now the trend has changed in the last two-three years and the police have co-operated and save some overdose persons from road sides also, he added.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2014/09/antidote-to-drug-over-dose-to-be-included-in-lsd-list/

Kambiron villagers want Haipou Jadonang’s burial site declared historical site

IMPHAL, August 31: The 83rd death anniversary of Haipou Jadonang was held at his birthplace Puilaunh (Kambiron) village on August 29. Besides the villagers offering floral tribute at his final

IMPHAL, August 31: The 83rd death anniversary of Haipou Jadonang was held at his birthplace Puilaunh (Kambiron) village on August 29.

Besides the villagers offering floral tribute at his final resting place located atop Kambiron hill, there were not many dignitaries or elected representatives to pay homage to the freedom fighter.

The memorial function was held by the Haipou Jadonang Memorial Trust which is mostly comprised of Kambiron villagers at the community hall where a bust of Jadonang is erected.

ADC member of Nungba, G Aphang and chairman of Kambiron village attended the function as the chief guest and guest of honour respectively.

A brief history of Haipou Jadonang was related to the gathering by Pounamgai Kamei, former chairman of the Trust.

According to Pounamgai, his mother was a follower of the freedom fighter.

Puilaunh village (a village guided by the deity) was one of the oldest Zeliangrong villages and was located atop the hill, later the villagers shifted altogether to the foothills during the end part of 1993.

The village at present has nearly 147 households with the main inhabitants being from the clans of Kamei, Gangmei and Dangmei.

Jadonang was born in the village in 1905 as the third son of Thudai Malangmei and Chunlungliu Dangmei.

Pounamgai Kamei said Jadonang’s father died early and he was mainly brought up by an ailing mother.

In his teens , Jadonang was a spirited youth and a devout worshipper of Khanglinlung, he said.

According to the villagers and functional chairman of the observation, RK Athuan, the observation is held since 2006 and the funds are mostly donated from the villagers. There have been no steps from the side of the Government to help in organising the function till date.

He voiced that the final resting site of the freedom fighter to be declared a historical site.

The main program of the function was the parade contest, the villagers took out the parade which was taught by Jadonang himself. It involves different postures and a march past in traditional wear.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2014/09/kambiron-villagers-want-haipou-jadonangs-burial-site-declared-historical-site/

Beneficiaries of SEGP bemoans govt apathy

IMPHAL, August 31: The government has not initiated any steps for the rehabilitation of Special Employment Generation Programme , SEGP beneficiaries by sanctioning funds for poverty eradication and as such

IMPHAL, August 31: The government has not initiated any steps for the rehabilitation of Special Employment Generation Programme , SEGP beneficiaries by sanctioning funds for poverty eradication and as such the beneficiaries are now living in a hand to mouth condition by doing odd jobs for survival.

This was stated by All Manipur Selected (SEGP) Beneficiaries Committee general secretary Zakir Hussain in a press meet at the Manipur Press Club here today.

He said that the loans given are mainly in connection with agriculture products, poultry, fishery and other allied business.

On account of natural calamities such as bird flu, draught and frequent floods, many agricultural and fishery products are damaged, Hussain added.

Moreover, there are un-natural calamities faced by the people in the State mostly due to the frequent economic blockades imposed by anti-social elements and various NGOs of the hill districts which resulted in the failure of small schemes like SEGP in the State and besides the State government as well as the Union government have not taken any positive steps in this regard, he said.

In connection with the grievances faced by the beneficiaries, the committee had submitted memorandum on August 27, 2013 to the then Prime Minister of India, Union Minister of Finance and Chief Minister of Manipur and another memorandum was submitted again on June 19 this year to the Prime Minster, Union Minister of Finance of the current NDA government and the State Chief Minister.

The committee has also appealed to all the beneficiaries of the SEGP w.e.f 2004-2007 to come forward and join the ongoing demand for waiving loans given to the people of the State, he said.

The committee also urged to the State government to take up positive step for waiving the loans in the interests of the beneficiaries at the earliest.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2014/09/beneficiaries-of-segp-bemoans-govt-apathy/

TAKDO bemoans MLA Shyamkumar over Trinamool fiasco

IMPHAL, August 31: The Thangmeiband Kendra Development Organisation has blamed Andro MLA Th Shyamkumar of resorting to blame game regarding the impasse in the Manipur Pradesh Trinamool Congress. Speaking to

IMPHAL, August 31: The Thangmeiband Kendra Development Organisation has blamed Andro MLA Th Shyamkumar of resorting to blame game regarding the impasse in the Manipur Pradesh Trinamool Congress.

Speaking to media persons at the Manipur Press Club, TAKDO spokesperson Mutum Rajendro Mutum Rajendro said the MLA Th Shyamkumar has alleged that the MPTC is a newly formed party by Thangmeiband MLA Kh Joykishan and his four associates MLA O Lukhoi Singh, MLA Th Biswajit Singh, MLA K Sarat Singh and (L) M Kunjo Singh.

Elaborating further on the issue he said since MLA Kh Joykishan was nominated by the organisation, it had tried to find the truth behind the allegation.

Unfortunately, the organisation found that MLA Shyamkumar had resorted to alleging that MPTC was newly formed , he said.

He said the MLA has deceived both the general public and the State Assembly Speaker into believing that the MPTC is a newly formed party.

He continued that TAKDO has found out that MPTC is a unit of the AITC inaugurated in April 2010 and that all the concerned MLAs had fought the State Assembly election with MPTC tickets.

He further said that considering all the development in the party, Andro MLA Th Shyamkumar should resign from his seat.

Today press conference was also attended by vice president RK Sanyaima, vice president Th Budha, joint secretary Basant Sharma, women secretary Th Tampakleima among others.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2014/09/takdo-bemoans-mla-shyamkumar-over-trinamool-fiasco/

Lt Gen Bipin Rawat takes over as GOC of Spear Corps

IMPHAL, August 31: Lieutenant General Bipin Rawat, an Infantry Officer from the Gorkha Regiment, has taken over the command of the prestigious Spear Corps from Lieutenant General SL Narasimhan, who is

IMPHAL, August 31: Lieutenant General Bipin Rawat, an Infantry Officer from the Gorkha Regiment, has taken over the command of the prestigious Spear Corps from Lieutenant General SL Narasimhan, who is proceeding to another challenging assignment as Commandant, Army War College, Mhow, said a press release by PRO Defence.

According to the press release, Lieutenant General SL Narasimhan has conveyed his deep appreciation and gratitude to the people of the North East region, for their whole hearted support and cooperation during his tenure as the GOC of Spear Corps.

Lieutenant General Bipin Rawat is an alumnus of St Edward’s School, Shimla and was awarded Sword of Honour from Indian Military Academy in December 1978 and the General Officer has rich experience in Counter Insurgency as well as conventional operations and had a distinguished career spanning various command, staff and instructional appointments, said the press release.

It is further said that besides commanding an Infantry Battalion, a Rashtriya Rifles Sector and an Infantry Division, he also has the distinction of commanding a Multinational Brigade in a United Nation Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC).

Lieutenant General Bipin Rawat is the Fourteenth GOC of Spear Corps since its raising on February 4, 1985, said the press release.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2014/09/lt-gen-bipin-rawat-takes-over-as-goc-of-spear-corps/

Two killed in police firing in Manipur (Lead, correcting intro) – Business Standard

Two killed in police firing in Manipur (Lead, correcting intro)Business StandardTwo people were killed in Manipur when police opened fire at demonstrators who were protesting two-month old ban under Section 144 CrPc on any gathering of four or more peo…

Two killed in police firing in Manipur (Lead, correcting intro)
Business Standard
Two people were killed in Manipur when police opened fire at demonstrators who were protesting two-month old ban under Section 144 CrPc on any gathering of four or more people, officials said here Sunday. At least 10 people were also injured in the …

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNFowCHG6q-x8kny7oSHW8wVjIc6kA&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&ei=usIDVIjrE9L28QGitoCoBg&url=http://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ians/two-killed-in-police-firing-in-manipur-lead-correcting-intro-114083100425_1.html

Manipur: 2 killed in police firing in Ukhrul during protest against imposition … – IBNLive

IBNLiveManipur: 2 killed in police firing in Ukhrul during protest against imposition …IBNLiveImphal: Two persons were killed in the police firing on Sunday in Ukhrul district of Manipur during protest against imposition of Section 144 (CrPC) in the …


Manipur: 2 killed in police firing in Ukhrul during protest against imposition
Imphal: Two persons were killed in the police firing on Sunday in Ukhrul district of Manipur during protest against imposition of Section 144 (CrPC) in the area. Twenty others have been injured. The incident occurred when they were participating in a

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=us&usg=AFQjCNGjPbm6LzbPu1-Vy9_v4qRDCJlYmw&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&ei=qisFVJCmN4O_8wHg_YH4BQ&url=http://ibnlive.in.com/news/manipur-2-killed-in-police-firing-in-ukhrul-during-protest-against-imposition-of-section-144/495370-3-225.html

Manipur: 2 killed in police firing in Ukhrul during protest against imposition of Section 144

Two persons were killed in the police firing on Sunday in Ukhrul district of Manipur during protest against imposition of Section 144 (CrPC) in the area. Twenty others have been injured.

Two persons were killed in the police firing on Sunday in Ukhrul district of Manipur during protest against imposition of Section 144 (CrPC) in the area. Twenty others have been injured.

Read more / Original news source: http://ibnlive.in.com/news/manipur-2-killed-in-police-firing-in-ukhrul-during-protest-against-imposition-of-section-144/495370-3-225.html