Condemnations continue unabated

IMPHAL, Sept 2: Several bodies have continued to condemn the poice firing at Ukhrul on August 30 during which two persons were killed and several others injured in Ukhrul. The

IMPHAL, Sept 2: Several bodies have continued to condemn the poice firing at Ukhrul on August 30 during which two persons were killed and several others injured in Ukhrul.

The Tangkhul Student Union Chennai (Tangkhul Katamnao Long Chennai) has said in a press statement that a condolence service in honor of (L) Mayopam Ramror and (L) Ramkashing Vashi cum solidarity prayer program was held on August 31 at Egmore, Chennai.

It said the the meeting was presided by the TKLC president Varechan Ronra.

Hundreds of Tangkhuls and other well-wishers attended the service, it said before adding that two senior Tangkhuls Ramreingam Vashum and Thommi Kaping delivered the condolence speeches.

As a mark of respect to the departed souls 2 minutes silent prayer was observed and the benediction was pronounced by Pastor Nimlei Khamrang, it said.

Meanwhile, in a seperate press release, the All Manipur United Clubs’ Organisation (AMUCO) has also strongly condemned the firing incident during a peace rally in Ukhrul, resulting in the death of two persons and injuring others.

It said the police and other security forces were placed to provide security to the general public from the insurgents, however, it turned out to be chaotic and excessive in Ukhrul.

It said the government should take action to avoid similar incidents in the future in the State.

The Thadou Students’ Association has also strongly condemned the police firing leading to the death of two persons on August 30 at Ukhrul following violent confrontation between civilians and security forces.

In a press release it has demanded the State government to initiate befitting action against those involved security personnel and restore peace and harmony in the district.

It also expressed sorrow towards the families of the deceased and further warned that it will not remain silent if the Ggovernment fails to bring a solution to to the issue.

NNN adds: The Tangkhul Union, Dimapur (TUD) strongly condemned the brutal killing of civilians Ramkashing Vashi and Mayopam Ramror by Manipur State police commandoes and IRB personnel on August 30 during a peace rally at TNL Ground, Ukhrul.

“The authority instead of apprehending the killers of the ADC member, imposed indefinite CrPC 144 in Ukhrul town and created fear psychosis in the minds of the public and suppressed the democratic rights of individual freedom,” the TUD stated.

TUD then said it is profoundly grieved and “we offer heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members of the bereaved family members of the deceased. We also wish for speedy recovery of all those in injured in the incident”.

The Tangkhul Shanao Long, Delhi (TSLD) or Tangkhul women organisation based in New Delhi, has also strongly condemned the August 30 Ukhrul incident. It termed it as the heinous act of murder.

The Delhi based Tangkhul women organisation then said the dead of the two ‘beloved brothers’ in the hand of the police under the careful guidance of the leaders and their coterie once again reveals the extent of fractured state of mind of the leaders.

“No society and community should tolerate such hideous deed of the state police forces and its political master. The Tangkhul Shanao Long Delhi urges each and every peace loving citizens to come forward and condemn the act,” it stated.

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Students agitate over unusable toilet facility

IMPHAL, September 2: Ananda Singh Higher Secondary School principal K Sumati Devi today alerted the local police station alleging school students trying to attack her inside the school premise. Complaining

IMPHAL, September 2: Ananda Singh Higher Secondary School principal K Sumati Devi today alerted the local police station alleging school students trying to attack her inside the school premise.

Complaining that the government has failed to keep its promise to renovate the toilet facility in the school, students today tore down the lavatory structure.

The thatch wall dividing the boys’ and girls’ toilets was tore down by the students lamenting at the same time that the toilet facility was not even usable.

The students union of the school had submitted a memorandum to the concerned authorities demanding filling up of the 17 teachers’ vacant posts and mending of the toilet facilities.

On August 6, the State Education minister Moirangthem Okendro had assured to the students’ union in his own office chamber that he will fulfil their demands to fill up the vacant post and renovate the deplorable condition of the lavatory structure, sad games and sports secretary of the school Thoithoiba Nongthombam.

Perturbed by the minister’s failure to turn into action his assurances, the students today resolved to tore down the structure.

During the process, the school principal tried to stop the students from damaging the structure, however, the angry students failed to listen to her.

The principal on her part called the police on her mobile phone and complained that students were trying to attack her.

Soon a police picket from the nearby areas rushed into the school and controlled the situation.

However, the already angered students became more agitated charging the principal of unethically blaming them and decided to boycott all classes until the lavatory structures are properly renovated

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PMJDY ill-informed locals throng banks to open account

By Alex Guite LAMKA, September 2: Banks in Churachandpur district are witnessing mad rushes of people trying to open their accounts since the launch of the Prime Minister Jan Dan

By Alex Guite

LAMKA, September 2: Banks in Churachandpur district are witnessing mad rushes of people trying to open their accounts since the launch of the Prime Minister Jan Dan Yojana on August 28.

Most bank branches in the district don’t have the required man power to meet such rush, which the public fail to understand. They are only roused by claims of local politicians during the launch of the scheme that the government will be depositing money in their account.

The ill-informed public are of the opinion that a mere opening of the bank account under the scheme will automatically reward them by way of deposition of Rs 1 lakh by the government.

Managers of several major bank branches in the district have told the IFP correspondent that the fact is far from the people’s perception.

UBI, Churachandpur manager AN Jha said there is still no clarity as to who will be paying the Rs 1 lakh insurance and the only fact is that the said life time zero balance account will be granted as per the transaction of the account holders in the first six months of the account opening

He said the scheme was launched by the Prime Minister of India withe main objective of making atleast one or two members of a household in the country accessible to banking facilities.

Now the ill-informed public is thronging the banks in town since early morning with the belief that the sooner they get their account, they will be blessed with Rs 1 lakh.

This has ensured that in some banks their account application forms have been running out of stock since Saturday.

The insufficient man-power coupled with the bad internet service at the banks only ensured that the people are made to stand in queue for more than four hours to submit their account applications.

At the same time, there was also a rumour in Lamka town that the accounts of those who open in the first one month will be increased by Rs 2 lakhs.

This has been rubbished as a rumour and unpractical by the SBI, Churachandpur manager.

A social worker of the district CT Lian Guite said there was no rush to open bank account as there was still a lot of time.

He said the people are leaving their hectic work schedules due to the scheme.

The UBI manager AN Jha added that under the PMJDY, the account holder will get Rs 1 lakh insurance benefit in case of death in accident, however if the cause of death is natural, the insurance is only Rs 30000.

Being a news scheme, the full details are awaited, the manager acknowledge but added that the period for opening of accounts under the scheme is till January 26, 2015.

Meanwhile, sources have also said that there are people who have opened multiple numbers of accounts in different banks under the scheme in the hope of getting more money.

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Directive for PM’s Teacher’s Day address

IMPHAL, Sept 2: The deputy commissioner of the Imphal District has said that the Prime Minister will be addressing the school children on the Teachers’ Day September 5, therefore, it

IMPHAL, Sept 2: The deputy commissioner of the Imphal District has said that the Prime Minister will be addressing the school children on the Teachers’ Day September 5, therefore, it is directed to all the head of Schools (Govt., Aided and Private including District Council) to strictly adhere to the.,instructions provided in connection with ensuring necessary arrangements of TV and reception signal either through DTH, Cable or Aerial Antenna in working condition along with standby generator/inverter (in the school campus) to enable all students of the school to watch the live telecast of the Prime Minister’s address and followed by interaction from 3:00 pm to 4:45 pm through national and regional channels of Doordarshan and subsequent Q-A session compulsorily for the children of all schools located in Imphal East District.

An official notification of the DC has said the School Management Committee will assist the principals/headmasters in implementation of the arrangements. Wherever it is not possible to put a TV, the same may be broadcasted by using AIR with loud speaker, all students and teachers of lmphal East district should assemble in front of the TV by 2:30pm without fail, the facility should be in position by September 4, and made a trial run, the school timing on September 5 should be from 12 noon till 5:00 pm, it said.

It has also continued that photographs, video recordings and compliance report of the said programme should be made available to the Dls/ Als immediately after the programme before 5:30pm and the ZEO/Imphal East shall coordinate with all concerned ensuring the above arrangements and to submit Imphal East District Compliance Report to the Principal Secretary, Education (S) and to the DC, Imphal East.

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Indefinite bandh against deplorable road conditions announced in Jiribam

Jiribam, September 2: The villagers including students of Kashimpur, Mulargaon, Ahmedabad and Leisabithol have decided to call an indefinite bandh along the Kashimpur to Leisabithol road from the mid-night of

Jiribam, September 2: The villagers including students of Kashimpur, Mulargaon, Ahmedabad and Leisabithol have decided to call an indefinite bandh along the Kashimpur to Leisabithol road from the mid-night of September 5 against the miserable condition of the road.

Despite the road being the only means of communication for the villagers, due to the deplorable condition of the Kashimpur to Laisabithol road, even school going students undergo a lot of trouble to reach their school in time, they lamented.

Villagers told local media persons that some portions of the road has eroded by the flowing water of Ahmedabad canal at Ahmedabad village.

Although measures were taken up to reconstruct the eroded portion of the road, the erosion has only got severe.

The village authorities and the students of the four villages had approached the authority concerned repeatedly, the most recent being on August 26 at the office of additional Ddeputy commissioner (ADC), Jiribam, however no necessary steps have been taken up by the ADC so far to repair the road, they continued to lament.

As a result of government negligence, the village authorities as well as club members and students of the four villagers are constrained to launch an agitation from the mid night of September 5 by calling an indefinite bandh along the road, they said.

The villagers added that until and unless the government authorities take up any appropriate steps to improve the road condition they will continue with their agitation.

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Govt working to ensure normalcy in Manipur after blockade call – Zee News

Govt working to ensure normalcy in Manipur after blockade callZee NewsNew Delhi: The Centre is making effort to ensure that normal life is not affected in Manipur following a call for indefinite ban on vehicular traffic on national and state highways i…

Govt working to ensure normalcy in Manipur after blockade call
Zee News
New Delhi: The Centre is making effort to ensure that normal life is not affected in Manipur following a call for indefinite ban on vehicular traffic on national and state highways in Naga-dominated areas in the state from Thursday. As part of the

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Money And It’s Value Among the Young Adults: Manipur picture – KanglaOnline

Money And It's Value Among the Young Adults: Manipur pictureKanglaOnlineWe definitely see this happening in Manipur. Even when the children grow up and reach the age of 23-24, they are incapable of managing their money wisely and effectively. The r…

Money And It's Value Among the Young Adults: Manipur picture
We definitely see this happening in Manipur. Even when the children grow up and reach the age of 23-24, they are incapable of managing their money wisely and effectively. The reason is that the lesson to spend responsibly cannot be taught in a day, or

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Money And It’s Value Among the Young Adults: Manipur picture

Seine Yumnam It is almost embedded in our culture to believe that young-adults of age below 21-22 should be kept uninformed of the financial challenges of a family. They are

Seine Yumnam

It is almost embedded in our culture to believe that young-adults of age below 21-22 should be kept uninformed of the financial challenges of a family. They are unaware about the debt accumulated by their parents for their own education and expenses. Until they reach the age of 23 or 24 and start handling personal expenses by themselves, they do not understand the value of money.

It is not surprising to see a lot of young-adults demanding bikes and cars without earning a penny for themselves. Such keep-children-away-from-financial-matters culture installs a behaviour to the children to spend frivolously – extensive shopping, thoughtless consumption of unnecessary snacks and cookies, and what not; it is only the parents who bear the pain of having their money spent unwisely. Even worst, debt may get heavier if such behaviour remains unchanged for years. We definitely see this happening in Manipur. Even when the children grow up and reach the age of 23-24, they are incapable of managing their money wisely and effectively. The reason is that the lesson to spend responsibly cannot be taught in a day, or two, or in a month. It is a lifelong lesson. The earlier we start, the better off we are. But clearly, this is not happening.

We need to change this culture. Parents need to teach personal finance lessons to their children and they need to keep their children informed about the financial status of the family. If they continue to keep their children uninformed about such issues, they are only teaching their children to be ignorant.

However, at most times, culture is hard to change. Culture is something that we have practised for years over and over again. Let’s say parents continue to teach their children to be ignorant. What can the teenagers do to teach themselves a lesson that will serve them for the rest of their life?

I will answer this question with an example. In the U.S.A., the first lesson a child learns is to be independent; most importantly to be financially independent. This does not mean the American parents do not care about their children as much as Meitei parents do; in fact the parents-children relationship is more open in the U.S.A than what wehavein Manipur. The difference is that American parents are little more critical when it comes to giving money to their children. What is the point of just giving money when there is no lesson taught?

I have a friend who is 19 years old. She is the State Chair/Representative of an International NGO. Since her childhood, her parents have been consistently teaching the meaning of money, the nature of wise spending, and the hard work involved in earning a penny. Now, at the age of 19, she pays her own college fees, buys her own car, phone, and clothes by her own hard-earned money, and plans to own a house sooner than later. How does she do that? For her, every minute counts, and hence every break from school. During school breaks, she works for restaurants, retails, library, or companies to get some quick bucks and save up. During the school time, she does similar kind of jobs but mostly on weekends, and sometimes even during weekdays for an hour or two daily. Besides her job through which she earns for herself, she is still able to keep her academic performance uptight.

What is her secret? I know her pretty well, and she is neither a gifted genius nor a cyborg. Anyone will be able to do exactly what she is doing if one has the skill of time management. A lot of young-adults in Manipur spends hours with friends drinking, doing drugs, riding bikes, and the list of unproductive involvements goes on. Then they complain for not having enough time to study and also do household works. Friends are important, but spending 6-7 hours every weekend just doing unproductive thingswill not take anyone anywhere. By the end of the day, we, as an individual, decide who we are and who we become.

Let’s do the math and see what happens when we divert those unproductive hours into something productive – earning some money. During the weekdays, school hours are long and tiring, so it’s hard to do extra work. But on weekends, I am pretty sure we can at least commit five hours on Saturdays and Sundays on a job – maybe at the Classic hotel, or mobile retails, or at an ngari shop in the market. Let’s say you earn Rs.10 per hour, you would earn Rs.100 on one weekend, Rs.400 in one month, and Rs.4800 in a year!

It’s not just the money that you can earn which is valuable, once you start spending the money that you earned for yourself, you will start to understand the game of wise spending or at least try to understand – you will learn how to actresponsibly while dealing with money. Why do we have to wait until we finish our college degree and get a job to learn how to earn, spend, and save? Don’t we all want to retire with enough money to pay for medicals, food, and other expenses? If yes, then start earning and saving as early as possible. It is true that money isn’t everything, but it is also true that it isn’t nothing. Love does not buy food, car, clothes, and house. I work part-time on the campus at my college (Wabash College, Indiana, USA) and I earn Rs.45,000 every month. This helps me support my expenses and fees (though I am not completely financially independent), and my existence seems little more meaningful that it was before, trust me.

Young-adults in Manipur need to realize that bikes aren’t assets but liabilities. How much of your parents’ money are wasted in maintaining your bike and buyingfuel? If you are really that lazy and not willing to work on a part-time job, then stop eating up your parents’ money. Besides that, Manipur isn’t a place where we don’t have sufficient public transports to rely on. We do have.

We should not be a victim of a culture-caused illiteracy. Age should no longer determine how much we know. If we can learn it now, why wait for another 10 years? If we can earn now and save up, why wait for a college degree? It’s never too early to learn a lifetime lesson, but it can be too late.

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United Naga Council calls for boycott of Central, Manipur Government – ANINEWS

ANINEWSUnited Naga Council calls for boycott of Central, Manipur GovernmentANINEWSUkhrul, Manipur, Sep. 2 (ANI): As it boycotted the government, the United Naga Council (UNC) ),an apex political organisation of the northeastern Nagas in Ukhrul district…


United Naga Council calls for boycott of Central, Manipur Government
Ukhrul, Manipur, Sep. 2 (ANI): As it boycotted the government, the United Naga Council (UNC) ),an apex political organisation of the northeastern Nagas in Ukhrul district of Manipur, called for a total ban on constructions of all National Projects and

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Govt working to ensure normalcy in Manipur after blockade call – Business Standard

Govt working to ensure normalcy in Manipur after blockade callBusiness StandardAs part of the initiative, Manipur Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh will arrive in the national capital soon to apprise Home Minister Rajnath Singh about the evolving situat…

Govt working to ensure normalcy in Manipur after blockade call
Business Standard
As part of the initiative, Manipur Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh will arrive in the national capital soon to apprise Home Minister Rajnath Singh about the evolving situation in the state as well as the steps taken to resolve the crisis. Home

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Feni from Goa, Tongba from Sikkim, and Yu from Manipur: 9 traditional liquors … – IBNLive

IBNLiveFeni from Goa, Tongba from Sikkim, and Yu from Manipur: 9 traditional liquors …IBNLiveThe language, cuisine, and traditions in India change every few kilometres as you start travelling from one state to another. There's a wide variety of f…


Feni from Goa, Tongba from Sikkim, and Yu from Manipur: 9 traditional liquors
The language, cuisine, and traditions in India change every few kilometres as you start travelling from one state to another. There's a wide variety of food and beverages that are exclusive to a particular state. What we cook and how we cook it changes …

and more »

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