Inflation has been defined as the general issue of price rise in our economy. And the modern developments often add on to these worry.

Modern Inflation By M.C. Linthoingambee If we are asked to mention a period or phase of time when we took everything for granted, a majority of us would point out

Modern Inflation

By M.C. Linthoingambee

If we are asked to mention a period or phase of time when we took everything for granted, a majority of us would point out the time when we were children and when our parents and older family members looked after our needs and we just took things for granted. The same goes for me but now, living independently in another city has made me realize just how much the rates of modern inflation is hitting me.

The grocery rates keep on increasing at a pace far beyond our social strata in an unexpected rate while one cannot forget the monopoly of the *sabjiwala* presiding in a particular residential era. While the rate of tomatoes go far exceedingly to the context of Rs.100/kg, there were those times when we wouldn’t even bother if tomatoes laid exceedingly in our own households back home. But if asked of the rates back home in Manipur, I wouldn’t know. When we narrate these stories they are not to be taken lightly since a large portion of the economy are deeply affected by it. Looking into the perceptive lens, more than 60% of the population is mainly comprised of those who are still unable to afford the basic necessities of life. Doesn’t this general price expectancy every now and then affect these people more? While we sit in our homes lax about the concerns of inflation, there are many, who suffer from the cause of malnutrition while not having the capacity to afford the required amount of calorie intake they are need to be taking. While the Japanese investments ties recently with India acquired by our new Prime Minister continue to make headlines, things are the same back home. The temperamental stand of filling up foe cooking gas is also a huge issue in everyday life, while some are more inclined to use the pipeline system of receiving gas into their homes, there are also those who stand in long queues to acquire a tank of gas. Remembering how our family elders use to stand in those lines to acquire their gas slip at MM Gas, Hirangchal Gas Agency and so on. I recently learnt that we need to book gas cylinders days before they are actually delivered.

When many of these daily requirements are going on price rise, shouldn’t we be looking at the production rather than cutting down on un-acquired land? When a promise of development springs up there are always those talks of certain lands being acquired by government. And when the right to property has been exclusively removed from our fundamental rights, it becomes explicitly easier for authorities to strip away people of their homes. The meager amount of compensation is not enough to meet the new house hunt considering the price rise in acquiring a new land or a new home. While the deal of houses are valued not anywhere less than 60 lacs and above in the capital of India itself, where can we expect those people who are considered ‘poor’ to go for that matter if they are driven out of their homes. There are still villages existing, surviving even in the small corner of Delhi, “The New-Delhi” and while the government fail to look their way, we bear witness to corporate ambitions to acquire that land in the hope of building new corporations where they claim youths will have a further chance of employment. Seeing how both are needed, we are talking about life and job both being necessarily pickled and sandwiched to choose from. The public trust doctrine is something we often come across in spite of our ignorance. While the Ambani brothers very often wage law suits on many matters currently being that of natural gas, the judiciary has awarded them with the ratio of determining that natural gas is a naturally occurring substance, and it should not be the cause of feud between brothers. Those notably MBA degrees only seem to let them see only profits (money) over people. The social justice principles in our parent legislation of the Constitution seem to be taking fewer tolls on these heavily armed increases. As a matter of which, using gas or electricity for the purpose of cooking have not taken affect. A large number of families are forced to use *chullahs and firewood *which are naturally available. These uses produces a large amount of smoke which causes air pollution that result in producing a harmful effect to our environment whilst causing a large amount of carbon monoxide compounds to be released in air that further adds to the green-house effect and cause respiratory problems and other ill diseases to its end users. As a matter of which a large affect is cause on our public health which is in gross violation of fundamental right to live and exist in personal liberty.

And these are not the only fixated problems that need solving; there is also the issue of sanitation being a primary concern. A recent article on *Civic Sense* in The Times of India written by Jug Suraiya pointed out that in spite of the new government’s promises to build new sanitation systems for women who do not have the necessary input of disposing of their natural business at night, shouldn’t we be focusing more on correcting those men who seem to enjoy taking a dump in a busy street in view of the public. While certain public restrooms may charge a price for the purpose, perhaps building more public houses of sanitary needs without a price might change the outlook of these men, who believe that paying for natural relieve is an evil into their wallets.

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Ave Maria

Malangba Bangormayum Sometimes, thereare gaps between intent and action. This gap, for me, is most visible in the arts. We have ample exemplars of this phenomenon.A devout faithful can sing

Malangba Bangormayum

Sometimes, thereare gaps between intent and action. This gap, for me, is most visible in the arts. We have ample exemplars of this phenomenon.A devout faithful can sing the glory of the Lord, but to the effect that the auditor runs away for her dear life. On the other hand, a sinner can sing the same glory, and you are transported, while your feet are firmly rooted to the ground you stand. I have been puzzled by this observation. Thinking about this reminds me of a story once told to me. It involves a cow.

There are some localities with a wee-bit more enthusiasm when it comes to the arts and performances, entertainmentand festivities. In one such locality, and knowing its tradition of patronage of the arts, a newly constituted theatre company, made up mostly of inexperienced artists approached the local club to have a premiere of their new production. A day and place for performance was fixed, the microphones and the mikes were put in place and the performance started. It was clear that the performance was a bad one from the first act, and there was a general apprehension that it might turn worse. The audience bore the performance with fortitude. Bad performances can make you weep. It can be a real torture. A youth, who could not take it anymore, released a cow tethered nearby, and made it charge towards the performance. The audience ran amok.The‘male actresses’ also ran with shouts of “mother”, I was told. When the melee settled, there was a real drama to follow. The owner of the cow, greatly peeved and humiliated, and in defense of the honour of his cow that has been blamed for the mischief, the abortion of the performance, challenged whoever released the cow to come forward and make himself known. He challenged the unknown miscreant to a manly fight. Though everyone had the fright of their lives, they must have secretly blessed the cow.

There are moments when one feels that there is more than what meets the eye. There are times when one feelsthat what we see may not be all to what there is.There could be a realm that is beyond us. This ‘transportation’happens. The first time I felt, if for just a moment, that there must be more than what meets the eye, was during the performance of a famous Requiem by a choir with a splendid orchestra, in a cathedral. It was magical. Closer home the feeling of an extraordinary dimension came at a performance of RasLeela many years ago. I had gone there to call someone, not to witness the performance, not to prostrate in devotion. But that single minute of watching it unfold, from a respectable distance, has had an impact which has outlasted the distance of time. No wonder then that art has been used to win over those who do not believe. Faith has been expressed, propagated, instilled by the ‘instrumentality’ of art. No wonder, it has also been used to make money.

Is art just an artifice? Is it something that befools you; throws dust upon your eyes? Is art an instrument to making profit to a point of vulgarity?Yet,this vulgaritypales in comparison to the vulgarity that is there in trying to hide the intention of profiting with pretension of authenticity. I would prefer works of art that says, I am here to make money and entertain you rather than art that says, I am not here to make money but to tell a story that has to be told, when the fact is writ large that it does not care anything but the money in your pocket.If money is the end for an art work, then it has to pander to popular taste. Then there has to be some sacrifice on art’s seeking its own end – the end to transport us perhaps; the end to say the unsayable; the end of speaking unspeakable silence.

Flies know what is good for them. There must be more flies than human beings. If worth is decided by number, then flies must be right. There can be nothing more worthy than rotten things.

There is this song called “Ave Maria”, a song in praise, in prayer to Mary, mother of god. A very popular song considering the genre to which it belongs. This is one of those songs, which can be cherished if performed well. It has a quality that seems to say “this is the real deal”.This song proves that you can have your art and your money too. But here money follows arts’ walk. And I believe that something is wrong if it is the other way round. It is just a feeling that I have. To those who think that this feeling cannot be entertained since I do not have justifications forit, I simply say -“Ave Maria”.

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Modi and his Teachers’ Day in Manipur – KanglaOnline

The HinduModi and his Teachers' Day in ManipurKanglaOnlineStudents and teachers throughout the nation woke up on Friday morning to a different form of Teachers' Day celebration. Since 1962, India has been celebrating Teachers' Day on Septem…

The Hindu

Modi and his Teachers' Day in Manipur
Students and teachers throughout the nation woke up on Friday morning to a different form of Teachers' Day celebration. Since 1962, India has been celebrating Teachers' Day on September 5, the birthday of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the second President …
Modi's Teachers' Day speech exposes lacuna of school system in ManipurThe Hindu
Modi wants to be 'radio active', seeks people's viewsEconomic Times
PM wants to connect with people through radio; Invites suggestions to explore Times of India
Firstpost –Hindu Business Line –Indian Express
all 909 news articles »

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Common Gynaecological cancers in Women

By Dr Khushboo Shah Sawant Last week in this column, we discussed in detail about the most common form of cancer see in women which is ‘breast cancer’, and today

By Dr Khushboo Shah Sawant

Last week in this column, we discussed in detail about the most common form of cancer see in women which is ‘breast cancer’, and today as we continue to go a little further in detail of our current subject of cancer, we shall look at a few more forms of cancers seen in the field of gynaecology or commonly seen cancers in the female reproductive tract. As described earlier, cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in a body, which may be triggered due to various reasons. Such forms of growth can sometimes be the cancer in the various parts of the female reproductive tract. While there are various forms and types of cancers seen in many parts like the vagina, cervix, the exterior organs etc, the most commonly seen types of cancers in gynaecology are the cancer of the cervix, the endometrial and the ovaries. We will look at some basic info about each of these types today.
We start with cancer of the cervix. This is by far, one of the most common forms of gynaecological cancers. We first begin with the basic question, what is the cervix? The cervix is a part of a woman’s reproductive system. It is located inside the pelvis. It is the lower narrow part of the uterus (which is also known as the womb) and connects the exterior reproductive parts to the uterus which is in the interior part of the body. The cervix remains tightly closed during pregnancy so as to protect the foetal growth and keep the baby safely inside the womb.  During childbirth, the cervix opens up to allow the baby to pass through the vagina. Similar to other forms of cancer, even the exact cause for the cancer of cervix is not known, however some causes and risk factors have been identified as an infection of the human papilloma virus (also known as HPV), smoking, engaging in sexual activity very early in life, having multiple sex partners, taking birth control pills etc. It is still not known as to why a woman with certain risk factors is more likely to suffer as compared to another woman with same or similar risk factors. A risk factor is something that can increase the chances of developing the disease. It has been seen and noted that an infection of the virus HPV is cause of almost all the cervical cancers. However a HPV infection is a self clearing infection, meaning the infection can clear out on its own. So basically an HPV infection when affects a susceptible person with other positive risk factors, the probability of affection of the cancer of the cervix increases greatly. The most common symptoms and signs of cervical cancer are abnormal vaginal bleeding, increased vaginal discharge, bleeding in the middle of the menstrual cycle, bleeding in a post menopausal female, pain during sexual intercourse, and pain in the pelvic area. One of the most common and simplest methods of diagnosing cervical cancer is by performing a pap smear. Other methods of diagnosing may be by performing and MRI scan or a PET scan. Treatment options include radiation therapy, surgery and chemotherapy etc. while some pre-cancerous changes in the cervix may be treated by non invasive methods.
We now move on to the next form of cancer known as the endometrial cancer, a type of cancer, which begins in the uterus or the womb. The uterus is a pear shaped hollow structure inside the female reproductive tract where the development of the baby occurs during pregnancy. The endometrium is the lining which covers the walls of the uterus, which sheds during menstruation. Endometrial cancer begins as an abnormal growth in the lining around the uterus (endometrium). There are also some other forms of cancer in the uterus, though the cancer of the endometrium is most common. The exact cause of endometrial cancer is not known but there are certain risk factors like fluctuation in the hormonal balance of the body, due to any illness, medication etc. which may prove to be risky, increased years of menstruation due to early puberty and delayed menopause. Also, women who have never been pregnant have a higher risk when compared to women who have been pregnant. Increasing age is also a risk factor while excessive weight or obesity that alters the body’s hormonal balance can be a risk too. This type of cancer is often detected in the initial stages as it produces abnormal vaginal bleeding, which most often alarms women to seek the help of a doctor. The commonly seen symptoms are vaginal bleeding after menopause, bleeding between periods, an abnormal watery blood tinged vaginal bleeding, pain during intercourse and pelvic pain. If detected well in time, surgically removing the uterus often cures the patient.
Ovarian cancer, as the name suggests is the cancer of the ovaries. The causes of this are not known but a genetic predisposition towards ovarian cancer or breast cancer seems to play a vital role as a causative factor, age also plays a role. While this type of cancer can rear its head any age, it is most commonly seen between ages 50-60 years. Ovarian cancer often goes undetected until it has spread within the pelvis and abdomen. Early stages of ovarian cancer rarely causes any symptoms and even as the disease progresses, it produces many non specific symptoms which may be wrongly diagnosed as a irritable bowel syndrome. Signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer include abdominal bloating or swelling, easy satiety or feeling of fullness even after eating very small quantities of food, weight loss, discomfort in the pelvic area, changes in the bowel habits, frequent constipation, increased frequency of urination etc. Early stage ovarian cancer in which the disease may be confined to only one ovary are more likely to be treated successfully. Surgery and chemotherapy are other options used to treat ovarian cancer.
As we have discussed earlier, while most risk factors may not be in our control, the avoidable risks must be kept at bay. Also it is advisable for women over the age of 40 years or those who have attained menopause to go for an annual ‘pap smear’ test. This simple test can prevent dire consequences. Another way is to consult a doctor in case any of the signs and symptoms mentioned above makes its presence felt. It may not necessarily be cancer, but it is best to be on the safer side.

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Dear Teacher

Even stars vanished when shines does the sun, So does the moon gets smaller or … bigger, But this never ending, enormous universe got no ends And so does my

Even stars vanished
when shines does the sun,
So does the moon gets smaller
or … bigger,
But this never ending, enormous universe
got no ends
And so does my love for you Dear Teacher.
Even if I scale to new heights
in the near future
my appreciation would still be the same, I assure you.
Your words are rice
feeding thousands of hungry brains,
Your smiles are keys
opening the hearts of a million,
Your scoldings are erasers
rubbing scars of a million.
If done something bad
forgive me Dear Teacher
If done something worse
Scold me Dear Teacher
If done something good
pat my back Dear Teacher
If done something best
tell me it’s not the best as yet
Dear Teacher.
For that will be my weapon
to open gates to victory,
Now I wish to say this frankly
Sometimes I hate you
Sometimes I envy you
Sometimes I lied to you
But I never forget
to realise what you are,
And  I would cry in my heart when you praise me
Coz I don’t prefer a praise
but a signature of your heart
telling that I am not ready for life as yet
telling that I could still try more
telling that you trusts me.
Dear Teacher
At the age of six
I began to realise what made you exceptional
And what made me respect you
And what made us dependent
Now, I am ready Dear Teacher
to wear my helmet
And begin the competition of life
of darkness and envyness,
Where the only light
is the glow from your sinless face
And the destiny behold there
would be the predictions of your palms
And now, Lets Proceed!

-Athena Thiyam
Class VIII, Shishu Nistha Niketan

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By RK Lakhi Kant No zest, only a cheap stage tear jerkers pass off as folk and classical tradition social conditions, how to nullify the impact of new wave westernisation

By RK Lakhi Kant

No zest, only a cheap stage
tear jerkers pass off as
folk and classical tradition
social conditions, how to nullify
the impact of new wave
westernisation of India
feel odd, also ticklish
Is not the Indian going
to remain an Indian
can we laugh it off –
this grave subject, even as
cracks appear in the
social fabric. Cherish the
folk and classical heritage
before it fades out, before its late
Traditional songs nearer to
reality; the new ones follow
only commerce in the end.
Relaxed, children and ladies
enjoy the folk and classical fare
on grassy lawns fresh with
the evening dew drops.
New wave is far from that –
all out to devalue the
institution called humanity.
The timeless intellect
freely occuring as the air we breathe;
A clarity sublime, but takers are less
Ahoy! Temptations on hold
simplicity, traditions full speed ahead!

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Modi and his Teachers’ Day in Manipur

Students and teachers throughout the nation woke up on Friday morning to a different form of Teachers’ Day celebration. Since 1962, India has been celebrating Teachers’ Day on September 5,

Students and teachers throughout the nation woke up on Friday morning to a different form of Teachers’ Day celebration. Since 1962, India has been celebrating Teachers’ Day on September 5, the birthday of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the second President of India. Thursday saw schools rushing to give finishing touches to their preparations for the Teachers’ Day celebration, although the preparations were not just for festivities but for a speech to be delivered by the Prime Minister. School authorities were directed to ensure their students’ presence in the school premises during the Prime Minister’s speech on Teachers’ Day to be telecasted live on national TV. School authorities or rather the school heads of all government, aided and private schools including those under the district councils were directed to strictly adhere to the instructions provided to ensure necessary arrangements for TVs in their school campuses and to submit photographs and compliance reports of the said programme to the concerned authorities before 5.30pm of the same day. The Prime Minister’s speech was telecasted from 3 pm to 4:45 pm and included an interaction session of the Prime Minister with students of selected schools from across the country. This is a first for teachers and students of the entire nation, to be addressed directly by the head of the country on Teachers’ Day.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has once again managed to catch the attention of the entire nation with this endeavour. He has sort of achieved a feat even if a small one with his address to the students of the country. The concept is noteworthy, and many would construe it as an earnest attempt to motivate students who are the future of the country. At the same time, it could raise quite a few eyebrows as well.

The Prime Minister gave his speech in Hindi which doesn’t enjoy the same acceptance in the States lying in the north eastern or southern regions of the country as it does in the northern States. For the sake of argument, the entire insight of the Prime Minister’s speech could be lost in translation to the students of the first two regions who are mostly unfamiliar with the language. This would well be the same case, even if the teachers attending to the students were enterprising enough to attempt translating the speech. And in such a case, the students would have returned home only with the false sense of watching the Prime Minister address to them directly through the TV, without understanding much of the speech and its content.

At the same time, in States like Manipur where schools lack even basic amenities and infrastructure, asking students to sit through an entire speech, however motivating the speech is, could be quiet quixotic. Students protesting lack of amenities in their schools are frequent fixtures in the State. On September 4, as schools in the entire length and breadth of the country were busy giving final touches to their preparation for the D-Day, students of Ananda Singh Higher Secondary School were busy protesting and facing police lathi-charge as was reported in the local papers. And this is not a solitary case.

The end-point being, now that the Prime Minister has created a niche for himself among the student community of the country; it is time for him to look into the real problems the students face and improve the facilities provided in the schools.
Leader Writer: Wangkheimayum Bhupendra Singh

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UNC wants PR in Manipur – KanglaOnline

UNC wants PR in ManipurKanglaOnlineImphal, September 6: The United Naga Council has today urged the Centre to impose the President's Rule in Manipur today. A press release of the council has said that the Union government cannot shy away from inter…

UNC wants PR in Manipur
Imphal, September 6: The United Naga Council has today urged the Centre to impose the President's Rule in Manipur today. A press release of the council has said that the Union government cannot shy away from intervening in the present situation on the …

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UNC wants PR in Manipur

Imphal, September 6: The United Naga Council has today urged the Centre to impose the President’s Rule in Manipur today. A press release of the council has said that the

Imphal, September 6: The United Naga Council has today urged the Centre to impose the President’s Rule in Manipur today.

A press release of the council has said that the Union government cannot shy away from intervening in the present situation on the pretext of constitutional limitations when democracy and the constitutional rights of the people are being desecrated.

It said our peoples’ movement is rooted in our political aspirations as a people.

The people have registered their protest through more than adequate public statements and democratic civil actions on the unwarranted imposition of 144 CrPC in Ukhrul for more than seven weeks by the State government and the insecurity to which they have subjected the people to with unprecedented militarisation, it said.

The thousands of Nagas who came out to join the rallies on August 30 in all the Naga dominated districts were a clear demonstration of the sentiments of the people and cannot be belittled in a democracy, it added.

It further accused Chief Minister Okram Ibobi and deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam who are constitutionally obliged to listen to the voices of the people and protect their lives and safeguard their security for muffling the voices of the people instead.

Stressing that the Indo-Naga Cease-Fire was signed between the Union government and NSCN (IM) without any preconditions, the press release stated Naga people have upheld the Indo-Naga peace process with respect and great expectation over the last 17 years.

Instead of facilitating the peace process, as is their bounden duty, the State government has played spoilsport by militarising Naga areas on the pretext of maintaining law and order with the sole intention of dishonouring the Indo-Naga cease-fire and sabotaging the Indo-Naga peace process, it further stated.

It said Gaikhangam, who not so long ago championed Naga integration and signed the  memorandum demanding for integration of Naga areas submitted to the Prime Minister of India on  May 27, 2005 by 11 MLAs and 2 MPs today is an ardent advocate against the Naga people.

In the press release issued by the publicity wing of UNC, the Naga frontal organisation have questioned the deputy CM’s suggestion that the August 30 rally and protest occurred at the behest of others and was not a spontaneous people’s rally.  Asking what he means by these ‘others’, UNC expressed its wish to ascertain whether those who protest against unfair and unjust imposition by a communal government ‘criminals”.

Asking why 144 CrPC was not revoked during the rally in respect to the people, it stated that the deputy CM and his government had orchestrated the incident knowing fully-well what would happen on that day. The State government is solely responsible for the crime, it added.

Claiming that the text messages received by the deputy CM, real or imaginary, congratulating him over the successful militarisation of Ukhrul have taken precedence over the thousands of Nagas who rallied across the land of the Nagas on August 30 in condemnation of the same, UNC stressed in the press statement that the voice of the people is supreme in a democracy.

Urging the Union government to understand that UNC does not believe in violence, the Naga frontal organisation claimed that its people’s movement was based upon the unmistakable fact that it was impossible to protect our right to life, land, time-honored institutions, customary practice and values under the administration of the communal Government of Manipur. It further stated in the press release that throughout its history with the State government, the Ste government has never respected the identity and dignity of the Naga people.

Pointing out that until and unless the Nagas and tribals have an alternative arrangement outside the scope of the State government, the press release from UNC stated that the strife, conflict and the potential for catastrophic communal clash will always be there.

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Blockade affects normal life in Ukhrul

By R Lester Makang   UKHRUL, September 6: With the Tangkhul Frontal Organizations (TFOs) tightening its grip on enforcement of the United Naga Council (UNC) -sponsored ongoing indefinite ban on

By R Lester Makang


UKHRUL, September 6: With the Tangkhul Frontal Organizations (TFOs) tightening its grip on enforcement of the United Naga Council (UNC) -sponsored ongoing indefinite ban on vehicles movement on national and state highways in Naga areas, normal life in Ukhrul district headquarters has been disrupted as town taxis stayed off the road since day second while NH-150 continue to wear a deserted look.

The move to clamp strictures on movement of town taxis has been made to strengthen the ban call in the heart of the town as well, informed a TFO source this evening, adding that, acordingly, town taxis have been informed not to ply in the town except for two hours from 8-10 am in the morning and 2-4 pm in the evening which is strictly in consideration of the public hardships in meeting exigencies.

The town’s thoroughfare which is normally cramful of taxis, consequently, has experienced a sparse traffic movement since yesterday adding to the thinning of traffic volume due to the highways ban.

At the same time, the NH-150 along the Imphal-Ukhrul route continued to look deserted as all sorts of vehicles kept off the road, despite the strategic deployment of paramilitary forces like Assam Riffles along the highway.

A team of Assam Riffles personnel led by a commandent could also be seen patrolling along the road today.

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Govt-JCILPS talk on course, following advocate Arjun’s release

IMPHAL, September 6: Talks between the State government and the Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System might be held on September 9, following the unconditional release of the latter’s

IMPHAL, September 6: Talks between the State government and the Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System might be held on September 9, following the unconditional release of the latter’s executive member advocate Pukhrambam Arjun Singh from judicial custody.

The JCILPS had earlier turn down an invitation of the Chief Minister for talks on September 4 after the government failed to release the advocate.

JCILPS convenor Ibotombi Khuman lauded the government for the unconditional release of the committee’s executive member and said that he will attend the talk with the government on the issue.

Arjun was arrested on July 28, 2014 from the Keishampat ILPS protest site, he said.

He continued that the committee has already received verbal invitation for talk from the government schedule for September 9.

Meanwhile, Arjun said he was happy to know that members and volunteers of the JCILPS have continued with the movement.

He also expressed gratitude over the people’s support to seek his unconditional release.

Arjun Singh said he was charged under section 17/20 UA (P) Act but was released after all charges have been dropped.

He further expressed that he will continue whole heartedly supporting the movement to implement Inner Line Permit System in the State.

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Deceased MLA’s son files legal notice against Andro MLA

IMPHAL, September 6: Deceased Hiyanglam MLA Maibam Junjo’s son M Chandrabir has slapped Manipur Pradesh Trinamool Congress president Th Shyamkumar with legal notice seeking monetary compensation over his father’s death.

IMPHAL, September 6: Deceased Hiyanglam MLA Maibam Junjo’s son M Chandrabir has slapped Manipur Pradesh Trinamool Congress president Th Shyamkumar with legal notice seeking monetary compensation over his father’s death.

According to a source, Chandrabir has sought Rs 2 crore as compensation for the untimely demise of his father (L) Maibam Kunjo Singh, charging the MPTC president of committing “tortious act” against the deceased MLA.

In his notice, Chandrabir has said his father (L) M Kunjo Singh was an active member and sincere MLA of the AITC with undying loyalty, allegiance towards the party.

Sources said the notice was sent by advocate M Manglem Singh yesterday.

The notice mentioned that Chandrabir was unhappy that his father was “slapped with a suspension order from the Manipur Pradesh Trinamool Congress Committee of which MLA Shyamkumar is the president,” informed sources.

“(L) Kunjo Singh never enrolled as a member of the Manipur Pradesh Trinamool Congress Committee, a party flouted by you. In fact, he enrolled as an active member of the Manipur Pradesh Trinamool Congress (enrolment form no 320) and remained as an MLA of the Manipur Pradesh Trinamool Congress till his death,” the legal notice said, according to the source.

The notice further charged MLA Shyamkumar as the president of Manipur Pradesh Trinamool Congress Committee of passing wrongful suspension order, disqualification petition and revocation order against (L) Kunjo “which tarnished and defamed the good name and reputation of a peoples’ representative and also causing mental agony.”

Chandrabir has sought Rs 2 crore in total as compensation to (L) Kunjo Singh’s legal heirs

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Three students injured during road block agitation at Jiribam

JIRIBAM, September 6: Three students were injured while trying to block escorted vehicles of the Coastal Construction Company involved in the construction of rail line at Kashimpur bazar this morning.

JIRIBAM, September 6: Three students were injured while trying to block escorted vehicles of the Coastal Construction Company involved in the construction of rail line at Kashimpur bazar this morning.

Two vehicles of the company were also destroyed during the ensuing scuffle between the blockade supporters and escort team.

The injured students are identified as Piyarul Haque, 13 son of Farij uddin of Kashimpur, Bahrul Islam, 13 son of Jafrul uddin of Ahmadabad and Rahmana Begum, 10 daughter of Anam uddin of Ahmadabad.

Later the students were rushed to the Community Health Centre Jiribam for their urgent treatment.

The dismantled vehicles are two Bolero DI Turbo of the company bearing registration number MN 06L – 4590 and MN 05A – 2974.

Locals had called an indefinite blockade along the Kashimpur to Leishabithol road after the authorities failed to look into their demand to repair the road.

The blockade had started since midnight of September 5, with residents including students coming out to execute the road block. Around 11.30 am, two vehicles of the Coastal Construction Company escorted by a team of the 5 Manipur Rifles tried to pass through Leishabithol and move towards Kashimpur Bazar.

Sources said the blockade supporters attacked the vehicles resulting in a scuffle between them and the security personnel escorting the vehicles during which the three students including a 10 year old girl were injured.

Sources also said that the escort party had blank fired in a bid to control the students.

Meanwhile, following the injuries the All Manipur Students’ Union, District Committee, Jiribam, All Jiribam Bengali Students Union, and the Muslim Students’ Organisation have decided to support the ongoing agitation of the local students.

President of the Jiribam unit of the AMSU Y Sanjiv Singh, president MSO, Manipur Unit Md Salman Khurshid AJBSU general secretary MM Hasan have also condemned the action of the security personnel and demanded the authorities concern to look into the demand of the locals and the students at the earliest.

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MPTCC will field candidate for Hiyanglam by-election: Shyamkumar

IMPHAL, September 6: The Manipur Pradesh Trinamool Congress Committee will field a candidate in the by-election of Hiyanglam AC to retain the seat left open by the demise of sitting

IMPHAL, September 6: The Manipur Pradesh Trinamool Congress Committee will field a candidate in the by-election of Hiyanglam AC to retain the seat left open by the demise of sitting MLA M Kunjo, said president Th Shyamkumar.

Speaking to media persons at the party’s office chamber at Moirangkhom, he said the decision to field a candidate was taken during a meeting of the party’s office bearers yesterday.

He said four candidates have already come seeking tickets from the party, however, the party will announce the potential candidate only after the declaration of by-election notification by the government.

Meanwhile, on the present law and order problem in the State and the indefinite economic blockade imposed along the highways in the State, Shyamkumar appealed to the Union government help bring normalcy and not to allow such disruptions as bandhs and blockades to disturb the general public.

On the ILPS issue, he said he will urge president of the All India Trinamool Congress to implement the Inner Line Permit System in the State.

Education is an important sector, however, it continues to face problems, he said before adding that his party is working to uplift education in the State to the global stage.

Meanwhile, on being asked about his disqualification challenge made by MLA Khumukcham Joykishan, he said the matter is before the Speaker and would be sub-judice for him to comment on it.

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Spitting boxes for cleaner roads placed at CCpur

By Alex Guite LAMKA, September 6: “It is a humble beginning but nonetheless a good beginning as it will cater to the cleanliness prospect of the town as the saying

By Alex Guite
LAMKA, September 6: “It is a humble beginning but nonetheless a good beginning as it will cater to the cleanliness prospect of the town as the saying goes cleanliness is next to Godliness,” said Churachandpur DC PK Jha today regarding spitting boxes installed in the district.

He was speaking at the inaugural of the installation of more than 30 spitting boxes called “Chil Bawm” along the Tiddim Road and other major intersections in Lamka town.

The project was launched under the initiative of the CT Lian Convenience Store and media persons particularly, the Churachandpur Reporters Association (CRA).

The DC also added that the next time around the district administration will collaborate with today’s organisers to work for the betterment of the Lamka town.

Another special invitee, CEO, ADC Churachandpur Manmuanching lauded the organisers and said that through their effort, spitting in public places will be minimised.

She further dwelt on the importance of non-government organisations and the public to initiate such good works.

The brief programme was held along the Tiddim Road-side at the Nehru mark-IB Road junction around 2:30pm.

Other than the two officers, the programme was also attended by leaders of student bodies like the ZYA, ZSF, YPA and the Lamka Town chief Thangkhosuanmung Guite.

The SP, Churachandpur couldn’t attend the programme due to a prior commitment.

The spitting boxes are sponsored with a charity event of the release of a local film “Heina Peuh Ah” at the Churachandpur College campus and with financial aids from Singat MLA GS Haupu, ADCC chairman Langkhanpau Guite and EM of ADCC Kamsuanlun apart from many social workers.

CT Lian   the co-ordinator of the project and chairman of CRA Biak Tonsing said that they raised a fund with the selling of the film’s disc and had spent almost Rs 1 lakh for the project to be inaugurated today.

Tonsing appealed to the Lamka locals to use the boxes particularly those who chew pan and to throw things cigarette butts.

Co-ordinator of the project told the IFP that they had been carrying out such activities in the past but lack of public awareness had hindered its utility. He also said that the people need to maintain the public properties.

“We must not wait for the government alone to act, but take the initiative by ourselves so that the government can back us up” he continued.

Sesiem, who is a core member of the project organiser thanked the general masses for their participation.

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NPF Manipur cautions Deputy CM – Nagaland Post

NPF Manipur cautions Deputy CMNagaland PostNaga People's Front (NPF) Manipur unit leaderships Saturday came down heavily on the state deputy chief minister Gaikhangam alleging that he (Gaikhangam) was making baseless statements regarding August 30 …

NPF Manipur cautions Deputy CM
Nagaland Post
Naga People's Front (NPF) Manipur unit leaderships Saturday came down heavily on the state deputy chief minister Gaikhangam alleging that he (Gaikhangam) was making baseless statements regarding August 30 Ukhrul incident in which two persons were …

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Revisiting Macbeth in Valleys of Manipur – The New Indian Express

The New Indian ExpressRevisiting Macbeth in Valleys of ManipurThe New Indian ExpressThiyam's version of Macbeth is staged entirely in Manipuri, and his Macbeth is not just an over-ambitious, egomaniacal, henpecked husband, he is an entity—a force…

The New Indian Express

Revisiting Macbeth in Valleys of Manipur
The New Indian Express
Thiyam's version of Macbeth is staged entirely in Manipuri, and his Macbeth is not just an over-ambitious, egomaniacal, henpecked husband, he is an entity—a force of greed and violence that threatens to infect every corner of the world. Thiyam's

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Trucks leave for Silchar to fetch essential goods for Manipur – The Hindu

Trucks leave for Silchar to fetch essential goods for ManipurThe HinduUnder instructions from the Union Home Ministry, the Manipur government arranged for 368 trucks to leave Imphal on Saturday for Silchar in Assam to fetch various consumer items, cook…

Trucks leave for Silchar to fetch essential goods for Manipur
The Hindu
Under instructions from the Union Home Ministry, the Manipur government arranged for 368 trucks to leave Imphal on Saturday for Silchar in Assam to fetch various consumer items, cooking gas and fuel. Police and additional forces rushed to Manipur …

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Mary Kom’s Husband Working Towards Biopic Releasing in Manipur – NDTV

NDTVMary Kom's Husband Working Towards Biopic Releasing in ManipurNDTV"We've been working directly with Manipur Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh's office and have all their support. We've done our best to get the release in Manipur…


Mary Kom's Husband Working Towards Biopic Releasing in Manipur
"We've been working directly with Manipur Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh's office and have all their support. We've done our best to get the release in Manipur. Onler has also been very helpful in trying to get the release. Let's see where we end up

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Boxer’s Husband Joins Efforts to Release ‘Mary Kom’ in Manipur – The New Indian Express

The New Indian ExpressBoxer's Husband Joins Efforts to Release 'Mary Kom' in ManipurThe New Indian Express"We've been working directly with Manipur Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh's office and have all their support. We've…

The New Indian Express

Boxer's Husband Joins Efforts to Release 'Mary Kom' in Manipur
The New Indian Express
"We've been working directly with Manipur Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh's office and have all their support. We've done our best to get the release in Manipur. Onler has also been very helpful in trying to get the release. Let's see where we end up

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