Senior Citizens for Society urges JCILPS to get involved in bill drafting process with govt

IMPHAL, August 18: The Senior Citizens for Society (SCS) today met the Chief Minister regarding the preparation of the ILP bill and also shared concerns over the present turmoil, according

IMPHAL, August 18: The Senior Citizens for Society (SCS) today met the Chief Minister regarding the preparation of the ILP bill and also shared concerns over the present turmoil, according to its secretary Khaidem Mani.

Speaking to media persons at the Manipur Press Club, Mani said a five member team of the society met the Chief Minister today.

`We feel that the five-point demand of the JCILPS has been incorporated by the government except for some minor modification/editing of language,`™ Khaidem Mani.

He said at this juncture it would be appropriate for the JCILPS to get involved in the drafting process to ensure that the end result is acceptable to all stake holders.

We are not against outsiders coming here instead we need to boost entry of outsiders to promote tourism under a regulated system, he said.

He also said that the SCS endorse the legitimate five-point demand of the JCILPS.

Mani also said that the public is wary of the manner the government has acted in the past and there is widespread mistrust of the government among the general public.

Now the public is not convinced with just assurance from the government, he continued.

Although the movement has been gaining much momentum with almost every section of the society joining in, lately some miscreants under the influence of intoxicants seem to have hijacked the genuine movement, he observed.

Despite the repeated appeal from the JCILPS for the agitators to provide free passage to essential services like media, health, religious services, agitators continue to harass people from these services, he elaborated.

Unfortunately, a divide has also crept in among the leaders of the movement as is evident from the JCILPS SW and DESAM row, he continued.

Now, we are witnessing bandhs and general strikes being imposed even without any early announcement from anywhere, which is creating much inconvenience to the public, he observed.

There are also several cases of provocation among groups of agitators, he said.

Patients who are being taken to the hospital have been affected with cases of even death being reported, Mani continued.

This is unfortunate and at the same time, the support from the people to such an important movement seems to be dwindling, he said.

It is important for the agitators to follow the directives of the JCILPS or to make prior announcement of any general strike or bandh, Mani observed.

The JCILPS which is spearheading the movement, should also put a check on the unruly behaviours of its volunteers and revert the movement back in its proper direction, he continued.

The JCILPS should also address the present pattern of anarchy and chaos and take timely suggestions from the experts and intellectuals, he further proposed.

The present movement is fully justified as it is a demand for a legal mechanism to protect the indigenous people, said general secretary SCS Laishram Sadananda.

However, the approach of the agitators and the inconveniences it is causing to the general public is also becoming a concern, he added.

The split visible in among the students is unfortunate, Sadananda observed.

The press meet was also attended by other members of the Senior Citizens Society.

The SCS also expressed concern over the tension in Moreh area and appealed to all for peaceful settlement of misunderstandings and reiterated that the ILPS is in the interest of all communities of the State.

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Seven hunger strikers arrested

IMPHAL, Aug 18: Altogether seven persons including five students who launched hunger strikes demanding implementation of the Inner Line Permit System or similar law in the State have been arrested

IMPHAL, Aug 18: Altogether seven persons including five students who launched hunger strikes demanding implementation of the Inner Line Permit System or similar law in the State have been arrested by police from different places today.

The five students were picked up from Ananda Singh Higher Secondary Academy around 8 am while the other two identified as Leishangthem Pratap of Thangmeiband Sinam Leikai and Laishram Gunindro of Thangmeiband Hijam Leikai were pulled up from opposite to THAU Ground waiting shed.

Health condition of the seven arrested hunger strikers deteriorated when they were arrested by police.

After they were arrested, another six persons including five students came out and launched fast unto death stir. The five students are fasting in front of Ananda Singh Higher Secondary Academy while the remaining one namely Thongam Ongbi Apabi Devi, 65 wife of Th Modushudon Singh of Thangmeiband Hijam Leikai is fasting opposite to THAU Ground waiting shed.

The five students are identified as Mangsatabam Nongdonleima Chanu (Class XII science student of Lamlong Higher Secondary School); Thongam Malemnganba Meitei (Class X student of Lamlong Higher Secondary School); Thingujam Ricky Singh (Class IX student of Eastern Ideal High School); Irom Jotin Kumar Singh (Class XII science student of Johnstone Higher Secondary School and Samurailakpam Susil (Class XII arts student of Ananda Singh Higher Secondary Academy). They began fasting at 11.30 am.

On the other hand, a large number of youths of Yumnam Patlou took out a cycle rally in Imphal area demanding enforcement of ILPS in the State at the earliest.

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Sharmila expresses concern over present turmoil

IMPHAL, Aug 18: Irom Chanu Sharmila, who has been on hunger strike for the past more than 14 years demanding repeal of the AFSPA , was produced before the court

IMPHAL, Aug 18: Irom Chanu Sharmila, who has been on hunger strike for the past more than 14 years demanding repeal of the AFSPA , was produced before the court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Imphal West RK Memcha today morning at around 11.

Before entering the court room Sharmila had a brief chat with the reporters.

Speaking to the reporters, she expressed her concerns on the present scenario of Manipur.

She expressed her disappointment over the State government for taking too much time in fulfilling the people`™s wish of the ILP or a similar law being implemented in the State.

She also expressed her concern on the reports of some ILP protesters under the influence of intoxicants causing harm to people, public properties and vehicles.

She said this kind of things can show the movement in a bad light.

When asked what she thinks about the students who are on hunger strike demanding ILP in Manipur, she replied `I would not suggest anyone to carry out this form of protest (hunger strike) because I don`™t want anyone to suffer the way I am suffering now.`

`In one`™s life the stage of a student is very important.

`In fact students are our pillars of tomorrow. We should free the students from the problems and issues faced by the State from time to time. Let them study peacefully,` she continued.

`I think it is possible to achieve the goal of the masses successfully without much destruction and also within a limited time frame if the civil societies, political parties and other organizations work together with trust, unity and sincerely,` she said.

She further said that her movement has crossed 14 years now. `They (government) have, under charges of attempt to commit suicide, awarded me with one year penalty every year and then I am released for few days before I am again re-arrest,` she said.

While urging the people to support her movement she questioned whether it is `dharma` to treat a person, who is only fighting against a brutal law for the sake of truth in a non violence form, like this in a democratic country.

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Gaikhangam assures disciplinary action on scribe assault case

IMPHAL, Aug 18: Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam who is also the Home minister has assured media persons in the State that he will take disciplinary action against the Bishnupur District

IMPHAL, Aug 18: Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam who is also the Home minister has assured media persons in the State that he will take disciplinary action against the Bishnupur District Police personnel who had assaulted a staff of the Hueiyen Lanpao last night in front of the newspaper`™s office.

The assurance was expressed before a team of the All Manipur Working Journalists`™ Union during a meeting today at the deputy CM`™s office.

It may be mentioned that police had assaulted Hueiyen Lanpao staff Willar Leimapokpam last night around 8:51pm in front of the newspaper`™s office.

Reacting to the police brutality, journalists in Imphal took out a protest rally headed by AMWJU from Manipur Press Club Majorkhul to Nupi Laan Complex to submit a memorandum demanding actions against the rogue police personnel within 48-hour.

A six-member AMWJU team later met the Home minister.

The Home minister tendered apology on behalf of the erring police personnel and assured befitting actions within 48 hours after a lengthy meeting.

During the meeting, the AMWJU team led by president Wangkhemcha Shyamjai showed the Home minister CCTV footages of the incident where the police personnel assaulted the scribe.

The AMWJU team also highlighted the present grievances of the State based media persons during the ongoing movement spearheaded by the JCILPS and the conflict situation in the State.

Harassment of journalists by the police has been a frequent occurrence in the State, the AMWJU president told the Home minister.

In such a hostile situation, the media persons are continuing to carry out their duties he said, and further appealed to the Home minister to look into the issue and ensure that such incidents are not repeated in the future.

In his reply, Gaikhangam assured that the incident was unfortunate and the government will ensure that such incidents are not repeated in the future.

He also ensured to visit and extend maximum help to the Huiyen Lanpao staff who is undergoing treatment at Raj Medicity.

Meanwhile, residents of Wangkhei Ningthem Pukhrimapal staged a sit in protest against the assault on Willar by the police.

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Kuki Inpi, AMUCO and UCM joint team to visit Moreh today

IMPHAL, Aug 18: `Manipur is presently in a very highly charged situation. And such eruption as witnessed in Moreh at this hour is very unfortunate, Kuki Innpi Manipur president Thangkhsei

IMPHAL, Aug 18: `Manipur is presently in a very highly charged situation. And such eruption as witnessed in Moreh at this hour is very unfortunate, Kuki Innpi Manipur president Thangkhsei Haokip said regarding the Moreh violence today.

Speaking at a press conference held at the UCM office today, he said `The Kuki Inpi Manipur strongly condemns any kind of violence, because every issue can be sorted out by dialogue even though differences in opinion may arise.`

He further said that Kuki Inpi Manipur shares the sorrows of the Meiteis at Moreh as they are also minorities in Moreh.

He informed that to avoid further spread of this issue, representatives of Kuki Inpi Manipur (KIM), United Committee Manipur (UCM) and All Manipur United Clubs Organization (AMUCO) will go to Moreh tomorrow early morning to meet the community leaders to bring a solution to the issues.

AMUCO vice president Ph Debam Sharma speaking to media persons said that while trying to take out a peace rally in connection with ILP demand in Manipur an unwanted incident happened leading to a communal tension in Moreh.

`It is very unfortunate and we strongly condemned it. We have always appealed to the people not to create such tension,` he said.

`Moreh is a very peaceful place where various communities reside together. This happens only because of some miscreants who have failed to use their senses,` he added.

He also appealed to the State government as well as the security personnel to be vigilant especially in the night time to avoid further spread of violence.

UCM president Jonson Elangbam while strongly condemning the incident said the incident happened only because of some people who have vested interests.

Every community residing in this land needs to understand that the ILP issue is for all the communities residing in Manipur and not for a particular community, he continued.

He said that the Kukis and Meitei have been residing there for a long time now and similar incidents had happened in the pass but have managed to settle the issue peacefully and quickly.

If there is any misunderstand with the ILP demand then we can sit together and sort it out peacefully, he said.

`Let`™s stop these people who are trying to create communal tension. We don`™t consider this as a communal issue but rather an issue created by some mindless people,` he declared.

`Don`™t spread rumours and don`™t believe in rumours as well and please calm down. Let us all try to bring a solution to this issue together,` he added.

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Parl Secy Amin Shah re-elected as MSHC Chairperson

IMPHAL, August 18: Parliamentary Secretary of MOBC and Science & Technology Amin Shah has been re-elected as the Chairperson of the Manipur State Haj Committee for three years by voice

IMPHAL, August 18: Parliamentary Secretary of MOBC and Science & Technology Amin Shah has been re-elected as the Chairperson of the Manipur State Haj Committee for three years by voice vote under Section 21(1) of Haj Committee Act 2002 today.

As per a government order, the Manipur State Haj Committee was officially formed on August 7, 2015 with 16 members and conducted its first sitting at the mini conference hall of MONEDS at around 11 am with Salaudin Khan Member and Executive office of MSHC Imphal in the chair.

The committee in its first meeting held today endorsed to elect Amin Shah as its Chairperson.

While elaborating on his three years tenure programmes and projects as the Chairperson, Amin Shah appealed to Haj pilgrims from Manipur to offer prayer at the holy place for Muslim community at Mecca for peace and tranquillity in the State.

He informed that the State Haj pilgrims will leave Imphal on August 19 and 20 for Saudi Arabia from Imphal Airport.

He also appealed to the concerned civil society organizations engaged in the ongoing mass movement demanding introduction of Inner Line Permit System in the State to allow free passage to Haj pilgrims during the two days.

All Muslims in the State also fully endorsed the collective demand for ILPS enforcement in the State which is much necessary, the Parliamentary Secretary said.

Assuring that he as the Chairperson of Manipur State Haj Committee will try to increase the number of Haj pilgrim from the State by requesting India Haj Committee, he further informed that this time the State Haj pilgrims will be led by Moulana Mukti Salatu Rahaman.

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Women vendors impose 72-hr closure of Khwairamband Market from today

IMPHAL, Aug 18: Annoyed at the government`™s utter inaction over the long standing demand for introduction of Inner Line Permit System or a similar Act to effectively regulate the alarming

IMPHAL, Aug 18: Annoyed at the government`™s utter inaction over the long standing demand for introduction of Inner Line Permit System or a similar Act to effectively regulate the alarming influx of outsiders into the State which has threatened the existence of the indigenous people, women vendors of Khwairamband Market have imposed a 72-hour closure of the main market with effect from August 18 midnight.

The call of the closure of the market was taken during a joint meeting of women vendors of Khwairamband Market convened today at 11 am wherein leaders of the four market sheds attended.

The meeting strongly decried the government`™s lackadaisical attitude towards the mass movement despite launching severe forms of agitation from many sections.

Reiterating that it is not the time for the government to merely discuss the people`™s movement launched solely for safeguarding the indigenous people, women vendors attending the gathering asked the government to recollect undeniable contribution made by women vendors of Khwairamband Market towards the security of the State.

Certain resolutions with regard to the ongoing mass movement were also unanimously adopted during the meeting.

It resolved to bar non-locals from selling wares in and around the four market sheds, Thangal Bazar, Paona Bazar, MG Avenue and BT Road till ILPS is implemented in the State.

The meeting also firmly resolved to restrict non-locals from transporting goods at the four market sheds till ILPS or similar law is introduced as per the wishes of the people.

Enraged women vendors during the meeting further resolved to launch intense agitation in case ILPS or similar law is not enforced by the government before August 21.

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Federal future needed

From all that we have seen in the past one month of street agitations, it is obvious the state is on the verge of a dangerous precipice today. As demonstrated

From all that we have seen in the past one month of street agitations, it is obvious the state is on the verge of a dangerous precipice today. As demonstrated by the clashes at Moreh today, one small spark can ignite an inferno. Thankfully good senses prevailed this time, and although the clashes were ugly, the trouble was prevented from either persisting or spreading to cause more damages. What is also evident from the incident is, the mistrust between the communities is extreme. This is apparent even on internet discussion circles. People, even those who would be considered enlightened and therefore capable of detached assessment of the situation, were surprisingly so eager to presume guilt or innocence of the different parties in the clash depending on their own ethnic affiliations and personal biases, without even waiting to confirm facts on the ground. If the event was tragic, the sideshows on the internet were saddening. It is depressing too to realise how much most of us are prisoners of our own perspectives, often making us miss realities beyond individual narrow visions. There were of course very mature and moderating voices too, and all credits must go to them for preventing all the hatred generated from spreading.

What is also clear beyond doubt is the communities in Manipur have extreme distrust for each other. What one community does, the next one suspects therefore tacitly or openly they all end up opposing each other. This will take the place nowhere far. But mere sermons cannot be the remedy for this malaise. Invocation of past fraternal relation cannot be the salvation either although this has lessons to offer. The way forward then is to think in terms of a social architecture for the future. For a multi-community society like Manipur, this architecture would have to be in the nature of a federal power structure. All decisions that are billed to be in everybody`™s interest must have to be endorsed by a consensual voice of everybody first. Nobody must be taken for granted even for decisions which are quite obviously in everybody`™s interest. What must also be realised is, it is not so much history which binds the communities together, and even if this were so, history is a dynamic process and is constantly in a flux. It is given to changes. Even a nation is a daily plebiscite as Ernst Renan tells us. What on the other hand is the greater and more permanent binding sinew is geography. And certain geographies are integral and any attempt to separate them will result in conflict. The hill-valley bondage in Manipur is similarly placed. Each nourishes the other, but at another level, each also sees the other as a threat. Robert Kaplan has many different sketches of similar violent geographies from across the globe in his extremely readable book `Revenge of Geography`. Manipur`™s hills and valley may not like each other, but let it also be accepted that there is extreme conflict potential in severing the geographical bond between them.

Another point often missed, but must have to be taken note of is, in a multi-community society, elementary laws of arithmetic determine that 50 per cent is not necessarily the majority mark. It can be much smaller. The fallacy can come in another shape. In the current rage over a swelling `outsider` population for instance, the dreaded figure often cited as the number of `outsiders` is a third of state`™s population. But this `outsider` is not one bloc. If broken down to individual communities, the percentage each occupies would still be small. Many of them are already to a great extent indigenised. It would be prudent therefore not to treat them as a single bloc. In a related but not identical situation, there is a very interesting discussion on why the academic subject of sociology was never strong in British universities unlike in continental countries, in particular France. The explanation offered is, the British were able to so effectively translate their knowledge and intuition of anthropology into politics so effectively that they did not need sociology. Conversely, for the French, whose politics failed miserably, pushed out of the race for colonies in the industrial age by the British, sociology was an introspective reflection on how their politic went wrong. So when the British arrived in India, if they had also looked at India as one bloc, they may not have dared to dream of ever conquering it. But here is where their anthropology began working. They broke down the society into components and dealt with each component differently, ultimately conquering the entire sub-continent. They would for instance categorise people into martial and non-martial categories and think of different ways of dealing with either. Not in the sinister sense of conquest by divide and rule, but in working out harmonious community equations, such success stories must be recalled and emulated.

Leader Writer: Pradip Phanjoubam

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Manipur ambush: Attackers of NSCN(K) have been identified – Economic Times

The Hindu

Manipur ambush: Attackers of NSCN(K) have been identified
Economic Times
The questioning of Panmei also confirmed that a local resident of Chandel in Manipur, Startsan, who is also the revenue collector of that area, led the attack on Indian Army. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) probing the attack on Indian Army
India requests Myanmar to hand over NSCN(K) leadersThe Hindu
Assam, Manipur concern over Muivah’s speechThe Echo of India
Manipur’s Naga outfit opposes govt- NSCN (IM) accordThe Shillong Times
The Wire –Deccan Herald –The Indian Express
all 82 news articles »

The Hindu

Manipur ambush: Attackers of NSCN(K) have been identified
Economic Times
The questioning of Panmei also confirmed that a local resident of Chandel in Manipur, Startsan, who is also the revenue collector of that area, led the attack on Indian Army. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) probing the attack on Indian Army
India requests Myanmar to hand over NSCN(K) leadersThe Hindu
Assam, Manipur concern over Muivah's speechThe Echo of India
Manipur's Naga outfit opposes govt- NSCN (IM) accordThe Shillong Times
The Wire –Deccan Herald –The Indian Express
all 82 news articles »

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President of ISS Manipur Pradesh appointed – KanglaOnline

President of ISS Manipur Pradesh appointedKanglaOnlineIMPHAL, August 18: As per recommendation of the Committee formed for the appointment of President of India Sports Sangh (ISS), Manipur Pradesh consisting of National Vice-Presidents and National Exe…

President of ISS Manipur Pradesh appointed
IMPHAL, August 18: As per recommendation of the Committee formed for the appointment of President of India Sports Sangh (ISS), Manipur Pradesh consisting of National Vice-Presidents and National Executive members of ISS, S Manaoton Singh has been …

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India requests Myanmar to hand over NSCN(K) leaders – The Hindu

The Hindu

India requests Myanmar to hand over NSCN(K) leaders
The Hindu
India has asked Myanmar to hand over four top leaders of the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (Khaplang) [NSCN(K)], including its chief S.S. Khaplang, holding them responsible for ambushing an Army convoy in Manipur in June, killing 18 soldiers.
Manipur’s Naga outfit opposes govt- NSCN (IM) accordThe Shillong Times
Naga Peace Accord Remains Hazy and Full of PitfallsThe Wire
Gogoi accuses Muivah of playing hide-and-seekDeccan Herald
IBNLive –The Indian Express –Business Standard
all 65 news articles »

The Hindu

India requests Myanmar to hand over NSCN(K) leaders
The Hindu
India has asked Myanmar to hand over four top leaders of the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (Khaplang) [NSCN(K)], including its chief S.S. Khaplang, holding them responsible for ambushing an Army convoy in Manipur in June, killing 18 soldiers.
Manipur's Naga outfit opposes govt- NSCN (IM) accordThe Shillong Times
Naga Peace Accord Remains Hazy and Full of PitfallsThe Wire
Gogoi accuses Muivah of playing hide-and-seekDeccan Herald
IBNLive –The Indian Express –Business Standard
all 65 news articles »

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BCCI to Discuss Affiliation of Manipur, Mizoram on August 23 –

BCCI to Discuss Affiliation of Manipur, Mizoram on August 23
Manipur has been an associate member and now they have appealed for full membership which will enable them to play in the Ranji Trophy. Mizoram also has said that they can develop good infrastructure. Chattisgarh already has a stadium where IPL and …

and more »

BCCI to Discuss Affiliation of Manipur, Mizoram on August 23
"Manipur has been an associate member and now they have appealed for full membership which will enable them to play in the Ranji Trophy. Mizoram also has said that they can develop good infrastructure. Chattisgarh already has a stadium where IPL and …

and more »

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ILP rally sparks clashes at Moreh as police remain mute; indefinite curfew clamped

IMPHAL, August 18: Tension erupted in the border town of Moreh cohabited by different communities today as a a mob protested against an Inner Line Permit rally in the town.

Police personnel turn a blind eye as protestors throw stones at a rally in Moreh

Police personnel turn a blind eye as protestors throw stones at a rally in Moreh

IMPHAL, August 18: Tension erupted in the border town of Moreh cohabited by different communities today as a a mob protested against an Inner Line Permit rally in the town.

A mob went on a rampage for more than three hours damaging more than 45 houses and business establishments including hotels and more than 20 vehicles belonging to a certain community, informed a source.

The violence has since been brought under control with the arrival of SP Chandel, an official report said.

Meanwhile, the DC Chandel has imposed an indefinite curfew in Moreh.

Leaders of civil organisations of Moreh have agreed on holding a public meeting to solve the issue. According to a latest report received, things are under control now as both the sides have come to an understanding, according to a NNN report.

More than six persons were also injured in the mob violence, informed local sources.

Several houses including the offices of the Meetei Council Moreh and the All Community Development Organisation Moreh were also set ablaze by the mob even as the police remained as mute spectators, the sources informed.

Sources informed that around 9am today, the All Manipur Students`™ Union, Chandel district, Kha Nongpok Apunba Nupi Lup, Moreh and Nupi Khunai Chaokhat Lamjing Lup, Moreh organised a rally supporting the demand for ILPS in the State.

According to sources, a mob came out and disrupted the rally.

This resulted in stone pelting between the ILP supporters and the other group.

However, the mob ran berserk and started singling out houses and business establishments belonging to a certain community in the heart of the Moreh bazaar. Properties worth more than one crore rupees were damaged in the violence, informed a source.

Meanwhile, locals have also claimed that no security forces including both the State police and the Central forces came to control the mob in time.

A joint statement of the Meetei Council Moreh and the the All Community Development Organisation Moreh has strongly condemned the violence during which their offices were set ablaze.

The statement said the two organisations strongly condemned the action wherein the offices of the two which has been working to bring peace and development in the town were set ablaze.

It continued, the two organisations also strongly condemned that the mob had singled out houses and business establishment of a single community.

The mob after robbing the houses of their belongings including valuable ornaments carried them away in Tata DIs, hand carts and other vehicles, it claimed. The houses were then set ablaze or damaged, the statement continued.

The two organisations have also condemned that the mob which included properly armed individuals also attacked the women participating in the rally. They even fired towards the womenfolk, it said.

It is also unfortunate and condemnable that no security forces arrived to control the mob which went on a rampage for more than three hours, it said.

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Kohima Lions Club visited different abled students at Cherry Blossoms School

KOHIMA, Aug 15(NEPS): Members of the Lions Club of Kohima (LCK) led by its president Lion Tali Jamir marked Indian Independence Day by visiting differently abled students of the Cherry


Members of the Lions Club of Kohima (LCK) seen with differently abled students of Cherry Blossoms School, Kohima during their visitation to the School as part of the 69th Anniversary of the Indian Independence Day Celebrations on August 15, 2015. Students have been given towels and also had lunch together with the visiting Club Members. Photo – NEPS

KOHIMA, Aug 15(NEPS): Members of the Lions Club of Kohima (LCK) led by its president Lion Tali Jamir marked Indian Independence Day by visiting differently abled students of the Cherry Blossoms School, Kohima on August 15 today. The visit to the School was part of the 69thAnniversary of the Indian Independence Day Celebrations. After a short service, the Club’s Members distributed towels to each students of the School.

Appreciating the service rendered by the Principal and her team for the differently abled students, LCK President Tali Jamir told the parents who were also present during the visitation program at the School that they should not feel otherwise of having their children disabled. “These disabled students are more abled than the abled ones,” he told the parents. “Because,they are having extra-ordinary sensitive nature given by God and once they learn, it will be there forever.”


Members of the Lions Club of Kohima (LCK) seen with differently abled students of Cherry Blossoms School, Kohima during their visitation to the School as part of the 69th Anniversary of the Indian Independence Day Celebrations on August 15, 2015. Students have been given towels and also had lunch together with the visiting Club Members. Photo – NEPS

He also thanked Purnima Kayina, Headmistress and other teachers of the Cherry Blossoms School, for rendering valuable services and bringing the disabled children up to abled ones through their teachings in the institution.He called upon the parents to understand the difficulties the teachers underwent and respect their contributions.


Members of the Lions Club of Kohima (LCK) seen with differently abled students of Cherry Blossoms School, Kohima during their visitation to the School as part of the 69th Anniversary of the Indian Independence Day Celebrations on August 15, 2015. Students have been given towels and also had lunch together with the visiting Club Members. Photo – NEPS

Senior Club Member Lion Maren Paul also spoke on the occasion.

Headmistress Purnima Kayina briefed the Club Members about the School history and the present position. She disclosed that they were having about 200 students including 30 differently abled ones. She said the School was established in 2007.

After the service, the Club Members, the students,teachers, and parents had lunch together in the School.


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14-year-old from Manipur to address UN General Assembly –

India.com14-year-old from Manipur to address UN General AssemblyIndia.comImphal, Aug 17 : A 14-year-old boy from insurgency-hit Manipur has been selected to attend the 70th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) session to be held in September this yea…

14-year-old from Manipur to address UN General Assembly
Imphal, Aug 17 : A 14-year-old boy from insurgency-hit Manipur has been selected to attend the 70th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) session to be held in September this year. Konkham Lamjingnganba is the lone representative from the entire …
14 Year Old Boy From Manipur Will Soon Address The UN General AssemblyAll India Roundup
Teenager to represent northeastern India at UNDaily Times

all 10 news articles »

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Manipur: Fresh violence erupts over Inner Line Permit issue, curfew imposed – Daily News & Analysis

Daily News & Analysis

Manipur: Fresh violence erupts over Inner Line Permit issue, curfew imposed
Daily News & Analysis
On Monday, NDTV had reported that five students on indefinite hunger strike demanding Inner Line Permit in Manipur were arrested, and admitted to Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) hospital in Imphal after their health condition deteriorated.
Private properties torched, looted in Manipur clashThe Statesman
Shops, Roadside Hotels Set Abaze in Group Clash in ManipurThe New Indian Express

all 6 news articles »

Daily News & Analysis

Manipur: Fresh violence erupts over Inner Line Permit issue, curfew imposed
Daily News & Analysis
On Monday, NDTV had reported that five students on indefinite hunger strike demanding Inner Line Permit in Manipur were arrested, and admitted to Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) hospital in Imphal after their health condition deteriorated.
Private properties torched, looted in Manipur clashThe Statesman
Shops, Roadside Hotels Set Abaze in Group Clash in ManipurThe New Indian Express

all 6 news articles »

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Shops, Roadside Hotels Set Abaze in Group Clash in Manipur – The New Indian Express

Shops, Roadside Hotels Set Abaze in Group Clash in ManipurThe New Indian ExpressIMPHAL: Miscreants allegedly burnt shops and hotels during a clash between two groups at border town Moreh in Chandel district of Manipur, police said today. The groups cla…

Shops, Roadside Hotels Set Abaze in Group Clash in Manipur
The New Indian Express
IMPHAL: Miscreants allegedly burnt shops and hotels during a clash between two groups at border town Moreh in Chandel district of Manipur, police said today. The groups clashed with arms in the town, which borders Myanmar, and set ablaze some shops …

and more »

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North-East film festival in Delhi soon – India Today

India TodayNorth-East film festival in Delhi soonIndia TodayThe 2014 Manipuri feature Pallepfam will kick off the second edition of Fragrances from the North East, a three-day festival of cinema from the northeast, here from August 21 to 23. Minister o…

India Today

North-East film festival in Delhi soon
India Today
The 2014 Manipuri feature Pallepfam will kick off the second edition of Fragrances from the North East, a three-day festival of cinema from the northeast, here from August 21 to 23. Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Rajyavardhan
Manipuri feature to kick off Delhi northeast film

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Manipur: 1951, The Cut-Off Year in New Draft Bill – NorthEast Today

NorthEast TodayManipur: 1951, The Cut-Off Year in New Draft BillNorthEast TodayManipur Government has, in principle, agreed to adopt 1951 as the cut-off year in the new draft Bill to define the people of Manipur whose names are in the National Register…

NorthEast Today

Manipur: 1951, The Cut-Off Year in New Draft Bill
NorthEast Today
Manipur Government has, in principle, agreed to adopt 1951 as the cut-off year in the new draft Bill to define the people of Manipur whose names are in the National Register of Citizens, 1951. Giving a detail account of the actions taken by the
Govt agrees to adopt 1951 as cut-off year in new BillThe Sangai Express

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