Under modernisation of State police forces, the Manipur Police Department has taken up construction of various infrastructure, office buildings, barracks, kitchen cum dining hall, compound wall barbed wire fencing, sentry towers, water reservoirs, etc…
Under modernisation of State police forces, the Manipur Police Department has taken up construction of various infrastructure, office buildings, barracks, kitchen cum dining hall, compound wall barbed wire fencing, sentry towers, water reservoirs, etc for District Police Headquarters, Police Sta tions, Police Outposts, MR IR Bns etc at various locations with funds allocated for the purpose under various plan schemes viz State Annual Normal Plan Additional Central Assistance ACA Special Plan Assistance SPA Special Central Assist ance SCA 11th Finance Commission 13th Finance Commission and Non Plan Scheme of Modernisation of Police Force Source The Sangai Express DIPR
Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=20&src=080616