Japan, a conglomerate of small islands, also known as ‘Land of the Rising Sun’ is infamous for civility, courtesy and high level of discipline of its citizens. In lower primary classes, the tiny tots are taught on various aspects viz, basic courtesy, personal and public hygiene, sanitation, cleanliness, patience and tolerance before inculcating their Japanese alphabets like ‘A, B, C….’ of English inside their heads. The Japanese are also considered the cleanest people on earth in terms of personal hygiene.
The post Making best use of noble gestures from abroad appeared first on The Sangai Express.
Japan, a conglomerate of small islands, also known as ‘Land of the Rising Sun’ is infamous for civility, courtesy and high level of discipline of its citizens. In lower primary classes, the tiny tots are taught on various aspects viz, basic courtesy, personal and public hygiene, sanitation, cleanliness, patience and tolerance before inculcating their Japanese alphabets like ‘A, B, C….’ of English inside their heads. The Japanese are also considered the cleanest people on earth in terms of personal hygiene.
The post Making best use of noble gestures from abroad appeared first on The Sangai Express.
Read more / Original news source: http://www.thesangaiexpress.com/making-best-use-noble-gestures-abroad/