From Our Correspondent
After the shameful incidents in Odisha and Bihar states where two men had to carry the dead body of a wife or a daughter after mortuary vans were denied recently, a picture of a sick man, carried by a JCB to hospital, who died on the way has been viral in social media since yesterday evening in Manipur.
The incident has been confirmed and it came to be a shocking truth that for the first time, if not the entire state, more particularly in the hill district of the state that a JCB was used as an ambulance to transport a sick man to the nearest hospital but unfortunately the man breathed his last on the way.
The appalling incident took place in the interior part of Chandel district when a 40-year old Thangtinlen Baite, s/o Lamtinthang Baite of N. Gamnom in Khengjoi sub-division died on the way towards the nearest hospital available in the neighbouring country, Myanmar yesterday.
It was reported that due to the non-availability of ambulance service and proper medical support in the locality, Thangtinlen Baite had to be carried by a JCB from his village for medical treatment at Khampat Hospital located in the neighbouring country, Myanmar’s border village.
It was also owing to the improper road conditions in Khengjoi division coupled with the unusable bridge connecting the road, the locals had been forced to arrange a JCB as the last available option to transport the sick man for medical treatment at the nearest available hospital.
However, despite all possible efforts the man succumbed to his acute ailment on the way, said the locals attributing the death to the bone shaking ride due to the bad road condition and non-availability of proper medical support in the sub-division.
Khengjoi sub-Division in Chandel district is located in the interior part of the district bordering Myanmar.
Electricity, communication and road condition, medical facilities and economic conditions of the areas have in worst form, which need serious attention of the BJP led coalition government under its ‘Go to Hills-Ching Challo’ slogan.
Read more / Original news source: http://www.ifp.co.in/item/1944-patient-dies-in-jcb-ambulance