SENAPATI | July 22
The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS), Senapati organised a ‘One-Day FLower Show cum Sales’ under the ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ programme, with the theme “There is strength within her to empower her community”, at Senapati Mini Stadium today.
Speaking as chief-guest, Athem Muivah, Deputy Commissioner, Senapati said, in comparision, our society is much advance than the rest of the country as empowerment of girls are concerned. He further stated that ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ (BBBP) is a very unique programme as it involves all the different Government Departments, NGOs as well as public.
He requested all the stake-holders, Government Departments, NGOs, publics, etc., to join hand and work together for the successful implementation for this project as well as the other projects for the development of the district.
Speaking in her key-note address, Smt. L. Ela A Magdalene, DPO, ICDS, Senapati said that ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ was started in the year 2015. Out of 161 projects all over India, Senapati district was the lone District selected for Manipur.
She further enumerated the three main objectives of the Project as prevention of gender biased Sex Selective Elimination, ensuring survival and protection of the girl child and ensuring education and participation of the girl child.
The objectives are aimed to prepare the girl child for their married life, to give good health and financial freedom in future life.
She further said that BBBP Task Force at District and Block-Level have been formed. The Project will be giving more emphasis on the adolescent girls.
As a follow up of the programme, there will be street plays, media campaigns, documentation, BBBP Awards and observation of Girl Child Day.
The flower show was participated by different ICDS SHG Groups of the district. ICDS Tadubi SHG, ICDS Accord SHG and ICDS Kangpokpi Naga were selected as the third, second and first best group respectively.
The function was also attended by all the district level officers of the district.
Read more / Original news source: http://www.ifp.co.in/item/2120-there-is-strength-within-her-to-empower-her-community