By Daniel Kamei
With an aim to preserve and keep alive the beautiful tradition and culture of the Zeliangrong community the Zeliangrongpui Naga Customary Arts & Culture Research Society Tamenglong organised the 5th ‘Pukpha’ festival at Shekinuh Inn, Tamenglong district headquarters.
The programme was attended by K Sushila, director arts and cultures government of Manipur as the chief guest of the celebration.
In her speech as chief guest, K Sushila said that the customs and tradition practiced by forefathers were same in hills and valley.
She also mentioned that with the coming of Christianity the beautiful culture of forefathers has been at the verge of extinction in hills. She also thanked the Zeliangrongpui Naga Customary Arts & Culture Research Society Tamenglong for keeping alive such beautiful culture.
She pointed out the importance of preserving custom and tradition and arts practiced by our forefathers. Ones must have a heart to preserves the culture, custom, tradition and identity despite following different types of religion, she said.
Highlighting the importance of ‘Pukpha Ngai’, KC Ramkhundiyang, member of Zeliangrongpui Naga Customary Arts & Culture Research Society Tamenglong said that Pukpha Ngai” is a pre-harvest thanks-giving festival practiced by forefathers of the Zeliangrong and Npui tribes.
He said that even if we became Christian, our old culture should be kept alive. Ramkhundiyang further said that festival is an occasion for the farmers to unwind themselves.
“As farmers, we begin the year with many activities such as collecting firewood, seed-sowing, nurturing young paddy plants, removing weeds from paddy. But now we have paddy. It is time to celebrate and thank god for guiding us throughout the year”, he said.
A customary practice rice beer was served to all the participants of the colourful festival. Folk songs, sharing of folk tales were the main highlights of the festival. Elders coming from different villages of the district and cultural troupes took part with pomp and gaiety in the celebration.
Read more / Original news source: http://www.ifp.co.in/item/2478-zeliangrong-s-thanks-giving-festival-pukpha-celebrated