From A Correspondent
THOUBAL | Aug 18
A district level peoples’ consultation on Manipur Vision 2032 was held today at the meeting hall of Integrated rural development service organisation, Wangjing, Thoubal district today.
The meet was jointly organised by IRDSO, Wangjing, women in governance (WiNg) Manipur and coalition for advocacy on lifelong learning (CALL-Manipur) with supports from the centre for study of social exclusion and inclusive policy, Manipur University.
The consultative meeting was being organised as a part of peoples’ participation in shaping Manipur vision 2032 in line with sustainable development goals 2032. This comes as a part of the planning department’s initiative in drafting Manipur vision 2032.
The purpose of the meet was to hear out and exchange views and perspectives between the civil society members and government officials on sustainable development goals in drafting the state’s vision 2032.
Director of CSSEIP, Manipur University professor, E. Bijoy, convenor of CALL-Manipur, B. Deban Sharma, Thoubal district co-ordinator, Nonibala Narengbam, principal of Thoubal College, O. Chaoba Devi were the main speakers of today’s meet.
It may be mentioned that the united nation’s sustainable development goals 2030 includes specific targets like end poverty in all its forms everywhere by 2032, end hunger,
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achieve food security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture by 2032,ensure healthy lives ,inclusive and equitable quality education, achieve gender equality and empower women and girls, ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, build resilient infrastructures, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation, take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact by 2032 etc.
Members of civil society organisations, women police personnel and media personnel also took part at the meet.
Read more / Original news source: http://www.ifp.co.in/item/2942-consultation-on-manipur-vision-2032-at-wangjing