From Our Correspondent
MOREH | Oct 16
As the biggest festival of Manipur, Ningol Chakouba and Kut festival approaches, the international border town Moreh is chocked with traffic caused by early shoppers today. The border town has been teeming with shoppers coming from different parts of the valley in particular.
Shoppers thronged the town and could be seen scattered everywhere. Having no empty spaces, privately brought vehicles were parked on both sides of the road causing huge traffic jam.
From Moreh Bazar bridge to fire brigade service station which lies ahead of the police station, the highway was lined with parked vehicles. Under the supervision of SDPO, Laurence K. Munlou, Moreh police are putting all their energy, in the heat of the day, to prevent the traffic jam. The efforts to control the jam, has been very trying for the police.
On the other hand, the lodging hotels opened at the Moreh town bazaar area are all booked, causing difficulties to those looking for rooms. Some are making adjustments by sharing rooms.
Nanpalong Intenational Market of Myanmar was also heavily crowded by shoppers that came from Manipur. As usual, the Myanmarese vendors who are aware of all the dates of Manipuri festivals have raised the prices of goods.
However the price rise has not discouraged the shoppers from buying the items they came for looking.
Regarding the matter, Meetei Council Moreh has extended every possible help to the tourists and shoppers coming from the valley by providing shelter and food. A representative of the organisation informed, in order to avoid difficulties in getting places to stay, shoppers may contact the office of MCM for booking hotels and other places, prior to visiting Moreh.
Read more / Original news source: http://www.ifp.co.in/item/4404-festival-shoppers-overcrowd-moreh-market-despite-price-rise