By A Staff Reporter
IMPHAL | Nov 2
Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) today said that the party will join hands with all opposition political parties of the state in observing a “Black day” on November 8, the day demonetisation of Rs.1000 and Rs.500 was announced last year by BJP led government. The state political parties in opposition will take out a mass rally and other agitations against the BJP led government.
General secretary of the party, L. Sotinkumar announced this in a press meet held at its Irawat Bhawan office.
He said that demonisation which was claimed to be a step to do away with black money has proven false and that it also didn’t help remove black money. Instead it gave a lot of trouble to the public. Demonetisation has flopped miserably, he said.
The BJP government also made other many changes that stirred the country such as beef ban, demonetisation, GST, and now Taj Mahal issue.
Sotinkumar also said that CPI will observe the great October socialist- revolution centenary celebration on November 7 at Roop Mahal Theatre. It was a revolution which led to the establishment of the Soviet Union.
The Russian Revolution took place in Russia on November 7, 1917. This revolution became a historical landmark worth celebration because it was the first revolution that peasants and the lower classes overthrew the ruling bourgeoisie and formed a new state based on socialism.
CPI-M leader also commented on the recent NSCN-IM and Government of India’s peace talks saying that the party will not allow any compromises on the state’s territorial integrity. Instead he urged the government to give full autonomy to the district authorities and gram panchayats so that such uprising and demands will not happen.
He mentioned that the BJP government has also stirred the north eastern states especially Manipur by its decisions. He noted that in 2001, an agreement was signed between the government and the NSCN-IM to have ‘cease-fire without territorial limit’, and in 2015 again, Framework Agreement was signed and the contents are not made public till now.