By A Staff Reporter
IMPHAL | Nov 12
The state government is planning to dredge the river bed of the Imphal river by December as maintaining a clean river bed will be helpful in controlling water pollution as well as flood, said MAHUD minister, Th. Shyamkumar.
He was delivering the chief guest speech today during the closing ceremony of the 7-day campaign and observation of Swachh Bhart Mission (urban) 2016-2017 organised by Lilong Nagar Panchayat.
Th. Shyamkumar continued that the government will upgrade the market shed of Lilong Chajing and Andro as soon as possible. Cleanliness starts from one’s home and people should at the same time take the ownership of the state as their own home, he added.
The guest of honour of the function, consumer affairs, food and public distribution minister, Karam Shyam said that cleanliness will be maintained only when the public has a good civic sense.
Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has launched the Swachh Bhart Mission as cleanliness is one of the important things to prevent unwanted diseases and to make a healthy society.
He assured that the government will bring significant development in Langthabal Assembly constituency as well in the whole state within three years.
As a part of the function prizes were distributed to the winners of the essay and painting competition organised by the Lilong Nagar Panchayat in connection with the campaign and observation.
The function was also attended by Lilong Nagar Panchayat, vice-chairperson, S. Sanatomba as president and BJP Manipur state unit treasurer, Robin Blackie as guest of honour.
Read more / Original news source: http://www.ifp.co.in/item/5020-govt-to-dredge-imphal-river-by-dec-shyamkumar