Centre Notifies Transfer Of Judges To Manipur And Gauhati HCs – Live Law

Live LawCentre Notifies Transfer Of Judges To Manipur And Gauhati HCsLive LawJustice Lanusungkum Jamir, who is currently functioning as an Additional Judge of Gauhati High Court, has been transferred to Manipur High Court. Justice Jamir completed his l…

Live Law

Centre Notifies Transfer Of Judges To Manipur And Gauhati HCs
Live Law
Justice Lanusungkum Jamir, who is currently functioning as an Additional Judge of Gauhati High Court, has been transferred to Manipur High Court. Justice Jamir completed his law course in the year 1988 from the North Eastern Hill University, and
Central Govt notifies transfer of judges to Manipur, Gauhati HCs [Read Notifications]Bar & Bench

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