‘Hill Leaders’ Day’ to be jointly held with ‘Meeyamgi Numit’

IMPHAL | Oct 8 : Chief Minister’s secretariat, Imphal has notified all concerned that the ‘Hill Leaders’ Day’ scheduled to be observed on October 10 will be held jointly with ‘Meeyamgi Numit’ on a day to be appointed in due course…….

IMPHAL | Oct 8 : Chief Minister’s secretariat, Imphal has notified all concerned that the ‘Hill Leaders’ Day’ scheduled to be observed on October 10 will be held jointly with ‘Meeyamgi Numit’ on a day to be appointed in due course…….

Read more / Original news source: http://www.ifp.co.in/page/items/52658/hill-leaders-day-to-be-jointly-held-with-meeyamgi-numit