Opposes plan to develop ‘Bird Sanctuary’: Thinungei Progressive Dairy Farming Cooperative Society : 24th feb19 – E-Pao.net

Opposes plan to develop ‘Bird Sanctuary’: Thinungei Progressive Dairy Farming Cooperative Society : 24th feb19  E-Pao.netBishnupur, February 23 2019: The Thinungei Progressive Dairy Farming Cooperative Society Ltd strongly opposed the plan to…

Opposes plan to develop ‘Bird Sanctuary’: Thinungei Progressive Dairy Farming Cooperative Society : 24th feb19  E-Pao.net

Bishnupur, February 23 2019: The Thinungei Progressive Dairy Farming Cooperative Society Ltd strongly opposed the plan to develop a ‘Bird Sanctuary’ at …

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=22&src=240219