‘Poll at Andro was held free and fair’

Voting at polling station 7 39 Nungbram Primary School, Andro AC was done without any hindrance to influence the election, claimed ex Pradhan and social worker Khumanthem Rajmani at Nungbram Thumkhong Lairembi Youth Club community hall and refuted that…

Voting at polling station 7 39 Nungbram Primary School, Andro AC was done without any hindrance to influence the election, claimed ex Pradhan and social worker Khumanthem Rajmani at Nungbram Thumkhong Lairembi Youth Club community hall and refuted that one Koijam Achou was beaten by mob during the election yesterday Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=14&src=200419