A team of Thoubal District Police, led by Inspector O Ajit Singh, OC LIL PS, assisted Thoubal Commando team led by CDO commander Kh Rambai Singh, under the supervision of Addl SP Ops TBL Sachidanada Soibam and arrested two persons in unauthorised pos…
A team of Thoubal District Police, led by Inspector O Ajit Singh, OC LIL PS, assisted Thoubal Commando team led by CDO commander Kh Rambai Singh, under the supervision of Addl SP Ops TBL Sachidanada Soibam and arrested two persons in unauthorised possession of 485 numbers of cough syrup bottles Source The Sangai Express
Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=30&src=070720