24th anniversary of ILP movement observed

International Peace and Social Advancement IPSA , All Clubs Organisation Association Meira Paibi Lup ACOAM Lup , People Action for National Democratic Movement PANDM , Indigenous People’s Association of Kangleipak IPAK , Kangleipak Lamjing Apunba…

International Peace and Social Advancement IPSA , All Clubs Organisation Association Meira Paibi Lup ACOAM Lup , People Action for National Democratic Movement PANDM , Indigenous People’s Association of Kangleipak IPAK , Kangleipak Lamjing Apunba Meiralup Kanglamei , Kanglei Ima Lup KIL , Chanura Lamchinglen Kangleipak CLK and Kangleipak Students’ Union KSA jointly observed the 24th anniversary of the ILP movement in the state, at the conference hall of KSA’s office at Khoyathong on Thursday Source Chronicle News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=33&src=191121