Student bodies against ‘Hindi imposition’

At least six student organisations have resolved to steadfastly oppose any move to make Hindi a compulsory subject in North East India during the people’s convention held at GM Hall, today Source The Sangai Express

At least six student organisations have resolved to steadfastly oppose any move to make Hindi a compulsory subject in North East India during the people’s convention held at GM Hall, today Source The Sangai Express

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Student bodies against ‘Hindi imposition’

At least six student organisations have resolved to steadfastly oppose any move to make Hindi a compulsory subject in North East India during the people’s convention held at GM Hall, today Source The Sangai Express

At least six student organisations have resolved to steadfastly oppose any move to make Hindi a compulsory subject in North East India during the people’s convention held at GM Hall, today Source The Sangai Express

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