4 Bank of Baroda staff held in Manipur for ‘stealing’ gold worth Rs 4 crore – The Indian Express

4 Bank of Baroda staff held in Manipur for ‘stealing’ gold worth Rs 4 crore  The Indian Express

4 Bank of Baroda staff held in Manipur for ‘stealing’ gold worth Rs 4 crore  The Indian Express

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivwFBVV95cUxPZHhsYlBlUnpRWWlNUjBpTy1NdlVva0IyQnlTUnYxbVExMGxtVWFyOHJYUjVfajJ2Ql9YdzV6cVZGb0VPY2FHSEp5NWlxbzRsNm5oM2lZa1hndlBpbUlWV1JWLWpUdUU3M2JHNEVOeTJ6bjVWLVVZaElxYVdsR3NKcXNNdTRleW5Bb2NrQ2ZMQzZIRm1aNU56UnVyR1hOT0I1dzA0YV9sdUxvblU4eEg2N0ctWk9zVmtJT2ZsaEZ5NA?oc=5