A small Manipuri village had escaped the brunt of violence. A surprise attack there has now put the state on edge – The Indian Express

A small Manipuri village had escaped the brunt of violence. A surprise attack there has now put the state on edge  The Indian Express

A small Manipuri village had escaped the brunt of violence. A surprise attack there has now put the state on edge  The Indian Express

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMijAJBVV95cUxOZGFXZlZ1SzF2ekNUQ3pCWGxvX2VlU2hsRDVJUEo0aTIzZzJJVTBTQllBdzVXVWV6N2NTQ3NFaXNELWFvQm1jalQteUtkek1ranJzNmJCWmU5TFVqU1BUYmdFcy1nSGR0aGd2bDlZYUM0cThvTFZaTGE5VEN5QmdfOXE3RXNSN240aHJZRHF0c3Q0dm1TNVZOQkZDSmhrc2lWTXIybDJrSmo0cng5OWR4NkVneFlhQzNBSW9FVDV5S1JGalZ2QlB4RmxhYWZlM0ZxUjBvWEI4czNUczJoYWNIdkdPLXNsbDFkSVlGR09HZUhLb3JkbHMyNWVRMERLNTVlNDBsYmNNUHVNT3Bm?oc=5