‘Struck with blunt weapons, shot in head’: Autopsy reveals brutal killings of 3-year-old boy, family members in Manipur’s Jiribam district – The Times of India

‘Struck with blunt weapons, shot in head’: Autopsy reveals brutal killings of 3-year-old boy, family members in Manipur’s Jiribam district  The Times of India

‘Struck with blunt weapons, shot in head’: Autopsy reveals brutal killings of 3-year-old boy, family members in Manipur’s Jiribam district  The Times of India

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi7AFBVV95cUxPQlNtTU1pM3FzRTJLcnMtTUswWVg2d3NPUWhnQzVtdmIwYjFyYkhxTnhMek83aU1zcG5tVVBpb243a1lLeFAzV0l0bEhoRGRDajl1VlN3RzYwbmd1cGF2MnRtcFZucDRqT1ZISjYweXNUY09UMlJyaVJSVzBxeTlWajA3Qjc2X3ROSkVEMnpYUDE3Uk9xTUZLeWhqUFFQZV9KbFdJSHZkcFZHQS1sajN3bUpkTWgtLXQ4emhSelRUSV9iTXpzOUxMdW9STl9lSGp2ZUNYcEFJbU10VTZKV2wtYnpndUREWTZaTjIxcA?oc=5