Tree plantation cum social service

Braving the scorching summer heat a tree plantation cum social service programme was held at the picturesque Tamuyon Khullen inhabited by Maram community about 55 km north of Imphal in Senapati district on Saturday Source The Sangai Express

Braving the scorching summer heat a tree plantation cum social service programme was held at the picturesque Tamuyon Khullen inhabited by Maram community about 55 km north of Imphal in Senapati district on Saturday Source The Sangai Express

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Tree plantation cum social service

Braving the scorching summer heat a tree plantation cum social service programme was held at the picturesque Tamuyon Khullen inhabited by Maram community about 55 km north of Imphal in Senapati district on Saturday Source The Sangai Express

Braving the scorching summer heat a tree plantation cum social service programme was held at the picturesque Tamuyon Khullen inhabited by Maram community about 55 km north of Imphal in Senapati district on Saturday Source The Sangai Express

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