IMPHAL | Nov 3
All Manipur Working Journalists’ Union (AMWJU) will be organising a debate competition in Imphal Evening on the topic, ‘Imphal Sahar Lu-nanna Thamnabagi Thoudang (Daita) Asi Sarkargini’ on November 5.
A release said, the competition is under the sponsorship of MAHUD and will begin at 7 pm at the Western Gate of Kangla.
The debate competition is open to all students from class X to Classs XII.
Interested students can obtain the registration form at Manipur Press Club, Majorkhul ImphaL by paying Rs.50. The fully filled form has to be submitted on or before November 5 by 11 am, said the release.
The prizes of the debate competition are Rs.15000, Rs.10000 and Rs.7000 for first, second and third prizes respectively, along with five consolation prizes carrying an amount of Rs.2000 each.
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