13 year old girl rescued

IMPHAL, Nov 6 NNN: A 13-year-old girl was rescued on Tuesday by volunteers of FREINDS from an alleged crook non-Manipuri boy who was trying to take her to Bihar taking advantage of her young age. A class 5 student and a resident of Churachandpur Thangra Leirak in Churachandpur district was rescued by volunteers of Federation […]

IMPHAL, Nov 6 NNN: A 13-year-old girl was rescued on Tuesday by volunteers of FREINDS from an alleged crook non-Manipuri boy who was trying to take her to Bihar taking advantage of her young age.
A class 5 student and a resident of Churachandpur Thangra Leirak in Churachandpur district was rescued by volunteers of Federation of Regional Indigenous Society from North AOC when Bijaykumar Shah, 21, hailing from Bihar’s Vaishaly district, attempted to take the minor girl to Bihar after eloping her for two days, FREINDS organization secretary, Pebam Premkumar told a press conference held at the society’s office here.
Volunteers of FREINDS managed to rescue the girl after the society was informed by North East State Winger Transporter Union (NESWTU) that a non-Manipuri along with a minor girl was buying bus ticket from Misao Travels on a suspicious manner to travel to Dimapur from where they were supposed to head for Bihar, Premkumar said.
The duo has been handed over to Imphal Police Station for further questioning. They had eloped on November 4 and stayed at the residence of one Ningam at Chandel DC Lamkhai in Chandel district till November 5. Bijaykumar was earlier working with Ningam who is stated to be an automobile workshop owner.
FREINDS also appealed to the people to help trace criminal like Bijaykumar and sought support in its efforts to check such crime. It also thanked NESWTU for the information it provided to the society.

Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/13-year-old-girl-rescued/