Awareness campaign on plebicite held

IMPHAL May 9: As a part of the ongoing series of awareness campaigns to hold plebiscite in the state organized by social organizations at various places in the state, the… Read more »

IMPHAL May 9: As a part of the ongoing series of awareness campaigns to hold plebiscite in the state organized by social organizations at various places in the state, the Loyalakpa Women Association, Meira Paibi Lup, Leimaram, Bishnupur dist coordinated a meeting today at the community hall, Shantipur bazaar, Leimaram. The meeting was graced by Leichongbam Sanahanbi Devi, secretary, LWAMPL as the chief guest, Ningthoujam Surchand, president, Leimaram Yaipha Lamjing Lup as the president and Ningthoujam Ibenni Devi, president, LWAMPL, as the guest of honour.Advocate Yumnam Ratan and Ningombam Bimol, secretary, MAPI council were also present at the function as the resource persons for the day. The meeting unanimously passed resolutions stating that the India Manipur conflict can be solved by holding plebiscite only which could facilitate people’s participation in the process and to submit the resolution to the UN for its support in solving the issue democratically. Y.Ratan said in his speech that the world over has acknowledged that India is the biggest democratic country, however we should be proud of being a Manipuri that we are the first princely state to get Independence from the British and the first to have an elected form of government. The Manipur constitution act 1948 was formed and implemented from early 1948, which was two years earlier than the Indian constitution. He further added that as a result of the continuing conflicts between India and Manipur from the 60’s, so many innocent lives have been put at stake and left with uncertain futures. Both the resource persons also gave vivid periodic accounts on the various historical episodes that eventually led to conflicts between India and Manipur. More than hundreds of local populace turned up to attend today’s function deviating from their busy daily chores.

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