I want to apologise for what happened in Manipur, many lost dear ones, many left their homes: CM Biren Singh. – Devdiscourse

I want to apologise for what happened in Manipur, many lost dear ones, many left their homes: CM Biren Singh.  Devdiscourse

I want to apologise for what happened in Manipur, many lost dear ones, many left their homes: CM Biren Singh.  Devdiscourse

Read more / Original news source: https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMi8gFBVV95cUxQSm5yenJfUkJPVVJXeFdvX0hWNjhFdHVuTnlsdlBtWEhlTUVvLUdwekhLb3dMcVpnMHhuVk5FWkpRZU9RaklmcXdGanVaamo2ZVBHNlJHa0o5RExfYlBZNTlqbm9mQUE2aFhmNllqRFJMUE5CeFM3MG5uNHBUR0p3X29mdUQxTUF1TkpZeUVVb0lmemhMRlo5N2xzUkZqdi1YWkJzN2d6NW95eTU0bEpGUXBmNFFsNTczNkhPcU1yZUhtdEVXbzFhSXFoMjM4VUVrdUVmOWFoeWZJRnliQmQ1XzVEZUwtQ2ExLUxaSXJ3ZGNDZw?oc=5