CBI court sends Punjab minister to jail for daughter’s murder

Chandigarh , Mar.30 (ANI): A special CBI court in Patiala on Friday found Punjab minister and former Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) president Bibi Jagir Kaur guilty of forcing her daughter, Harpreet Kaur, to undergo an abortion and sentenced her to five years rigorous imprisonment. The court also charged her with abduction and criminal conspiracy […]

Chandigarh , Mar.30 (ANI): A special CBI court in Patiala on Friday found Punjab minister and former Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (SGPC) president Bibi Jagir Kaur guilty of forcing her daughter, Harpreet Kaur, to undergo an abortion and sentenced her to five years rigorous imprisonment.
The court also charged her with abduction and criminal conspiracy in the murder case. She was given three years and a year’s imprisonment respectively on these two counts. The court said the sentence would run concurrently.
Harpreet Kaur had died under mysterious circumstances in April 2000.
The case has seen several witnesses turning hostile. Even the complainant Kamaljit Singh turned hostile, only to re-affirm the charges later.
While Harpreet’s cremation happened hurriedly, a few days after her death, Kamaljit, a resident of Begowal, which is the ancestral village of Bibi Jagir Kaur , had claimed that he was Harpreet’s husband and the father of Harpreet’s still-born child.
When the police refused to register a complaint in this regard on April 27, 2000, Kamaljit approached the Punjab and Haryana High Court. On June 9, 2000, the High Court directed the CBI to conduct an inquiry into the matter.
After conducting the probe, on October 3, 2000, the CBI registered a case under various sections of the Indian Penal Code against Bibi Jagir Kaur, who was the Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee President at that time.

Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/cbi-court-sends-punjab-minister-to-jail-for-daughters-murder/

UN Rapporteur recommends repeal of AFSPA

Mail News Service Imphal, Mar 30: United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Christof Heyns, concluded his official mission to India today. Prof. Heyns visited the North East region of India and held a consultation with civil society in Guwahati on 28th March 2012 at Hotel Brahmaputra Ashok. Prof Heyns said he […]

Mail News Service
Imphal, Mar 30: United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Christof Heyns, concluded his official mission to India today. Prof. Heyns visited the North East region of India and held a consultation with civil society in Guwahati on 28th March 2012 at Hotel Brahmaputra Ashok.
Prof Heyns said he travelled to New Delhi,as well as to five States,namely: Gujarat;Kerala;Jammu and Kashmir,where I had meetings in the cities of Jammu and Srinagar;Assam;and West Bengal.
He thanked to the United Nations Resident Coordinator,Mr. Patrice Coeur-Bizot,and his team,for having facilitated the preparation and conduct of my mission.
He said, “There are complaints of use of excessive force by the police against unarmed demonstrators and protestors, with scant adherence to the principles of proportionality and necessity.
Significantly, problems concerning excessive and arbitrary use of force by the police are further aggravated by statutory immunities that restrict accountability. Section 197 of the Criminal Procedure Code requires prior sanction from the concerned government before cognizance can be taken of any offence by a public servant for criminal prosecution.
A practice of what is called ‘fake encounters’ has developed in parts of the country. Where this occurs,suspected criminals or those labelled as terrorists or insurgents, and in some cases people onwhose head there is a prize, are shot dead by the police, and a scene of a shootout is staged. Those killed are then portrayed as the aggressors who had first opened fire and the police escape legal sanction. According to the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) 2 965 cases of ‘encounters’ have been reported between 1993 and 2010,though there is possibly under-reporting.
In a positive development, the Supreme Court and the NHRC have issued guidelines on the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act and on encounters.
There have been a large number of cases recorded on deaths that have occurred in police as well as judicial custody, often in the context of torture. I have been assured by Government representatives that the process of passing the legislation on torture as proposed by the Select Committee of the Upper House is well under way,which will allow the ratification of the Convention Against Torture. Needless to say this proposed legislation must be compliant with CAT and must include the mandatory provisions of training of police,prison cadre and other forces as well as orientation of the judiciary.
The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA) in effect allows the state to override rights in the ‘disturbed areas’ in a much more intrusive way than would be the case under a state of emergency, since the right to life is in effect suspended,and this is done without the safeguards applicable to states of emergency.
AFSPA – continuously in force since 1958 (different states have their own versions as well) in the North East and since 1990 in Jammu and Kashmir – has become a symbol of excessive state power. I have heard extensive evidence of action taken under this law that resulted in innocent lives being lost,in Jammu and Kashmir and in Assam,where witnesses from neighbouring states also assembled.This law was described to me as ‘hated’ and a member of a state human rights commission called it ‘draconian’.
A law such as AFSPA has no role to play in a democracy and should be scrapped. The repeal of this law will not only bring domestic law more in line with international standards,but also send out a powerful message that instead of a military approach the government is committed to respect for the right to life of all people of the country.
The government-appointed Jeevan Reddy Committee and the Administrative Reform Commission have both called for its repeal; as have political leaders of states where the Act applies.The NHRC told me during our meeting that they are in favour of its repeal and that they have commented in their submission to the 2012 UPR that AFSPA often leads to the violation of human rights. It is therefore difficult to understand how the Supreme Court,which has been so progressive in other areas,also concerning the right to life, could have ruled in 1997 that AFSPA did not violate the Constitution- although they tried, seemingly with little success,to mitigate its impact by issuing guidelines on how it is to be implemented.
AFSPA clearly violates International Law. A number of UN treaty bodies have pronounced it to be in violation of International Law,namely HRC (1997),CEDAW (2007),CERD (2007) and CESCR (2008). My predecessor has also called for its repeal.”The widespread deployment of the military creates an environment in which the exception becomes the rule,and the use of lethal force is seen as the primary response to conflict with a concomitant permissive approach in respect of the use of lethal force. This is also difficult to reconcile in the long run with India’s insistence that it is not engaged in armed conflict.
Accountability is circumvented by invoking AFSPA’s requirement of obtaining prior sanction from the Central government before any civil prosecutions can be initiated against armed forces personnel. The information received through Right to Information applications,shows that this immunity provision effectively blocks any prosecution of members of the armed forces. The Centre has for example never granted sanction for civil prosecution of a member of the armed forces in Jammu and Kashmir.
He said , “Without waiting for the Commission, steps should be taken as a matter of priority on 13 important issues. It includes repeal of AFSPA, Ratification of the following international instruments should take place without further delay: Convention Against Torture;OP-CAT; and the Convention on Enforced Disappearances. Place a moratorium on the death penalty in accordance with General Assembly resolution

Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/un-rapporteur-recommends-repeal-of-afspa/

Women bodies demand prompt action ; rape case

Imphal, March 30 NNN: If the state government fails to give ‘appropriate action’ on the four rapists in five days time, a large number of organisations, mostly women based, will start resorting to stern forms of democratic agitation. A woman was coming in a Shaktiman truck along with her brother-in-law identified as one Sangthairung from […]

Imphal, March 30 NNN: If the state government fails to give ‘appropriate action’ on the four rapists in five days time, a large number of organisations, mostly women based, will start resorting to stern forms of democratic agitation.
A woman was coming in a Shaktiman truck along with her brother-in-law identified as one Sangthairung from their village L. Khunou Khoupum of Tamenglong district but they were intercepted by occupants of a car at around 2 am on March 22 at a place called Keinou Awang Leikai. The occupants of the car (a Santro), all four of them, and beaten up the man but took away his sister -in law and raped her. The culprits also allegedly robbed off Rs 6500 and 40 kg of chilli.
In the morning, the victims lodged a complaint to the police and in the afternoon of the same day the police arrested the four culprits.
The culprits have been identified as one L Rojit Singh (28) of Porompat, Ch Ibomcha (37) of Thongju Boroi Makhong and Ksh Kennedy (37) of Kongpal and S Bijen Singh (34) of Uripok. The last two are said to be the IRB personnel. They have been arrested from Sangaipat Sericulture Complex by the Bishnupur police. A country made pistol along with a magazine was recovered from the culprits.
On Friday, 22 women based organisations have submitted a joint memorandum to the state chief minister demanding to award some drastic forms of punishment to the rapists within five days time counting from today. In the event of the failure from the government side to act on the rapists in the given time frame, these 22 organisations have threatened to resorting a stern form of democratic agitation. The four rapists are now languishing in jail in Imphal.

Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/women-bodies-demand-prompt-action-rape-case/

State faces water crisis

Imphal. March 30 MNS NNN : The residents of Imphal are likely to face acute shortage of water if it does not rain in the next few days as the water level in the Singda Dam which supplies water to most of the localities of Imphal is alarmingly low, said a reliable source. According to […]

Imphal. March 30 MNS NNN : The residents of Imphal are likely to face acute shortage of water if it does not rain in the next few days as the water level in the Singda Dam which supplies water to most of the localities of Imphal is alarmingly low, said a reliable source.
According to the source, the water in the Singda dam is enough to supply the needs of the general public for around 15 days only. Similarly, the water level in the Imphal and Iril rivers are also very low and supply of drinking water to the public is likely to be affected in the areas covered by the water supply schemes depending on these two rivers, added the source.
It may be mentioned that most of the localities of Imphal East and Imphal West districts and some other districts of the state are facing acute shortage of water as the rivers and ponds which are the main sources of water for people of the state are dry due to failure of the rain. People buy water at exhorbitant price in order to meet their daily requirement of water. Long queues can be seen at most localities with people standing with buckets and other containers near public hydrants to fetch a few buckets of water.
Meanwhile, tension was high at Thangmeiband ward no 3 where two groups of people staged sit-in protests. The Apunba Naharol Yaipha Thousil Kanglup (ANYTK) organised a sit-in protest in front of the godown of MM gas agency to protest the attitude of the local MLA, Khumukcham Joykisan Singh, alleging that the MLA had assaulted the finance secretary of (ANYTK). The protestors alleged that the MLA came with his escorts and supporters and disconnected private water supply connections on the ground that they were unauthorised connections.
On the other hand, the Thangmeiband Kendra Development Organisation (TAKDO) staged another sit-in protest nearby protesting the allegation of ANYTK against the MLA, stating that the allegation was totally baseless as the MLA had not assaulted anyone in connection with disconnecting the private water supply connection. The members of TAKDO stated that the MLA had found many unauthorised domestic connection while inspecting the water supply pipes in the area along with PHED officials, and had asked the PHED to disconnect the unauthorised connections in the interest of the public who were facing acute shortage of water.
Khumukcham Joykisan stated to the media that he was inspecting the water pipes on March 28 with PHED officials for leakages and unauthorised connections when he found that there was one connection from the reservoir line which supply water to the reservoir which was totally illegal for private consumers. Unfortunately, there was a misunderstanding by some people regarding his endeavour to supply drinking water to the people of Thangmeiband constituency within three months, clarified the MLA.

Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/state-faces-water-crisis/

Hydrogen: Energy Of The Future

PIB Feature Hydrogen – a colourless, odourless gas is increasingly gaining attention as a future source of energy free from environmental pollution. Its new use has been found in the automobile and power generation sector. The biggest advantage with hydrogen is that it has the highest energy content per unit mass among known fuels and […]

PIB Feature
Hydrogen – a colourless, odourless gas is increasingly gaining attention as a future source of energy free from environmental pollution. Its new use has been found in the automobile and power generation sector. The biggest advantage with hydrogen is that it has the highest energy content per unit mass among known fuels and it burns to produce water as a by-product. It is, therefore, not only an efficient energy carrier but also an environmentally benign fuel as well. In fact, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy have been supporting a broad based research, development and demonstration (RD&D) programme on different aspects of hydrogen energy for over two decades. Consequently, a National Hydrogen Energy Road Map was prepared in 2005 which provides for various pathways for development of hydrogen energy i.e. production, storage, transport, safety, delivery and applications. However, the current technologies for use of hydrogen are yet to be optimized and commercialized but efforts for the same have already started.
Hydrogen Production
Hydrogen is found only in combined state on earth and therefore its production involves the process of its isolation from its compounds, a process which itself requires energy. Globally, about 96% of hydrogen is produced presently using hydrocarbons. About 4% hydrogen is produced through electrolysis of water. Refineries and fertilizer plants are major in-situ producers and consumers of hydrogen in India. It is also produced as a by-product in chloro-alkali industry.
Hydrogen production falls into three categories: thermal process, electrolytic processes and photolytic processes. Some thermal processes use energy resources while in others heat is used in combination with closed chemical cycles to produce hydrogen from feed-stocks such as water. These are known as “thermo-chemical” processes. But this technology is in early stages of development. Steam Methane Reformation, gasification of coal and gasification of biomass are other processes of production of hydrogen. The advantage with coal and biomass is that both are locally available resources and biomass is a renewable resource too. Electrolytic processes use electricity to split water into hydrogen and oxygen and can even reduce the emission of green house gases emission if the source of electricity is ‘clean’.
Hydrogen Storage
Hydrogen storage for transportation is one of the most technically challenging barriers to widespread commercialization of this technology. The most common method of storage is in gaseous state in pressurized cylinders, however, it being the lightest element requires high pressures. It can be stored in liquid form in cryogenic systems but would require high amounts of energy. It is also possible to store it in solid state in the form of metal hydrides, liquid organic hydrides, carbon nanostructures and in chemicals. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy is presently supporting R&D projects in this field.
Apart from using it as a chemical feedstock in industry, it can also be used as a clean fuel in automobile and also for power generation through internal combustion engines and fuel cells.
In the field of hydrogen in internal combustion engines, R&D projects for using hydrogen blended compressed natural gas and diesel and development of hydrogen fuelled vehicles are being implemented in India. Hydrogen fuelled motorcycles and three wheelers have been developed and demonstrated in the country. Catalytic combustion cookers using hydrogen as fuel have also been developed.
The Banaras Hindu University, BHU has modified commercially available motorcycles and three wheelers to operate on hydrogen as fuel. With a view to provide hydrogen blended compressed natural gas as an automotive fuel, a dispensing station for the same has been set up at Dwarka in New Delhi with partial financial support from the Ministry. This facility provides CNG fuel blended with hydrogen up to 20% in volume in demonstration and test vehicles. A development cum demonstration project for use of H-CNG as fuel in select vehicles (buses, cars and 3-wheelers) is also under implementation. Besides, hydrogen fuelled generator set is being developed by BHU and IIT, Delhi.
Another application of hydrogen energy is the fuel cell, an electrochemical device converting chemical energy of hydrogen directly into electricity without combustion. It is a clean and efficient process of electricity generation. It can be used in UPS systems, replacing batteries and diesel generators. In view of the relevance of fuel cells in automobiles and power generation, several organizations globally are pursuing RD&D activities in this field. Portable applications are also being developed. The present efforts in these fuel cells are focused on reducing its cost and improving its durability. The focus of the Fuel Cell programme of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has been on supporting RD&D activities on different types of fuel cells.
Inputs from the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.

Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/hydrogen-energy-of-the-future/

Support strike if you feel right Maoist

The Maoist Communist Party, Manipur in a statement today has appealed to the people of the state especially the labour community to refrain from carrying out their services and support the proposed General Strike on March 31 only if they think that the…

The Maoist Communist Party, Manipur in a statement today has appealed to the people of the state especially the labour community to refrain from carrying out their services and support the proposed General Strike on March 31 only if they think that the step taken up by Maoist is right and they want to stand for the rights of labourers Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=26&src=310312

Man shot at for Rs 200

A 60 years old man was shot at by some suspected Kuki militants for refusing a demand of Rs 200 on his way home after buying a young bull from Bijang village in Churachandpur district on Thursday afternoon Source Hueiyen News Service

A 60 years old man was shot at by some suspected Kuki militants for refusing a demand of Rs 200 on his way home after buying a young bull from Bijang village in Churachandpur district on Thursday afternoon Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=24&src=310312

Child labour strives despite legislation MLA Ibomcha calls for curbing forced labour

Despite enforcement of Child Labour Act, a number of children are being engaged in forced labour in Manipur and it’s high time that the government takes up punitive steps against those employing children in work places, MLA L Ibomcha has exhorted Sou…

Despite enforcement of Child Labour Act, a number of children are being engaged in forced labour in Manipur and it’s high time that the government takes up punitive steps against those employing children in work places, MLA L Ibomcha has exhorted Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=22&src=310312

Girl rescued from UG recruiters

Thoubal Commandos Thursday rescued a 21 years old girl from the clutch of two cadres of PREPAK who were taking her to recruit as a cadre of the outfit Source Hueiyen News Service

Thoubal Commandos Thursday rescued a 21 years old girl from the clutch of two cadres of PREPAK who were taking her to recruit as a cadre of the outfit Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=20&src=310312

With rainfall decreasing, water crisis looms large

With indiscriminate felling down of trees and clearing forest areas, the climatic condition of the state has changed for the worst leading to dramatically decrease in the rainfall received in the state, thus exposing the people to acute water shortage …

With indiscriminate felling down of trees and clearing forest areas, the climatic condition of the state has changed for the worst leading to dramatically decrease in the rainfall received in the state, thus exposing the people to acute water shortage like never before Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=18&src=310312

Deadline given for action against rapists

If the state government fails to give ‘appropriate action’ on the four rapists in five days time, a large number of organisations, mostly women based, have prepared to launch to stern forms of democratic agitation Source Hueiyen News Service Newma…

If the state government fails to give ‘appropriate action’ on the four rapists in five days time, a large number of organisations, mostly women based, have prepared to launch to stern forms of democratic agitation Source Hueiyen News Service Newmai News Network

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=25&src=310312

AMCO felicitates Christian MLAs

All Manipur Christian Organisation AMCO organised a thanksgiving prayer cum felicitation programme for Christian MLAs who were elected in the recent elections to the 10th Manipur Legislative Assembly at Believers’ Church, Langol today Source Hueiy…

All Manipur Christian Organisation AMCO organised a thanksgiving prayer cum felicitation programme for Christian MLAs who were elected in the recent elections to the 10th Manipur Legislative Assembly at Believers’ Church, Langol today Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=21&src=310312

Anal Khullen waiting to be developed as tourist spot

Anal Khullen, a place associated with the history of Manipur, and one of the first settlements of Anal tribes in Manipur, needs to be given special attention and develop as a tourist spot by the state government Source Hueiyen News Service Gyanand…

Anal Khullen, a place associated with the history of Manipur, and one of the first settlements of Anal tribes in Manipur, needs to be given special attention and develop as a tourist spot by the state government Source Hueiyen News Service Gyanand Naorem

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=19&src=310312

IMC to take over parking management once again

Currently, management of parking lots in Khwairamband Bazar area is being done through appointment of agents by the authorities of Imphal East and Imphal West District Police Source Hueiyen News Service

Currently, management of parking lots in Khwairamband Bazar area is being done through appointment of agents by the authorities of Imphal East and Imphal West District Police Source Hueiyen News Service

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=23&src=310312

Workshop on advocacy for Church leaders ends

A two day advocacy and lobby workshop programme for Church leaders held under the aegis of People’s Development Programme, Pallel was concluded today at the training Hall of PDP, Pallel Source The Sangai Express

A two day advocacy and lobby workshop programme for Church leaders held under the aegis of People’s Development Programme, Pallel was concluded today at the training Hall of PDP, Pallel Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=17&src=310312

CWSN camp concludes

The five day State level residential camp for ‘inclusive education’ CWSN organised by Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, Manipur concluded today at the Khuman Lampak Sports Complex Kangshang Source The Sangai Express

The five day State level residential camp for ‘inclusive education’ CWSN organised by Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, Manipur concluded today at the Khuman Lampak Sports Complex Kangshang Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=9&src=310312

Labourer stabbed at Takyel

A labourer sustained injuries when he was stabbed by an individual at Takyel under Lamphel police station in Imphal West district last night Source The Sangai Express

A labourer sustained injuries when he was stabbed by an individual at Takyel under Lamphel police station in Imphal West district last night Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=15&src=310312

Workshop on Welfare of Domestic Workers begins

A two day State level workshop on ‘Domestic Workers Welfare, Social Security Act and suggested Measures’ organised by Manipur women Co ordinating Council MWCOC under the sponsorship of National Commission for women commenced from today at Manipur Pre…

A two day State level workshop on ‘Domestic Workers Welfare, Social Security Act and suggested Measures’ organised by Manipur women Co ordinating Council MWCOC under the sponsorship of National Commission for women commenced from today at Manipur Press Club Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=8&src=310312

Thoubal commandos rescue girl

With the arrest of two cadres of the proscribed PREPAK from near Wangjing YK college gate on March 29, Thoubal district police commandos have rescued a young girl from being recruited in the armed organisation, claimed a statement issued by SP Thoubal…

With the arrest of two cadres of the proscribed PREPAK from near Wangjing YK college gate on March 29, Thoubal district police commandos have rescued a young girl from being recruited in the armed organisation, claimed a statement issued by SP Thoubal Source The Sangai Express

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=13&src=310312

Myanmar ready for April 1 polls, opens door to global observers Suu Kyi cites widespread poll irregularities

Myanmar has sent out a surprisingly broad guest list for elections on Sunday, hoping to showcase its democratic credentials to the world Source The Sangai Express Agencies

Myanmar has sent out a surprisingly broad guest list for elections on Sunday, hoping to showcase its democratic credentials to the world Source The Sangai Express Agencies

Read more / Original news source: http://e-pao.net/ge.asp?heading=7&src=310312