9th THAU Tennis Championship

IMPHAL, Mar 22: Jiten Singh will meet Azad Khan in the final of the Mens… more »

IMPHAL, Mar 22: Jiten Singh will meet Azad Khan in the final of the Mens Single in the 9th THAU Tennis Championship 2012 played at THAU court.

The first semi final saw, Jiten Singh humbling Tule Thongbam without much of difficulty with 6-3 and 6-4 point enroute to the final. The other semi final saw, Azad Khan upseting N.Kangjamba Singh with 6-3 and 6-0 point enroute to the final.

The Mens Double quarter final witnessed, Tule Thongbam and his partner N.Kangjamba outplayed Romeo and Lusemsana in a easy set of 6-0 and 6-0 point to moves into the semi final.

In another match, the double pair of Jiten Singh and Azad Khan had a whale of time taming Pradeep Singh and Iboyaima Singh taking the first set by 6-0 point and later dominate the proceddings with 6-3 point enroute to the semi final.

The Veteran pair of H.Iboyaima and N.Dilip Singh beat Indrajit Singh by 6-3 and 6-2 point to moves into the final. The other semi final saw, Tule Thongbam and N.Kangjamba beating Pradeep Singh and Ranjan Singh by 6-0 and 6-3 point to storm into the final.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/9th-thau-tennis-championship/

26th Northeast Games

IMPHAL, Mar 22: On the third day of the 26th Northeast Games, Mizoram; ATHLETIC: Rajkumar… more »

IMPHAL, Mar 22: On the third day of the 26th Northeast Games, Mizoram;

ATHLETIC: Rajkumar N (High Jump) and Ng. Birjit (800 m race) got silver, L. Dayananda (Triple-Jump) and Ng. Birjit (400 m race) got bronze.

BOXING: In the men’s section, Kh. Mocha (49 kg) and Ch. Sushil (52 kg) got silver, A. Dleithang Kom (57 kg), L. Narendrajit (69 kg) and Kh. Inaosana (75 Kg) got bronze.

In the women’s section, H. Chaoba(57 kg) won gold, S. Nengneihat Kom (48 kg), A. Pravish chanu (54 kg), Y. Sandhyarani (60 kg), S. Ronibala (64 kg) and L. Tombimacha (69 kg) got silver.

Taekwondo: In the men’s section, S. Vikramjit (80 kg) got silver, N. London (68 kg), W. Armstrong (68 kg), Th. Basanta (57 kg) and herojit (87 kg plus) got bronze. 

In the women’s section,K. Namita (49 kg), Th. Sunila (67 kg), and Kh. Sanatombi won gold and Th. Basanti (57) adjusted to Bronze.

JUDO: L. Sanatobi (57 kg), H. Sunibala (57 kg Plus) and M. Tombi (63 kg) won gold, K. Sangita (48 kg), and M. Kiranbala (57 kg) got silver.

Wrestling: M. Suresh (55 kg) and kh. Jiten (90 kg) got silver.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/26th-northeast-games/

Walking the Streets

It has been more than a month since the government banned vehicular traffic in the… more »

It has been more than a month since the government banned vehicular traffic in the busy Imphal city area on an experimental basis, but it still has no ideas to ease traffic congestion. We are still facing traffic jams in the roads surrounding the Bazar area. We must appreciate Trinamool leaders of the state for raising this important issue of traffic congestion in the floor of the Manipur Legislative Assembly. Yet, nothing has been achieved and the government has still not made up its mind to the problem. The Chief Minister in his reply to the Calling Attention raised by opposition MLAs only said that the government is open to ideas. And the Chief Minister cited rise in population and unchecked growth of vehicles. For the record, we at IFP had supported the recent state decision to implement ‘pedestrian only’ regulations in the busy Imphal market, even if it was on experimental basis. And we are still supporting it. As we said, mature and sensible city managers around the world have implemented pedestrian friendly regulations in long time back. A market is meant mainly for the common people and ordinary shoppers. We need to take into account the elite and neo-rich while framing policies also, but the main emphasis should be on the welfare of the common people. It is mainly people from other towns and villages that are flocking the city. That is exactly where, the importance of promoting pedestrianism comes in. Pedestrian cities are growing in popularity in many top regions around the world. Being able to walk to a mix of shops, restaurants, newsstands, coffeehouses and open-air markets within car-free neighborhoods and work centers delivers the highest quality of life, and adds great variety and vitality to an area. Venice is considered the greatest pedestrian city in the world because it contains the largest pedestrian street network completely free of cars. The city is quite dense, yet the most relaxing and pleasant city in the world. Copenhagen is another pedestrian city. City planners have taken numerous small steps to transform the city from a car-oriented place to a people-friendly one. Here in Manipur, we could start by making the main streets of Paona Bazar and Thangal Bazar a completely pedestrian zone while allowing vehicles to pass through the other streets of Bazar area. But the entire Bazar area should be completely free of parking lots or spaces.

Another important issue is the problems faced by people having homes or residential quarters in the Bazar area. The issue was raised by the Thangmeiband MLA Joykishan in the assembly. He had said, people living in the Bazar area are suffering. Yes, their business is suffering and also there is dislocation in their personal lives. Their grievances also need to be addressed. But, the state has to first decide on whether Thangal Bazar and Paona Bazar should be declared as a ‘commercial zone’ or not. If it decides on the affirmative, the Bazar area would free from residential quarters.

The interest of the general people is of utmost importance and it should come first while framing policies. The Chief Minister had said that he is open to ideas on traffic regulation. Is he also ready to absorb ideas and opinions floated by the poor people who do not have vehicles of their own, and who travel by public transport? The neo-rich and intellectuals who have cars or two-wheelers would have many ideas. But, whether they will also speak in the interests of the vehicle-less poor could not be guaranteed. So, we suggest that the state should conduct an opinion poll in this regard, so that all interests are protected.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/walking-the-streets/

JANADESH 2012 – Manipur Assembly Elections Ramifications and Stratifications

By R S Jassal Poll punditry, arm chair psephology, swings, trends and anti-incumbency analysis are… more »

By R S Jassal
Poll punditry, arm chair psephology, swings, trends and anti-incumbency analysis are all history – until another time.  The results of 10th Manipur assembly elections have proved the exit poll predictions of a hung assembly fallacious. The ‘Palm’ has been upheld with Indian National Congress (INC) sweeping 42 Assembly Constituencies with a thumping majority and other political parties such as MPP, CPI, NPP, SS, BJP, RJDs and independents, literally razed to ground zero, with AITC at 7, MSCP at 5, NPF at 4. This has prompted exit poll experts to reflect upon as to why their predictions have gone haywire.

The exit poll conducted by a group of Political Analysts and Advisors hosted by the  Centre for Study of Developing Societies(CSDS) had predicted ruling party bagging at the maximum 24 to 32 seats, AITC- 7 to 13, MSCP, CPI, NPF & independent conjointly getting 10-18 seats and Anti-Congress alliance termed as  Progressive Democratic Alliance as 5 to 11 seats. CSDS had also tagged CNN-IBN & The Week, with their findings, so psephologists and pundits were impelled to put their sense of prediction on hold. The pre poll happenings had also swayed the State intelligentsia to keep mum and watch the Pandora’s box only to unfold on 06 Mar 2012 which put INC at the highest pedestal ever since 1972 against all prognostications.

Factors which Affected the Electoral Situation.

Boycott call of Cor-Com, hurling of hand grenades, exploding of IEDs, Kidnappings, burglary at Party offices and sporadic killing of supporters of INC and some odd supporter(s) of other political parties like MSCP did overtly create a fear psychosis amongst political workers both, targeted & to some extent non targeted too. On the top of it media published bulky lists of supporters of INC to be targeted even after elections for their continued support if any candidate won.

Creation of Progressive Democratic Alliance (PDA) consisting of MPP, NCP, RJD(U), RJD and CPI was carried out at a very belated stage of the election process, which created quandary amongst even the intellectuals that probably PDA was looking for only political mileage without any progressive hope for the State. Other than RJDs, all other parties had integrity of Manipur in agenda so tilting on the support of NPF somehow to oust INC had its own effects on the voters.

Further, the creation of a grand alliance with tacit understanding of INC and MSCP that too at the last moment  despite the fact that MSCP was considered as a sister party floated by the CM of Manipur in shadow dealings, without any Common Minimum Programme (CMP) was no more a secret even to the common man. INC landed in “No speak mode” and announced they will align with AITC and NCP for Government making.

Naga People Front (NPF), a United Naga Council (UNC) sponsored party desperately tried to align with many political parties against INC,  overruling and setting aside their own manifesto in which their main plank was to work towards bringing all Naga inhabited areas of Manipur under one umbrella, openly understood and restrictively projected with Rio’s group of party of Nagaland.  Further excessive use of Nagaland’s leadership and their resources created ripples amongst valley politics and those groups of Nagas and Kukis who were against breaking of Manipur integrity. This resulted in the over confidence of NPF, PDF and grand anti Congress (INC) alliance. Also, breaking away of CPI from SPF Government at the last moment and projecting anti congress coalition emerging as a potent viable option left the electorate confused. 

Effect of these factors on the State

All these factors affected the situation without any external direction but internally it was ‘free for all’ threats and intimidations.  Each group of Political Parties started assuming self win-win position which considered masses as cursed into unlawful binding. The results showed entirely different trend, unexpected and undirected, just like self – eruption, which can be categorized as follows:-

(a) NPF performance from any angle may well be said “taken as referendum  on Nagalim”, winning four seats against 12 and except in Karong and Mao, the winning percentage is much lower than what has been garnered by other non-NPF Naga winner candidates. It will also affect on UNC’s bid to alternative arrangement lying pending with the Government of India.

(b)  In the valley, despite Cor-Com’s diktat and active interference as also shadowy Maoist – Marxist – RPF connections, the verdict has gone ahead the way it is. Stalwarts like Shri Radha Binod (NCP), Shri Th Chaoba Singh (MPP), Ex Minister, Shri Ph Parijat (CPI), Shri O Joy (MPP) and many of his ilk falling flat like uprooted poles after a hurricane. Some non performing sitting MLAs from all parties were also brushed aside: Can this be said to be a replica of plebiscite wanted by Shri R K Meghen, the UNLF chief?  Can this be taken as a screen shot of what can actually happen if Plebiscite is resorted to? Examine the voter’s trend from Hills and Valley both for sake of Hill-Valley unity.

(c) Healthiest sign – Fragile Politics: The voters of Hills & valley alike which included this time, voters of 18 years age and above, have now a mixed mind on both issues of Plebiscite, Nagalim and violence.

This is probably the healthiest sign of maturity shown by voters in both hills (including Kukis) and valley. They can not be taken in easily by slogans, “My Land, My Gun, and My Sovereignty”. All the sixty Honourable MsLA irrespective of party affiliations will be taking solemn oath to the Constitution of India as have been doing since inception of first elections to the State assembly.    

Should INC Go Complacent?

Yes, it is tricky. This magic number may weigh very heavy for its 42 members to carry the weight of their pledge to voters and the party. There are limited numbers of portfolio for Ministers and a few number of Chairman Posts which have attraction of possession. Can the CM whosoever he or she may be have the gumption of holding this flock of wise 42 together for full term? A tough task for the President, INC who has to undertake frequent tours of Manipur.

No-Fear of Guns

In the fine end, the general voters have proved their “No-Fear” factor, denounced diktat of Cor-Com and separatist forces , have exercised their franchise the way they liked, and no one else but the democracy stands the winner. This does not mean that no malpractice was resorted to in the voting process. The deduction from this assessment is that if people go courageous and firm up their mind as to what they want, they being the grassroots can usher in a new chapter of change- pave the way for development and force the rulers to grant them good administration. They are now questioning about accounts of expenditure, utilization of NREGA and other Government funds and voicing against custodial deaths and fake encounters. They have also taken note of erstwhile insurgents under obligation of Suspension of Ops (SoO) and Ceasefire (CF) agreements and are questioning as to why some of them operate outside the confines of their designated camps and involve in extortion and any other nefarious activities. In the current milieu the synergy between the civil administration and the Security Forces (SF) is at its peak. The SFs have delivered commendably in providing and ensuring a secured environment for polling and also preventing armed interference in the polling booths during elections. The People of Manipur have delivered their verdict in favor of secularism in democracy which is loud and clear. They are showing maturity in self governance under constitutional norms and with this speed Peace is not far off.

To conclude, the CSOs and Frontal organizations need to crystallize their policies of criticism and role in moving developmental activities forward and meet challenges of corruption, extortion and violence which are eating into our vitals. Ruling INC is also cautioned to change its perception of leaving any project incomplete. Imagine what would have been their position if Non Congress Alliance had really come to power. They must settle all contentious issues facing the People of Manipur one by one. The Author sincerely sympathizes with the losers and congratulates the winners.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/janadesh-2012-manipur-assembly-elections-ramifications-and-stratifications/

JANADESH 2012 – Manipur Assembly Elections Ramifications and Stratifications

By R S Jassal Poll punditry, arm chair psephology, swings, trends and anti-incumbency analysis are… more »

By R S Jassal
Poll punditry, arm chair psephology, swings, trends and anti-incumbency analysis are all history – until another time.  The results of 10th Manipur assembly elections have proved the exit poll predictions of a hung assembly fallacious. The ‘Palm’ has been upheld with Indian National Congress (INC) sweeping 42 Assembly Constituencies with a thumping majority and other political parties such as MPP, CPI, NPP, SS, BJP, RJDs and independents, literally razed to ground zero, with AITC at 7, MSCP at 5, NPF at 4. This has prompted exit poll experts to reflect upon as to why their predictions have gone haywire.

The exit poll conducted by a group of Political Analysts and Advisors hosted by the  Centre for Study of Developing Societies(CSDS) had predicted ruling party bagging at the maximum 24 to 32 seats, AITC- 7 to 13, MSCP, CPI, NPF & independent conjointly getting 10-18 seats and Anti-Congress alliance termed as  Progressive Democratic Alliance as 5 to 11 seats. CSDS had also tagged CNN-IBN & The Week, with their findings, so psephologists and pundits were impelled to put their sense of prediction on hold. The pre poll happenings had also swayed the State intelligentsia to keep mum and watch the Pandora’s box only to unfold on 06 Mar 2012 which put INC at the highest pedestal ever since 1972 against all prognostications.

Factors which Affected the Electoral Situation.

Boycott call of Cor-Com, hurling of hand grenades, exploding of IEDs, Kidnappings, burglary at Party offices and sporadic killing of supporters of INC and some odd supporter(s) of other political parties like MSCP did overtly create a fear psychosis amongst political workers both, targeted & to some extent non targeted too. On the top of it media published bulky lists of supporters of INC to be targeted even after elections for their continued support if any candidate won.

Creation of Progressive Democratic Alliance (PDA) consisting of MPP, NCP, RJD(U), RJD and CPI was carried out at a very belated stage of the election process, which created quandary amongst even the intellectuals that probably PDA was looking for only political mileage without any progressive hope for the State. Other than RJDs, all other parties had integrity of Manipur in agenda so tilting on the support of NPF somehow to oust INC had its own effects on the voters.

Further, the creation of a grand alliance with tacit understanding of INC and MSCP that too at the last moment  despite the fact that MSCP was considered as a sister party floated by the CM of Manipur in shadow dealings, without any Common Minimum Programme (CMP) was no more a secret even to the common man. INC landed in “No speak mode” and announced they will align with AITC and NCP for Government making.

Naga People Front (NPF), a United Naga Council (UNC) sponsored party desperately tried to align with many political parties against INC,  overruling and setting aside their own manifesto in which their main plank was to work towards bringing all Naga inhabited areas of Manipur under one umbrella, openly understood and restrictively projected with Rio’s group of party of Nagaland.  Further excessive use of Nagaland’s leadership and their resources created ripples amongst valley politics and those groups of Nagas and Kukis who were against breaking of Manipur integrity. This resulted in the over confidence of NPF, PDF and grand anti Congress (INC) alliance. Also, breaking away of CPI from SPF Government at the last moment and projecting anti congress coalition emerging as a potent viable option left the electorate confused. 

Effect of these factors on the State

All these factors affected the situation without any external direction but internally it was ‘free for all’ threats and intimidations.  Each group of Political Parties started assuming self win-win position which considered masses as cursed into unlawful binding. The results showed entirely different trend, unexpected and undirected, just like self – eruption, which can be categorized as follows:-

(a) NPF performance from any angle may well be said “taken as referendum  on Nagalim”, winning four seats against 12 and except in Karong and Mao, the winning percentage is much lower than what has been garnered by other non-NPF Naga winner candidates. It will also affect on UNC’s bid to alternative arrangement lying pending with the Government of India.

(b)  In the valley, despite Cor-Com’s diktat and active interference as also shadowy Maoist – Marxist – RPF connections, the verdict has gone ahead the way it is. Stalwarts like Shri Radha Binod (NCP), Shri Th Chaoba Singh (MPP), Ex Minister, Shri Ph Parijat (CPI), Shri O Joy (MPP) and many of his ilk falling flat like uprooted poles after a hurricane. Some non performing sitting MLAs from all parties were also brushed aside: Can this be said to be a replica of plebiscite wanted by Shri R K Meghen, the UNLF chief?  Can this be taken as a screen shot of what can actually happen if Plebiscite is resorted to? Examine the voter’s trend from Hills and Valley both for sake of Hill-Valley unity.

(c) Healthiest sign – Fragile Politics: The voters of Hills & valley alike which included this time, voters of 18 years age and above, have now a mixed mind on both issues of Plebiscite, Nagalim and violence.

This is probably the healthiest sign of maturity shown by voters in both hills (including Kukis) and valley. They can not be taken in easily by slogans, “My Land, My Gun, and My Sovereignty”. All the sixty Honourable MsLA irrespective of party affiliations will be taking solemn oath to the Constitution of India as have been doing since inception of first elections to the State assembly.    

Should INC Go Complacent?

Yes, it is tricky. This magic number may weigh very heavy for its 42 members to carry the weight of their pledge to voters and the party. There are limited numbers of portfolio for Ministers and a few number of Chairman Posts which have attraction of possession. Can the CM whosoever he or she may be have the gumption of holding this flock of wise 42 together for full term? A tough task for the President, INC who has to undertake frequent tours of Manipur.

No-Fear of Guns

In the fine end, the general voters have proved their “No-Fear” factor, denounced diktat of Cor-Com and separatist forces , have exercised their franchise the way they liked, and no one else but the democracy stands the winner. This does not mean that no malpractice was resorted to in the voting process. The deduction from this assessment is that if people go courageous and firm up their mind as to what they want, they being the grassroots can usher in a new chapter of change- pave the way for development and force the rulers to grant them good administration. They are now questioning about accounts of expenditure, utilization of NREGA and other Government funds and voicing against custodial deaths and fake encounters. They have also taken note of erstwhile insurgents under obligation of Suspension of Ops (SoO) and Ceasefire (CF) agreements and are questioning as to why some of them operate outside the confines of their designated camps and involve in extortion and any other nefarious activities. In the current milieu the synergy between the civil administration and the Security Forces (SF) is at its peak. The SFs have delivered commendably in providing and ensuring a secured environment for polling and also preventing armed interference in the polling booths during elections. The People of Manipur have delivered their verdict in favor of secularism in democracy which is loud and clear. They are showing maturity in self governance under constitutional norms and with this speed Peace is not far off.

To conclude, the CSOs and Frontal organizations need to crystallize their policies of criticism and role in moving developmental activities forward and meet challenges of corruption, extortion and violence which are eating into our vitals. Ruling INC is also cautioned to change its perception of leaving any project incomplete. Imagine what would have been their position if Non Congress Alliance had really come to power. They must settle all contentious issues facing the People of Manipur one by one. The Author sincerely sympathizes with the losers and congratulates the winners.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/janadesh-2012-manipur-assembly-elections-ramifications-and-stratifications/

Mary Kom, Sarita In Semi-final of 6th Asian Women Boxing

NEW DELHI, March 22 (PTI): Five-time world champion Mary Kom today entered the semifinals of the 6th Asian Women Boxing Championships, defeating Nandinsetseg Myagmardul of Mongolia 14:11 on points in…

Read the full article and articles like this at…

NEW DELHI, March 22 (PTI): Five-time world champion Mary Kom today entered the semifinals of the 6th Asian Women Boxing Championships, defeating Nandinsetseg Myagmardul of Mongolia 14:11 on points in…

Read the full article and articles like this at manipurhub.com

Read more / Original news source: http://manipurhub.com/mary-kom-sarita-in-semi-final-of-6th-asian-women-boxing/

CGCRI Kolkata Recruitment 2012

CGCRI Kolkata Recruitment 2012 for the posts of Technical Assistant, Technical Officer, Sr. Technical Officer for Engineering and Science graduates. CSIR-CGCRI invites applications from bonafide…

Read the full article and articles like this at mani…

CGCRI Kolkata Recruitment 2012 for the posts of Technical Assistant, Technical Officer, Sr. Technical Officer for Engineering and Science graduates. CSIR-CGCRI invites applications from bonafide…

Read the full article and articles like this at manipurhub.com

Read more / Original news source: http://manipurhub.com/cgcri-kolkata-recruitment-2012/

People FOR Peace ~ Irom Chanu Sharmila – Fellowship of Reconciliation (blog)

Fellowship of Reconciliation (blog)People FOR Peace ~ Irom Chanu SharmilaFellowship of Reconciliation (blog)A poet and civil rights activist from Manipur, Sharmila began her hunger strike in demand that the Indian government repeal the Armed Forces (Sp…

Fellowship of Reconciliation (blog)

People FOR Peace ~ Irom Chanu Sharmila
Fellowship of Reconciliation (blog)
A poet and civil rights activist from Manipur, Sharmila began her hunger strike in demand that the Indian government repeal the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act of 1958 (AFSPA) which allowed soldiers to open fire on or detain any citizen on suspicion

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGzEGavoRXZZfgT-Ri-yanQpK_76w&url=http://forusa.org/blogs/linda-kelly/people-for-peace-irom-chanu-sharmila/10380

HPCL Recruitment 2012 For Engineering Posts Vacancy

HPCL Recruitment 2012 for Engineering Posts: HPCL invites application for the recruitment of various engineering posts: Rotary Engineer, Mechanical Project Planning Engineer, Mechanical Design…

Read the full article and articles like this at manipu…

HPCL Recruitment 2012 for Engineering Posts: HPCL invites application for the recruitment of various engineering posts: Rotary Engineer, Mechanical Project Planning Engineer, Mechanical Design…

Read the full article and articles like this at manipurhub.com

Read more / Original news source: http://manipurhub.com/hpcl-recruitment-2012-for-engineering-posts-vacancy/

Punjab Gramin Bank Recruitment 2012 Management Posts

Punjab Gramin Bank Recruitment 2012 for Management Posts of Officer Middle Management, Office Assistant and Officer Junior Management. PUNJAB GRAMIN BANK invites applications from Indian Citizens,…

Read the full article and articles like this at ma…

Punjab Gramin Bank Recruitment 2012 for Management Posts of Officer Middle Management, Office Assistant and Officer Junior Management. PUNJAB GRAMIN BANK invites applications from Indian Citizens,…

Read the full article and articles like this at manipurhub.com

Read more / Original news source: http://manipurhub.com/punjab-gramin-bank-recruitment-2012-management-posts/

6 Under Grounds held in Manipur – Nagaland Post

6 Under Grounds held in ManipurNagaland PostSix underground outfits were apprehended by security forces in separate operations and from various locations. An NSCN (IM) cadre identified as 'ss' Lieut. Ayo Thangkhul (38) of Kachai village alleged…

6 Under Grounds held in Manipur
Nagaland Post
Six underground outfits were apprehended by security forces in separate operations and from various locations. An NSCN (IM) cadre identified as 'ss' Lieut. Ayo Thangkhul (38) of Kachai village allegedly involved in collection of “godown tax” from the

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFkwAiGih92W0_N7JEF8fa_aaw4eg&url=http://www.nagalandpost.com/ChannelNews/Regional/RegionalNews.aspx?news=TkVXUzEwMDAxNTU0NA%253D%253D-EbhwhukROn0%253D

Manipur working on India’s first bamboo cycles – Hindustan Times

Manipur working on India's first bamboo cyclesHindustan TimesMoves are afoot in Manipur to give a green twist to the ubiquitous bicycles by rolling out bamboo cycles for the first time in the country. Bamboo forms the main frame of such cycles inst…

Manipur working on India's first bamboo cycles
Hindustan Times
Moves are afoot in Manipur to give a green twist to the ubiquitous bicycles by rolling out bamboo cycles for the first time in the country. Bamboo forms the main frame of such cycles instead of aluminum or steel. “The success of such projects in
Workshop points out State`s Bamboo potentialKanglaOnline

all 3 news articles »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNF_3qgDra9rZXy6TPzHKkutN7G84Q&url=http://www.hindustantimes.com/India-news/Manipur/Manipur-working-on-India-s-first-bamboo-cycles/Article1-829404.aspx

Ibobi plan to ease Imphal traffic – Times of India

Calcutta TelegraphIbobi plan to ease Imphal trafficTimes of IndiaIMPHAL: Taking a serious note of the growing traffic congestion in the city, Manipur chief minister Okram Ibobi Singh, on Wednesday, chalked out several plans to address the problem. He a…

Calcutta Telegraph

Ibobi plan to ease Imphal traffic
Times of India
IMPHAL: Taking a serious note of the growing traffic congestion in the city, Manipur chief minister Okram Ibobi Singh, on Wednesday, chalked out several plans to address the problem. He also welcomed suggestions from intellectuals and NGOs.
Buying a car, bike? Build a garage firstCalcutta Telegraph
Suppl Grants 2011-12 passedKanglaOnline

all 9 news articles »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEX6AewEFS96HrzZHDwEXwhs-hr8g&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/guwahati/Ibobi-plan-to-ease-Imphal-traffic/articleshow/12368787.cms

Manipur tops terror chart – Times of India

Manipur tops terror chartTimes of IndiaGUWAHATI: Manipur is now the worst militancy-affected state in the country, overtaking Jammu and Kashmir and other northeastern states, while Mizoram and Tripura are among the most peaceful. In a reply to a questi…

Manipur tops terror chart
Times of India
GUWAHATI: Manipur is now the worst militancy-affected state in the country, overtaking Jammu and Kashmir and other northeastern states, while Mizoram and Tripura are among the most peaceful. In a reply to a question in Lok Sabha on Tuesday,

and more »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHzqU0YZHHhdMOWcccl1rnFqTv7Ag&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/guwahati/Manipur-tops-terror-chart/articleshow/12368758.cms

Militant killed in Manipur – IBNLive.com

News24onlineMilitant killed in ManipurIBNLive.comPTI | 12:03 PM,Mar 22,2012 Imphal, Mar 22 (PTI) An unidentified militant was killed in an encounter with security forces at Wanga in Bishenpur district of Manipur, police said today. Following reports of…


Militant killed in Manipur
PTI | 12:03 PM,Mar 22,2012 Imphal, Mar 22 (PTI) An unidentified militant was killed in an encounter with security forces at Wanga in Bishenpur district of Manipur, police said today. Following reports of movement of militants, the security forces
Militants set ablaze BDO office in ManipurZee News

all 4 news articles »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEgvNXSAvZqeyL2nfZJWF1Dw1xoNQ&url=http://ibnlive.in.com/generalnewsfeed/news/militant-killed-in-manipur/978288.html

Rewben, Mary Kom given tribal awards

Imphal, March 21:NNN Noted folk singer Guru Rewben Mashangva and women ace boxer Mary Kom were awarded with the National Tribal Award in New Delhi last evening by Ministry of Tribal Affairs, government of India. The awards were handed over by V Kishore Chandra Deo. Each of the awards carries a cash prize of Rs […]

Imphal, March 21:NNN Noted folk singer Guru Rewben Mashangva and women ace boxer Mary Kom were awarded with the National Tribal Award in New Delhi last evening by Ministry of Tribal Affairs, government of India. The awards were handed over by V Kishore Chandra Deo. Each of the awards carries a cash prize of Rs 2 lakh, a citation and a trophy.
“This is to acknowledge that the commendable contribution of Shri Guru Rewben Mashangva in the field of tribal art and culture. As a recognition, the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India hereby confers the National Tribal Award for the year 2011-12,” said the citation for Guru Rewben Mashangva.
As for Mary Kom, her husband received the award on her behalf since the boxer is in Mongolia participating in the Asian Women Boxing Championship event.
Guru Rewben Mashangva said he feels delighted for being recognised. But added with a lamentation, “However, back home in a state like Manipur it is sad that the people are not giving much value to the folk music.”
Started taking up flute and guitar in the late 1980s, Rewben Mashangva has come a long way. He had struggle a lot and is still struggling to make both ends meet while most of his time he devote to the folk music promotion. He said it is because of his wife who works in a private school as a teacher, he can engross to this profession. Most of the domestic chores, his wife looks after.
There is an interesting anecdote of Guru Rewben Mashangba. Many years ago during a hearty concert, the crowd applauded him with clapping and other ovations shown to him, Guru Rewben had said, “I’m a hero here tonight but once at home, I will sit down for my dinner with just a plate of rice and Eromba, a chilly filled Manipuri vegetable mashed with a fermented fish.

Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/rewben-mary-kom-given-tribal-awards/

Demands for 43 deptts for Rs 1822.35 cr passed

Mail News Service Imphal, Mar 21: The chief minister of Manipur shri O. Ibobi said due to increase in vehicle population, we are facing traffic jam. To avoid it to some extend, entry of vehicles at Thangal Bazar and Paona Bazar has been banned from 10 a.m. to four p.m. It is very difficult to […]

Mail News Service
Imphal, Mar 21: The chief minister of Manipur shri O. Ibobi said due to increase in vehicle population, we are facing traffic jam. To avoid it to some extend, entry of vehicles at Thangal Bazar and Paona Bazar has been banned from 10 a.m. to four p.m.
It is very difficult to expand the present situation of bazaar. It will be also difficult to take up to the scope of expansion in Imphal City. Regarding the Imphal City to become a proper plan city, the members of the House and public are asked to give their suggestion.
The CM was replying to a calling attention moved by Dr. I. Ibohalbi, leader of TMC in the state assembly today.
The CM also said, to be come a proper plan city, it is not an easy task to shift the school located in the city. I cannot say these because sit-in-protests may be organized the following day.
The ban on the entry of vehicles at Paona Bazar and Thangal Bazar is not permanent. It can be changed from time to time.
The mover of the calling attention Dr. I. Ibohalbi said, the traffic jam in the recent year has become a social problem. We are facing lot of difficulties due to growded of vehicles at Governor gate, CM crossing, secretariat gate, PWD, Keisampat, Waheng Leikai and Singjamei. Due to this, govt. employees can’t reach office in time, he said and added that the schools located in Imphal Bazar should be shifted to another area.
Kh Joykishan said there should be proper planning in improving the traffic management. The security vehicles are also responsible for the traffic jam he added
Demands for 43 departments amounting to Rs 18,225,344,000 was also passed. The session will conclude tomorrow.

Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/demands-for-43-deptts-for-rs-1822-35-cr-passed/

Seven ADC members held at gun point

Imphal, March 21 NNN: Seven members of Autonomous District Council (ADC), Sadar Hills have been held hostage at gun point after kidnapping them for the last 18 days by Kuki Revolutionary Army (KRA), alleged chairman of Sadar Hills ADC SH Seipu. SH Seipu said that on March 3 the seven ADC members who are his […]

Imphal, March 21 NNN: Seven members of Autonomous District Council (ADC), Sadar Hills have been held hostage at gun point after kidnapping them for the last 18 days by Kuki Revolutionary Army (KRA), alleged chairman of Sadar Hills ADC SH Seipu.
SH Seipu said that on March 3 the seven ADC members who are his supporters were kidnapped by cadres of the KRA and they have been held hostage at T Gammon village community hall under Saikul police station.
“We have reported the matter to all the concerned authority officially but till today no action has been initiated by the authority,” lamented the ADC chairman. Today’s comment from the chairman of Sadar Hills ADC came a day after the vice chairman of the ADC Mr Hankholal Hanshing and two others were kidnapped and released.
Seipu said Hankholal Hanshing and the two other ADC members were not kidnapped but picked up by cadres of Kuki National Front (KNF) for a talk. According to the police, these three have been released late last night. SH Seipu denied in the involvement of the incident.
It can be noted that the fracas in the Sadar Hills Autonomous District Council came to open a week ago when the vice chairman of the Council moved for the removal of the chairman.

Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/seven-adc-members-held-at-gun-point/

CBI arrests four persons

Mail News Service New Delhi, Mar 21 : The Central Bureau of Investigation has today arrested four more accused persons namely an ex-MLC, Maharashtra; Major General(Retd.), the then GOC, M&G Area; another Major General(Retd), the then GOC, M&G Area and the then Collector, Mumbai, presently working as Secretary(Expenditure), Deptt. Of Finance in Govt. of Maharashtra […]

Mail News Service
New Delhi, Mar 21 : The Central Bureau of Investigation has today arrested four more accused persons namely an ex-MLC, Maharashtra; Major General(Retd.), the then GOC, M&G Area; another Major General(Retd), the then GOC, M&G Area and the then Collector, Mumbai, presently working as Secretary(Expenditure), Deptt. Of Finance in Govt. of Maharashtra in an ongoing investigation relating to Adarsh Co-operative Housing Society case, Mumbai. One of the Major Generals(Retd.) was arrested from Hyderabad and is in transit to Mumbai.
All the arrested accused will be produced tomorrow before the Special Judge, CBI Cases, Mumbai.
CBI has yesterday arrested three accused i.e. the then President of Adarsh Housing Society; the then Defence Estate Officer & Secretary of Adarsh Housing Society and the then Dy.Secretary, Urban Development Department of Maharashtra Govt(UDD), Mumbai in this case.
They were produced today before the Special Judge, CBI, Mumbai and were remanded to Police Custody till 31.03.2012.
A case was registered by CBI on 29.01.2011 against 13 accused persons including certain public servants and unknown persons U/s 120(B), r/w 420, 468, 471 of IPC and U/s 13(2) r/w 13(1)(d) of the PC Act, 1988 in the matter of Adarsh Society after completion of Preliminary Enquiry. It was alleged that the accused persons in conspiracy with certain Defence Service Officers; Officials of Govt. of Maharashtra and others got allotted a plot of land at Colaba in favour of Adarsh Co-operative Group Housing Society which was in the possession of Army since long and constructed a 31 storeyed building in total violation of prescribed norms.

Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/cbi-arrests-four-persons-3/

Steps taken to stop illegal immigration from Bangladesh

Mail News Service New Delhi, Mar 21 : There are reports of Bangladeshi nationals having settled in India without valid travel documents. As entry of such Bangaladeshi nationals into the country is clandestine and surreptitious, it is not possible to have a correct estimate of such illegal immigrants living in the country. A number of […]

Mail News Service
New Delhi, Mar 21 : There are reports of Bangladeshi nationals having settled in India without valid travel documents. As entry of such Bangaladeshi nationals into the country is clandestine and surreptitious, it is not possible to have a correct estimate of such illegal immigrants living in the country. A number of Bangladeshi nationals who have entered into the country on valid travel documents have been found to be overstaying. As per information available, 28,667 Bangladeshi nationals were found to be overstaying as on 31st December,
2010. Police authorities in the Stats/ Union Territories and other law enforcement agencies are aware of the issues of illegal immigration and they maintain a strict vigil on the activities of such Bangladeshi nationals. A number of initiatives have been taken by the Government to prevent/curb infiltration across the border from Bangladesh, which also include:-
(i) Effective domination of the border by carrying out round the clock surveillance of the borders by Border Security Force.
(ii) Construction of border fencing, roads and floodlighting.
(iii) Setting up of more Border Out Posts (BOPs) along Indo-Bangladesh border.
(iv) Induction of hi-tech surveillance equipment including night navigation devices.
Central Government is vested with powers to deport a foreign national under section 3(2)© of the Foreigners Act, 1946. These powers to identify and deport illegally staying foreign nationals, including Bangladeshi nationals, have also been delegated to the State Governments/ UT Administrations. Detection and deportation of such illegal immigrants is a continuous process. A revised procedure for detection and deportation of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants was communicated to the State Governments/ Union Territory Administrations in November, 2009, which was partially modified in February, 2011. The procedure includes sending back then and there, the illegal immigrants who are intercepted at the border while entering India unauthorisedly.
This was stated by Shri Mullappally Ramachandran, Minister of State of Home Affairs in written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.

Read more / Original news source: http://manipur-mail.com/steps-taken-to-stop-illegal-immigration-from-bangladesh/