A new human cousin discovered

By Dr Irengbam Mohendra Singh While God has been elusive for eternity, refusing to unfold… more »

By Dr Irengbam Mohendra Singh

Dr. Irengbam Mohendra Singh

While God has been elusive for eternity, refusing to unfold his mysteries, if we look back in time we will find that we have begun to unravel the mysteries of nature with vast changes in our intellectual achievements, such as Gödel’s theorem, molecular biology and Wittgenstein’s antiphilosophy.

In the midst of all these, archaeologists and geneticists were flabbergasted at the discovery of a new human cousin. Professor Chris Stringer, human origins researcher at London’s Natural History Museum, one of the leading proponents of the recent single (African) origin hypothesis, remarked that: “This new DNA work provides an entirely new way of looking at the evolution of humans in central and eastern Asia.”

The plot is thickening about the origin of early humans who inhabited this planet of ours. There may have been seven distinct types of human ancestor from Africa who expanded to remote islands of Indonesia, Europe and Siberia.

Every one of them became extinct like the dinosaurs between thousands of years to millennia except us. It may have been because of the ingenuity, intelligence and adaptability of the Homo sapiens species that we are here today. Our brain has now reached maturity and it will not expand any more. And we are here to stay.

The surprise story began in March 2010 when scientists, led by Johannes Krause and fellow researcher, Swedish biologist Svante Paabo from Mark Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Eastern Germany, published online in the “Nature”, the finding of the DNA from a girl’s old finger bone.

The bit of bone but a huge bone for evolutionists was found in 2008 by Russian archaeologists from the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of Novosibirsk, working at the site of Denisova cave, in the Altai Krai Mountains of southern Siberia. They sent it to Leipzig for identification

A finger bone fragment from the fifth finger of a juvenile female that lived 40,000 years ago, as well as a fragment of a molar tooth, much bigger than human molar was discovered. The finger bone was found within 65 miles of known Neanderthal and modern human sites. Later in 2011, a toe bone was also unravelled (it is currently undergoing analysis).

The finger bone’s mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) analysis showed it to be distinct from the mtDNAs of Neanderthals and modern humans. Subsequent studies on the nuclear genome from this specimen, as well as mtDNA from the tooth, determined that this group shares a common origin with Neanderthals and interbred with the ancestors of some present day Melanesians (people from the islands of Papa New Guinea) and Australian aborigines.

This juvenile hominin is now dubbed the “X-woman” (referring to the maternal descent of mtDNA), or the “Denisova hominin”. Some artefacts, including a bracelet, excavated in the cave at the same level were carbon dated to around 40,000 BP.

Prof Paabo noted that the existence of these distant branch humans creates much more complex picture of human kind during the late Pleistocene epoch. Denisova Cave is known to have also been inhabited by Neanderthal people and perhaps by modern humans. Because of the cool climate in this location, the discovery benefited from DNA’s ability to survive for longer periods at lower temperatures of the cave at 32 degrees Fahrenheight.

The analysis indicated that modern humans, Neanderthals and the Denisova hominin last shared a common ancestor around 1 million years ago. Denisovans are found to be a sister group to Neanderthals and had similar ancestors, because all non-African humans have Neanderthal DNA.

According to researchers, this provides confirmation that there were at least four distinct types of humans in existence (including Homo erectus) when anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) first left their African homeland.

The fact that Denisovans were discovered in southern Siberia, but contributed genetic material to modern human populations in Southeast Asia suggests that their population may have been widespread in Asia during the Pleistocene age.

The DNA analysis further indicated that these new Denisovans were the result of an earlier migration out of Africa, distinct from the later out-of-Africa migrations associated with Neanderthals and modern humans, but also distinct from the earlier migration of Homo erectus, who were to colonise Asia.

According to the co-author in the “Nature”, Richard Green of the University of California, Santa Cruz, there was probably an ancestral group that left Africa between 300,000 and 400.000 years ago and quickly diverged, with one branch becoming the Neanderthals who spread into Europe and the other branch moving east and becoming Denisovans.

When modern humans left Africa 60,000 years ago, they first encountered the Neanderthals, an interaction prevailed that left traces of Neanderthal DNA scattered throughout the genomes of all non-Africans. The other group of humans later came in contact with Denisovans leaving traces of Denisovan DNA in the genomes who settled in Melanesi – an assemblage of islands of Australia’s coast including New Guinea.

Richard Green says, “It was fruitous that this discovery came quickly on the heels of the Neanderthal genome, because we already had the team ready to do a similar analysis.” He said Denisovans were quite different from Neanderthals and modern humans. They had teeth similar to those of older human ancestors, such as Homo erectus.

The Leipzig scientist Kraus said that since the discovery was announced in March 2010, the researchers have been focussed on the task of decoding the entire 3 billion DNA building blocks in the complete genetic make-up of the newcomer from the Atlai Mountains.

The Leipzig scientists have also reported the isolation and sequencing of nuclear DNA from the Denisovan finger bone in 2010. The specimen showed an unusual preservation of DNA and low level of contamination, allowing them a detailed comparison of its genome with Neanderthal and modern humans.

They concluded that the Denisovan population along with Neanderthal shared a common branch from the lineage leading to modern African humans.. The estimated average time of divergence between Denisovans and Neanderthals sequences is 640,000 years ago, and between both of these and the sequences of modern Africans is 804,000 years ago.

Modern genetic studies show that app. 4% of non-African modern human DNA relates to Neanderthals. A new comparison of Denisovan genome from six modern humans, one each from South Africa, Nigeria, France, Hans Chinese, Papua New Guinea and Bougainville islands showed that between 4% and 6% of the genome of the Melanesians derive from Denisovan population.

The scientists suggest that the genes were probably introduced during the early migration of the ancestors of Melanesians into Southeast Asia, where Denisovans once ranged widely over eastern Asia.

Mark Stoneking, molecular anthropologist at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary anthropology, Leipzig, (most famous for his estimation that human clothing originated about 72,000 years ago, by sequencing the genes of head and body lice in 2007) led a research team, which found genetic evidence that, in addition to Melanesians, Australian aborigines, and small, scattered groups of people in Southeast Asia, such as Negrito of Mamanawa in the Phillipines shares Denisovan ancestry, though Andaman Islander Negritos and Malaysian Jehai, do not.

With their result, they challenged the belief that Denisovans interbred in mainland Asia before spreading to the island from Southeast Asia, Melanesia, and Australia.

Recent genetic studies in 2011 have indicated that modern humans may have mated with “at least two groups” of ancient humans: Neanderthals and Denisovans.

Ian Tatersall of the Department of Physical Anthropology at the American Museum of National History says that “We are the only hominid around today, and we tend to think that that’s how it’s always been. But the evidence is accumulating that the human evolutionary tree is quite luxuriantly branching.

Scientists have no idea what the Denisovan hominis look like. Paabo says that because the Denisova homini is assumed to be human, it’s possible that there are many unknown homini fossils waiting to be discovered. Palaeontologists will continue to scour for remnants in Siberia.

Apart from Denisovans, scientists discovered a new very strange humanlike species (published in “Nature” in 2004) that lived over the past few hundred years in the east of the last islands of Java in Indonesia – a scattered remote archipelago. The remains of this new species had been excavated in 2004, in Liang Bua Cave on the island of Flores, and hence named Homo floresiensis (aka the Hobbit). The creature was only one meter tall and very small-brained.

Homo floresiensis was considered intelligent as the cave contained evidence of tool making, butchery of animal carcasses, and fire. They survived until about 17,000 years ago. The latest studies of the Hobbit bones have led to the radical idea that these tiny people in fact, descended from something more primitive than Homo erectus – yet another species whose ancestors emerged from Africa 2 million years ago, or more, and then evolved in isolation in Southeast Asia, finally disappearing within the last 20 millennia.

There is no knowledge of when the Neanderthals ad Homo erectus disappeared, overwhelmed by Homo sapiens, probably because of better tools and other resources.

What stumps the scientists by the finding this strange humanlike creatures is that Africa could have been home to yet another species of humans within the last 50,000 years, based on signs of possible ancestral DNA in modern African populations and fossils found in Nigeria and Congo.

The writer is based in the UK
Email: imsingh(at)onetel.com
Website: www.drimsingh.co.uk

Published: March 6, 2012

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/a-new-human-cousin-discovered/

NECEER – Jungle to another jungle an interactive programme on urban biodiversity and FBM Photo Exhibition and Contest

Jungle to another jungle an interactive programme on urban biodiversity and FBM Photo Exhibition and… more »

Jungle to another jungle
an interactive programme on urban biodiversity
FBM Photo Exhibition and Contest

NECEER – Jungle to another jungle an interactive programme on urban biodiversity and FBM Photo Exhibition and Contest

North East Centre for Environmental Education and Research (NECEER), Imphal in collaboration with For a Better Manipur (FBM), Marangmei Educational Trust (ME Trust) and Green Biology Research Centre organized an interactive programme on urban biodiversity entitled “Jungle to another jungle” on 4th March 2012 at the National Gandhi Museum, Rajghat, Delhi. The programme highlighted the importance of urban biodiversity in today’s world. Two documentary films by renowned environmental film maker Rajukmar Robindro were screened during the first half of the event.

FLY ASH SNOW, a documentary on environment and livelihood crisis highlighted the problems of deforestation and challenges faced by the villagers in the hill areas of Manipur. The documentary mainly centres on the hill district of Ukhrul, Manipur. 5th CMS Vatavaran – Environment and Wildlife Film Festival 2009 nominated film “Loktak: the Lake in Peril” highlights the problems faced by the largest fresh water lake in Northeast India, the Loktak Lake. Both the films were screened to educate and create awareness about the changing environment and for the conservation of fragile ecosystems.

Speaking on the occasion, Khuraijam Jibankumar Singh, Founder and Managing Trustee of NECEER, Imphal spoke on need of conserving Urban Biodiversity. He gave several case studies where due to urbanization and habitat destruction, several incidents have occurred in the last two-three years where rare and endangered species like Wild Cats and Elephants got killed due to human-wildlife conflicts. He cautioned about the plantation of alien species in the urban green spaces which may led to disappearance of indigenous species. He also spoke on the biodiversity richness of Northeastern states especially where than 500 species of orchids are found.

He also mentioned about the need for more extensive campaigns and awareness programme to save important fragile ecosystems like Keibul Lamjao National Park, the world’s only floating national park and Loktak Lake. Participants had a good discussion on the need of involving policy makers and environmentalist in the decision making of selecting tree species in the town planning programme of cities and towns across the country.

As a part of the event, a quiz based on the urban biodiversity was organized by Mohd Sajid Idrisi, Officer in-Charge, CEC, Research and Development Division, NECEER inorder to make the participant aware about the species living in and around the urban green spaces.

North East Centre for Environmental Education and Research (NECEER), Imphal and its partner organization, For a Better Manipur (FBM) in collaboration with Marangmei Educational Trust (ME Trust) also organized 1st FBM Photo Exhibition cum Contest at the venue. Participants and tourists got the chance to see the more than 50 photographs of wildlife, beautiful landscapes of the country and traditional dance forms of Manipur by more than 15 photographers during the exhibition.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/neceer-jungle-to-another-jungle-an-interactive-programme-on-urban-biodiversity-and-fbm-photo-exhibition-and-contest/

Kalakshetra Manipur – Masterclass Session 2012 (Mar 1 to Mar 29, 2012)

Kalakshetra Manipur is conducting its Masterclass Session 2012, an acting workshop for young theatre actors… more »

Kalakshetra Manipur is conducting its Masterclass Session 2012, an acting workshop for young theatre actors with young theatre scholars, from 1st March to 29th March, 2012. The press conference of the said masterclass is scheduled on March 4, 2012 (Sunday), 4:00 pm at the working space of Kalakshetra Manipur, Langol Laimanai, Lamphel.

The Masterclass aims to explore the working process of Kalakshetra Manipur and to make the theatre scholars aware of how to create a conscious process of physical and visceral form of expression while making organic impact of the body, the only resource of the actor. It will only consolidate the process in answering to how the body dynamics is used and transcended. The whole process will bring forth into a single vital force as ‘organic process of acting’ in ‘pretending’ and ‘doing’ (not behaving).

The workshop focuses at interacting actors and scholars through the process at every moment of theatre making so that the scholars understand the working process of the actors. Experienced young actors from different parts of India and from France with young scholars from School of Arts and Aesthetics, JNU, Delhi are interacting for a month.


Heisnam Kanhailal
Kalakshetra Manipur

This press release was sent to KanglaOnline by Kalakshetra Manipur kalakshetra.manipur(at)rediffmail.com

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/kalakshetra-manipur-masterclass-session-2012-mar-1-to-mar-29-2012/

Jobs at Idaa Software, Shillong

Jobs at Idaa Shillong (1) Faculty or Lab Consultant for 3D Animation Production • Min… more »

Jobs at Idaa Shillong

(1) Faculty or Lab Consultant for 3D Animation Production

• Min Experience: 1-10 yr.
• Qualification: Graduate (BA, B.Sc, B.Com), Knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, Premier and Autodesk 3DS Max, Maya

• No of Opening: Two Positions


(2) Faculty or Lab Consultant for 3D Visualization In Architecture

• Min Experience: 1-10 yr.
• Qualification: Graduate (BA, B.Sc, B.Com), Knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, Premier and Autodesk 3DS Max, Maya

• No of Opening: Two Positions

Interview : 5th march 2012 at hyderabad.

Contact : shillong@idaa.in or call +919866181793 (mr. Jaipal reddy)

Salary – No Constraint for Right Candidate.

Job Location: Shillong and Aizawl.

Contacts Address:
Idaa Software Pvt Ltd.
Room No # 103/104, Windsor Hall,
Upland Road, Laitumkhrah
Shillong, Meghalaya
Office Hour: 9 am to 6 pm
Email : shillong@idaa.in

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/jobs-at-idaa-software-shillong/

Lions Club of Imphal Greater – 5th Inter Children Home sports Meet 2012

Lions Club of Imphal Greater Lions Clubs International, Distt. 322-D Ref. No. LCIG/2011-12/011 NEWS RELEASE… more »

Lions Club of Imphal Greater
Lions Clubs International, Distt. 322-D

Ref. No. LCIG/2011-12/011


Download press release (PDF)

For Immediate release
Imphal, the 4th March 2012

The Lions Club of Imphal Greater organised the 5th Inter Children Home sports Meet 2012 at Khuman Lampak Sports Complex on 3-4 March 2012. In the said Meet, About 200 destitute children from different homes in the state have participated in the above sports meet.

Lions Club of Imphal Greater – 5th Inter Children Home sports Meet 2012

The children have competed themselves in different areaS such as Atheletics, Kabadi, Tug of War etc. Angel’s Place, Churachanpur was declared as the Team champion of the Sports Meet.

Lions Club of Imphal Greater – 5th Inter Children Home sports Meet 2012

The Sports Meet was supported by diffent organisation and individuals including 28th Assam Riffles and 109 Bn CRPF. In the said project, our Past District Governor, Lion Animesh Baruah, Dist 322-D have joined the said event.

Yours faithfully,
(Lion Thongam Arun)
PRO, LCIG, Dist.322-D

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/lions-club-of-imphal-greater-5th-inter-children-home-sports-meet-2012/

Heavyweights fall in Manipur – Times of India

The HinduHeavyweights fall in ManipurTimes of IndiaIMPHAL: Hordes of political heavyweights including NCP Manipur unit president and opposition leader Radhabinod Koijam had to bite the dust as new giant killers pushed them down to the ground, changing …

The Hindu

Heavyweights fall in Manipur
Times of India
IMPHAL: Hordes of political heavyweights including NCP Manipur unit president and opposition leader Radhabinod Koijam had to bite the dust as new giant killers pushed them down to the ground, changing the political map of Manipur as the results of the
Manipur election results: Consolation win for CongressIndian Express
Manipur lone bright spot for CongressLivemint
Manipur plays safe, brings Ibobi Singh backZee News
Hindustan Times –The Hindu
all 224 news articles »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEkIXBeMSPxWOZlZjTblLFL_Nf0Yw&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/guwahati/Heavyweights-fall-in-Manipur/articleshow/12168759.cms

Congress secures absolute majority with 42 seats

IMPHAL,Mar 6: Leaving behind the opposition parties in the dust, the Congress party has made… more »

IMPHAL,Mar 6: Leaving behind the opposition parties in the dust, the Congress party has made a record landslide victory by bagging 42 seats out of 60 total seats in the 10th Manipur Legislative Assembly.

The congress got the majority and representative political parties of the Peoples Democratic Alliance (PDA) namely All India Trinamool Congress became the runners up by bagging 7 seats. Manipur State Congress Party got 5 seats and the Naga Peoples Party trailed behind at 4 seats.The lone Lok Jana Shakti party candidate, Karam Shyam Singh opened an account for the first time in the state for Langthabal assembly constituency by beating his veteran MPP candidate candidate, Okram Joy Singh.Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) won a single seat for Keisamthong assembly constituency.

The election also saw three women candidates being elected for the first time in the state.Nemcha Kipgen representing MSCP won the seat for Kangpokpi,Akoijam Mirabai Devi of the INC bagged the seat for Patsoi assembly constituency beating Trinamool candidate ,MLA Sapam Kunjakeswar Singh.

Among the political heavyweights who lost in the fray, Okram Joy of MPP who has contested for seven consecutive terms and won for six terms lost to new comer Karam Shyam representing the Lok Jana Shakti party. Opposition leader and state president of NCP, Radhabinod Koijam similarly also lost to Kh Joykishan of Trinamool Congress. Former agriculture minister P Parijat of CPI of Lamlai constituency also lost to Ksh Biren Singh of INC. Health minister L Jayenta Kumar also lost to his NCP rival candidate L Ibomcha. Ibomcha is also the lone successful candidate of the NCP. Education minister DD Thaisii of Karong lost to Dr. V Alexander Pao of the NPF. MOBC minister Md Allaudin also lost to newcomer K Thamarjit Singh of MSCP for Keirao constituency. Deputy chairman of State Planning Board, MLA Bijoy Koijam ,PDA chairman Kh Loken,MLA E Dwijamani, chairman of Manipur Pollution control board also lost to their rivals.

The 10th Manipur Assembly Elections saw 25 new candidates elected in the assembly constituencies of the 9 districts.

After getting statehood in 1972, this is the very first time that a political party has crossed the forty plus margin.

Notably, none of the candidate belonging to Manipur People’s Party, CPI and BJP could win in this election.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/congress-secures-absolute-majority-with-42-seats/

Naga party wins four seats

IMPHAL, Mar 6: Contrary to the hype built up by the party and the flak… more »

IMPHAL, Mar 6: Contrary to the hype built up by the party and the flak drawn by its `Naga integration` slogan, the Naga People`s Front (NPF) could only win in four constituencies in Naga dominated 12 assembly constituencies it contested in the 10th Manipur legislative assembly.

The NPF in spite of its tall claim to win at least in eight seats, managed to secured only in four of them.

Dr Alexander Pao of the NPF won from Karong assembly constituency in Senapati district by defeating sitting MLA  D.D Thaisii of the Congress. Dikho of the NPF defeated his nearest rival from the Congress P.T Arhai in Mao constituency, also in Senapati district.

In the whole Ukhrul district, the NPF could win only in one seat. Samuel Risom of the NPF opened the account for the party from Ukhrul district headquarters.

In Chandel district, ST Nunghlung brought laurel for the Naga party from the district headquarters.

Manipur unit president of the NPF G Gaingam lost to Manipur Pradesh Congress Committee (MPCC) Gaikhangam in Nungba constituency of Tamenglong district.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/naga-party-wins-four-seats/

Chief Minister to be chosen through consensus: Ibobi

IMPHAL, Mar 6: The landslide victory of the Congress Party in the 10th Manipur Legislative… more »

IMPHAL, Mar 6: The landslide victory of the Congress Party in the 10th Manipur Legislative Assembly has quite gladdened the incumbent Chief Minister Okram Ibobi, however, he is not sure of retaining the Chief Minister’s post.

Ibobi, while speaking to some media persons at Thoubal DC Office this afternoon, stated that the Congress legislatures will choose the Chief Minister through consensus.

He further maintained that the Congress Party will form the government alone as it has secured 42 seats much more than the required number.

Chief Minister also appreciated the people of the state for their trust and faith bestowed to the Congress Party despite threats and intimidations from various angles.

Meanwhile, MPCC president G Gaikhangam thanked the people of Manipur for their thumping vote of confidence on the congress party in the recently concluded state assembly election.

While speaking for a brief moment to the press at Congress Bhavan after crossing the magical figure of 30 seats, he called it a historic moment for Manipur and the congress party which is on the verge of forming a government for the third consecutive term. He expressed his gratitude to the people for giving an opportunity to gain an absolute majority. He went on to state that they would work towards fulfilling the aspirations of the people.

On the question of who will become the leader of Congress Legislature Party (CLP) in the new term, Gaikhangam avoided a direct reply but stated the newly elected congress MLAs will democratically elect its CLP leader.

While the mood at Congress Bhavan was upbeat, it hardly reflected that of a party which had just won 42 seats of the total 60.

Meanwhile, AICC general secretary Luizinho Faleiro and Assam Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma have gone into a huddle with Gaikhangam and other congress leaders.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/chief-minister-to-be-chosen-through-consensus-ibobi/

SP storms to power in UP; Akali-BJP retain Punjab

NEW DELHI , Mar 6 (Agencies): Riding an anti-incumbency wave, the Samajwadi Party on Tuesday… more »

NEW DELHI , Mar 6 (Agencies): Riding an anti-incumbency wave, the Samajwadi Party on Tuesday stormed to power in Uttar Pradesh dislodging Mayawati while the ruling the Akali Dal-BJP combine sprang a surprise retaining power in Punjab and creating a history in the state by breaking a 46-year jinx.

The BJP bagged Goa ousting Congress which managed to hold on to power in Manipur for a third successive term.

Uttarakhand proved to be a cliff-hanger of a contest with the Congress emerging the single largest party at 32 having a wafer thin lead over ruling BJP`s 31.

The Samajwadi Party announced that Mulayam Singh would be the Chief Minister while Akali Dal said it would be Prakash Singh Badal in Punjab.

In the heartland battle in Uttar Pradesh, Mulayam Singh-led SP knocked out BSP by winning 160 seats and leading in 61 others in the 403-member House.

The ruling party was reduced to 80 seats from 206 it had in outgoing House.

The BSP has so far won 52 seats and was ahead in 27 seats.

The Samajwadi Party had won 97 seats in the 2007 elections.

While the BJP barely managed to repeat its 2007 performance.

It has won 34 seats and was ahead in 16 others.

It had won 51 seats in 2007 elections.

Equally dismal was the performance of Congress, which sought to make big strides with spirited campaign by Rahu Gandhi, winning only 19 seats and leading in nine.

The party had won 22 seats in the last elections.

The shock for Congress came from Punjab, which it was widely expected to wrest from Akali Dal-BJP combine.

The ruling coalition has won 68 seats, nine more than required simple majority.

In all, the combine has registered a net loss of one seat from 2007 results.

But the break up shows that Akali Dal has gone up from 50 to 56 seats while the BJP lost seven seats from 19 to win only 12 now.

The Congress won 46 seats, a gain of four from last elections.

The sole relief for Congress came from Manipur where the Party registered a spectacular success winning 35 seats in a House of 60 and was leading in seven others.

The Trinamool Congress, which is set to become the principal opposition, has won seven seats.

The party lost its government in Goa to BJP which has won 19 seats in the 40-member House and was ahead in one while its ally has won three seats.

The ruling Congress put up a dismal performance bagging nine seats against 16 it won in the previous elections.

The BJP had won 14 seats in the last elections.

`Others` accounted for seven seats in Goa. Uttrakhand witnessed a see-saw battle in which the leads shifted continuously.

At 1800 Hrs, it was the Congress which had a wafer thin lead of one over the BJP.

The Congress won 19 seats and was ahead in 13 while the ruling BJP won 24 and was ahead in seven.

BJP, which has said the Governor should invite the party to form the government claims the support of lone Uttarkhand Kranti Dal (P) winner and three independents.

Interestingly, the BSP has won one seat and was ahead in two.(ST-06/03).

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/sp-storms-to-power-in-up-akalibjp-retain-punjab/

Security forces apprehend URF home secy along with five other ultras

IMPHAL, Mar 6: In a significant gain in its counter insurgency campaign, the Imphal East… more »

IMPHAL, Mar 6: In a significant gain in its counter insurgency campaign, the Imphal East Police Commandos arrested the s/s home secretary of United Revolutionery Front (URF) along with five other hard core cadres today in a joint operation with 28 AR and 30 AR.

On receiving specific intelligence, the joint team conducted an operation in and around Khurai in the morning leading to the arrest of s/s URF home secretary, Puyam Mongyamba Meitei @ Biren @ Ruhini @ Shukhil @ Khura, 47, s/o (L) Puyam Indu Singh of Khurai Chingangbam Leikei. He was found carrying one .32 pistol with two live rounds and a mobile phone. Based on his confession, the team moved in quickly to arrest Khangembam Memton Devi @ Ing, 47, w/o P Mongyamba of Khurai Chingangbam Leikai, Ngangkham Khagemba @ Laba, 21, s/o N Tiken Singh of Khurai Laishram Leikai, Ngankham Rocky Singh @ Bungcha, 21, s/o Ng Chaoba of Khurai Laishram Leikai, Ngangkham Ranjan Singh @ Ibungo, 22, s/o Ng Boge Singh of Khurai Konsam Leikai and Ningombam Amarchand Singh @ Boy, 31, s/o N Sanajaoba of Moirangkampu Makha Leikai.

One of the cadre N Amarchand Singh was arrested several months back but was out on bail before his arrest today.

The joint security force also managed to capture from their possessions two pistols of .32 calibre with 4 live rounds and two spare magazines, one 9mm pistol loaded with 2 live rounds, five Chinese hand grenades with detonators, 180 demand letter of URF and a computer set used in printing the letters.

With these arrests the security forces have claimed a breakthrough in several violent incidences in the last several months. Speaking to the press at Imphal East district police headquarters, district police commando OC Inspector Chandrakumar claimed that the arrested cadres had been involved in the IED explosion in the house of I Hemochandra Singh at Singjamei. He also claimed to have established the involvement of URF in the grenade attacks on Trinamool Congress candidate L Yaima Singh as well as BJP candidate Th Ibosana Singh.

In another significant move, the security forces claimed to have disrupted the proposed attack on non-manipuris during Yaoshang festival by means of grenade attacks or IEDs or gun fire from Mar 8.

It may be mentioned that URF was recently established on Jan 7, 2012 with deserters or retired cadres from other outfits. The top leadership of the outfit includes s/s president of the outfit Manganthoi, former editor of a monthly ‘Lanmeithanbi’and cormer PLA member, Jashwa Mangang @ Raghumani as Vice President, AK Pibarel of Sagolband Tera as Secy Info & Pub, Lemba Meitei of Nongren as Secy Finance and Kiyamba of Yurembam, Imphal West as Secy Defence. The entire leadership of the outfit is believed to be based in Bangladesh. URF had joined CorCom and undertaken violent activities in concert with them.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/security-forces-apprehend-urf-home-secy-along-with-five-other-ultras/

Army organizes peace meet

IMPHAL, Mar 6: 6/8 Gorkha Rifles under the aegis of Red Shield Division organised a… more »

IMPHAL, Mar 6: 6/8 Gorkha Rifles under the aegis of Red Shield Division organised a one day Inter Community Peace and Harmony Meet on 05 Mar 2012 at Mangolganbi College Ground, Ningthoukhong. The meet was organised with the aim to foster a feeling of oneness amongst the various ethnic communities of Manipur and to bring forth the feeling that multi ethnicity is a strength towards making Manipur a safe, peaceful and prosperous State and not a weakness.

An exhibition volleyball match between Logtak A and Logtak B teams that were composed of local youth who belonged to different communities existing in Manipur was also organized on the occasion. A drawing and essay writing competition on the theme of Peace and Harmony in Manipur was organized which showcased the talent of the youth. This was followed by a series of talks given by various religious teachers, prominent citizens and notable social workers like RK Bishwanath from Ningthoukhong, Reverend K Opendra Singh from Ningthoukhong, Pastor Lamdan, Pastor K Kachungai from Upper Nagryan, Pastor Archung from Canen and Mr Kiramudin Maulavi from Bishenpur, who spoke to the gathering about ways and means of bringing peace and prosperity to the state. During this, a few children also shared the dais with the elders and put forth the views of the generation next on the same topic.

In the end, children and teachers of Rashtriya Bhasha Hindi Sikshan Sansthan School from Ningthoukhong presented the audience with a heartwarming group song “Hamko Bharat Ki Mati Se Anupam Pyar He”. All the eminent speakers and children who won prizes in the drawing and essay writing competition were felicitated by Brig Laove Verma, SM, the Commander Logtak Brigade, who had graced the occasion as chief guest. During his speech, the Commander brought out the fact that Manipur is a state with tremendous potential in all spheres of human activities and exhorted the youth of this beautiful state to step forward to take up the responsibility of creating a safe, peaceful and prosperous Manipur, that to rid off the evil shadow of terror.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/army-organizes-peace-meet/

See-saw battle in Uttarakhand

UTTARAKHAND, Mar 6: The Congress was on Tuesday set to emerge as the single largest… more »

UTTARAKHAND, Mar 6: The Congress was on Tuesday set to emerge as the single largest party in Uttarakhand, enjoying an edge against ruling the Bharatiya Janata Party in a nail-biting finish for half-way mark in the elections to the 70-member Assembly.

Out of the 60 results declared so far, Congress won 27 seats and was ahead in five others while the BJP bagged 28 constituencies and led in three.

The biggest setback for the BJP was the defeat of Chief Minister B.C. Khanduri who was defeated by S.S. Negi of the Congress from Kotdwar seat by 4,632 votes.

The BSP won three seats and three independents emerged successful, thus positioning themselves as possible kingmakers.

The Uttarakhand Kranti Dal-Panwar (UKD-P) won one seat.

Congress leader Indira Haridayesh wrested Haldwani seat from the BJP by defeating its candidate Renu Adhikari.

State BJP president Bishan Singh Chufal won from Didihaat constituency. PCC chief Yashpal Arya won from Baajpur seat and leader of the opposition Harak Singh Rawat led in Rudraprayag seat.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/seesaw-battle-in-uttarakhand/

RIMS parking

IMPHAL, Mar 6: In view of the ongoing construction works on the RIMS campus for… more »

IMPHAL, Mar 6: In view of the ongoing construction works on the RIMS campus for the Out Patient Department there is heavy traffic congestion. Trucks have to be constantly on the move to transport earth and construction materials. Prof H. Shanti, the Medical Superintendent in a press release said that to ease the situation there will be a temporary parking arrangment.

Henceforth all vehicles bringing patients and visitors should leave the campus after dropping the passengers. The vehicles will have to be parked beyond the main gate. The account holders of the bank within the campus and those who come to draw cash from the ATM should also leave their vehicles outside the main gate. However the doctors and other employees of RIMS can bring and park their vehicles as usual.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/rims-parking/

Banned drugs recovered

IMPHAL, Mar 6: Discovering the storage of narcotics in Songphel of Ukhrul district, troops of… more »

IMPHAL, Mar 6: Discovering the storage of narcotics in Songphel of Ukhrul district, troops of 23 Assam Rifles of 10 Sector under HQ IGAR (South) along with representatives of Regional Unit, Narcotics Control Bureau, Imphal and Manipur police launched joint operation in the area and recovred narcotics from a lone hut on March 5 12.620 kilograms of ganja and 15 kilograms of opium were recovered from the hut.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/banned-drugs-recovered/

Record Victory for Congress

The 10th Manipur Assembly elections have brought back the Indian National Congress with a thumping… more »

The 10th Manipur Assembly elections have brought back the Indian National Congress with a thumping majority despite exit poll predictions of a hung assembly and of party expectations. The results have proved otherwise and it will remain one of the most memorable elections in recent times. For the first time in Manipur’s electoral history since statehood in 1972, Congress crossed the magic figure of 30 and achieved absolute majority in the 60-member Manipur Legislative Assembly. It was only in the 1984 and 2007 assembly elections that the party had been able to reach the figure 30. In 2002, Congress party was able to return only 20, but it formed the first SPF government with CPI and some other parties. In the process, it gobbled up smaller parties like the MSCP and DRPP, and it was able to perform better in 2007. Perhaps, this is one of the main reasons for projection of a minus 30 figure in the 2012 assembly elections by exit polls and poll pundits. Internal dissension within the party was also one of the factors for the projection.

Dissension reached newer heights with senior minister Yumkham Erabot openly speaking out against the policies of the Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh. The main challenge against sitting MLA Yumkham Erabot came from Okram Henry of Manipur State Congress Party (MSCP), a nephew of the CM. In fact, MSCP was considered the B-Team of Chief Minister Okram Ibobi, a fallback in case he loses some crucial support in the incoming Congress Legislature Party (CLP). In the pre-poll scenario, this internal dissension was linked to Congress party’s prospects in the 2012 elections and not on a resurgent opposition.

Opposition politics has been on the wane since Okram Ibobi Singh came to power in 2002. In this election, we have seen the demise of veteran politicians like former Chief Minister Radhabinod Koijam of NCP, veteran Opposition leader Okram Joy and former Union Minister Th Chaoba Singh of the Manipur Peoples Party (MPP). This is primarily the fault of the opposition parties themselves. The changing dynamics of power politics in the state has reduced members of the opposition to mere spectators, unable to assert its existence. Over and above its failure to play the role of a responsible opposition in and outside the Manipur Legislative Assembly, it could not set an agenda or pose a viable alternative to the Congress in the just concluded assembly elections. The once powerful regional party MPP simply vanished, with some of its MLAs leaving the party and joining the Congress bandwagon and others. The Communist Party of India (CPI), a major partner in the two SPF governments drew blank in 2012. The BJP has not been able make a re-entry in Manipur since its exit in 2007 elections. Whatever be their ideologies both regional and national, we lament their exit of these once powerful parties and veterans from Manipur politics. Veteran leaders were there in the past two assemblies, albeit their lackluster performance in and outside the assembly. The last minute efforts of MPP and CPI to botch up a post-poll alliance and an alternative to the Congress turned out to be a damp squib with both parties failing to open an account. Their attempt to build bridges with the Naga Peoples Front will remain a blot in the coming years. In the 10th Manipur Assembly, we will certainly be missing a spirited opposition. This is indeed the beginning of a sad chapter in Manipur politics. Another tragedy in the recent elections is the entry of Thekedars in the guise of social workers cum politicians. This reflects the absence of a political culture and the influence of money in Manipur politics.

Read more / Original news source: http://kanglaonline.com/2012/03/record-victory-for-congress/

Mukul lauds Manipur for choosing Congress – Times of India

Mukul lauds Manipur for choosing CongressTimes of IndiaSHILLONG: Meghalaya chief minister Mukul Sangma on Tuesday congratulated the people of Manipur for "reposing faith" in the ruling Congress despite "provocations". Speaking to th…

Mukul lauds Manipur for choosing Congress
Times of India
SHILLONG: Meghalaya chief minister Mukul Sangma on Tuesday congratulated the people of Manipur for "reposing faith" in the ruling Congress despite "provocations". Speaking to the TOI after the party registered a decisive victory in the neighbouring

and more »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGkeX_3u88JkaKuRW_-xPl_Fy19Og&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/guwahati/Mukul-lauds-Manipur-for-choosing-Congress/articleshow/12168187.cms

NPF poor show a jolt to Naga integration – Times of India

NPF poor show a jolt to Naga integrationTimes of IndiaNPF leaders in Nagaland had already pointed out that the performance of the party in Manipur election would highlight the Nagas' clear vision on Naga integration movement. On seeing similar poli…

NPF poor show a jolt to Naga integration
Times of India
NPF leaders in Nagaland had already pointed out that the performance of the party in Manipur election would highlight the Nagas' clear vision on Naga integration movement. On seeing similar political agenda in NPF, the United Naga Council (UNC),
Naga party wins four seatsKanglaOnline

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Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFjx6Vo9QKRRdKi_0Q67L6y84qyAA&url=http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/guwahati/NPF-poor-show-a-jolt-to-Naga-integration/articleshow/12168095.cms

Happy with our Manipur show: Trinamool MP – TwoCircles.net

Business TodayHappy with our Manipur show: Trinamool MPTwoCircles.netBy IANS, Kolkata : Expressing happiness with his party emerging as the second largest outfit in Manipur with seven seats in its maiden electoral foray, Trinamool Congress MP Derek O&#…

Business Today

Happy with our Manipur show: Trinamool MP
By IANS, Kolkata : Expressing happiness with his party emerging as the second largest outfit in Manipur with seven seats in its maiden electoral foray, Trinamool Congress MP Derek O'Brien Tuesday said Mamata Banerjee's message of peace and development
Trinamool pins national hope after stellar poll showBusiness Standard
Electoral speedbreakerHindu Business Line
Budget 2012: Congress performance not to impact economic reforms, says India IncEconomic Times

all 18 news articles »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGlFqU6jN2Prf7JO9CKKbBtgLhc0A&url=http://twocircles.net/2012mar06/happy_our_manipur_show_trinamool_mp.html

Manipur lone bright spot for Congress – Livemint

The HinduManipur lone bright spot for CongressLivemintNew Delhi: When chief minister Okram Ibobi Singh said his Congress party-led coalition would return to power in Manipur for a third consecutive term by a two-thirds majority, few believed him. Unpre…

The Hindu

Manipur lone bright spot for Congress
New Delhi: When chief minister Okram Ibobi Singh said his Congress party-led coalition would return to power in Manipur for a third consecutive term by a two-thirds majority, few believed him. Unprecedented win: Manipur chief minister Okram Ibobi Singh
Heavyweights fall in ManipurTimes of India
Manipur election results: Consolation win for CongressIndian Express
Manipur plays safe, brings Ibobi Singh backZee News
Hindustan Times –The Hindu
all 231 news articles »

Read more / Original news source: http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFyvtDG4YodhXltd7JA22n2aM6q-w&url=http://www.livemint.com/2012/03/06192348/Manipur-lone-bright-spot-for-C.html?h=B