Crucial Case

The trial of the arrested United National Liberation Front, UNLF, chairman, R.K. Sanayaima, would begin sooner than later. The case is important for more reason than the obvious of the… Read more »

The trial of the arrested United National Liberation Front, UNLF, chairman, R.K. Sanayaima, would begin sooner than later. The case is important for more reason than the obvious of the accused having transgressed the law. It will demonstrate among others the status government of India holds the various nationalistic uprisings (or insurgencies) in the Northeast to be. That is to say, this case will demonstrate whether the Indian state sees these shows of dissents as merely problems of law and order breaches or else radical political dissents arising out of historical and structural inconsistencies between the idea of the India and those who see themselves at its margin or else outside its fold. A lot of future resolutions the problem of insurgency in the Northeast as elsewhere in other parts of the country may indeed come to pivot around this case. Here is a case of an insurgent leader arrested in Bangladesh though officially unacknowledged, and two months after his arrest and illegal detention, surfaced allegedly in Bihar, and according to the official version, arrested while he was trying to cross into Indian territory from Nepal. There was a genuine worry at the time the arrested UNLF leader remained missing that he would be made to disappear without a trace, but this did not happen, indicating already the intent of his captors that he is better alive than dead. If it was otherwise, there ordinarily would have been no way to prove he had been arrested, much less executed. Quite obviously his captors knew this more than anybody else, but they did not do what had become a popular feared.

The arrested insurgent leader is now being charge sheeted. The charges against him can also be guessed. At its most grand, it would be waging war against the nation. The penalty for this, if proven, would be understandably tough. From all indications the arrested leader is also not shirking away from his role in the ideology he has been pursuing, or the fact that he had been the leader of an organisation outlawed under Indian law, his only caveat being that he was not waging war against India but defending an erstwhile sovereign kingdom’s right to self determination. In past cases of such arrests, the modus operandi had been far too often of the arrested leaders claiming, obviously on the advice of their lawyers, that they had nothing to do with the organisation they were accused of heading or had no knowledge of the offences against the law slapped against them, and in the absence of conclusive proof or witness evidences, eventually getting bail, which they then jumped. They get to be free again and continue their fight, but such moves morally demeaned the struggle they headed. In the present case, the table is being turned. With the same conviction that he fought his war, the UNLF leader is now defending the reason why he fought the war.

What the legal response would be is predictable and understandable. It can only go by the statute book. But what is to be watched here is the political response, or the statesmanship with which the Indian state would handle the situation. Would it too simply go by the statute book or look beyond and discover the larger picture. On the larger canvas of peace building and resolution to the various insurgencies in the Northeast, the Indian state’s attitude and decision on the UNLF leader case would have a profound bearing. It would also answer the million rupees question of whether resolving insurgency in the Northeast is a military responsibility or a political and statesmanship enterprise. In this way, we see the unfolding case to be an important litmus test. It will also determine whether the establishment is looking for a victory in a battle or thinking of winning the war. We do hope it is the latter. We do hope the arrested UNLF leader, for the very reason that has chosen to stand by his conviction, is not treated as a common law offender but a political prisoner with all entitled dignity accorded to him, even if he is ultimately rewarded the severest penalty for waging war against the nation. This is important, for it is now more than clear that the familiar tactics of delegitimizing insurgency by labelling it as criminal has not brought the intended result in all these decades. It only embittered the constituencies that threw up these defiant challenges to the establishment. It is now time to give these phenomena the legitimacy they always deserved, and then tackle it from this vantage. The trial of the UNLF leader R.K. Sanayaima in this regard can be the benchmark of a new and enlightened approach to resolving the question of insurgency not just in Manipur, but the entire Northeast and even beyond.

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Student enrolment increased by about 30,000 in current session: FECTAM

IMPHAL, Aug 9: Reacting to the news report of a local TV channel which had projected the enrolment of students in colleges of the state as 13,751, the Federation of… Read more »

IMPHAL, Aug 9: Reacting to the news report of a local TV channel which had projected the enrolment of students in colleges of the state as 13,751, the Federation of College Teachers’ Associations Manipur (FECTAM) has stated that the enrolment of students in the current session 2011-12 is about 30,000 more than the strength in 2006-07.

A release of FECTAM stated that the projected enrolment as shown in the news report was based on the statistics of 2006-07. The news report was quite misleading amidst steps being taken up for the upliftment of higher education sector of the state.

As per the annual administrative report (2009-10) of directorate of university and higher education, the enrolment strength of students as on February 31, 2009 is 22,378, number of teachers required as per MU staffing pattern is 1918, number of sanctioned posts of teacher is 1264, man-in-position (regular) is 1047, number of part-time lecturers is 437 and vacancies (regular) is 217, it mentioned.

The number of teachers in a degree college, according to MU Ordinance 1997, is four for arts subject without honours and five for arts subject with honours while five teachers for science subject without honours and six teachers for science subject with honours. The student-teacher ratio in college is quite different from that of a school. The pattern of MU Ordinance must be followed even if a college has only ten students, the release stated.

The FECTAM further appealed to all to render utmost help and support to uplift the higher education sector of the state which has been neglected by the government for quite a long time.

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Ramadan- A General Perspective

by: Mohd. Nasir Ahmed Ramadan (Sawm) is one of the five pillars of Islam and the ninth month ofthe Muslim calendar. The meaning of Sawm is to ‘abstain’. In this… Read more »

by: Mohd. Nasir Ahmed
Ramadan (Sawm) is one of the five pillars of Islam and the ninth month ofthe Muslim calendar. The meaning of Sawm is to ‘abstain’. In this month,Allah SubhanaWaTaala (SWT) has made it compulsory that the fastingbe observed by day, and he has made the ‘Taraweeh’ (Ramadan nightlyprayer) a ‘Sunnah’. Fasting is to abstain from eating, drinking, smoking, saying, looking, listening bad things andconjugal relations from dawn till sunset. The goal of fasting is to develop self-restrain (Taqwa).

Ramadan is an annual training programme to refresh us for carrying outour duties towards Allah (SWT). Fasting develops self-control and helps usto overcome selfishness, greed, laziness and other faults. This month ofpatience gives us an opportunity to experience for ourselves what it is liketo have an empty stomach. This develops our feeling for the poor andhungry people. Fasting teaches us to control the love of comfort.

If difficulty is experienced in fasting, one should bear it cheerfully and notcomplain. Should we feel fatigued at the time of Taraweeh (Ramadan nightlyprayer), this too should be borne with fortitude.It should also be borne in mind that fasting does not aim at inflictingpunishment upon people or taking on unbearable burdens. The underlyingidea behind it is to teach moderation and spiritual discipline so that humantemptations may not become so wild and uncontrollable as to flout thecommands of the Great Master. To be a true servant of Allah (SWT), it isessential that man should be able to conform his behavior to the moral andspiritual discipline embodied in the Shari’ah of Islam. Fasting isindispensable for this moral and spiritual training.The Prophet (pbuh) said, “When the month of Ramadan starts, thegates of mercy are opened and the gates of Hell are locked and thedevils are chained”. (Sahih Muslim, Book 006, Number 2361)

The hadith (sayings of prophet) below gives some very important points regarding Ramadan:The Prophet (pbuh) said “Fasting is a shield or protection from the fireand from committing sins. If one is fasting, he should avoid sexualrelation with his wife and quarrelling, and if somebody should fight orquarrel with him, he should say, ‘I am fasting.’ There are two pleasuresfor the fasting person, one at the time of breaking his fast, and other atthe time when he will meet Allah; then he will be pleased because ofhis fasting.” (SahihBukhari, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 128)

In this month, the rebellious ‘Shayateen’ (Satans) are chained, so as not toprovoke those evils which they normally do during months other thanRamadan. A question may arise here that, when the ‘Shayateen’ arechained, how it is that we still do see evil committed? The reply is that evilmay not necessarily be caused by the rebellious ‘Shayateen’. People havefor eleven months lived in obedience to ‘Shayateen’ whims and wishes, andso performing evil deeds instigated by them becomes second nature.Consequently, evil is being done in and out of Ramadan.Therefore the feelings and lessons we experience should stay with usthroughout the year. In Al-Qur’an, Muslims are commanded to fast so thatthey may “become pious”. This piety and devotion is especially felt duringRamadan, but we all must strive to make the feelings and attitude stay withus during our “normal” lives. That is the true goal and test of Ramadan.

Fasting is the way to piety and the fear of God. Fasting narrows the food andblood arteries. They are known to be canals of the devils, hence fastingreduces their insinuation. It further weakens carnal desires, thoughts andtemptations of disobedience.Fasting enhances bodily health. It gets rid of contaminated matter, eases thestomach, purifies the blood, eases the working of the heart, brightens thespirit, refines the soul and disciplines the character. When an individual fasts,his soul is humbled and his carnal desires are dispelled. There is a greatreward for fasting, as it shows a Muslim obeying Allah (SWT) and submittingto His command.

According Dr. Jack Goldstein author of the book “Triumph over Disease by Fasting and Natural Diet” says that “Fasting give vital organ a complete rest, promotes elimination of metabolic wastes, allows the body to adjust and normalize its bio-chemistry and also its secretion, lets the body break down and absorb swellings, deposits, diseased tissues, and abnormal growth; restores a youthful condition to cells and tissues, increases the power of digestion and assimilation and permits the conservation and re-routing of energy; it clears and strengthens the minds”.

Fasting in Ramadan is not merely physically restraining from the obvious foodand drink, but the total commitment of the servant’s body and soul to the letterand spirit of fasting.
1) The fast of the self means to be free from all carnal desires.
2) The fast of mind is avoiding thoughts about things other than Allah (SWT).
3) The fast of the hand is not touching/taking what does not belong to it.
4) The fast of the nose means not sniffing or smelling unlawful things.
5) The fast of the feet is not going places where sinful acts are propagated.
6) The fast of the eye is to prevent it from seeing forbidden things.
Allah (SWT) says in Al-Qur’an, “Tell the believing men to lower theirgaze and be mindful of their chastity; this will be most conducive totheir purity. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and bemindful of their chastity, and not display their charms (in public) beyondwhat may (decently) be apparent thereof, hence let them draw theirhead-covering over their bosoms”. (Al-Qur’an 24:30-31)
7) The fast of the tongue is guarding against lying, backbiting, slandering,reviling, abusing others, cursing, indecent conversation, swearing and falseevidence. The Prophet (pbuh) said: “A Muslim is he from whose tongue andhands other Muslims are safe”.
The Prophet (pbuh) said, “”Whoever does not give up forged speechand evil actions, Allah is not in need of his leaving his food and drink(i.e. Allah will not accept his fasting.)”(SahihBukhari, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 127)
8) The fast of the ears is not to listen to idle talk, gossip, lyrics and notes thatcontain obscene and indecent things. Listening to Al-Qur’an bears the fruit offaith, guidance, light and prosperity. It fills the heart with wisdom, tranquility,intimacy and contentment. It is a source of protection from the dangerous,deviant and sinful thoughts.
9) The fast of the heart means casting out from it the love of worldly thingsand by emptying it of all corrupt material such as, false beliefs, evilsuggestions, filthy intentions and degenerate thoughts.

The Prophet (pbuh) said: “There is a piece of flesh in the body if itbecomes good (reformed) the whole body becomes good but if it getsspoilt the whole body gets spoilt and that is the heart.”(SahihBukhari, Volume 1, Book 2, Number 49)

The believer’s heart abstains from pride and egotism as these traits breaks itsfast. Egotism is when the individual sees himself as perfect as and better thanothers. The cure for this self-importance is to look at one’s faults and shortcomings,thousands of sins and misdeeds that one has committed, wrongs thatone has done and forgotten, but knowledge of which are with Allah (SWT).

Allah (SWT) says in Al-Qur’an, “do they, perchance, envy other people forwhat God has granted them out of his bounty?” (Al-Qur’an 4:54)

The heart of the believer fasts and abstains from envy as envy lowersrighteous deeds and stops its progress toward Allah (SWT).

Fasting and healing
Studies are being conducted to treat serious illnesses like osteo-or rheumatoid arthritis or asthma utilizing fasting for a short duration of a few days to medically supervised water (only fasts of 30 days) to help the body heal itself. It has been known that both children and animals refuse to eat when sick as a natural response. The severely sick have no appetite, but they take the food only at the urging of the family members.

The severely sick feel no hunger because food in severe sickness intervenes with natural response. The body is always trying to heal itself. When the patient is resting and consuming water only, the body heals itself and fasting acts as a facilitating process. One can get rid of coffee, cigarettes salty or sugary foods, which are addictive, through fasting, as fasting can help clear the taste buds and healthful foods start to taste better again. However insulin-dependent diabetics should not fast because of ketosis in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes, who cannot break down the ketones and use them as fuel. Healthy people use the ketones (by-products of fat metabolism) to maintain energy. (To conserve the glycogen stores, glucose becomes restricted to the central nervous system, mainly the brain. Instead of taking the glucose from the brain, the body begins breaking down the fatty acids in adipose (fatty) tissue). People with non-insulin-dependent diabetes (the majority of people who have diabetes) can improve their health through fasting.

Fasting helps cardiovascular disease, arthritis, asthma, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, ulcers, and digestive disorders, lupus, skin problems (including cysts, tumors and kidney stones). Even quitting smoking and obesity respond favourably to fasting.

Hence fasting during the month of Ramadan does not cause any adverse medical effects, on the other hand may have some beneficial effects on weight and lipid metabolism.

Charity in Ramadan
It is reported that “The Prophet (pbuh) was naturally the most generous of people and he used to be more generous than ever in the month of Ramadan”. (SahihBukhari, Volume 3, Book 31, Number 126)

Allah (SWT) has given you, so Muslims should try to give generously in Ramadan, both Sadaqah (optional charity) and Zakaah (obligatory charity). Every time a servant of Allah (SWT) gives something in charity Allah (SWT) eases his physical, spiritual and mental conditions. He expands for him His sustenance. Sadaqah does not only have to be money. It can also be a good deed—such as helping another person—done for the sake of Allah (SWT) and without expecting any reward from the person. Even a smile is considered charity in Islam. Most Muslims pay their Zakaah during Ramadan because the reward is so much greater in that month. Wealth is like water, if its flow is obstructed it becomes brackish, and if it flows, it becomes sweet and fresh. The Prophet (pbuh) said “This is the month of charity in which believer’ssustenance is increased. Whosoever feeds a fasting person or gives afasting person a single date or a sip of water, to break the fast, for himthere shall be forgiveness of his sins and he will be saved from the fire ofhell, and for him shall be the same reward as for him (whom he fed)”.(Tirmidhi Hadith 1965)

In conclusion, this is what I was able to write about issues concerning fasting. I ask Allaah to help us to remember Him, thank Him and worship Him properly, and to conclude our Ramadan with forgiveness, and to save us from the Fire. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad, and his family and companions, and grant them peace.

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BAC meeting summoned

IMPHAL, Aug 9: In view of the official summoned of the 11th Session of the Manipur Legislative Assembly on August 24 by the state government, the meeting of the Business… Read more »

IMPHAL, Aug 9: In view of the official summoned of the 11th Session of the Manipur Legislative Assembly on August 24 by the state government, the meeting of the Business Advisory Committee of the Manipur Legislative Assembly has been summoned for August 12 at 2 pm in the office chamber of the speaker to recommend the allocation of time for the business of the house for the ensuing session, according to a source.

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Awareness campaign

IMPHAL, August 20: The Department of Life Sciences, Manipur University, The Biodiversity Ecology and Environment Network Manipur (Bee Net Manipur), and The Environment and Ecology Wing, Porompat, government of Manipur… Read more »

IMPHAL, August 20: The Department of Life Sciences, Manipur University, The Biodiversity Ecology and Environment Network Manipur (Bee Net Manipur), and The Environment and Ecology Wing, Porompat, government of Manipur have jointly organized a discourse on Biodiversity Conversation in connection with National Environment Awareness Campaign, under the sponsorship of MoEF and EEW, Manipur, at the department of Life Science Manipur University.

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Fectam to make principals join strike

IMPHAL August 8: The principals of colleges will be made to take part in the cease work strike of college teachers from August 11 as decided by a resolution passed… Read more »

IMPHAL August 8: The principals of colleges will be made to take part in the cease work strike of college teachers from August 11 as decided by a resolution passed today in a general council meeting held today said a press release of the convenor of Federation of College Teachers Associations, Manipur.

The release added that the cease work strike which started from August 1 have been carried out by the college teachers alone against the government’s failure to implement the revised UGC pay scales for government teachers and its equivalent cadres. The release added that the resolution passed today is being necessitated to intensify their demand.

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Myanmar trained militant cadres arrested claims SP Bishnupur

IMPHAL, August 8: Atleast three militant cadres of different outfits have been arrested by security forces in the last 42 hours. According to a release of the SP Bishnupur, police… Read more »

IMPHAL, August 8: Atleast three militant cadres of different outfits have been arrested by security forces in the last 42 hours.

According to a release of the SP Bishnupur, police commandos of the district, while acting on specific information conducted search operation at Bishnupur Bazar and arrested one s/s lt corporal of the outfit PLA who has been identified as Moirangthem Rajesh Singh alias Kangleiganba, 24, s/o late M. Ibochouba Singh of Serou Mamang Leikai who joined the outfit in April 2008 and was trained at Myanmar.

It has further stated that on the same day at about 5:30 pm, one female cadre of the PLA identified as s/s l/corpl Haobijam Sundari alias Victoria, 26, d/o H. Sanayaima Singh of Tokpa Ching Tarunghoubi Leikai was also arrested from Ningthoukhong Awang Leikai during a separate search operation.

It has further added that the woman cadre had joined the outfit in March 2005 inder one s/s lt Rosan and had also been trained in Myanmanr.

The same release has also claimed that a team of the district commando further conducted a search operation in and around of ZEO Office, Bishnupur and arrested one KCP (MTF) activist along with one mobile hand set at around 10:30 am today.

It has further identified the arrested cadre as Pukhrambam Sanatomba Singh alias Sana, 38, s/o P. Mangi of Lilong Santipur.

During preliminary interrogation he revealed that he is involved in serving monetary demands and extortion of money from general public and government officials, added the statement.

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Mumbai film festival

IMPHAL August 8: The office of the Manipur Film development corporation limited in a press release issued by its managing director has said that the entry forms for participation of… Read more »

IMPHAL August 8: The office of the Manipur Film development corporation limited in a press release issued by its managing director has said that the entry forms for participation of Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF) organized by the Films Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government  of India is now available at the office of the MFDC Ltd.  located at Palace gate in Imphal. The release added that interested short story, documentary and animation film producers or makers of Manipur may collect the form from the Office of MFDC Ltd during the office hour. The last date for reaching the entry forms to Films and Division, Government of India, Mumbai, is 15/9/2011, the release added.

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IMPHAL, August 8: The Kuki Students’ Organisation, Imphal has strongly condemned the murder of Lutkholal Misao on August 6, by unidentified gunmen inside Kuki Christian Church, Mission Campus at Dewlahlane… Read more »

IMPHAL, August 8: The Kuki Students’ Organisation, Imphal has strongly condemned the murder of Lutkholal Misao on August 6, by unidentified gunmen inside Kuki Christian Church, Mission Campus at Dewlahlane Imphal.

A statement signed by it general secretary has stated that it is really unfortunate that such unwanted incident has taken place inside the Mission Campus where Imphal Christian Hospital and Hostel of Trulock Theological seminary are situated. It has further stated that in the aftermath of the incident, fear and psychological unrest have been spread to the quarter residence and especially to the theological hosteller which in turn has affected their concentration towards studies.

Therefore, the student body warned all concerned not to repeat such unwanted incident inside religious institution campus and instead to respect and regard such places, it added. Lastly the student’s body shares the pain and grief of the bereaved family members and prays that his soul rest in peace, it added.

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ZSU condemned Govt incompetency

IMPHAL, August 8: The Zeliangrong Students’ Union Manipur has strongly condemned the state government stating that it has failed to tackle the volatile situation that has developed at National Highways… Read more »

IMPHAL, August 8: The Zeliangrong Students’ Union Manipur has strongly condemned the state government stating that it has failed to tackle the volatile situation that has developed at National Highways 37 and 39 due to the demand for Sadar hills district.

It said that the ZSU in a meeting has unanimously resolved and reaffirmed to disallow trespassers intruding upon the zeliangrond historical land adding the ZSU neither oppose nor support the creation of Sadar hills and Jiribam in to full fledged district.

It warned the government not to make one sided decision which would invite communal disharmony.

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One missing since he left for Ukhrul in April

IMPHAL August 8: A person has reportedly remained untraceable since he left for work at Sapao village located in Ukhrul district on April 19.  The Universal Mothers’ Organization (UMO) called… Read more »

IMPHAL August 8: A person has reportedly remained untraceable since he left for work at Sapao village located in Ukhrul district on April 19. 

The Universal Mothers’ Organization (UMO) called a press conference in this connection at the Manipur press club, today.

Sorojini, president of the organization while addressing the conference stated that Lairenlakpam Shachikanta alias Kanta, 38, s/o (L) L. Thaguchauba Sharma of Iroisemba Manning Leikai along with five others from his own locality on April 19 had left for Sapoa village in Ukhrul.

She further informed that five have been working as wood-cutters under one Illeng of Ukhrul under the behest of one Khumanthem Khoibi from Khamnam leirak Sagolband who used to act as the middleman between them

She said that the five companions Sanatomba, Sanjoy, Dhungo, Buddha and John have already returned however Shishikanta has failed to turned up till date even after several months.

She also added that attempts of the locals to trace his whereabouts have remained futile as there is no information about the missing persons.

Sorojini said that the victim’s mother had narrated that the victim came into contact with Khoibi through his own wife L. (O) Thoibi Devi, 38, who had even taken a sum of Rs. 1000 from Khoibi as advance for the said work.

“Shashikanta had returned to his paternal residence on March 20 along with his five children from his in-laws residence located at Sagolband Khamnam Lierak where he had been staying for the last 10 years. Later, after 7 days, Thoibi came along and joined him at his Iroisemba residence”, Sorojini said while quoting the victim’s mother.

Sensing suspicion of wrongful conduct and to find out the modus operandi on the alleged missing of L. Shashikanta,  an FIR  no.3 (7 of 2011) have been lodged against his wife, Khoibi, Illeng and his five other companions  at Shangsad P.S.

She also added that all the eight have been remanded with the Shangsad PS custody.

Later, Sarojini during the conference demanded that the concerned P.S. to hand over the facts on the whereabout of Shaahikanta to his aggrieved family without delay to avoid democratic forms of agitations to be taken up by UMO in association with the local populace of Iroisemba. She added that the organization furnished a complaint to the state DGP in this connection, she added.

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Senapati (South)

The Sadar Hills District Demand Committee, SHDDC’s agitation for the creation of new district Sadar Hills, remains unrelenting and the blockade imposed by it is beginning to have a serious… Read more »

The Sadar Hills District Demand Committee, SHDDC’s agitation for the creation of new district Sadar Hills, remains unrelenting and the blockade imposed by it is beginning to have a serious impact on life in the state. Essential commodities and other consumables imported from other parts of India are beginning to become scarce in the markets in Imphal, and consequently in the other towns and villages of the state as well. Very soon, if the inflow of petrol remains disrupted, the familiar and depressing sight of long queues outside petrol pumps would reappear. Public transport fares would soon begin climbing steeply and likewise cooking gas prices too would head for the ceiling. The question is, why has this become Manipur’s reality? How have many issues in the state become intractable and close ended, showing no promise for an amicable end?

The Sadar Hills issue is now more than 20 years old. Yet there is no indication that it will be resolved immediately. The inability of the government, not just the present one, but each one in power during the last two decades and more, to put the problem to rest is, to be fair, not solely the government’s alone. It is on the other hand a characteristic of most issues related to ethnic identity. Although there are not many acknowledging it, and instead plenty insisting on calling it essentially an issue of administrative lethargy, the fact is, the biggest stumbling block before the issue has been one posed by ethnic contestations over territory informed by archaic notions of ethnic homelands. The problem with these homelands is there are too many different notions of it depending on the vantage of different ethnic groups. The territories thought to be part of these homelands also invariably overlap. This precisely is the problem preventing any easy resolution to the Sadar Hills district issue. The proposed new district is to be created by severing this sub-division of the Senapati district from the Senapati district. Doing this is not an easy proposition for the area under the Sadar Hills, and largely Kuki dominated, is seen by the Nagas as part of their traditional homeland. Kukis and other communities in the area who are in physical occupation of it interpret this differently. As of now the SHDDC has taken the extreme step of blockading the National Highway-39, to press for their demands, but should their demands be granted, it can be certain the Nagas would resort to similar coercive measures on the stretch of the same highway they are in physical majority. Indications of intents of such recourses have already come from civil organisations amongst the Nagas in messages published in the local media.

So where do the state go from here? It is difficult to imagine this is a state which cannot even redraw its district boundaries without causing social unrests. This would have had some logic if the state’s two regions, the reserved hills and the non-reserved valley were to overlap after such demarcations. For in such circumstances, the new administration structure rather than becoming easier would become even more complicated. However, if the divisions were to be strictly within each of the two separate regions, there ought not to have been any problem. The valley was once upon a time just one district. It is now four. The hills could also have been similarly divided for administrative convenience, but homeland politics has other visions and insecurities, therefore nobody is willing to listen to this argument. Perhaps the government should factor these insecurities in its strategies and approach the problem from this standpoint. As for instance, it could experiment with things like naming the proposed Sadar Hills district as Senapati (South) and the old Senapati as Senapati (North). The point is to send out the message to those demanding as well as opposing the formation of this new district that the new district has no other intent than administrative convenience. This would be in the manner Imphal district was divided into Imphal East and West. Then there is the question of Jiribam. This small patch of plains inhabited predominantly by non Schedule Tribe population could have been merged with adjacent Tamenglong, but this, as pointed out earlier in this editorial, would create obvious problems as there would have to be substantial reworking of the administration mechanism in the district so as to accommodate general category population in a district reserved for schedule tribes. Not to be forgotten are the echoes of similar demands for new district status at Phungyar in Ukhrul district and Tengnoupal in Chandel district. While the voices of the latter two are still faint, as to whether they become threatening will depend on how the government handles the Sadar Hills district issue.

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Awareness programme

IMPHAL, Aug 11: All Manipur Anti-Drugs Association Manipur (AMADA) organized an academic awareness programme at Zenith Academy, Sangaiprou. Advocate Soibam Hemanta, psychiatrist Dr H Angomcha and NCB SP RK Ibungosana… Read more »

IMPHAL, Aug 11: All Manipur Anti-Drugs Association Manipur (AMADA) organized an academic awareness programme at Zenith Academy, Sangaiprou. Advocate Soibam Hemanta, psychiatrist Dr H Angomcha and NCB SP RK Ibungosana spoke as resource persons on various topics related with drugs abuse, stated a release.

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Sadar Hills continue to burn while trucks, buses arrive through alternative routes

IMPHAL, August 7: Sadar Hills continue to burn as general strike supporters in demand of a separate full fledged Sadar Hills district set ablaze four more government offices and a… Read more »

IMPHAL, August 7: Sadar Hills continue to burn as general strike supporters in demand of a separate full fledged Sadar Hills district set ablaze four more government offices and a godown used by the deputy inspector of school, Saitu, Gamphazol since yesterday night.

According to official sources, strike supporters set ablaze the godown belonging to the deputy inspector of school, Siatu, Gamphajol and the office of the deputy director Tribal Development, situated at Saparmeina were set ablaze this afternoon at around 1pm.

The offices were extensively damage during the arson, said the sources.

The sources further informed that the strike supporters also set ablaze the veterinary hospital situated at Thangkandphai Siakul and old SDO office building-Saikul late last night at around 11:30 pm.

Meanwhile, 164 loaded trucks including 12 passenger buses have reached Imphal at around 6 pm today evening under heavy security arrangement. 

According to an official source, 131 loaded trucks have arrived into the state capital along the the NH-37 (formerly NH-53) this evening at around 6:30 pm amidst a blanket of state security forces including cdo, IRB and MR teams.

The loaded trucks include carriers of essential commodities including rice, pulses, petrol tankers, etc.

Meanwhile, another 33 vehicles including 12 interstate passenger buses have also arrived at Imphal by passing through the Imphal-Jessami Road (NH-150) this evening.

An official source has maintained that the vehicles arriving along the Imphal-Jessami Road (NH-150) had started off from Senapati HQ yesterday morning, after being stranded at Senapati HQ since August 2.

According to official sources, the personnel of Manipur Rifles, Manipur Police Commando and other central forces escorted the vehicles however, there has been no reports of any untoward incident during the arrival of the trucks through both ways.

The indefinite general strike which has followed the economic blockade call of the Sadar Hills Districthood Demand Committee demanding a separate Sadar Hills district has left the main lifeline of the state, NH-2 completely inaccessible, with goods laden trucks and inter-state passenger buses left stranded at Senapati while coming into the state.

It may be mentioned that the Sadar Hills Districthood Demand Committee had rejected an invitation from the state government for negotiations, as it had decided to give any room for negotiation unless their demand for a separate district is met with.

Meanwhile, at least six security personnel of an escort party of the trucks coming into Imphal along the National Highway-37 (NH-53) were injured in a road mishap at Seijang village.

The personnel belong to the 2MR and included an escort commander.

According to information received by the media persons, the incident occurred this afternoon around 1:30 pm when the gypsy on which the personnel were traveling lost control and plunged into a gorge after crossing a bridge near Seijang village.

The sources informed that the security personnel were escorting the goods laden trucks plying along the NH-37.

The victims has been identified as Warchungthang, 48, s/o Somanglian of Pallel, Lalkhojen, 47, s/o (L) Sankholian of Churachandpur (head constable 2MR), Makanmi, 35, s/o (L) Aphang of Ukhrul, Jamkholen, 28, s/o Chengkholet of M. Sogin village, Phaomei Akin, 33, s/o Thambaljao Phaomei of Majorkhul (escort commander) and Aimson Keishing, 48, s/o Wiasom Keishing of Wangpura Khunou.

Further according to the source, two of the injured are reported to be serious and all six has been evacuated to the RIMS hospital for treatment.

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Sadar Hills continue to burn while trucks, buses arrive through alternative routes

IMPHAL, August 7: Sadar Hills continue to burn as general strike supporters in demand of a separate full fledged Sadar Hills district set ablaze four more government offices and a… Read more »

IMPHAL, August 7: Sadar Hills continue to burn as general strike supporters in demand of a separate full fledged Sadar Hills district set ablaze four more government offices and a godown used by the deputy inspector of school, Saitu, Gamphazol since yesterday night.

According to official sources, strike supporters set ablaze the godown belonging to the deputy inspector of school, Siatu, Gamphajol and the office of the deputy director Tribal Development, situated at Saparmeina were set ablaze this afternoon at around 1pm.

The offices were extensively damage during the arson, said the sources.

The sources further informed that the strike supporters also set ablaze the veterinary hospital situated at Thangkandphai Siakul and old SDO office building-Saikul late last night at around 11:30 pm.

Meanwhile, 164 loaded trucks including 12 passenger buses have reached Imphal at around 6 pm today evening under heavy security arrangement. 

According to an official source, 131 loaded trucks have arrived into the state capital along the the NH-37 (formerly NH-53) this evening at around 6:30 pm amidst a blanket of state security forces including cdo, IRB and MR teams.

The loaded trucks include carriers of essential commodities including rice, pulses, petrol tankers, etc.

Meanwhile, another 33 vehicles including 12 interstate passenger buses have also arrived at Imphal by passing through the Imphal-Jessami Road (NH-150) this evening.

An official source has maintained that the vehicles arriving along the Imphal-Jessami Road (NH-150) had started off from Senapati HQ yesterday morning, after being stranded at Senapati HQ since August 2.

According to official sources, the personnel of Manipur Rifles, Manipur Police Commando and other central forces escorted the vehicles however, there has been no reports of any untoward incident during the arrival of the trucks through both ways.

The indefinite general strike which has followed the economic blockade call of the Sadar Hills Districthood Demand Committee demanding a separate Sadar Hills district has left the main lifeline of the state, NH-2 completely inaccessible, with goods laden trucks and inter-state passenger buses left stranded at Senapati while coming into the state.

It may be mentioned that the Sadar Hills Districthood Demand Committee had rejected an invitation from the state government for negotiations, as it had decided to give any room for negotiation unless their demand for a separate district is met with.

Meanwhile, at least six security personnel of an escort party of the trucks coming into Imphal along the National Highway-37 (NH-53) were injured in a road mishap at Seijang village.

The personnel belong to the 2MR and included an escort commander.

According to information received by the media persons, the incident occurred this afternoon around 1:30 pm when the gypsy on which the personnel were traveling lost control and plunged into a gorge after crossing a bridge near Seijang village.

The sources informed that the security personnel were escorting the goods laden trucks plying along the NH-37.

The victims has been identified as Warchungthang, 48, s/o Somanglian of Pallel, Lalkhojen, 47, s/o (L) Sankholian of Churachandpur (head constable 2MR), Makanmi, 35, s/o (L) Aphang of Ukhrul, Jamkholen, 28, s/o Chengkholet of M. Sogin village, Phaomei Akin, 33, s/o Thambaljao Phaomei of Majorkhul (escort commander) and Aimson Keishing, 48, s/o Wiasom Keishing of Wangpura Khunou.

Further according to the source, two of the injured are reported to be serious and all six has been evacuated to the RIMS hospital for treatment.

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AMSU appeal

IMPHAL, Aug 7: All Manipur Students’ Union (AMSU) has appealed to the authorities concerned to resolve the present crisis of Sadar Hills and ensure that the blockade on the national… Read more »

IMPHAL, Aug 7: All Manipur Students’ Union (AMSU) has appealed to the authorities concerned to resolve the present crisis of Sadar Hills and ensure that the blockade on the national highways is lifted in the interests of the people of the state. A release of the AMSU stated that the national highways have been used by some organizations as a tool to fulfill some of their vested interests. The central as well as state government should set up highway protection force to ensure that no disturbance is given to the transportation of essential commodities, it added.

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AMSU appeal

IMPHAL, Aug 7: All Manipur Students’ Union (AMSU) has appealed to the authorities concerned to resolve the present crisis of Sadar Hills and ensure that the blockade on the national… Read more »

IMPHAL, Aug 7: All Manipur Students’ Union (AMSU) has appealed to the authorities concerned to resolve the present crisis of Sadar Hills and ensure that the blockade on the national highways is lifted in the interests of the people of the state. A release of the AMSU stated that the national highways have been used by some organizations as a tool to fulfill some of their vested interests. The central as well as state government should set up highway protection force to ensure that no disturbance is given to the transportation of essential commodities, it added.

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Govt decree on withdrawal and disbursement of pay for IAS

IMPHAL, Aug 7: All concerned department under the Government of Manipur are advised to conform to the instructions laid down in the business of the government of Manipur (allocation) 2009… Read more »

IMPHAL, Aug 7: All concerned department under the Government of Manipur are advised to conform to the instructions laid down in the business of the government of Manipur (allocation) 2009 both in letter in spirit.

In this regard an official order has been issued recently by the under secretary (DP), Yumnam Robita that instances have come to the notice of the government that some administrative department have issued orders allowing withdrawal and disbursement of pay and allowances in respect of some IAS officers by invoking the provision of Rule 217(2) of the CTR (Vol.I) on the plea that the delegation is specific to the department concerned and no normal concurrence of DP is required.

It is also mentioned that the business of the government of Manipur (allocation) Rules, 2009 in this regard read as, all matters relating to appointment, promotion, transfer and all service matters relating to All India Services (AIS) i.e IAS, IPS & IFS and all matters relating to appointment, promotion, transfer and all service matter relating to secretaries and heads of department who do not belongs to the IAS, IPS, IFS and MSS.

The official order also mentioned that, the plea of the administrative department that they are authorized to do so under CTR 217 (2) would be tenable only if they were doing it for all officers. Department of personnel is the concerned department to issue such order in respect of AIS and state service officers as per the business of the government of Manipur (allocation) Rules 2009. And any orders in respect of AIS officers including IAS, IPS and IFS, secretaries to the state government and head of departments shall be issued by the department of personnel only, the official order added.

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Loktak fishers welcome CM`s assurance

IMPHAL, August 7: The all Loktak Lake area Fishermen’s Union, Manipur has welcome the statement of the Chief Minister assuring to rectify the Loktak Lake (protection) Act, 2006. It further… Read more »

IMPHAL, August 7: The all Loktak Lake area Fishermen’s Union, Manipur has welcome the statement of the Chief Minister assuring to rectify the Loktak Lake (protection) Act, 2006. It further draws the attention of the authority concerned to rectify the clauses of the article 19, 20 and 31 in the interest of the fishermen and the people of the state, to ensure peaceful fishing and rearing of fish as usual. It asserted that the fishermen will not accept any form of alternative livelihood schemes until the Loktak Lake (Protection) act, 2006, is rectified to the convenience of the fishermen of the Loktak area. It alleged that the list of hut dweller compiled by the Loktak Development Authority (LDA) has less genuine dweller and urged the authority to introduce a separate act for the fishermen.

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AR save snake bite victim

IMPHAL, August 7: Troops of the  30 AR   of 9 Sector under HQ IGAR(S)  saved  the life of a civilian  namely Ayup Husain, 44, resident of village – Khurai Heikhrumakhong,… Read more »

IMPHAL, August 7: Troops of the  30 AR   of 9 Sector under HQ IGAR(S)  saved  the life of a civilian  namely Ayup Husain, 44, resident of village – Khurai Heikhrumakhong, Imphal east, informed a statement issued by the PRO IGAR (S). 

The individual was bitten by a venomous snake on August 7 and was evacuated to MI Room, 30 Assam Rifles, Mantripukhri and given first aid.  The individual is in stable condition and kept under observation

The speedy action of medication and resuscitation by the medical team of 30 Assam Rifles played a major role in saving the life of the victim. The individual was given medication and his family members were much obliged to the unit to have retrieved a situation which could have proved fatal, further maintained the release.

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