Manipur armwrestlers shine at national champs

IMPHAL, June 29: Manipur bagged 12 gold, six silver and five bronze medals at the 35th national Armwrestling championship held at Ludhiana, Punjab from June 16 to 20.  In the… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 29: Manipur bagged 12 gold, six silver and five bronze medals at the 35th national Armwrestling championship held at Ludhiana, Punjab from June 16 to 20. 

In the junior girls category A Premila won gold in 45kg category while Ch Minerva, S Aruna and L Chaoba too bagged gold in the 60th, 70th and 70+ categories respectively. L Ranjita bagged silver in the 45kg category while Th Sangeeta and Rojimala bagged bronze medals in the 50kg and 55kg respectively of the section while Kh Ganita was fourth position holder in the 50kg category.

In the junior boys 70kg category, Th Ringo bagged gold while K Surjit bagged bronze.

In the women’s section, S Rani bagged gold in the 60kg while Ch Inaobi, M Memcha, S Inao and L Pusparani bagged gold respectively in the 70kg, 80kg, 80+kg and 65kg bout.

M Abe, Chanchalkumari and S Aruna also bagged silver medals in the 55kg, 65kg and 70kg respectively while Millonda bagged bronze in the 60kg category as also S Anita in the same weight category.

In the men’s 70kg category Md Kalam won silver medal.

In the Masters category, Th Othelo won silver in the 60kg while N Nobo and Th Sarat won gold in the 80kg and 100kg respectively.

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FLAM, Chingtam win in Shamu veteran football tourney

IMPHAL, June 29: FLAM defeated UVSA while Chingtam defeated AYMFA in today’s matches of the 1st Ng Shamu Veteran Football tournament being held at YWC ground, Malom.  In the first… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 29: FLAM defeated UVSA while Chingtam defeated AYMFA in today’s matches of the 1st Ng Shamu Veteran Football tournament being held at YWC ground, Malom. 

In the first ground match played today, FLAM defeated UVSA by 4-3 goals.

Joy Rongmei scored two goals for the winner in the 14th and 51st minute while N Bobo too scored two goals for the team in the 36th and 47th minutes.

The goals for UVSA were scored by Sanatomba, Baleshwor in the 34th and 44th minutes of the first half respectively while the third goal for the team was scored by N Sagor in the 56th minute.

In the second ground match, Chingtam blanked AYMFA by two goals.

For the winning team both the goals were scored by Md Azad in the 22nd and 39th minute.

In tomorrow’s matches, IVFA play VSAN in first ground while TRVSA play AYMFA.

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UCM foundation day

IMPHAL, June 29: The United Committee Manipur (UCM) is observing its 11 anniversary at the Mini Shankar hall, Lamphel on July 3, at 9:30 am in the morning. A statement… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 29: The United Committee Manipur (UCM) is observing its 11 anniversary at the Mini Shankar hall, Lamphel on July 3, at 9:30 am in the morning.

A statement issued in this regard has invited all the communities residing in the state to come and join the observation to make it a grand success.

It has also appealed any organizations or individuals not to call any form of strike, bandh etc on the day.

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Furious mob kills alleged thief, another fights for life at JNIMS

IMPHAL, June 28: One alleged thief was killed in a mob furry while his companion has been admitted at the JNIMS with serious injuries, this early morning at Mantripukhri area…. Read more »

IMPHAL, June 28: One alleged thief was killed in a mob furry while his companion has been admitted at the JNIMS with serious injuries, this early morning at Mantripukhri area.

According to local source, the incident happened this early morning at Mantripukhri, when the two thieves were nabbed by the locals while they were trying to enter a workshop.

The source also added that the locals thrashed the two alleged thieves meanwhile a team of the Heignang police arrived at the scene and controlled the mob.

However one of the thieves who is yet to be identified succumbed on is way to the hospital while his companion identified as Okram Manglemjao, 30, s/o late Thambou of Pangei Okram Leikai is fighting for his life at the JNIMS.

The dead body of the alleged unidentified thief has been deposited at the JNIMS morgue.

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Pineapple festival

IMPHAL, June 28: Keeping in mind to bring all the pineapple farmers of the state under a common platform and find out the problems and difficulties, as well as the… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 28: Keeping in mind to bring all the pineapple farmers of the state under a common platform and find out the problems and difficulties, as well as the success stories of the farmers and to encourage the farmers for a better harvest, the Manipur Pineapple Festival Committee, Manipur is organizing the 4th edition of the state level Manipur Pineapple festival in August next month.

According to a release, the committee is bringing out a souvenir called “Footprints 2011” and the committee has invited academicians, experts and those who are interested in the welfare of the farmers of the state to contribute write-up/ articles for the publication and submit it to the committee on or before July 31, the release added.

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Maj Gen. Binoy Poonam takes charge of `Red Shield Commander`

IMPHAL, June 28: Major General Bonoy Poonam, VSM has arrived at Leimakhong Army headquarter today to take over command of the Red Shield Division from Maj. Gen. DS Hooda. In… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 28: Major General Bonoy Poonam, VSM has arrived at Leimakhong Army headquarter today to take over command of the Red Shield Division from Maj. Gen. DS Hooda.

In the meantime during the formal handing over of the post of commander of Red Shield Division today, Maj Gen DS Hooda GOC 57 Mt.Div expressed his gratitude to the state government, the state police and other security officials, IGAR (S), media houses and NGOs for their unstinted support.

He also expressed his heartfelt thanks to the people of the state for their cooperation and friendship and finally wished the people of the state to get all success and prosperity and prayed for peace to prevail in the state, stated a release of PIB defence wing Imphal.

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Advocacy programme on HIV/AIDS

From Moreh IMPHAL June 28: A “one day advocacy programme on HIV/AIDS for community & Youth Leaders of Moreh” was organized by MACS, NGOs Network Moreh at the conference hall… Read more »

From Moreh
IMPHAL June 28: A “one day advocacy programme on HIV/AIDS for community & Youth Leaders of Moreh” was organized by MACS, NGOs Network Moreh at the conference hall of Meetei Council Moreh. L. Jayentakumar Singh, minister Health & Family Welfare, Moses Chalai, commissioner, Health and Family Welfare, H. Ibomcha Singh, commissioner IFCD attended as the chief guest, president and guest of honour respectively. Abhiram Mongjam, joint director (IT) MACS, and AK Debeshor Singh, consultant (VBD) MACS were the resource persons at the program.

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Prepak ridicules surrender prog

IMPHAL June 28: Publicity officer of PREPAK, Sanju Oinam in a press release has claimed that the statement of the Assam Rifles about two cadres of the outfit surrendering with… Read more »

IMPHAL June 28: Publicity officer of PREPAK, Sanju Oinam in a press release has claimed that the statement of the Assam Rifles about two cadres of the outfit surrendering with arms is a farce and an attempt to malign the image of the outfit.

It has stated that according to media reports , two cadres identified as Thokchom Anand, 20, s/o Radhamani of Khangabok part III and Moirangthem Mangalsana Meitei, 28, s/o M Jilla of Lamhongei Sabal Leikai allegedly surrendered to the AR with two handguns on 25 June.

The release has claimed that they are not related with the outfit in any manner. The army numbers given by them are no longer in use by the outfit. The statement added that the surrender is a drama staged by the security forces to achieve their ends, but irrespective of such trivialities, the struggle for independence will move forward, it said.

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IMPHAL June 28: The nation wide protest carried out by the Indian Federation of Working Journalisr, Confederation of Newspapers and News Agency Employees Organisation, PTI, UNI, IJU, NUJI, AINS for… Read more »

IMPHAL June 28: The nation wide protest carried out by the Indian Federation of Working Journalisr, Confederation of Newspapers and News Agency Employees Organisation, PTI, UNI, IJU, NUJI, AINS for delayed wage board has been supported by the All Manipur Working Journalists’ Union by wearing black badges to work and editors leaving their editorials blank. 

A press release by S Sujeshwor, general secretary of AMWJU thanked all the journalist and non working journalists for their cooperation.

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Return of Hollywood

The news item that Hollywood movies are making their way back in the cinema theatres in Imphal came as a pleasant surprise. After more than a decade of their abrupt… Read more »

The news item that Hollywood movies are making their way back in the cinema theatres in Imphal came as a pleasant surprise. After more than a decade of their abrupt withdrawal from the state cinema together with Bollywood movies following a ban on the latter by the underground Revolutionary People’s Front, RPF, the pleasurable tradition of going for these movies in Imphal’s then growing number of movie theatres had begun to seem like a distant memory. It may be recalled, the RPF had banned Hindi film saying they are a dangerous tool for advancing culture hegemony from mainland India in the immediate wake of the killing of one of their top leaders, allegedly in custody by the security forces towards the end of the 1990s. The story at the time was, national film distributors, probably under covert official pressures, had set the condition to Imphal movie theatres that if they did not screen Hindi movies, they would not be entitled to have English movies either. In the end, both were dropped and movie theatres in the state had to find other means of survival.

Thankfully, this was the time the digital age was not only burgeoning but as is the case with all modern technology, becoming cheaper by the day. Understandably the vacuum left by the sudden withdrawal of Hindi and English movies created a stir in the fledgling Manipuri film industry, and had it not been for the much cheaper and easier digital technology available, the vacuum perhaps never would have been filled. This is not to say it has been filled completely or adequately, but the fact is, it was not left a complete vacuum. Something good did come out of the bad situation. The necessity of the moment pulled the tottering Manipuri film industry up and forced it to stand on its own legs. A new crop of enterprising and talented young film makers came forward to take on the mantle from their forerunners who worked on the celluloid medium. While the former managed to bring out movies at the rate of at the most one every two or three years, their inheritors the digital film makers of today, especially the commercial oriented ones who are interested only in using well established formula melodramas, bring out several each every year. In the absence of competitors from infinitely bigger, richer, resourceful and experienced film makers from the giant industries of Hollywood and Bollywood, they had the entire field to themselves to experiment and also not be mauled into total submission by flops, therefore not be afraid to experiment further. They also helped at least a good percentage of the cinemas theatres to sustain their businesses. At the time of the withdrawal of Hollywood and Bollywood films, there were 11 theatres in Imphal city alone. Some are still very much around, but some others have had to convert their infrastructure to other more sustainable businesses.

We do hope that screening of the Hollywood film “Fast and Furious” at Usha Cinema last Friday is the beginning of a new era of openness in the state. Though movie fans did continue to still see Hindi and English releases on private video facilities and TV, seeing them in the theatre is an altogether different experience. We also hope theatre owners would also take the necessary steps to upgrade their theatres to make them fit for the new age films made on radically transformed technological platform. To underscore the point, what is more important is the atmosphere of openness and freedom which only can guarantee the foundation on which good art can grow. Manipuri film industry benefitted from the decade long hiatus of films from outside, but now it certainly has its own legs and should face no danger of being pushed away into insignificance by the formers’ re-entry. The pressure of having to live up to a higher standard should also do the home industry good in the long run, provided the people behind the enterprise are ready to meet the new challenge. We are confident and optimistic they would be able to do this with courageous aplomb, for they have indeed carved out an unmistakable niche for themselves amongst theatre goers in the state. This confidence is writ large in the large hoardings at vantage positions all over the Imphal city. The same confidence is also equally evident in the gleams on the faces of the Manipur film industry’s ever growing number of star actors and actresses.

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Snake bite victim

IMPHAL, June 28: Yesterday, the June 27 a young boy Kaonei, 2 yrs old from village Phaibung Khullen, Senapati District was brought to MI Room, 59 Mountain Brigade of the… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 28: Yesterday, the June 27 a young boy Kaonei, 2 yrs old from village Phaibung Khullen, Senapati District was brought to MI Room, 59 Mountain Brigade of the Red Shield division bitten by a viper snake while playing at home added the release.

The boy was immediately administered with the lifesaving ASV (anti snake venom) therapy by the medical officer and the paramedical staff.

After the treatment the child was kept under observation for about 5 hours and then referred to higher medical facility. Local people thanked the Army for saving the young and precious life added the release.

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Flood situation looming

IMPHAL June 28: Due to incessant rain for the past few days, many low lying areas within the vicinity of Imphal area have been inundated. The inter connecting roads of… Read more »

IMPHAL June 28: Due to incessant rain for the past few days, many low lying areas within the vicinity of Imphal area have been inundated.

The inter connecting roads of Sagolband, Keisamthong, Uripok and Andro parking has been flooded as the water have poured out from the drainages. At present, due to an unfinished retaining wall at Uripok, water has seeped in from the Nambul river and many houses are flooded. A flood scenario is also prevalent at Lamphel area. The level of the Nambul and Imphal rivers are also up in spates.

The raising water level also has severely affected the undergoing construction works of the Naga Nullah and other developmental works taken up in Imphal area at present.

According to sources from the weather department, the rain may continue for some more days.

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Naga Crusader statement issued to derail tripartite talk: NSCN faction

IMPHAL, June 27(Newmai News Network): The GPRN/NSCN has alleged that the outfit was compelled to impeach and then expelled its supremo S.S Khaplang from the outfit as he was steadfastly… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 27(Newmai News Network): The GPRN/NSCN has alleged that the outfit was compelled to impeach and then expelled its supremo S.S Khaplang from the outfit as he was steadfastly against the holding of political dialogue with the government of India. The outfit also alleged SS Khaplang is against the Naga reconciliation process initiated by Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR).

Mentionably, GPRN/NSCN was also known in the media as NSCN-K before the outfit got split early this month.

Meanwhile, informing over phone from Dimapur on behalf of the outfit, deputy kilonser (minister) M.A. Felix said though SS Khaplang had rendered his valuable services to the Nagas, “his stand against the holding of political talk and Naga reconciliation process is not going to serve any good for the future of the Naga political movement.” Felix also said that as per agreement made among the Naga revolutionary organisations, it had been inked that Naga outfits should not maintain nexus with non-Naga militant outfits. “However, SS Khaplang continues to harbour non-Naga militant groups, ” said Felix while adding,” This was another reason why our outfit expelled him.”

On the recent purported statement of the so called “Naga Crusaders”, M.A Felix said the statement was issued by vested interest attempting to derail the `tripartite talk` of June 30. He said such organisation called “Naga Crusaders” does not exist. “It is a fictitious outfit,” dismissed M.A Felix. He then said that there is no followers of SS Khaplang in Zeliangrong Region. “Those people who issued press statement in the name of Zeliangrong Region of the NSCN-Khaplang are self-styles without peoples mandate,” accused Felix.

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COPTAM strike ends

IMPHAL June 27: The 60 hour general strike called by Committee on Protection of Tribal Areas of Manipur (COPTAM) in the hill districts of the state ended today morning at… Read more »

IMPHAL June 27: The 60 hour general strike called by Committee on Protection of Tribal Areas of Manipur (COPTAM) in the hill districts of the state ended today morning at 5 am. 

Due to the strike , transportation in the hill areas including Chandel, Ukhrul, Tamenglong had been severely affected.It may be mentioned that, COPTAM has been demanding a charter of demands on the rectification of the state government policies on tribal rights which includes, inter alia, forest rights, census issue, district boundaries, land record etc.

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State has hidden agenda in Kabo Leikai eviction: fact finding team

IMPHAL June 27: The different communities of Naga river colony, also known as Kabow Leikai who will be affected by the proposed expansion of the Imphal Hotel and subsequent land… Read more »

IMPHAL June 27: The different communities of Naga river colony, also known as Kabow Leikai who will be affected by the proposed expansion of the Imphal Hotel and subsequent land acquisition, related their grievances to the national fact finding team led by Dr. John Dayal, member of National Integration Council, New Delhi, this morning.

The team had arrive in the state on a mission to find out about the decision taken by Manipur government to convert Imphal Hotel up to five star category by acquiring Naga river colony.

After today’s visit at the colony, the fact finding team held a press conference at the Manipur press club situated at, Imphal. The meeting with residents of the colony today gave various points for the government to ponder upon.

According to Dr Dayal the finding of the team is that the government of Manipur has learnt no lessons from the evolving situation in various parts of the country from Orissa, Bengal, Maharastra to Delhi, Noida and Hariyana on issues of land acquisition.

Many governments have now agreed that they will not interfere as procurers of land meant for the private or joint sector and will let the entrepreneurs to negotiate directly with the landowners and residents.

He further added that it is quite clear from the narrative of events that the government has been in undue haste in the entire process of acquiring land, issuing notifications even before assessment of the hotel’s needs were available. This gives credence to the apprehensions of the villagers that there are malafides in the government’s intentions and the entire exercise may be just for the benefit of some unknown rich and politically powerful persons.

The colony with a population of 500 in 32 houses consist of all major religions including Hindus , Muslims and Christians who are in majority. Ethically, the finding said that they represent as wide a diversity including Meiteis, Nepalese and various tribes of Naga and Kukis.

There are three churches, one temple and several graves. Demolition of the churches and graves will be desecration and will violate the freedom of faith guaranteed under the constitution, he added.

Villagers are also apprehensive that the tension in the area and the heavy police presence as the area is under section 144 may aggravate the situation and may in future become communal and ethnic issue with outsiders becoming involved. The villagers are firm that they do not want to leave the village, both for sentimental reasons and for economic reasons, including employment. The villagers fear that the authorities may forcibly confiscate their pattas to rob them of their legal rights on the land, he added.

Further the team has recommended that the Chief Minister must call the villagers for face to face discussions to respond to their apprehensions. Section 144 must be revoke and there must be no effort to stop free movement of the citizens in the area. There is sufficient land in the hotel and in the nearby government properties to suit even really huge luxury hotels. It may once again be stressed that modern luxury hotels throughout the world including those in New Delhi are in less land than currently under Hotel Imphal, he aded.

Public Private partnership models must not be for benefit of a few. In future, effected people must be given an opportunity to be part of the PPP with guarantees of profit sharing, employment and other befits that may accrue. Livelihood, security, and community life must not be disrupted. Prima facie, there does not seem to be any need to acquire the village land to make a luxury hotel. Hotel Imphal expansion and its upgradation can be fruitfully done on existing land under its ownership.

Dr. Dayal, who is also one of the members of National Integeration council, during the press meet, said that the subsequent copy of the finding will be submitted to the Governor, CM, and other concerned heads of state minority department and also to national level leaders.

Calling for transparency in government procedure works, he disclosed that no facts could be obtained from the government’s side in this issue.

The fact finding visit was joined by Madhu Chandra – spokesperson of Northeast India support centre & helpline and public relation officer of All India Christian Council along with many other social activists and human rights activist from different parts of Manipur.

The National Fact finding Team is an amalgamation of various NGOs and civil society that works and voice for the betterment and welfare of the society from the violation of human rights. The team has been involved in many major national issues since the last several years, he added.

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JAC demands booking culprits

IMPHAL June 27: In regard to the death of one Tumtin Suosang Koireng,23, s/o late Utonglok on June 24, the JAC constituted in the regard submitted a memorandum to the… Read more »

IMPHAL June 27: In regard to the death of one Tumtin Suosang Koireng,23, s/o late Utonglok on June 24, the JAC constituted in the regard submitted a memorandum to the Chief Minister today.

It states that the involved culprits should be booked and punished and a compensation of Rs 5 lacs should be given to the family of the deceased by the government.Further, to appoint a family member to a suitable job and to take up precautionary measures to prevent unwanted tension between the different communities residing around Utonglok and Dolaithabi area due to the death of Tumtin Suosang. If the government do not fulfill the demands, then agitations will be launched. A press release by Thangneo Taothang, convenor of the JAC said.

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AMWJU joins nationwide protest

IMPHAL June 27: The All Manipur Working Journalists’ Union (AMWJU) in support of the nationwide protest of journalist in the issue of delayed wage board notification will wear black badges… Read more »

IMPHAL June 27: The All Manipur Working Journalists’ Union (AMWJU) in support of the nationwide protest of journalist in the issue of delayed wage board notification will wear black badges at work tomorrow in solidarity.

AMWJU general secretary Sujeshwor in a release stated that the Indian Federation of Working Journalist, Confederation of Newsapers and News Agency Employees Organization, PTI, UNI, IJU, NUJI and AINS will be observing the protest and also requested state news houses to leave the editorial blank.

Further, non journalists employees are also requested to support the protest, the black badges can be collected from Manipur Press Club, the release states.

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UCM alleges Torbung area disturbance is on account of a SoO signatory group

IMPHAL June 27: Armed USRA insurgents presently at SoO with the government is disturbing the peace at Kanvai and Torbung area which comes under Bishnupur district along the Tiddim road,… Read more »

IMPHAL June 27: Armed USRA insurgents presently at SoO with the government is disturbing the peace at Kanvai and Torbung area which comes under Bishnupur district along the Tiddim road, United Committee Manipur (UCM) alleged in a press release.

It said that a public meeting was held at Torbung community hall yesterday and attended by UCM functionaries and public of the area including Panchayat members of the area.

At the meeting residents of Torbung voiced that Phoukakchao, Ikai, Torbung, Bangla, Waikhurok areas of Bishnupur borders Churachanpur district, the villagers are living apprehensively and developments are left wanting at the areas, the release added.

Further, an unwanted incident had happened on June 18, the diesel autorickshaws plying between Moirang and Torbung have been allotted parking space by the Torbung Area Development Committee, and for development of parking area have been collecting Rs 5 from the passenger vehicles, however on June 24 the USRA threatened the villagers and the parking association that the parking fees should be given to the outfit, the release added.

It further alleged that the villagers, Pradhan and taxis have also been warned not to proceed beyond Kangvai from today if the demands are not.

Further, the cadres have assaulted drivers, wrecked the autos and have even resorted to firing from their weapons under the command of USRA area commander s/s Johnny, violating the ground rules of the SoO, the release alleged.

UCM questions whether the violence perpetrated by the USRA cadres have been given permission to do so by the state government and has Torbung area been handed over to the USRA.

At the meeting, UCM president Y Dilipkumar stated that the motto of the organization is to bring about peace, unity and integrity in the state and has been striving towards the goal since 2001.

Dilip further stated that the central government is carrying out communal politics to disturb the congenial atmosphere of the state and the communities should unite to stand against such dubious agendas.

Further, the state government should avoid the tripartite talks scheduled on June 30 at Senapati, as it is an endeavor to bring disintegration of the state, it added.

It also stated that the USRA cadres should refrain from carrying out anti social activities and adhere to the SoO ground rules, the state government must also check such perpetrations and the concerned SPs of Bishnupur and Churachanpur must keep their jurisdictions under constant vigil to prevent the unwanted activities. The 119 batallion of BSF should also maintain alert in the issue, the release said.

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Nara to press for ILP

IMPHAL, June 27: Newly appointed Communist Party of India, state secretary Dr M Nara has stated that he will pressurize the CPI ministers and MLAs of the state to take… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 27: Newly appointed Communist Party of India, state secretary Dr M Nara has stated that he will pressurize the CPI ministers and MLAs of the state to take up the inner line permit issue during the Monsoon session of the state legislative assembly.

He was speaking at a press conference called by the Federation of Regional Indigenous Society, FRIENDS today at his Singjamei residence.

Further speaking at the conference he maintained that the protection of the local indigenous communities has become a necessity and as such it is the duty of all 60 legislators to discuss the issue by taking it up in the assembly.

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Social service

IMPHAL, June 28: 14 Manipur Bn NCC conducted a social service on road Khoyathong to Lilasing Khongnang Makhong, Imphal on today in which three JCOs, four associate NCC officers and… Read more »

IMPHAL, June 28: 14 Manipur Bn NCC conducted a social service on road Khoyathong to Lilasing Khongnang Makhong, Imphal on today in which three JCOs, four associate NCC officers and 95 cadets took part. Lt col SK Sapam, commanding officer, 14 Manipur Bn NCC submitted that henceforth the Bn will take the responsibility of maintaining the road as part of their campaign “ Lets Keep Our Manipur Clean” added the release.

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