State games for disables

IMPHAL, May 13: The 1st State Games for persons with disabilities will be held from June 1 to 4 at Khuman Lampak Sports complex informed a statement of the state… Read more »

IMPHAL, May 13: The 1st State Games for persons with disabilities will be held from June 1 to 4 at Khuman Lampak Sports complex informed a statement of the state organizing committee`™s chairman, M. Akshayakumar Singh.

It said that the Games is being organized for implementation of schemes of sports and games for the disabled under the ministry of youth affairs and sports, government of India.

The competition will be held for both men and female category in Sub-Junior (8-11 years) Junior (12-16 years) and senior (17 and above), as per rules of special Olympic Bharat for intellectually disabled, AISCD for athletes with hearing impairment and Paralympics committee of India for athletes with physical and visual impairment in the discipline of Athletics, Aquatics, Badminton, Bocce and Football.

About 290 special athletes and 70 coaches are participating in the games, it said.

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Woman UG activist arrested

IMPHAL, May 13: The Bishnupur District Police commandos conducted search operation at Nambol Makha Leikai and arrested a women activist of PREPAK, identified as Thounaojam (O) Bhanu alias Remina Devi,… Read more »

IMPHAL, May 13: The Bishnupur District Police commandos conducted search operation at Nambol Makha Leikai and arrested a women activist of PREPAK, identified as Thounaojam (O) Bhanu alias Remina Devi, 38, w/o Th Noren from Kongkham Awang Leikai.

A press release of the Bishnupur Police said ten live rounds of 9mm pistol was recovered from her possession.

It further mentioned that she disclosed that she was involved in extortion of money from Govt. officials and businessmen in Bishnupur District under the command of capt. Erei of PREPAK.

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Multi-media campaign

IMPHAL, May 13: A multi-media publicity campaign held in accordance with the SPF government`™s achievements and flagship programmes was inaugurated today at Mayangkhang village community hall, Senapati district inaugurated by… Read more »

IMPHAL, May 13: A multi-media publicity campaign held in accordance with the SPF government`™s achievements and flagship programmes was inaugurated today at Mayangkhang village community hall, Senapati district inaugurated by H.Rupachandra, executive director, DRDA, Senapati said a press release by DIPR, Manipur.

The campaign was organized by district information office, Senapati. H Rupachandra and RK Luikang, chairman, Mayangkhang village attended as the chief guest and guest of honour respectively, the release further added.

150 birth anniversary of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore
IMPHAL, May 13: The Lairenkabi Youth Dramatic Union, Kanchup Road, Imphal West, is commemorating the 150th birth anniversary of Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore from May 16 to May 20 at LYDU Hall, Imphal West District, under the financial assistance of the Ministry of Culture (TCGS), Government of India, said a release.

There will be competitions of recitation and painting for the students of class III to XI, under three categories i.e. from class three to five, six to eight and nine to eleven.

Participants are to report at LYDU Office within 10am to 1pm on May16 and further information may be inquired from the mobile number-8974010291, the release added.

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Manipur beat Kerala, enters quarter final round in Santosh Trophy

IMPHAL, May 13: Manipur stormed into the quarter final league round of the 65th national football championship for Santosh Trophy after defeating Kerala in a pre-quarter final match played today… Read more »

IMPHAL, May 13: Manipur stormed into the quarter final league round of the 65th national football championship for Santosh Trophy after defeating Kerala in a pre-quarter final match played today in Assam.

According to a release of the AMFA detailing today`™s match report, Manipur beat Kerala in the tie-break with 6-5 score as both the teams were locked in a goalless draw during normal time and extra time.

As the spot kick begins, L Tiken who took first spot kick failed to capitalise but four remaining spot kicks taken by L Thoiba, L Ratan, Th Santosh and K Naoba found the net and the score were levelled at 4-4.

In the sudden death both the teams were levelled at 5-5 and K Reagan who took the spot kick converted.

Y Hemanta scored in another sudden death spot kick while Manipur custodian Premkumar saved sudden death spot kick taken by Kerala player.

Manipur is grouped with Tamilnadu, West Bengal and Chattisgarh in the quarter final league round.

Manipur will play its first quarter final league round match against Tamilnadu on May 17 and again play West Bengal on May 19.

Manipur`™s last match of the quarter final league round will be against Chattisgarh on May 21.

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`Effective Youth Policy` a way curve out Social unrest in the state

Leader Writer: Sukham Nanda The youths have been at the forefront of National Progress in all ages as they play a significant role in the process of social change. They… Read more »

Leader Writer: Sukham Nanda
The youths have been at the forefront of National Progress in all ages as they play a significant role in the process of social change. They have contributed immensely to fight against economic exploitation, social and political injustice and discrimination based on religion, caste, sex, and are engaged in creative activities to develop their personality and functional capability and thus make them economically productive and socially useful.

Perceiving the versatile role being undertaken by the youths and the imperative need to harness their potential in the national development process, the Government of India framed the National Youth Policy in the year 2003. Further, framing of a State Youth Policy in the line with the National Youth Policy is imperative, keeping in view the varied dimensions of social, economic and political situation of the state. The very policy in the state is to facilitate a multidimensional ad integrated approach towards formulation and implementation of youth programmes in the state and also to give emphasis to greater participation of youth in the process of decision-making and execution of welfare programme of the Government at the local and higher level.

It is also learned that, the State Youth Policy will cover all youth of the state in age group 13-35 years. The number of youth in this age group is about 8,83,795 (37%) out of total population of 23,88,643 as per 2001 census. On the other hand the expert and researchers of the state are of the opinion that Youth development effort in the state have been hampered due to lack adequate information and research facility. The policy therefore suggests establishment of a well organized information and research network concerning various youth related issues to facilitate formulation of and updating development schemes and programmes. The information and research network envisaged by the policy should be extended as far as possible, to the village level so that youth in rural and hill areas could get the full benefit.

In the meantime, State Youth Policy is recognised that education, training and employment, health, preservation of environment, ecology and wildlife, recreation and sport, science and technology, arts and culture and civic and good citizenship are the key sector concern for the youth of the state which the state government need to implement properly. Considering the multiple disorders in the implementation of development schemes and programme touches the key sectors of concern for the youths of the state in terms of education training and employment, health etc. resulted failure in reaching the target to deliver full responsibilities of youths in upholding unity and integrity of the Nation and the State, maintain peace and harmony among various communities and ethnic groups of the state, to have respect of law, respect others`™ faiths and beliefs in the religious, cultural and social spheres, uphold the dignity of the individual, and fight against exploitation of fellow citizens, promote good ethical conduct in individual and social life, to maintain honesty and integrity of character and be committed to fight against all forms of corruption and social evils, preserve and protect the environment, aware of the values of democratic and constitutional processes, including conduct of elections and formation of government and most importantly respect for elders and seniors, including teachers and parents, in consonance with each respective culture and traditions.

Over and above, the State Youth Policy need to accord priorities for the development for the group of young people including Rural youths, Out of school youth, Adolescents, particularly female adolescents, youths with disabilities, youth under special difficult circumstances like victims of trafficking, communal riots and conflicts etc.

Besides it is of the general observations that, once the adopted State Youth Policy are implemented properly in the state by the government very sincerely the chronic problems of the state including insurgency, drug abuses, communalism with be eliminated to a great extend, considering how important is the State Youth Policy, state government need to pay special attentions in proper implementations of various schemes and programmes by framing a Plan of Action for the proper implementation of State Youth Policy.

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SSA, COSMO win in state hockey league

IMPHAL, May 13: SSA Charangpat and COSMO Wangkhei have won their respective matches in the 35th mens and 17th womens state hockey league being held at Khuman Lampak. In the… Read more »

IMPHAL, May 13: SSA Charangpat and COSMO Wangkhei have won their respective matches in the 35th mens and 17th womens state hockey league being held at Khuman Lampak.

In the first match played today SSA defeated YCPA Chandel by 6-0.

M Sapana scored two goals for SSA in the 1st and 48th minute while M Pushparani scored three goals in the 7th, 25th and 44th minute. Ch Abesana scored one goal too.

In the 35th mens league, COSMO had an easy win against SYUC, Uchekon Khunou.

Rahul scored four goals for COSMO in the 43rd, 51st, 59th and 69th minute. while K Boy scored two goals in the 52nd and 66th minute. Momo too scored one goal in the 35th minute.

The only goal for the SYUC was scored by Dhananjoy in the 64th minute.

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IFA wins in Birchandra football tourney

IMPHAL, May 13: In the ongoing 8th Th Birchandra Football Academy U-16 state level football tournament, ESU got walk-over as their opponent NEROCA failed to turn up for the match…. Read more »

IMPHAL, May 13: In the ongoing 8th Th Birchandra Football Academy U-16 state level football tournament, ESU got walk-over as their opponent NEROCA failed to turn up for the match.

In other matches played today, IFA defeated NAMSU by 2-1 goals while SKDC beat UPSA by the same margin.

In the fourth match, AUDA defeated YWC by 3-0 goals.

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Recruitment woes

IMPHAL, May 13: The Thadou Students`™ Association expresses displeasure with the State Govt. for recruitment of only six post for Graduate Teachers in Thadou-Kuki under RMSA, albeit it welcomes the… Read more »

IMPHAL, May 13: The Thadou Students`™ Association expresses displeasure with the State Govt. for recruitment of only six post for Graduate Teachers in Thadou-Kuki under RMSA, albeit it welcomes the proposal of the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, for the implementation of `Total Literary Mission`™ under the auspices of `Rastriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan`™, stated a press release by the association.

It further states that it is a matter of disgrace that the language of the second most populous tribe which produces the largest number of candidates appearing in the language subject every year in HSLC and HSLC examination is allocated only six posts of teachers. The association urges the concern authority to rectify the anomalies and the association is willing to take up intense agitation if the grievances are not addressed, it added.

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Country wide campaign on flagship programmes to target masses

IMPHAL, May 12: A three day long public information campaign on flagship programmes of the central government will be held at the Indoor Stadium Tamenglong from May 17 to 19…. Read more »

IMPHAL, May 12: A three day long public information campaign on flagship programmes of the central government will be held at the Indoor Stadium Tamenglong from May 17 to 19.
The campaign is organized by the Press Information Bureau, ministery of Information and Broadcasting, govt of India in collaboration with the Directorate of Field Publicity (DFP), Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity (DAVP), song and drama division, All India Radio and Doordarshan.
The campaign which has been developed by the PIB to be held countrywide will disseminate information to the targeted beneficiaries focusing on the centrally sponsored schemes of the government of India.
A press conference was held in this regard at the Old Lambulane office of the PIB civil this evening which was participated by spokesperson of PIB Premlata Loitam, and representatives of the other co-ordinating agencies.
Speaking at the conference, Premlata Loitam stated that the three day long campaign on flagship programmes of the central government will create awareness among the public on the various centrally sponsored flagship programmes like National Rurl health Mission (NRHM), Sarva Siksha Abhiyan (SSA), Mid Day Meal (MDM), Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gurantee Sheme (MGNREGS) Rural roads, Rural drinking water, Rural Housing (Indira Awaj Yojana), Rural Telephony, Total Sanitation Campaign and Right to Information.
Further briefing on the proceedings that will be followed during the three day information campaign, she added that the first day of the campaign will witness various experts from concerned departments explaining on Sarva SIksha Abhiyan, Mid Day Meal and Right to Information Act.
 On the second day the experts will speak on National Rural Employment Gurantee Scheme (NREGS), Rural Housing (IAY), Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC), National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and Rural Drinking Water Supply while on the last day the experts will brief on the Prime Minister Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) and Rural Telephony.
She further added that the public may interact with the experts after each session. As part of the three day campaign, a medical camp will also be held on the second day of the campaign from 10:30 am upto 3:00 pm on the sideline of the campaign.
A photo exhibition with 14 stalls with the main focus on the various developmental works and schemes undertaken in the state will also be held during the campaign, she added.
A theme based cultural programme to be presented by the Song and Drama division and the Nokphade Leela Party is another part of the three day long campaign, she further maintained.
Further briefing the mediapersons, she stated that the Tamenglong campaign will be the second campaign of the second phase as the first phase of the public information campaign of centrally sponsored schemes has already been held.
She also added that the organizers have been facing difficulties in finding resource persons from the various concerned departments who are willing to explain the various schemes to the public.
However she added that the campaign has already opened the villagers to the benefits of the various schemes with various reports of villagers complaining on the non implementation of the schemes in their villagers to their village authorities.

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Three state nurses among 35 National Florence Nightingale awardees

NEW DELHI, May 12, May 12 (MIC): The President of India Pratibha Devisingh Patil today presented National Florence Nightingale Awards 2011 to 35 meritorious nursing personnel of the country at… Read more »

NEW DELHI, May 12, May 12 (MIC): The President of India Pratibha Devisingh Patil today presented National Florence Nightingale Awards 2011 to 35 meritorious nursing personnel of the country at Rashtrapati Bhawan here on the occasion of International Nurses Day.

Konsam Satrabati Devi, Vungkhoniang and Thongam Binodini Devi from Manipur were among 35 nursing personnel honoured with the prestigious award.

The other awardee nurses were Sallykutty E. George, Daman & Diu; Sugandhi V Policepatial, Karnataka; Gita Ben Trivedi, Gujarat; Droupadi Ghimiray, Sikkim; Sima Deb, Tripura; Sarita Thapa, Uttarakhand; Asha Ramdas Patil, Maharashtra; M.C. Lalitha, Karnataka; Sushama. S, Kerala; Nardi Bisht, Uttarakhand; Rina Samanta, West Bengal; Mallika Devi Pillai, Andaman & Nicobar; Arvind Bhaskar Kulkarni, Maharashtra; Prof. Sreelatha Pillai, Chhattisgarh; Rajani Kossambe, Daman & Diu; Nalini, Dadra & Nagar Haveli; Maj. Gen.
J.K. Grewal, Delhi; Manjula Sharma, Delhi; Lucy Patric Simon, Delhi; Jacinta Gunjiyal, Delhi; Nimishaben Chavda, Gujarat; Hassina Wani, Jammu & Kashmir; Usha Devi V, Kerala; Laxmi. B, Karnataka; Lalbiaksangi, Mizoram; R. Kannammal, Puducherry; Narayan Bir, Tripura; Sister Shobhana, Tamil Nadu; Usha Srivastava, Uttarakhand; Madhuri Smith, Uttar Pradesh; Madhabi Das, West Bengal; and D. Ramani Premlatha, Karnataka.

National Florence Nightingale Nurses Awards are given as a mark of highest recognition for the meritorious services of the nurses and nursing profession in the country. Each award consists of cash reward of Rs. 50,000/-, a certificate and a medal. The Government of India has decided to give this award on 12th May every year by the President of India as this day is celebrated all over the world as `International Nurses Day` on the occasion of birthday of Florence Nightingale. Atleast one Award is earmarked for each State/UT, Central Govt, & Defence service subject to the availability of nursing personnel with meritorious services. The award is given to outstanding nursing personnel employed in Central, State/UTs and Voluntary Organizations.

Honouring the 35 meritorious awardees at Rashtrapati Bhavan today, the President of India said, `Nursing, indeed, is service towards humanity`. She said that nursing was an integral part of any healthcare system. There should, thus be a focus on augmenting nursing schools and training institutions in the country, to meet the increasing demand for nursing. She said that nurses were the link between doctors and patients and responsiveness of nurses can, in many situations, avoid complications in the health condition.

The Union Health & Family Welfare Minister Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad said, `So far there are 11.28 lakhs Nurses registered with State Nursing Councils. Out of these only 40% are active. There is an assessed need to train more than nine lakh Nurses to meet the shortfall of nurses in the country`. The Minister informed that presently there are 2205 Nursing Schools, 1387 B.Sc. (Nursing) Colleges, and 414 M.Sc. (Nursing) Colleges with a capacity of 88202, 68858 and 8000 students respectively functioning in the country.
But a sizeable chunk of the pass outs from these institutions go to Western and Middle East countries. He said , `We are setting up 269 new Auxiliary Nursing and Midwifery (ANM) as also General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) Schools, particularly in the remote and underserved districts of the country at a cost of Rs. 2030 crores. This will significantly add to our training capacity and will result in an additional 22000 nurses being trained annually`.

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Kangla food shuts down to monetary demand

IMPHAL, May 12: The Kangla Foods production factory has shut down its function from today indefinitely due to monetary demands of Rs 20 Lakhs imposed by a militant group identifying… Read more »

IMPHAL, May 12: The Kangla Foods production factory has shut down its function from today indefinitely due to monetary demands of Rs 20 Lakhs imposed by a militant group identifying themselves as KCP MTF.

Denouncing the extortion demand, the employees of the factory staged a sit in protest demonstration in front of the factory located at Nambol Chingmang.

The Kangla Foods is an emerging local foods production unit engaged in producing and promoting various indigenous food items. About 150 individuals are employed in the factory.

Discontenting the act one of the protestor termed it as an unfortunate act. He said that a small scale industry like the Kangla Foods is providing job opportunities in a state like Manipur where employment opportunities are rare.

He appealed the outfit to lift the demand and the intimidation on the factory and the proprietor taking into consideration the service rendered by the Kangla foods.

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Textbook scarcity persists, students leaders fight on

IMPHAL, May 12 (NNN): Intensifying its protests against the unavailability of school textbooks in the market, four students `™ unions of the State`“All Manipur Students`™ Union (AMSU), Democratic Students`™ Association… Read more »

IMPHAL, May 12 (NNN): Intensifying its protests against the unavailability of school textbooks in the market, four students `™ unions of the State`“All Manipur Students`™ Union (AMSU), Democratic Students`™ Association Manipur (DESAM), Manipur Students`™ Federation (MSF) and Kangleipak Students`™ Association (KSA)`“today lambasted the State government of playing with the life of the students.

Speaking to the media at the office of AMSU in DM College campus at about 5 pm today the students`™ bodies said that their stake-outs and vigils and a tip-off by a teacher led to the discovery on May 11 of some 6000 school books being stashed away clandestinely inside Shakhi Devi High School in Uripok.

Unfortunately, as the students`™ activists went to the school to survey and ascertain the fact, police had intervened, they said.

They complained that even as a summer vacation was supposed to begin next month, schools in Imphal valley have declared the vacation prematurely, depriving the students of education.

The fact that the government is only interested in recruiting teachers and not concern about textbooks not being available in the market speaks a lot about the rot in the education system and corruption, the students`™ activists said. `Printing of textbooks is hardly profitable while recruiting teachers involve exchange of fat money within the government,` they said.

Romen of AMSU, Thoithoi of DESAM, Anash Shah of MSF and Nanao of KSA were present in the press meet today.

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PM Manmohan Singh sees change after bin Laden`s death

AFGHANISTAN, May 12 (AP): Prime minister Manmohan SIngh called Osama bin Laden`s death an opportunity for the region to unify Thursday and pledged ongoing support for Afghanistan, which has long… Read more »

AFGHANISTAN, May 12 (AP): Prime minister Manmohan SIngh called Osama bin Laden`s death an opportunity for the region to unify Thursday and pledged ongoing support for Afghanistan, which has long been caught in the middle of the power struggle between his country and rival Pakistan.
Manmohan Singh`s first visit in six years appeared to signal that India sees an opportunity to pull Afghanistan closer to its side as Islamabad`s precarious relationship with the U.S. is further strained by the bin Laden strike.
But Singh walked a cautious line between showing support for Afghanistan and trying to assuage any fears in Pakistan that he was enlisting Afghan President Hamid Karzai against India`s longtime rival.
He said bin Laden`s death can be an opportunity to put aside decades-old regional rivalries and work for peace across Afghanistan and Pakistan.
“I sincerely hope that all countries of this region — Afghanistan, Pakistan, India — would recognize that this is a unique moment in the history of this region. Thereby we all should agree to work unitedly to end this scourge of terrorism,” Singh told journalists at a press conference in Kabul, the Afghan capital.
Bin Laden, the mastermind of the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., was killed in a U.S. commando raid on his hideout in Pakistan earlier this month. Pakistan was not consulted about the raid and complained afterward about the violation of its sovereignty.
Despite his call for regional cooperation, Singh`s trip signaled shifts in the regional power play between nuclear rivals India and Pakistan, in which Afghanistan has often been caught in the middle. With Pakistan`s international stature taking a hit after the U.S. raid that killed bin Laden, India may see an opportunity to pull Afghanistan closer to its side — further pressuring Islamabad.
A joint declaration issued by Singh and Karzai said that the two countries agreed to work to strengthen their bilateral agreements. And India announced in the declaration that will give an additional $500 million to the Afghan government for development programs. That brings India`s total development aid to the country to $2 billion.
“India is your neighbor and partner in development,” Singh told a gathering including Karzai and other senior officials earlier in the day. “You can count on us as you build your society, economy and polity.”
But both India and Afghanistan are clearly wary of appearing to be teaming up against Pakistan. The last sentence of the joint declaration states: “The two sides affirmed that their strategic partnership was not directed against any other state or group of states.”
Karzai called Pakistan a good partner, noting that he had a productive meeting with Pakistan`s prime minister just last month.”We`d like expand this relationship with them to have an effective campaign against terrorism — for the benefit of Pakistan, for the benefit of Afghanistan, for the benefit of India,” Karzai said.
Singh said: “We would like to develop the friendliest possible relations with all countries of this region. That includes Afghanistan. That includes Pakistan as well. There is no question of Pakistan feeling that good relations between India and Afghanistan are at the cost of Pakistan.”
But Singh did call for an investigation into whether the Pakistani government knew about bin Laden`s location.
“The picture that emerged immediately after this incident was a picture which caused some amount of confusion,” Singh said.
Singh last visited Afghanistan in 2005, but Karzai has been a frequent visitor to India.
Pakistan, which supported the Taliban`s rise to ensure it had a friendly government on its western border, has deeper ethnic and cultural ties with Afghanistan. Pakistan has long bristled at the post-Taliban government`s friendly terms with its major rival, which supports Karzai`s administration with aid money.
Afghanistan is likely to become more reliant on these warring regional allies as its NATO partners face pressure to withdraw troops. The U.S. plans to start decreasing forces in July, and all NATO partners are committed to handing over responsibility for security to Afghan forces by 2014. And Bin Laden`s death has some in NATO countries pushing for even quicker drawdowns.

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Dead identifed as KLO/KLA c-in-c

IMPHAL, May 12: The bullet ridden dead body of a man found on May 8 under a culvert near Kholep village along Motbung stretch of National Highway 39 has been… Read more »

IMPHAL, May 12: The bullet ridden dead body of a man found on May 8 under a culvert near Kholep village along Motbung stretch of National Highway 39 has been identified as the president of the Kuki Liberation Organization/Kuki Liberation Army a signatory of the SoO.
The rebel chief is identified as one Paokhomang Khongsai, 37, of T. Gamnom, Saikul.
Reliable sources said that the lifeless body of the victim has been claimed by the family members late in the evening. And the funeral is likely to be conducted at his native village tomorrow.
The motive behind the killing is yet to be ascertained as no individual or organisation has claimed responsible for the killing so far.

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KCP(MC) rubbishes police claim

IMPHAL May 11: The KCP(MC) in a press statement by the outfit`™s assistant secretary Korouhanba claims that an individual whom the Delhi police claim to have arrested as leader of… Read more »

IMPHAL May 11: The KCP(MC) in a press statement by the outfit`™s assistant secretary Korouhanba claims that an individual whom the Delhi police claim to have arrested as leader of the outfit is baseless.

There is no one by the name of Malemnganba alias Anand Nongthombam,34, s/o Abocha of Khurai Sajor Leikai, who is a class IV literate within the ranks of the outfit. The police claim that the individual is the Imphal East district commander in chief is an outright attempt to tarnish the image of the outfit, it is also a plot by a person who is presently lodged in prison, it said.

The deputy commissioner of Police Special Cell, Arun Company also attempts to link the outfit with drug peddlers, this issue which happened before has also been clarified by the outfit before that there are no links with the arrested individuals and the outfit, yet the outfit applauds the commissioner for arresting the imposters masquerading as cadres of the outfit.

The outfit appeals the media reports to be based on facts and not to give in to sensationalism.

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Andro MLA enamours students of his constituency announcing Rs 10 lakhs award

IMPHAL May 12: A foundation laying ceremony of a new school building for Moirangpural High school was held today at the proposed site at Moirangpural under Andro constituency. Moirangpural high… Read more »

IMPHAL May 12: A foundation laying ceremony of a new school building for Moirangpural High school was held today at the proposed site at Moirangpural under Andro constituency. Moirangpural high school is among the four schools in Andro constituency that were recently upgraded to high school status from junior high school.

The school has 650 students studying from class III to class IX at present.

Th. Shyamkumar Singh, MLA, Andro constituency, today laid the ceremonial foundation of the new school building. A function was held at the school campus to mark the foundation laying ceremony.

Speaking at the occasion, Th Shyamkumar encouraged the students to be aware of the environment and the issues resulting from deforestation.

He assured the students of the newly upgraded Moirangpural High School of a sum of Rs 5000 to each student who can successfully plant five fruit tree saplings. He informed that he has already acquired several varieties of tree saplings from the concerned department, which will be distributed to the students within two days time, he added.

He also assured an award of Rs 10 lakhs to any student from his constituency who can bag the first position in the State High School Leaving examination and senior secondary examination and another Rs 10 lakhs for the teachers of any school which could produce student with the first position.

He also promised Rs One lakh award for any student from his constituency who could come among the first ten toppers in the state in both the examinations.

He said that the government has been extending its full corporation on many spheres. The government has been helping in developing the infrastructure of the schools, providing free books and other essential items to the schools from time to time.

`Yesterday, 150 pairs of desk and benches were provided to the school from the concerned government department`, he said. He further added that another 150 pairs of desk and benches were provided to Poroukhongjil High school that has 710 students.

The four schools of the constituency that were upgraded to high school status from junior high school recently are Andro High school, Hueikap High school, Moirangpural High school and Poroukhongjil High school.

He further stated that many local teachers as well as others from outside the constituency are engaged in the schools. Shyamkumar added that the teachers of these schools were paid from his own expense every month.

He appealed the invitees, teachers and students gathered in the function to act sincerely and responsibly, as the developmental and welfare initiatives were taken up in accordance with the objectives of free and compulsory education.

The ceremonial function was attended by staffs and students of the school as well as many guardians of the students from the locality.

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IMPHAL, May 12:The Mao Union in a press release conveys heartfelt congratulation to Kayio Kayina Th, s/o M. Thohrii and D.Kaini, from Senapati District, for successfully getting through the UPSC… Read more »

IMPHAL, May 12:The Mao Union in a press release conveys heartfelt congratulation to Kayio Kayina Th, s/o M. Thohrii and D.Kaini, from Senapati District, for successfully getting through the UPSC examination conducted recently.

The Union hopes and prays that his success inspires others to scale for higher heights and bring more laurels, it added.

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MLA promise completion of water supply scheme in two months

IMPHAL May 12: Announcing a rare feat of accomplishment, Andro MLA Th Syamkumar has promised the residents of Tulihan area that the water scarcity problems affecting the region will be… Read more »

IMPHAL May 12: Announcing a rare feat of accomplishment, Andro MLA Th Syamkumar has promised the residents of Tulihan area that the water scarcity problems affecting the region will be solved by coming June.

The MLA while talking to mediapersons during the sideline of his visit said that the water supply scheme will be finished under a time schedule of two months and is set for inauguration on June 18. He said that the capacity of the reservoir will cater to at least ten thousand consumers, while adding that other such welfare schemes will be taken up within his constituency in the future also.

It maybe mentioned that a community hall which is the second largest in Andro was constructed at Angtha village within a time span of 25 days under the supervision of Th Syamkumar.

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CD music album release

IMPHAL, May 12: Gangte CD Music Album titled `Aw Ganggam`™ is scheduled to be released on May14 at Chiengkawnpang Community Hall, Churachndpur at 2.30p.m., in a press release the album… Read more »

IMPHAL, May 12: Gangte CD Music Album titled `Aw Ganggam`™ is scheduled to be released on May14 at Chiengkawnpang Community Hall, Churachndpur at 2.30p.m., in a press release the album producer.

The album is a collection of eleven songs, composed in Gangte dialect and is crooned by a budding artist, PCL Thuoma and is a debut album of the said artist, it further added.

The release function will be graced by Pu Genneikhip Vaiphei, Executive Member, ADC/Churachandpur as Chief Guest, Pu S Kamsuanlun, Executive Member, ADC/Churachandpur as President and Pu HGangte, MFS, Divisional Forest Officer, Churachandpur as Guest of Honour.
There will be a live performance of various artists namely Janglal Kongsai, Ginlian Hangzo, Nancy Biaklun, Lalsanglien Zote, Remkin, Pauboi Vaiphei and many more it added.

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Manipur reaches semi final in Sr women national football

IMPHAL, May 12: Manipur has reached semi final of the ongoing 19th senior wome national football championship, 2010-11 being held at Bhilai, Chattisgarh. In their last group A quarter final… Read more »

IMPHAL, May 12: Manipur has reached semi final of the ongoing 19th senior wome national football championship, 2010-11 being held at Bhilai, Chattisgarh.

In their last group A quarter final league match played today, Manipur defeated Jharkhand by 5-0 goals.

Manipur had to wait for a long 22 minute to open their goal account however Th Umabati Devi opened goal account in the 23rd minute after which Manipuri girls had a free flow game and scored at regular intervel.

M Bembem scored four goals in succession. She scored in the 28th, 48th, 58th and 71st minute thereby completing a hat trick.

The semi final match will be played on May 15 but which team Manipur play is yet to be decided.

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